+ Small improvement of a mesh context menu:
* Add "Clear + Compute" for a non-empty mesh
* Add "Show Compute Errors" for a failed meshing
* Remove "Compute" for a fully computed mesh
* Add an icon for "Export" item
- In SHAPER, create a part
- Create a sketch with a rectangle
- Extrude it
- Create a group of face with the TOP face
- Create a group of face with the BOTTOM face
- In SMESH, create a mesh with Netgen 1D2D
- Compute the mesh
=> The mesh groups TOP and BOTTOM are created (if "Create all Groups on geometry" is ticked in Create mesh dialog box)
- Call Break link on Extrusion_1_1 under Mesh_1.
- Compute Mesh_1 again (it has been cleared by break link).
- In SHAPER, edit the sketch and add a fillet in a corner
- In SMESH, create another mesh with Netgen 1D2D
- Compute Mesh_2
=> The mesh groups TOP and BOTTOM are created, but they are void and have a warning sign.
+ make SMESH_Mesh_i::_mainShapeTick persistent, which is needed for the case:
- open a saved study with shaper data
- edit an object in the shaper
- switch to smesh ==> shape modification not detected
1) Enable appending to an existing mesh via smesh.Concatenate() (compound mesh)
2) Enable filtering a mesh part: Filter::GetElementsIdFromParts( ListOfIDSources )
3) Add ElementType arg to SMESH_Mesh::GetNodeInverseElements()
4) Add Mesh.Get1DBranches( edgeIDs )
5) Define a default Z med tolerance
6) Update ElementsOnSurface upon SetTolerance()
7) Change group management to have group ID persistent
8) Extract SMESH_PolyLine.cxx from SMESH_MeshEditor.cxx
9) Enable Min Distance measure for node-element and node-object
10) Fix SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( XYZ, face )
11) Extract SMESH_MeshAlgos::Intersector from SMESH_Offset.cxx
12) Enable optimization in SMESH_MeshAlgos::Triangulate
13) Add mestods Mesh.GetEngine() and Mesh.GetGeomEngine()