* Cash GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf's
* Make applyFunc() public under name applyIn2D()
+ * \brief Define a pointer to wrapper over a function of gp_XY class,
+ * suitable to pass as xyFunPtr to applyIn2D().
+ * For exaple gp_XY_FunPtr(Added) defines pointer gp_XY_Added to function
+ * calling gp_XY::Added(gp_XY), which is to be used like following
+ * applyIn2D(surf, uv1, uv2, gp_XY_Added)
+ */
+#define gp_XY_FunPtr(meth) \
+ static gp_XY __gpXY_##meth (const gp_XY& uv1, const gp_XY& uv2) { return uv1.meth( uv2 ); } \
+ static xyFunPtr gp_XY_##meth = & __gpXY_##meth
+ /*!
+ * \brief Perform given operation on two 2d points in parameric space of given surface.
+ * It takes into account period of the surface. Use gp_XY_FunPtr macro
+ * to easily define pointer to function of gp_XY class.
+ */
+ static gp_XY applyIn2D(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& surface,
+ const gp_XY& uv1,
+ const gp_XY& uv2,
+ xyFunPtr fun,
+ const bool resultInPeriod=true);
0020721: EDF 1233 SMESH : Crash/bad behavior of 'Convert linear Quadratic with Medium Nodes on Geometry' feature with BLSurf/Ghs3D
* Fix GetNodeUV() for the case of surface both U and V periodic.
* Protect QFace::GetBoundaryLink() from infinite recursion.
* Protect QFace::GetLinkChain() from stack overflow.
- void SetCheckNodePosition(bool toCheck) { myCheckNodePos = toCheck; }
+ * \brief Check and fix node UV on a face
+ * \retval bool - false if UV is bad and could not be fixed
+ */
+ bool CheckNodeUV(const TopoDS_Face& F,
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* n,
+ gp_XY& uv,
+ const double tol) const;
- bool myCheckNodePos;
+ std::set< int > myOkNodePosShapes;
+ * \brief Move medium nodes of faces and volumes to fix distorted elements
+ * \param volumeOnly - fix nodes on faces or not if the shape is solid
+ */
+ void FixQuadraticElements(bool volumeOnly=true);