// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org // // // // File : SMESH_Mesh.idl // Author : Paul RASCLE, EDF // $Header$ #ifndef _SMESH_MESH_IDL_ #define _SMESH_MESH_IDL_ #include "SALOME_Exception.idl" #include "SALOME_GenericObj.idl" module GEOM { interface GEOM_Object; }; module SALOME_MED { interface MESH; interface FAMILY; }; module SMESH { interface SMESH_Hypothesis; typedef sequence ListOfHypothesis; typedef sequence double_array ; typedef sequence long_array ; typedef sequence string_array ; typedef sequence array_of_long_array ; enum log_command { ADD_NODE, ADD_EDGE, ADD_TRIANGLE, ADD_QUADRANGLE, ADD_TETRAHEDRON, ADD_PYRAMID, ADD_PRISM, ADD_HEXAHEDRON, REMOVE_NODE, REMOVE_ELEMENT, MOVE_NODE, CHANGE_ELEMENT_NODES, RENUMBER }; struct log_block { long commandType; long number; double_array coords; long_array indexes; }; struct PointStruct { double x; double y; double z; } ; struct DirStruct { PointStruct PS ; } ; // analog to Occ Direction struct AxisStruct { double x; double y; double z; double vx; double vy; double vz; } ; /*! * Enumeration for element type, like in SMDS */ enum ElementType { ALL, NODE, EDGE, FACE, VOLUME }; /*! * Enumeration for hypothesis status (used by AddHypothesis() and RemoveHypothesis() methods) */ enum Hypothesis_Status // in the order of severity { HYP_OK, HYP_MISSING, // algo misses a hypothesis HYP_CONCURENT, // several applicable hypotheses HYP_BAD_PARAMETER,// hypothesis has a bad parameter value HYP_UNKNOWN_FATAL,// --- all statuses below should be considered as fatal // for Add/RemoveHypothesis operations HYP_INCOMPATIBLE, // hypothesis does not fit algo HYP_NOTCONFORM, // not conform mesh is produced appling a hypothesis HYP_ALREADY_EXIST,// such hypothesis already exist HYP_BAD_DIM // bad dimension }; /*! * Enumeration for DriverMED read status (used by ImportMEDFile() method) */ enum DriverMED_ReadStatus // in the order of severity { DRS_OK, DRS_EMPTY, // a MED file contains no mesh with the given name DRS_WARN_RENUMBER, // a MED file has overlapped ranges of element numbers, // so the numbers from the file are ignored DRS_WARN_SKIP_ELEM, // some elements were skipped due to incorrect file data DRS_FAIL // general failure (exception etc.) }; /*! * Enumeration for DriverMED (used by Perform() method) */ enum MED_VERSION // in the order of severity { MED_V2_1, MED_V2_2 }; typedef sequence log_array; interface SMESH_IDSource { /*! * Returns a sequence of all element IDs */ long_array GetIDs(); }; interface SMESH_GroupBase; interface SMESH_Group; interface SMESH_GroupOnGeom; interface SMESH_subMesh; interface SMESH_MeshEditor; interface SMESH_Mesh : SALOME::GenericObj, SMESH_IDSource { /*! * Associate a Shape to a Mesh created with NewEmpty */ // boolean SetMesh(in GEOM::GEOM_Object anObject) // raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get the subMesh object associated to a subShape. The subMesh object * gives access to nodes and elements IDs. * SubMesh will be used instead of SubShape in a next idl version to * adress a specific subMesh... */ SMESH_subMesh GetSubMesh(in GEOM::GEOM_Object aSubObject, in string name) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Create a subMesh without reference to a subShape */ // SMESH_subMesh NewEmpty() // raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get geom shape to mesh. A result may be nil */ GEOM::GEOM_Object GetShapeToMesh() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Remove a submesh */ void RemoveSubMesh(in SMESH_subMesh aSubMesh) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Create a group */ SMESH_Group CreateGroup( in ElementType elem_type, in string name ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Create a group from geometry group */ SMESH_GroupOnGeom CreateGroupFromGEOM( in ElementType elem_type, in string name, in GEOM::GEOM_Object theGeomObject ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Remove a group */ void RemoveGroup(in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Remove group with its contents */ void RemoveGroupWithContents( in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Union of two groups * New group is created. All mesh elements that are * present in initial groups are added to the new one */ SMESH_Group UnionGroups (in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup1, in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup2, in string name ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Intersection of two groups * New group is created. All mesh elements that are * present in both initial groups are added to the new one. */ SMESH_Group IntersectGroups (in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup1, in SMESH_GroupBase aGroup2, in string name ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Cut of two groups * New group is created. All mesh elements that are present in * main group but do not present in tool group are added to the new one */ SMESH_Group CutGroups (in SMESH_GroupBase aMainGroup, in SMESH_GroupBase aToolGroup, in string name ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Add hypothesis to the mesh, under a particular subShape * (or the main shape itself) * The Add method is only used to prepare the build of the mesh and store * the algorithms and associated parameters. * Actual job of mesh the shape is done by MESH_Gen. * @params * - aSubShape : subShape obtained by a shape explode in GEOM * (or main shape) * - anHyp : hypothesis object * @return * - OK if the hypothesis is compatible with the subShape * (and all previous hypothesis on the subShape) * - NOK if the hypothesis is not compatible with the subShape * (or one previous hypothesis on the subShape) * raises exception if hypothesis has not been created */ Hypothesis_Status AddHypothesis(in GEOM::GEOM_Object aSubObject, in SMESH_Hypothesis anHyp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); // boolean AddHypothesis(in SMESH_subMesh aSubMesh, in SMESH_Hypothesis anHyp) // raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Remove an hypothesis previouly added with AddHypothesis. */ Hypothesis_Status RemoveHypothesis(in GEOM::GEOM_Object aSubObject, in SMESH_Hypothesis anHyp) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); // boolean RemoveHypothesis(in SMESH_subMesh aSubMesh, // in SMESH_Hypothesis anHyp) // raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get the list of hypothesis added on a subShape */ ListOfHypothesis GetHypothesisList(in GEOM::GEOM_Object aSubObject) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); // ListOfHypothesis GetHypothesisList(in SMESH_subMesh aSubMesh) // raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get the log of nodes and elements added or removed since previous * clear of the log. * @params * - clearAfterGet : log is emptied after Get (safe if concurrents access) */ // string_array GetLog(in boolean clearAfterGet) // raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); log_array GetLog(in boolean clearAfterGet) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Clear the log of nodes and elements added or removed since previous * clear. Must be used immediately after GetLog if clearAfterGet is false. */ void ClearLog() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get the internal Id */ long GetId(); /*! * Get the study Id */ long GetStudyId(); SMESH_MeshEditor GetMeshEditor() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Export Mesh to MED Formats */ void ExportToMED( in string file, in boolean auto_groups, in MED_VERSION theVersion ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); void ExportMED( in string file, in boolean auto_groups ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Export Mesh to DAT, UNV and STL Formats */ void ExportDAT( in string file ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); void ExportUNV( in string file ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); void ExportSTL( in string file, in boolean isascii ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get MED Mesh */ SALOME_MED::MESH GetMEDMesh() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbNodes() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbEdges() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbFaces() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbTriangles() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbQuadrangles() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbVolumes() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbTetras() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbHexas() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbPyramids() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbPrisms() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); long NbSubMesh() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); string Dump(); }; interface SMESH_subMesh : SALOME::GenericObj, SMESH_IDSource { /*! * */ long GetNumberOfElements() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * */ long GetNumberOfNodes( in boolean all ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * */ long_array GetElementsId() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * */ long_array GetElementsByType( in ElementType theType ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * */ long_array GetNodesId() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get geom shape the submesh is dedicated to */ GEOM::GEOM_Object GetSubShape() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get SMESH_Mesh which stores nodes coordinates & elements definition */ SMESH_Mesh GetFather() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); /*! * Get the internal Id */ long GetId(); /*! * Get MED subMesh */ SALOME_MED::FAMILY GetFamily() raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception); }; /* * This interface makes modifications on the Mesh - removing elements and nodes etc. */ interface NumericalFunctor; interface SMESH_MeshEditor { boolean RemoveElements(in long_array IDsOfElements); boolean RemoveNodes(in long_array IDsOfNodes); boolean AddNode(in double x, in double y, in double z); boolean AddEdge(in long_array IDsOfNodes); boolean AddFace(in long_array IDsOfNodes); boolean AddVolume(in long_array IDsOfNodes); boolean MoveNode(in long NodeID, in double x, in double y, in double z); boolean InverseDiag(in long NodeID1, in long NodeID2); boolean DeleteDiag(in long NodeID1, in long NodeID2); boolean Reorient(in long_array IDsOfElements); boolean ReorientObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject); boolean TriToQuad(in long_array IDsOfElements, in NumericalFunctor Criterion, in double MaxAngle); boolean TriToQuadObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in NumericalFunctor Criterion, in double MaxAngle); boolean QuadToTri(in long_array IDsOfElements, in NumericalFunctor Criterion); boolean SplitQuad(in long_array IDsOfElements, in boolean Diag13); boolean SplitQuadObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in boolean Diag13); enum Smooth_Method { LAPLACIAN_SMOOTH, CENTROIDAL_SMOOTH }; boolean Smooth(in long_array IDsOfElements, in long_array IDsOfFixedNodes, in long MaxNbOfIterations, in double MaxAspectRatio, in Smooth_Method Method); boolean SmoothObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in long_array IDsOfFixedNodes, in long MaxNbOfIterations, in double MaxAspectRatio, in Smooth_Method Method); void RenumberNodes(); void RenumberElements(); void RotationSweep(in long_array IDsOfElements, in AxisStruct Axix, in double AngleInRadians, in long NbOfSteps, in double Tolerance); void RotationSweepObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in AxisStruct Axix, in double AngleInRadians, in long NbOfSteps, in double Tolerance); void ExtrusionSweep(in long_array IDsOfElements, in DirStruct StepVector, in long NbOfSteps); void ExtrusionSweepObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in DirStruct StepVector, in long NbOfSteps); enum MirrorType { POINT, AXIS, PLANE }; void Mirror (in long_array IDsOfElements, in AxisStruct Mirror, in MirrorType theMirrorType, in boolean Copy); void MirrorObject (in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in AxisStruct Mirror, in MirrorType theMirrorType, in boolean Copy); void Translate (in long_array IDsOfElements, in DirStruct Vector, in boolean Copy); void TranslateObject (in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in DirStruct Vector, in boolean Copy); void Rotate (in long_array IDsOfElements, in AxisStruct Axis, in double AngleInRadians, in boolean Copy); void RotateObject (in SMESH_IDSource theObject, in AxisStruct Axis, in double AngleInRadians, in boolean Copy); void FindCoincidentNodes (in double Tolerance, out array_of_long_array GroupsOfNodes); void MergeNodes (in array_of_long_array GroupsOfNodes); void MergeEqualElements(); enum Sew_Error { SEW_OK, SEW_BORDER1_NOT_FOUND, SEW_BORDER2_NOT_FOUND, SEW_BOTH_BORDERS_NOT_FOUND, SEW_BAD_SIDE_NODES, SEW_VOLUMES_TO_SPLIT, // for SewSideElements() only: SEW_DIFF_NB_OF_ELEMENTS, SEW_TOPO_DIFF_SETS_OF_ELEMENTS, SEW_BAD_SIDE1_NODES, SEW_BAD_SIDE2_NODES }; Sew_Error SewFreeBorders (in long FirstNodeID1, in long SecondNodeID1, in long LastNodeID1, in long FirstNodeID2, in long SecondNodeID2, in long LastNodeID2); Sew_Error SewConformFreeBorders (in long FirstNodeID1, in long SecondNodeID1, in long LastNodeID1, in long FirstNodeID2, in long SecondNodeID2); Sew_Error SewBorderToSide (in long FirstNodeIDOnFreeBorder, in long SecondNodeIDOnFreeBorder, in long LastNodeIDOnFreeBorder, in long FirstNodeIDOnSide, in long LastNodeIDOnSide); Sew_Error SewSideElements (in long_array IDsOfSide1Elements, in long_array IDsOfSide2Elements, in long NodeID1OfSide1ToMerge, in long NodeID1OfSide2ToMerge, in long NodeID2OfSide1ToMerge, in long NodeID2OfSide2ToMerge); }; }; #endif