Add "Show IDs" check box to Mesh Information dlg
Avoid warning in Choose Entity dialog when no entities are selected,
disable [OK] button instead
Deactivate ID mapping in all DeviceActor's except the pickable one.
The ID mapping needed to show IDs in the Viewer is computed when needed
via VTKViewer_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::BuildOut2InMap()
+ IPAL53796: Clipping related bugs
+ minor changes in docs
+ fix other problems with Mesh Dialog:
1) at mesh edition, old hypothesis remain assigned after playing with
Mesh Type and Hypo Sets (change is in isSelectedHyp())
2) When a 3D algo is unset due to change of Mesh Type, its hypotheses remain
assigned and a new hyp can be created
- Coplanar faces filter (SMESH_Controls.cxx)
- Convert to quadratic (SMESH_MesherHelper.cxx)
- Missing Compute item in mesh pop-up in presence of a sub-mesh on compound only (no other algos) (SSMESHGUI_ComputeDlg.cxx)
- set checkAll=False in call of SMESH_Gen::IsApplicable() (smeshBuilder.py)
52826: Radial Quadrangle algorithm meshes a quad face from which a circle was cut from but it must fail
52227: Group is not shown during edition
52780: Wrong mesh after STL re-import of a polygonal element
52825: Sew Borders does not care of segment adjacent to split faces, thus segments become non-conformal
52824: Sew Free Borders sews borders as conformal thus producing very skewed quads instead of polygons
IPAL52831: Veeery long awaiting for Mesh Information dialog appearance
IPAL52822: Find Elements By Point does not find coincident nodes
IPAL52821: Find Elements By Point dialog: no types available for search if there are only nodes in the mesh
IPAL52823: mesh.GetSubMeshElementsId( subShape ) works wrong if subShape is retrieved indirectly
Bug: MAJORITY mode works wrong with triangles
IMP 22877: EDF 10054 SMESH: Add a new filter "BelongToSmeshGroup" for Create Groupe
Bug: Invalid Python dump
+ Pre-open MED file to speed-up reading/writing (following 22349)
+ Clock-cursor in Display Entity dlg
+ In Filter dlg, do not perform filtering if it's not needed
+ In Group dlg, store a user-given name of a new group
+ Clock-cursor after hypothesis modif as mesh clearing can be long
+ Treat selected object right at opening of Measure dlgs
+ Allow removal of elements in a not shown mesh
+ Make filter work on a not shown mesh
+ Don't leave orphan nodes at RemoveGroupWithContents
+ Avoid crash when exporting a group + fields