+ 22792: EDF 8159 SMESH: Multi-dimensional extrusion/extrusion along a path/revolution
1) Enable selection of sub-meshes on groups
2) Fix preview that was not shown
+ In SMESHGUI/CMakeList, remove includes that never need not be included
Write 'MeshVersionFormatted 2' instead of 'MeshVersionFormatted 3'
though '3' is strongly recomended by libmesh manual
+ IPAL52653: Some quality controls does not work (SIGSEGV)
+ IMP 22264: EDF 2648 GEOM: Propagate edges automatic orientation (fix Number of Segments dlg)
+ bad STL files are written on Windows (reported by YFR)
+ 22874: [CEA 1425] Performance SMESH Module ( refix ~SMESH_Mesh() )
Fix a leak of PropagationMgrData
+ Do not use volumes for preview of Extrusion
+ Fix a regression: empty groups are not removed with contents
+ avoid too long waiting at creation of hypotheses due to use of
GEOMUtils::PreciseBoundingBox() in SMESH_Mesh::GetShapeDiagonalSize()
+ Optimize SMDS_VolumeTool::IsFreeFace()
+ Add icons for Evaluate and Change Sub-mesh order
+ Make "Meduim nodes on geometry" ON by default
+ Disable "Group on geometry" if mesh is not on geometry
+ SMESHGUI_MeshOp: fix switch from Sub-mesh creation to Sub-mesh edition
+ Pre-open MED file to speed-up reading/writing (following 22349)
+ Clock-cursor in Display Entity dlg
+ In Filter dlg, do not perform filtering if it's not needed
+ In Group dlg, store a user-given name of a new group
+ Clock-cursor after hypothesis modif as mesh clearing can be long
+ Treat selected object right at opening of Measure dlgs
+ Allow removal of elements in a not shown mesh
+ Make filter work on a not shown mesh
+ Don't leave orphan nodes at RemoveGroupWithContents
+ Avoid crash when exporting a group + fields
In SMESH_MeshEditor copy node positions in Duplicate*()
In SMESH_MesherHelper
- cache face tolerance
- in GetNodeUV() prevent SIGSEGV if a node is on EDGE not belonging to a FACE
- in GetNodeUV() check if a VERTEX is a seam in a given FACE, not in another
- avoid returning myShape from GetMediumPos() when it can be wrong
52592: Invalid values of Length 2D control
- avoid using not initialized values for showing control values of a group