+ minor changes:
1) unify member field names: avoid _my*, replace by either _* or my*
2) BUG: mesh persistent ID is not unique
3) arguments alignement
4) Add SMESHDS_Hypothesis::SaveString() and LoadString()
5) In mesh construction dlg disable "Mesh Type" if it contains ANY only
6) Add SMESH::printErrorInDebugMode argument of SMESH_CATCH
7) Use static_assert to check completeness of arrays corresponding to enum
8) Add renumber arg to ExportUNV() and ExportDAT()
9) Fix some warnings
1) fix bug that SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleElements() can't duplicate all
elements if they are of different dimension
2) Add QString GetName( Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& ) that gets
missing name from SObject.
Add class toUtf8
IPAL52708: TC7.6.0: name of copied group is wrong when Scale transform
Fix gp_Trsf definition in SMESH_MeshEditor_i::scale()
IPAL52704: TC7.6.0: "Modification of orientation" don't work on volumes
Fix SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg::isIdValid()
+ Doc update
+ Pre-open MED file to speed-up reading/writing (following 22349)
+ Clock-cursor in Display Entity dlg
+ In Filter dlg, do not perform filtering if it's not needed
+ In Group dlg, store a user-given name of a new group
+ Clock-cursor after hypothesis modif as mesh clearing can be long
+ Treat selected object right at opening of Measure dlgs
+ Allow removal of elements in a not shown mesh
+ Make filter work on a not shown mesh
+ Don't leave orphan nodes at RemoveGroupWithContents
+ Avoid crash when exporting a group + fields
SMESH_Controls.cxx: add some protection against SIGSEGV
SMESHGUI_MeshOp.cxx: at mesh edition,avoid selection of a sole existing
hypothesis compatible with an assigned algo
SMESHGUI_Utils.h: make class toStdStr usable.