This case also reveals the following bugs:
1) SMESH_MesherHelper::IsReversedSubMesh() incorrectly works on
a coarsely meshed disk
2) Addition of NETGEN-1D2D3D removes already computed faces of a
sub-mesh on a group of FACEs (SMESH_subMesh::cleanDependsOn())
3) Volumes are shown, instead of faces, when displaying a sub-mesh on
a SOLID with only a 2D algo assigned to the sub-mesh (SMESH_subMesh_i.cxx)
- Coplanar faces filter (SMESH_Controls.cxx)
- Convert to quadratic (SMESH_MesherHelper.cxx)
- Missing Compute item in mesh pop-up in presence of a sub-mesh on compound only (no other algos) (SSMESHGUI_ComputeDlg.cxx)
- set checkAll=False in call of SMESH_Gen::IsApplicable() (
IPAL52909: TC7.7.0: edges selection provides incorrect nodes IDs
IPAL52895: TC7.7.0: Incorrect behaviour of the "Move Node" dialog.
IPAL52910: TC7.7.0: mesh is not updated at Apply click in Smoothing dialog
IPAL52875: Extrusion along a path: the buttons are not active if the path is closed
IPAL52882: Hexahedron (i,j,k) makes a wrong mesh on a block with composite sides
52874: List of available groups in 'Group' combo-box is empty for sub-mesh and group.
52871: Mesh Information dialog shows different number of nodes for group of elements
Regression of Grids/smesh/sewing_00/A5
Fix ~SMESH_Gen_i()
Regression 2D_mesh_Polygons_00/A2
Fix DriverSTL_W_SMDS_Mesh.cxx
IPAL52658: Quadrangle (Mapping) makes invalid mesh with Enforced vertices
IPAL52654: Quadrangle (Mapping) with enforced vertices works wrong
IPAL20729: Difference in behaviour of selection for Rotation against Translation, Symmetry after Apply.
IPAL9947: SMESH – Merge nodes dialog box
52826: Radial Quadrangle algorithm meshes a quad face from which a circle was cut from but it must fail
52227: Group is not shown during edition
52780: Wrong mesh after STL re-import of a polygonal element
52825: Sew Borders does not care of segment adjacent to split faces, thus segments become non-conformal
52824: Sew Free Borders sews borders as conformal thus producing very skewed quads instead of polygons
Fix SMESH_MesherHelper::IsQuadraticSubMesh()
IPAL52836: A sub-face of a box can't be selected in OB to be added to Viscous Layers hypothesis
Fix StdMeshersGUI_SubShapeSelectorWdg::selectionIntoArgument()
Fix SMESH_MeshEditor::Smooth()
Optimize a bit SMDS_MeshNode::GetInverseElementIterator()
Minimize usage of BRepClass_FaceClassifier in StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute()
Fix SMESH_Mesh_i::CheckGeomGroupModif()
52731: Exception at export of SEG3 groups
Fix BUGs concerning Export:
1) Exception at export of the SEG3 group as a separate object.
2) Many formats available in the pop-up menu when several objects selected while only MED and CGNS formats support several meshes in one file.
3) Export of the mesh and its group to the same file results of storage of the group only. Object names are not kept.
Fix addReference() in SMESH_Gen_i_1.cxx
IPAL52649: Irregular mesh created by Extrusion 3D algo
Add projectQuads() (not used so far) in StdMeshers_Projection_2D.cxx
Fix errors detected by PVS-Studio as reported in