Fix SMESH_Mesh_i::CheckGeomGroupModif()
52731: Exception at export of SEG3 groups
Fix BUGs concerning Export:
1) Exception at export of the SEG3 group as a separate object.
2) Many formats available in the pop-up menu when several objects selected while only MED and CGNS formats support several meshes in one file.
3) Export of the mesh and its group to the same file results of storage of the group only. Object names are not kept.
+ Optimize SMDS_VolumeTool::IsFreeFace()
+ Add icons for Evaluate and Change Sub-mesh order
+ Make "Meduim nodes on geometry" ON by default
+ Disable "Group on geometry" if mesh is not on geometry
+ SMESHGUI_MeshOp: fix switch from Sub-mesh creation to Sub-mesh edition
For ConvertToQuadratic: fix a case with a seam edge located not at zero parameter
For Viscous layers: fix getting normal at a corner classified as 'Reversed' (+-PI)
1) Fix common WIN32 compilation errors.
2) Replace WNT deprecated macro definition by the WIN32.
3) Remove unnecessary test executables.
4) Make MEFISTO2D algorithm optional: try to determine f2c generator and generate C code from Fortran, otherwise MEFISTO2D is unavailable.
Fix the problem of element-submesh relation restoring at study loading
in case if some faces have ids lower than segments.
Now TIDCompare does not compare types, a new comparator created for this:
+struct TIDTypeCompare {
memory leaks, bug in import 1D for cracks
M src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cxx
M src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cxx
M src/SMESH/SMESH_MesherHelper.cxx
M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_MeshAlgos.cxx
M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx
M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_Octree.hxx
M src/SMESHUtils/SMESH_Tree.hxx
M src/StdMeshers/StdMeshers_Import_1D.cxx
A better fix has been found by improving the getNextFree() method in ObjectPool.hxx. When there is no "hole" in the ID list we don't iterate on the _freeList to find the next free ID. We jump straight to the last occupied ID.
This fix is simpler and can benefit to other methods of SMESH_Editor like QuadTo4Tri for example.
bool IsFreeFace( int faceIndex, const SMDS_MeshElement** otherVol=0 ) const;
- // Check that all volumes built on the face nodes lays on one side
+ // Fast check that only one volume is built on nodes of a given face
+ // otherVol returns another volume sharing the given facet
+ bool IsFreeFaceAdv( int faceIndex, const SMDS_MeshElement** otherVol=0 ) const;
+ // Thorough check that all volumes built on the face nodes lays on one side
+ bool IsPoly() const { return myPolyedre; }