Optimize mesh loading in case of complex shape + a group on geometry
+ While MED export, create groups of all balls and 0D elements, if required
+ Remember collapsed state of information on elements and nodes in Mesh Information dlg
Rename "Add" -> "Add to Group"
Show "Add" only if manual edition is enabled in Group dialog
+ Do not clear a sub-mesh if it's algorithm is same as a global one
Deactivate ID mapping in all DeviceActor's except the pickable one.
The ID mapping needed to show IDs in the Viewer is computed when needed
via VTKViewer_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::BuildOut2InMap()
+ IPAL53796: Clipping related bugs
+ small optimization of SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::compactGrid()
(SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cxx, SMESH_Object.cxx)
- de-allocate old data as soon as possible, not at the and of compacting
+ some minor changes
fix this problem for all 1D hypotheses (StdMeshers_Regular_1D.cxx)
Bug report: http://www.salome-platform.org/forum/forum_10/636759606
Fix compilation warnings:
- unused function
- missing virtual destructor
- variable set but not used
IPAL52909: TC7.7.0: edges selection provides incorrect nodes IDs
IPAL52895: TC7.7.0: Incorrect behaviour of the "Move Node" dialog.
IPAL52910: TC7.7.0: mesh is not updated at Apply click in Smoothing dialog
Write 'MeshVersionFormatted 2' instead of 'MeshVersionFormatted 3'
though '3' is strongly recomended by libmesh manual
+ IPAL52653: Some quality controls does not work (SIGSEGV)
+ Optimize SMDS_VolumeTool::IsFreeFace()
+ Add icons for Evaluate and Change Sub-mesh order
+ Make "Meduim nodes on geometry" ON by default
+ Disable "Group on geometry" if mesh is not on geometry
+ SMESHGUI_MeshOp: fix switch from Sub-mesh creation to Sub-mesh edition
In SMESH_MeshEditor copy node positions in Duplicate*()
In SMESH_MesherHelper
- cache face tolerance
- in GetNodeUV() prevent SIGSEGV if a node is on EDGE not belonging to a FACE
- in GetNodeUV() check if a VERTEX is a seam in a given FACE, not in another
- avoid returning myShape from GetMediumPos() when it can be wrong
52592: Invalid values of Length 2D control
- avoid using not initialized values for showing control values of a group