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synced 2025-03-06 22:55:37 +05:00
Fix regression of SMESH_TEST/Grids/smesh/3D_mesh_Extrusion/A3
Avoid having straight continuous sides of a quadrilateral
This commit is contained in:
@ -371,6 +371,61 @@ namespace {
return nbRemoved;
* Consider continuous straight EDGES as one side - mark them to unite
int countNbSides( const Prism_3D::TPrismTopo & thePrism,
vector<int> & nbUnitePerEdge )
int nbEdges = thePrism.myNbEdgesInWires.front(); // nb outer edges
int nbSides = nbEdges;
list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator edgeIt = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
std::advance( edgeIt, nbEdges-1 );
TopoDS_Edge prevE = *edgeIt;
bool isPrevStraight = SMESH_Algo::isStraight( prevE );
int iPrev = nbEdges - 1;
int iUnite = -1; // the first of united EDGEs
edgeIt = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
for ( int iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; ++iE, ++edgeIt )
const TopoDS_Edge& curE = *edgeIt;
const bool isCurStraight = SMESH_Algo::isStraight( curE );
if ( isPrevStraight && isCurStraight && SMESH_Algo::IsContinuous( prevE, curE ))
if ( iUnite < 0 )
iUnite = iPrev;
nbUnitePerEdge[ iUnite ]++;
nbUnitePerEdge[ iE ] = -1;
iUnite = -1;
prevE = curE;
isPrevStraight = isCurStraight;
iPrev = iE;
return nbSides;
void pointsToPython(const std::vector<gp_XYZ>& p)
#ifdef _DEBUG_
for ( int i = SMESH_Block::ID_V000; i < p.size(); ++i )
cout << "mesh.AddNode( " << p[i].X() << ", "<< p[i].Y() << ", "<< p[i].Z() << ") # " << i <<" " ;
SMESH_Block::DumpShapeID( i, cout ) << endl;
} // namespace
@ -705,10 +760,11 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::getWallFaces( Prism_3D::TPrismTopo & thePrism,
list< TopoDS_Edge >::iterator edge = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
std::list< int >::iterator nbE = thePrism.myNbEdgesInWires.begin();
int iE = 0;
double f,l;
while ( edge != thePrism.myBottomEdges.end() )
if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( *edge ))
if ( BRep_Tool::Curve( *edge, f,l ).IsNull() )
edge = thePrism.myBottomEdges.erase( edge );
@ -989,6 +1045,9 @@ bool StdMeshers_Prism_3D::compute(const Prism_3D::TPrismTopo& thePrism)
if ( !SMESH_Block::ShellPoint( params, myShapeXYZ, coords ))
return toSM( error("Can't compute coordinates by normalized parameters"));
// if ( !meshDS->MeshElements( volumeID ) ||
// meshDS->MeshElements( volumeID )->NbNodes() == 0 )
// pointsToPython(myShapeXYZ);
SHOWYXZ("TOPFacePoint ",myShapeXYZ[ ID_TOP_FACE]);
SHOWYXZ("BOT Node "<< tBotNode.myNode->GetID(),gpXYZ(tBotNode.myNode));
SHOWYXZ("ShellPoint ",coords);
@ -2150,9 +2209,16 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::Init(SMESH_MesherHelper* helper,
myParam2ColumnMaps.resize( thePrism.myBottomEdges.size() ); // total nb edges
size_t iE, nbEdges = thePrism.myNbEdgesInWires.front(); // nb outer edges
vector< double > edgeLength( nbEdges );
vector< double > edgeLength( nbEdges );
multimap< double, int > len2edgeMap;
// for each EDGE: either split into several parts, or join with several next EDGEs
vector<int> nbSplitPerEdge( nbEdges, 0 );
vector<int> nbUnitePerEdge( nbEdges, 0 ); // -1 means "joined to a previous"
// consider continuous straight EDGEs as one side
const int nbSides = countNbSides( thePrism, nbUnitePerEdge );
list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator edgeIt = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
for ( iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; ++iE, ++edgeIt )
@ -2172,14 +2238,8 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::Init(SMESH_MesherHelper* helper,
edgeLength[ iE ] = SMESH_Algo::EdgeLength( *edgeIt );
if ( nbEdges < NB_WALL_FACES ) // fill map used to split faces
SMESHDS_SubMesh* smDS = meshDS->MeshElements( *edgeIt);
if ( !smDS )
return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, TCom("Null submesh on the edge #")
<< MeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( *edgeIt ));
len2edgeMap.insert( make_pair( edgeLength[ iE ], iE ));
if ( nbSides < NB_WALL_FACES ) // fill map used to split faces
len2edgeMap.insert( make_pair( edgeLength[ iE ], iE )); // sort edges by length
// Load columns of internal edges (forming holes)
// and fill map ShapeIndex to TParam2ColumnMap for them
@ -2217,10 +2277,9 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::Init(SMESH_MesherHelper* helper,
// Create 4 wall faces of a block
// -------------------------------
if ( nbEdges <= NB_WALL_FACES ) // ************* Split faces if necessary
if ( nbSides <= NB_WALL_FACES ) // ************* Split faces if necessary
map< int, int > iE2nbSplit;
if ( nbEdges != NB_WALL_FACES ) // define how to split
if ( nbSides != NB_WALL_FACES ) // define how to split
if ( len2edgeMap.size() != nbEdges )
RETURN_BAD_RESULT("Uniqueness of edge lengths not assured");
@ -2232,80 +2291,106 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::Init(SMESH_MesherHelper* helper,
double midLen = ( len2edgeMap.size() == 1 ) ? 0 : midLen_i->first;
switch ( nbEdges ) {
case 1: // 0-th edge is split into 4 parts
iE2nbSplit.insert( make_pair( 0, 4 )); break;
nbSplitPerEdge[ 0 ] = 4;
case 2: // either the longest edge is split into 3 parts, or both edges into halves
if ( maxLen / 3 > midLen / 2 ) {
iE2nbSplit.insert( make_pair( maxLen_i->second, 3 ));
nbSplitPerEdge[ maxLen_i->second ] = 3;
else {
iE2nbSplit.insert( make_pair( maxLen_i->second, 2 ));
iE2nbSplit.insert( make_pair( midLen_i->second, 2 ));
nbSplitPerEdge[ maxLen_i->second ] = 2;
nbSplitPerEdge[ midLen_i->second ] = 2;
case 3:
// split longest into halves
iE2nbSplit.insert( make_pair( maxLen_i->second, 2 ));
// Create TSideFace's
int iSide = 0;
list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator botE = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
for ( iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; ++iE, ++botE )
TFaceQuadStructPtr quad = thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ].front();
// split?
map< int, int >::iterator i_nb = iE2nbSplit.find( iE );
if ( i_nb != iE2nbSplit.end() ) {
// split!
int nbSplit = i_nb->second;
vector< double > params;
splitParams( nbSplit, &myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ], params );
const bool isForward =
StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::IsForwardEdge( myHelper->GetMeshDS(),
*botE, SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbSplit; ++i ) {
double f = ( isForward ? params[ i ] : params[ nbSplit - i-1 ]);
double l = ( isForward ? params[ i+1 ] : params[ nbSplit - i ]);
TSideFace* comp = new TSideFace( *mesh, wallFaceIds[ iSide ],
thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ], *botE,
&myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ], f, l );
mySide->SetComponent( iSide++, comp );
else {
TSideFace* comp = new TSideFace( *mesh, wallFaceIds[ iSide ],
thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ], *botE,
&myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ]);
mySide->SetComponent( iSide++, comp );
if ( nbSides == 2 )
// split longest into 3 parts
nbSplitPerEdge[ maxLen_i->second ] = 3;
// split longest into halves
nbSplitPerEdge[ maxLen_i->second ] = 2;
else { // **************************** Unite faces
// unite first faces
int nbExraFaces = nbEdges - 3;
int iSide = 0, iE;
double u0 = 0, sumLen = 0;
for ( iE = 0; iE < nbExraFaces; ++iE )
sumLen += edgeLength[ iE ];
vector< TSideFace* > components( nbExraFaces );
vector< pair< double, double> > params( nbExraFaces );
list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator botE = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
for ( iE = 0; iE < nbExraFaces; ++iE, ++botE )
else // **************************** Unite faces
int nbExraFaces = nbSides - 3; // nb of faces to fuse
for ( iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; ++iE )
components[ iE ] = new TSideFace( *mesh, wallFaceIds[ iSide ],
thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ], *botE,
&myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ]);
double u1 = u0 + edgeLength[ iE ] / sumLen;
params[ iE ] = make_pair( u0 , u1 );
u0 = u1;
if ( nbUnitePerEdge[ iE ] < 0 )
// look for already united faces
for ( int i = iE; i < iE + nbExraFaces; ++i )
if ( nbUnitePerEdge[ i ] > 0 ) // a side including nbUnitePerEdge[i]+1 edge
nbExraFaces += nbUnitePerEdge[ i ];
nbUnitePerEdge[ i ] = -1;
nbUnitePerEdge[ iE ] = nbExraFaces;
mySide->SetComponent( iSide++, new TSideFace( *mesh, components, params ));
// fill the rest faces
for ( ; iE < nbEdges; ++iE, ++botE )
// Create TSideFace's
int iSide = 0;
list< TopoDS_Edge >::const_iterator botE = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
for ( iE = 0; iE < nbEdges; ++iE, ++botE )
TFaceQuadStructPtr quad = thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ].front();
const int nbSplit = nbSplitPerEdge[ iE ];
const int nbExraFaces = nbUnitePerEdge[ iE ] + 1;
if ( nbSplit > 0 ) // split
vector< double > params;
splitParams( nbSplit, &myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ], params );
const bool isForward =
StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::IsForwardEdge( myHelper->GetMeshDS(),
*botE, SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z );
for ( int i = 0; i < nbSplit; ++i ) {
double f = ( isForward ? params[ i ] : params[ nbSplit - i-1 ]);
double l = ( isForward ? params[ i+1 ] : params[ nbSplit - i ]);
TSideFace* comp = new TSideFace( *mesh, wallFaceIds[ iSide ],
thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ], *botE,
&myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ], f, l );
mySide->SetComponent( iSide++, comp );
else if ( nbExraFaces > 1 ) // unite
double u0 = 0, sumLen = 0;
for ( int i = iE; i < iE + nbExraFaces; ++i )
sumLen += edgeLength[ i ];
vector< TSideFace* > components( nbExraFaces );
vector< pair< double, double> > params( nbExraFaces );
bool endReached = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbExraFaces; ++i, ++botE, ++iE )
if ( iE == nbEdges )
endReached = true;
botE = thePrism.myBottomEdges.begin();
iE = 0;
components[ i ] = new TSideFace( *mesh, wallFaceIds[ iSide ],
thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ], *botE,
&myParam2ColumnMaps[ iE ]);
double u1 = u0 + edgeLength[ iE ] / sumLen;
params[ i ] = make_pair( u0 , u1 );
u0 = u1;
TSideFace* comp = new TSideFace( *mesh, components, params );
mySide->SetComponent( iSide++, comp );
if ( endReached )
--iE; // for increment in an external loop on iE
else if ( nbExraFaces < 0 ) // skip already united face
else // use as is
TSideFace* comp = new TSideFace( *mesh, wallFaceIds[ iSide ],
thePrism.myWallQuads[ iE ], *botE,
@ -2423,15 +2508,20 @@ bool StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::Init(SMESH_MesherHelper* helper,
// gp_XYZ testPar(0.25, 0.25, 0), testCoord;
// if ( !FacePoint( ID_BOT_FACE, testPar, testCoord ))
// SHOWYXZ("IN TEST PARAM" , testPar);
// SHOWYXZ("OUT TEST CORD" , testCoord);
// if ( !ComputeParameters( testCoord, testPar , ID_BOT_FACE))
// RETURN_BAD_RESULT("TEST ComputeParameters() FAILED");
// double _u[]={ 0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9 };
// double _v[]={ 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9, };
// for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
// {
// //gp_XYZ testPar(0.25, 0.25, 0), testCoord;
// gp_XYZ testPar(_u[i], _v[i], 0), testCoord;
// if ( !FacePoint( ID_BOT_FACE, testPar, testCoord ))
// SHOWYXZ("IN TEST PARAM" , testPar);
// SHOWYXZ("OUT TEST CORD" , testCoord);
// if ( !ComputeParameters( testCoord, testPar , ID_BOT_FACE))
// RETURN_BAD_RESULT("TEST ComputeParameters() FAILED");
// }
return true;
@ -2603,6 +2693,8 @@ StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::TSideFace(SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
myIsForward = StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::IsForwardEdge( myHelper.GetMeshDS(),
myBaseEdge, myID );
myHelper.SetSubShape( quadList.front()->face );
if ( quadList.size() > 1 ) // side is vertically composite
// fill myShapeID2Surf map to enable finding a right surface by any sub-shape ID
@ -2646,7 +2738,20 @@ TSideFace(SMESH_Mesh& mesh,
myIsForward( true ),
myComponents( components ),
myHelper( mesh )
if ( myID == ID_Fx1z || myID == ID_F0yz )
// reverse components
std::reverse( myComponents.begin(), myComponents.end() );
std::reverse( myParams.begin(), myParams.end() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < myParams.size(); ++i )
const double f = myParams[i].first;
const double l = myParams[i].second;
myParams[i] = make_pair( 1. - l, 1. - f );
* \brief Copy constructor
@ -2925,7 +3030,8 @@ gp_Pnt StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::Value(const Standard_Real U,
throw SALOME_Exception("StdMeshers_PrismAsBlock::TSideFace::Value() !mySurface");
((TSideFace*) this)->myHelper.SetSubShape( mySurface->Face() );
gp_XY uv1 = myHelper.GetNodeUV( mySurface->Face(), nn[0], nn[2]);
gp_XY uv2 = myHelper.GetNodeUV( mySurface->Face(), nn[1], nn[3]);
gp_XY uv12 = uv1 * ( 1 - vR ) + uv2 * vR;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user