mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 00:37:56 +05:00
0021543: EDF 1978 SMESH: Viscous layer for 2D meshes
debug on a complex sketch
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
#include <Bnd_B3d.hxx>
#include <ElCLib.hxx>
#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
#include <Geom2dAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom2dInt_GInter.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Circle.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_Line.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom_Line.hxx>
#include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
#include <IntRes2d_IntersectionPoint.hxx>
#include <Precision.hxx>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
@ -258,9 +261,16 @@ namespace VISCOUS_2D
typedef vector< _LayerEdge >::iterator TEdgeIterator;
bool IsCommonEdgeShared( const _PolyLine& other );
size_t FirstLEdge() const { return _leftLine->_advancable ? 1 : 0; }
bool IsAdjacent( const _Segment& seg ) const
size_t FirstLEdge() const
return ( _leftLine->_advancable && _lEdges.size() > 2 ) ? 1 : 0;
bool IsAdjacent( const _Segment& seg, const _LayerEdge* LE=0 ) const
if ( LE && seg._indexInLine < _lEdges.size() &&
( seg._uv[0] == & LE->_uvIn ||
seg._uv[1] == & LE->_uvIn ))
return true;
return ( & seg == &_leftLine->_segments.back() ||
& seg == &_rightLine->_segments[0] );
@ -421,6 +431,7 @@ StdMeshers_ViscousLayers2D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh,
theMesh.GetSubMesh( theFace )->GetComputeError() = error;
else if ( !pm )
pm.reset( new SMESH_ProxyMesh( theMesh ));
@ -710,8 +721,8 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::makePolyLines()
L._segTree.reset( new _SegmentTree( L._segments ));
// Evaluate possible _thickness if required layers thickness seems too high
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Evaluate max possible _thickness if required layers thickness seems too high
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
_thickness = _hyp->GetTotalThickness();
_SegmentTree::box_type faceBndBox2D;
@ -726,9 +737,12 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::makePolyLines()
for ( size_t iL1 = 0; iL1 < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iL1 )
_PolyLine& L1 = _polyLineVec[ iL1 ];
const _SegmentTree::box_type* boxL1 = L1._segTree->getBox();
for ( size_t iL2 = iL1+1; iL2 < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iL2 )
_PolyLine& L2 = _polyLineVec[ iL2 ];
if ( boxL1->IsOut( *L2._segTree->getBox() ))
for ( size_t iLE = 1; iLE < L1._lEdges.size(); ++iLE )
@ -790,16 +804,16 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::makePolyLines()
lineBoxes[ iPoLine ] = *_polyLineVec[ iPoLine ]._segTree->getBox();
if ( _polyLineVec[ iPoLine ]._advancable )
lineBoxes[ iPoLine ].Enlarge( maxLen2dTo3dRatio * _thickness );
lineBoxes[ iPoLine ].Enlarge( maxLen2dTo3dRatio * _thickness * 2 );
// _reachableLines
for ( iPoLine = 0; iPoLine < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iPoLine )
_PolyLine& L1 = _polyLineVec[ iPoLine ];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < _polyLineVec.size(); ++i )
for ( size_t iL2 = 0; iL2 < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iL2 )
_PolyLine& L2 = _polyLineVec[ i ];
if ( iPoLine == i || lineBoxes[ iPoLine ].IsOut( lineBoxes[ i ]))
_PolyLine& L2 = _polyLineVec[ iL2 ];
if ( iPoLine == iL2 || lineBoxes[ iPoLine ].IsOut( lineBoxes[ iL2 ]))
if ( !L1._advancable && ( L1._leftLine == &L2 || L1._rightLine == &L2 ))
@ -808,10 +822,8 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::makePolyLines()
for ( size_t iLE = 1; iLE < L1._lEdges.size(); iLE += iDelta )
_LayerEdge& LE = L1._lEdges[iLE];
if ( !lineBoxes[ i ].IsOut ( LE._uvOut,
LE._uvOut + LE._normal2D * _thickness * LE._len2dTo3dRatio )
!L1.IsAdjacent( L2._segments[0] ))
if ( !lineBoxes[ iL2 ].IsOut ( LE._uvOut,
LE._uvOut + LE._normal2D *_thickness * LE._len2dTo3dRatio ))
L1._reachableLines.push_back( & L2 );
@ -849,14 +861,17 @@ void _ViscousBuilder2D::adjustCommonEdge( _PolyLine& LL, _PolyLine& LR )
gp_XY normL = EL._normal2D;
gp_XY normR = ER._normal2D;
gp_XY tangL ( normL.Y(), -normL.X() );
//gp_XY tangR ( normR.Y(), -normR.X() );
gp_XY normCommon = ( normL + normR ).Normalized(); // average normal at VERTEX
// set common direction to a VERTEX _LayerEdge shared by two _PolyLine's
gp_XY normCommon = ( normL * int( LL._advancable ) +
normR * int( LR._advancable )).Normalized();
EL._normal2D = normCommon;
EL._ray.SetLocation ( EL._uvOut );
EL._ray.SetDirection( EL._normal2D );
if ( nbAdvancableL == 1 ) {
EL._isBlocked = true;
EL._length2D = 0;
// update _LayerEdge::_len2dTo3dRatio according to a new direction
const vector<UVPtStruct>& points = LL._wire->GetUVPtStruct();
setLenRatio( EL, SMESH_TNodeXYZ( points[ LL._lastPntInd ].node ));
@ -865,48 +880,85 @@ void _ViscousBuilder2D::adjustCommonEdge( _PolyLine& LL, _PolyLine& LR )
const double dotNormTang = normR * tangL;
const bool largeAngle = Abs( dotNormTang ) > 0.2;
if ( largeAngle )
if ( largeAngle ) // not 180 degrees
// recompute _len2dTo3dRatio to take into account angle between EDGEs
gp_Vec2d oldNorm( LL._advancable ? normL : normR );
double fact = 1. / Max( 0.3, Cos( oldNorm.Angle( normCommon )));
EL._len2dTo3dRatio *= fact;
double angleFactor = 1. / Max( 0.3, Cos( oldNorm.Angle( normCommon )));
EL._len2dTo3dRatio *= angleFactor;
ER._len2dTo3dRatio = EL._len2dTo3dRatio;
gp_XY normAvg = ( normL + normR ).Normalized(); // average normal at VERTEX
if ( dotNormTang < 0. ) // ---------------------------- CONVEX ANGLE
// Remove _LayerEdge's intersecting the normCommon
// Remove _LayerEdge's intersecting the normAvg to avoid collisions
// during inflate().
// find max length of the VERTEX based _LayerEdge whose direction is normAvg
double maxLen2D = _thickness * EL._len2dTo3dRatio;
const gp_XY& pCommOut = ER._uvOut;
gp_XY pCommIn( pCommOut + normCommon * _thickness * EL._len2dTo3dRatio );
gp_XY pCommIn = pCommOut + normAvg * maxLen2D;
_Segment segCommon( pCommOut, pCommIn );
_SegmentIntersection intersection;
vector< const _Segment* > foundSegs;
for ( size_t iL1 = 0; iL1 < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iL1 )
_PolyLine& L1 = _polyLineVec[ iL1 ];
const _SegmentTree::box_type* boxL1 = L1._segTree->getBox();
if ( boxL1->IsOut ( pCommOut, pCommIn ))
for ( size_t iLE = 1; iLE < L1._lEdges.size(); ++iLE )
L1._segTree->GetSegmentsNear( segCommon, foundSegs );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < foundSegs.size(); ++i )
if ( intersection.Compute( *foundSegs[i], segCommon ) &&
intersection._param2 > 1e-10 )
double len2D = intersection._param2 * maxLen2D / ( 2 + L1._advancable );
if ( len2D < maxLen2D ) {
maxLen2D = len2D;
pCommIn = pCommOut + normAvg * maxLen2D; // here length of segCommon changes
// remove _LayerEdge's intersecting segCommon
for ( int isR = 0; isR < 2; ++isR ) // loop on [ LL, LR ]
_PolyLine& L = isR ? LR : LL;
_PolyLine::TEdgeIterator eIt = isR ? L._lEdges.begin()+1 : L._lEdges.end()-2;
int dIt = isR ? +1 : -1;
// at least 2 _LayerEdge's should remain in a _PolyLine (if _advancable)
if ( L._lEdges.size() < 3 ) continue;
if ( nbAdvancableL == 1 && L._advancable && normL * normR > -0.01 )
continue; // obtuse internal angle
// at least 3 _LayerEdge's should remain in a _PolyLine
if ( L._lEdges.size() < 4 ) continue;
size_t iLE = 1;
_SegmentIntersection lastIntersection;
for ( ; iLE < L._lEdges.size(); ++iLE, eIt += dIt )
gp_XY uvIn = eIt->_uvOut + eIt->_normal2D * _thickness * eIt->_len2dTo3dRatio;
_Segment segOfEdge( eIt->_uvOut, uvIn );
if ( !intersection.Compute( segCommon, segOfEdge ))
lastIntersection._param1 = intersection._param1;
lastIntersection._param2 = intersection._param2;
if ( iLE >= L._lEdges.size () - 1 )
// all _LayerEdge's intersect the segCommon, limit inflation
// of remaining 2 _LayerEdge's
vector< _LayerEdge > newEdgeVec( 2 );
vector< _LayerEdge > newEdgeVec( Min( 3, L._lEdges.size() ));
newEdgeVec.front() = L._lEdges.front();
newEdgeVec.back() = L._lEdges.back();
if ( newEdgeVec.size() == 3 )
newEdgeVec[1] = L._lEdges[ L._lEdges.size() / 2 ];
L._lEdges.swap( newEdgeVec );
if ( !isR ) std::swap( intersection._param1 , intersection._param2 );
L._lEdges.front()._len2dTo3dRatio *= intersection._param1;
L._lEdges.back ()._len2dTo3dRatio *= intersection._param2;
if ( !isR ) std::swap( lastIntersection._param1 , lastIntersection._param2 );
L._lEdges.front()._len2dTo3dRatio *= lastIntersection._param1; // ??
L._lEdges.back ()._len2dTo3dRatio *= lastIntersection._param2;
else if ( iLE != 1 )
@ -924,7 +976,11 @@ void _ViscousBuilder2D::adjustCommonEdge( _PolyLine& LL, _PolyLine& LR )
// make that the _LayerEdge at VERTEX is not shared by LL and LR
_LayerEdge& notSharedEdge = LL._advancable ? LR._lEdges[0] : LL._lEdges.back();
_LayerEdge& sharedEdge = LR._advancable ? LR._lEdges[0] : LL._lEdges.back();
notSharedEdge._normal2D.SetCoord( 0.,0. );
sharedEdge._normal2D = normAvg;
sharedEdge._isBlocked = false;
@ -973,7 +1029,7 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::inflate()
L2._segTree->GetSegmentsNear( L1._lEdges[iLE]._ray, foundSegs );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < foundSegs.size(); ++i )
if ( ! L1.IsAdjacent( *foundSegs[i] ) &&
if ( ! L1.IsAdjacent( *foundSegs[i], & L1._lEdges[iLE] ) &&
intersection.Compute( *foundSegs[i], L1._lEdges[iLE]._ray ))
double distToL2 = intersection._param2 / L1._lEdges[iLE]._len2dTo3dRatio;
@ -1049,6 +1105,7 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::fixCollisions()
_SegmentIntersection intersection;
list< pair< _LayerEdge*, double > > edgeLenLimitList;
list< _LayerEdge* > blockedEdgesList;
for ( size_t iL1 = 0; iL1 < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iL1 )
@ -1057,16 +1114,15 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::fixCollisions()
for ( size_t iL2 = 0; iL2 < L1._reachableLines.size(); ++iL2 )
_PolyLine& L2 = * L1._reachableLines[ iL2 ];
//for ( size_t iLE = L1.FirstLEdge(); iLE < L1._lEdges.size(); ++iLE )
for ( size_t iLE = 1; iLE < L1._lEdges.size()-1; ++iLE )
for ( size_t iLE = L1.FirstLEdge(); iLE < L1._lEdges.size(); ++iLE )
_LayerEdge& LE1 = L1._lEdges[iLE];
if ( LE1._isBlocked ) continue;
//if ( LE1._isBlocked ) continue;
L2._segTree->GetSegmentsNear( LE1._ray, foundSegs );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < foundSegs.size(); ++i )
if ( ! L1.IsAdjacent( *foundSegs[i] ) &&
if ( ! L1.IsAdjacent( *foundSegs[i], &LE1 ) &&
intersection.Compute( *foundSegs[i], LE1._ray ))
const double dist2DToL2 = intersection._param2;
@ -1075,11 +1131,12 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::fixCollisions()
if ( newLen2D < LE1._length2D )
blockedEdgesList.push_back( &LE1 );
if ( L1._advancable )
edgeLenLimitList.push_back( make_pair( &LE1, newLen2D ));
L2._lEdges[ foundSegs[i]->_indexInLine ]._isBlocked = true;
L2._lEdges[ foundSegs[i]->_indexInLine + 1 ]._isBlocked = true;
blockedEdgesList.push_back( &L2._lEdges[ foundSegs[i]->_indexInLine ]);
blockedEdgesList.push_back( &L2._lEdges[ foundSegs[i]->_indexInLine + 1 ]);
else // here dist2DToL2 < 0 and LE1._length2D == 0
@ -1091,21 +1148,9 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::fixCollisions()
edgeLenLimitList.push_back( make_pair( &LE2[0], newLen2D ));
edgeLenLimitList.push_back( make_pair( &LE2[1], newLen2D ));
LE2[0]._isBlocked = true;
LE2[1]._isBlocked = true;
LE1._isBlocked = true; // !! after SetNewLength()
// else
// {
// double step2D = newLen2D - LE1._length2D;
// double step = step2D / LE1._len2dTo3dRatio;
// if ( step > maxStep )
// maxStep = step;
// if ( step < minStep )
// minStep = step;
// }
@ -1118,8 +1163,15 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::fixCollisions()
_LayerEdge* LE = edge2Len->first;
LE->SetNewLength( edge2Len->second / LE->_len2dTo3dRatio );
LE->_isBlocked = true;
// block inflation of _LayerEdge's
list< _LayerEdge* >::iterator edge = blockedEdgesList.begin();
for ( ; edge != blockedEdgesList.end(); ++edge )
(*edge)->_isBlocked = true;
// find a not blocked _LayerEdge
for ( size_t iL = 0; iL < _polyLineVec.size(); ++iL )
_PolyLine& L = _polyLineVec[ iL ];
@ -1150,7 +1202,8 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::shrink()
_PolyLine& L = _polyLineVec[ iL1 ]; // line with no layers
if ( L._advancable )
if ( !L._rightLine->_advancable && !L._leftLine->_advancable )
const int nbAdvancable = ( L._rightLine->_advancable + L._leftLine->_advancable );
if ( nbAdvancable == 0 )
const TopoDS_Edge& E = L._wire->Edge ( L._edgeInd );
@ -1275,47 +1328,62 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::shrink()
double u0 = isR ? ul : uf; // init value of the param to move
int iPEnd = isR ? nodeDataVec.size() - 1 : 0;
_LayerEdge& nearLE = isR ? L._lEdges.back() : L._lEdges.front();
_LayerEdge& farLE = isR ? L._lEdges.front() : L._lEdges.back();
// try to find length of advancement along L by intersecting L with
// an adjacent _Segment of L2
double & length2D = ( isR ? L._lEdges.back() : L._lEdges.front() )._length2D;
double & length2D = nearLE._length2D;
sign = ( isR ^ edgeReversed ) ? -1. : 1.;
pcurve->D1( u, uv, tangent );
if ( L2->_advancable )
gp_Ax2d edgeRay( uv, tangent * sign );
const _Segment& seg2( isR ? L2->_segments.front() : L2->_segments.back() );
// make an elongated seg2
gp_XY seg2Vec( seg2.p2() - seg2.p1() );
gp_XY longSeg2p1 = seg2.p1() - 1000 * seg2Vec;
gp_XY longSeg2p2 = seg2.p2() + 1000 * seg2Vec;
_Segment longSeg2( longSeg2p1, longSeg2p2 );
if ( intersection.Compute( longSeg2, edgeRay )) { // convex VERTEX
int iFSeg2 = isR ? 0 : L2->_segments.size() - 1;
int iLSeg2 = isR ? 1 : L2->_segments.size() - 2;
gp_XY uvLSeg2In = L2->_lEdges[ iLSeg2 ]._uvIn;
gp_XY uvLSeg2Out = L2->_lEdges[ iLSeg2 ]._uvOut;
gp_XY uvFSeg2Out = L2->_lEdges[ iFSeg2 ]._uvOut;
Handle(Geom2d_Line) seg2Line = new Geom2d_Line( uvLSeg2In, uvFSeg2Out - uvLSeg2Out );
length2D = intersection._param2; /* |L seg2
* | o---o---
* | / |
* |/ | L2
* x------x--- */
Geom2dAdaptor_Curve edgeCurve( pcurve, Min( uf, ul ), Max( uf, ul ));
Geom2dAdaptor_Curve seg2Curve( seg2Line );
Geom2dInt_GInter curveInt( edgeCurve, seg2Curve, 1e-7, 1e-7 );
double maxDist2d = 2 * L2->_lEdges[ iLSeg2 ]._length2D;
if ( curveInt.IsDone() &&
!curveInt.IsEmpty() &&
curveInt.Point( 1 ).Value().Distance( uvFSeg2Out ) <= maxDist2d )
{ /* convex VERTEX */
u = curveInt.Point( 1 ).ParamOnFirst(); /* |L seg2
* | o---o---
* | / |
* |/ | L2
* x------x--- */
else { /* concave VERTEX */ /* o-----o---
* \ |
* \ | L2
* x--x---
* /
* L / */
length2D = ( isR ? L2->_lEdges.front() : L2->_lEdges.back() )._length2D;
else { /* concave VERTEX */ /* o-----o---
* \ |
* \ | L2
* x--x---
* /
* L / */
length2D = sign * L2->_lEdges[ iFSeg2 ]._length2D;
else // L2 is advancable but in the face adjacent by L
length2D = ( isR ? L._lEdges.front() : L._lEdges.back() )._length2D;
length2D = farLE._length2D;
if ( length2D == 0 )
length2D = ( isR ? L._leftLine->_lEdges.back() : L._rightLine->_lEdges.front() )._length2D;
// move u to the internal boundary of layers
u += length2D * sign;
if ( length2D > 0 ) {
// move u to the internal boundary of layers
double maxLen3D = Min( _thickness, edgeLen / ( 1 + nbAdvancable ));
double maxLen2D = maxLen3D * nearLE._len2dTo3dRatio;
if ( length2D > maxLen2D )
length2D = maxLen2D;
u += length2D * sign;
nodeDataVec[ iPEnd ].param = u;
gp_Pnt2d newUV = pcurve->Value( u );
@ -1510,7 +1578,7 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::refine()
//if ( L._leftLine->_advancable ) L._lEdges[0] = L._leftLine->_lEdges.back();
// calculate intermediate UV on _LayerEdge's ( _LayerEdge::_uvRefined )
// replace an inactive _LayerEdge with an active one of a neighbour _PolyLine
size_t iLE = 0, nbLE = L._lEdges.size();
if ( /*!L._leftLine->_advancable &&*/ L.IsCommonEdgeShared( *L._leftLine ))
@ -1522,6 +1590,34 @@ bool _ViscousBuilder2D::refine()
L._lEdges.back() = L._rightLine->_lEdges[0];
// remove intersecting _LayerEdge's
_SegmentIntersection intersection;
for ( int isR = 0; ( isR < 2 && L._lEdges.size() > 2 ); ++isR )
int nbRemove = 0, deltaIt = isR ? -1 : +1;
_PolyLine::TEdgeIterator eIt = isR ? L._lEdges.end()-1 : L._lEdges.begin();
// HEURISTICS !!! elongate the first _LayerEdge
gp_XY newIn = eIt->_uvOut + eIt->_normal2D * eIt->_length2D/* * 2*/;
_Segment seg1( eIt->_uvOut, newIn );
for ( eIt += deltaIt; nbRemove < L._lEdges.size()-2; eIt += deltaIt )
_Segment seg2( eIt->_uvOut, eIt->_uvIn );
if ( !intersection.Compute( seg1, seg2 ))
if ( nbRemove > 0 ) {
if ( isR )
L._lEdges.erase( L._lEdges.end()-nbRemove-1,
L._lEdges.end()-nbRemove );
L._lEdges.erase( L._lEdges.begin()+2,
L._lEdges.begin()+2+nbRemove );
// calculate intermediate UV on _LayerEdge's ( _LayerEdge::_uvRefined )
for ( ; iLE < nbLE; ++iLE )
_LayerEdge& LE = L._lEdges[iLE];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user