Including quanta option to hypothesis with persistence. Working version w/o support to add faces on the boundary elements.
Intermedial commit.
Intermedial commit.
Adding documentation and test.
Final adjust for conformity with NRT.
Add netgen_runner_test for 1D2D3D
add test for gmsh_runner
Improve test for netgen and gmsh. Add new versions in option
Add test for Netgen2D SA version.
Test for Netgen 2D SA version.
Code cleanup.
Adapt mesher_launcher and add test for Remote version of 3D GMSH.
test for parallel mesh for 2D using new netgen SA/Remote version. Add the possibility to export in SMESH_Gen.cxx at method parallelComputeSubMeshes. Modify the constructor of ParallelMesh class in smeshBuilder to handle 2D meshing in parallel.
Delete .vscode/settings.json
Publish shrinkGeometry.
Refactor StdMeshers_Cartesian_3D and StdMeshers_Cartesian_VL classes to allow passing an arbitrary shrink mesh to the viscous layer builder. Use StdMeshers_Cartesian_VL in StdMeshers_ViscousLayerBuilder to handle geometry shrinking and viscous layer building.
Create maps to link shrink solid and the solid assign to the shrink mesh. Code cleanup.
Defining map btw original shape (TopAbs_COMPOUND) and result shrink object. Refactor to support viscous layer of faces. Code clean up and add of tests.
Documentation and code cleanup
erase debug comment.
Modif after code review.
Avoid compilation warning from ViscousLayerBuilder and ViscousLayerBuilder_i classes.
Erase non tracke files
Adding some comments on SMESH_Controls. Fixing compilation warning on SMDS_VolumeTool and add missing lines in interface files.
Add implemented tests to tests.set
Correction on SMESH_msg_fr and copyright msg of python test.
1- - vetoe this test on Windows since 3D Mesher is not available GHS3DRPL - MeshGemsh
2- on windows we build Python without tcl/tk thus tkinter module is missing - do not raise exception in that case
Tested OK on Windows