# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007-2023 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # import math import salome salome.salome_init_without_session() import GEOM import SHAPERSTUDY from salome.geom import geomBuilder from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder from salome.shaper import model def assertAlmostEqual(a,b,tol): if ( abs(a-b) < tol ): return True else: print( "not close vals", a, b ) return False geompy = geomBuilder.New() O = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0) OX = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0) OY = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0) OZ = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1) # create a disk geompy.addToStudy( O, 'O' ) geompy.addToStudy( OX, 'OX' ) geompy.addToStudy( OY, 'OY' ) geompy.addToStudy( OZ, 'OZ' ) Box = geompy.MakeBox(0,0,0,10,10,10) smesh_builder = smeshBuilder.New() MesherBox = smesh_builder.Mesh(Box, "Box") viscousBuilder = MesherBox.ViscousLayerBuilder() #Set prismatic layer parameters offset = 0.1 ####SHRINK THE BOX IN ALL DIRECTIONS #No list of faces is passed and the isToIgnore flag true by default so the offset if applied to the entire geometry viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2 ) ShrinkBox = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() BoxProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(Box) ShrinkBoxProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkBox) assert( BoxProperties[2] > ShrinkBoxProperties[2] ) assert( assertAlmostEqual( BoxProperties[2], (10.0)**(3.0), 1e-12 ) ) #The geometry is shrank in all directions assert( assertAlmostEqual( ShrinkBoxProperties[2], (10.0-offset*2)**(3), 1e-12 ) ) ####END SHRINK THE BOX IN ALL DIRECTIONS ####SHRINK THE BOX EXCEPT FOR ONE FACE viscousBuilder = MesherBox.ViscousLayerBuilder() selectableFaces = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentresIDs(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) # Set face 1 TO BE ignored viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2, [ selectableFaces[ 0 ] ], True ) # Shrink in all faces except face id ShrinkBox = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() ShrinkBoxProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkBox) selectableShrinkFaces = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentresIDs(ShrinkBox, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) assert( assertAlmostEqual( ShrinkBoxProperties[2], (10.0-offset*2)**(2)*(10.0-offset), 1e-12 ) ) ####END SHRINK THE BOX EXCEPT FOR ONE FACE ####SHRINK THE BOX IN DIRECTION OF ONLY ONE FACE # Set face 1 TO NOT be ignored viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2, [ selectableFaces[ 0 ] ], False ) # Shrink only the faceid ShrinkBox = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() ShrinkBoxProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkBox) assert( assertAlmostEqual( ShrinkBoxProperties[2], (10.0)**(2)*(10.0-offset), 1e-12 ) ) selectableShrinkFaces = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentresIDs(ShrinkBox, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) ####END SHRINK THE BOX IN DIRECTION OF ONLY ONE FACE ####DO NOT SHRINK THE BOX viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2, isElementToIgnore = False ) ShrinkBox = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() BoxProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(Box) ShrinkBoxProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkBox) assert( assertAlmostEqual( BoxProperties[2], ShrinkBoxProperties[2], 1e-12) ) ####END DO NOT SHRINK THE BOX ####SHRINK THE ENTIRE SPHERE #Test shrinking sphere Radius = 10.0 Sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(0,0,0,Radius) MesherSphere = smesh_builder.Mesh(Sphere, "Sphere") viscousBuilder = MesherSphere.ViscousLayerBuilder() viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2 ) ShrinkSphere = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() ShrinkSphereProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkSphere) assert( ShrinkSphereProperties[2] < 4.0/3.0*math.pi * Radius**3 ) assert( assertAlmostEqual( ShrinkSphereProperties[2], 4.0/3.0*math.pi*(10.0-offset)**(3), 1e-12 ) ) ####END SHRINK THE ENTIRE SPHERE ####SHRINK THE ENTIRE CYLINDER #Test shrinking cylinder Cylinder = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(10,30) MesherCylinder = smesh_builder.Mesh(Cylinder, "Cylinder") viscousBuilder = MesherCylinder.ViscousLayerBuilder() viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2 ) ShrinkCylinder = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() CylinderProp = geompy.BasicProperties(Cylinder) ShirnkCylinderProp = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkCylinder) assert( CylinderProp[2] > ShirnkCylinderProp[2] ) ####END SHRINK THE ENTIRE CYLINDER ####SHRINK THE ENTIRE TUBE #Test shrinking tube Circle_1 = geompy.MakeCircle(None, None, 20) Circle_2 = geompy.MakeCircle(None, None, 10) Face_1 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([Circle_1, Circle_2], 1) Tube = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(Face_1, 0, 0, 100) MesherTube = smesh_builder.Mesh(Tube, "Tube") viscousBuilder = MesherTube.ViscousLayerBuilder() viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, 4, 1.2 ) ShrinkTube = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() TubeProp = geompy.BasicProperties(Tube) ShirnkTubeProp = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkTube) assert( TubeProp[2] > ShirnkTubeProp[2] ) ####END SHRINK THE ENTIRE TUBE ####SHRINK COMPOUND OBJECT TO GENERATE COMPOUND WITH COMMON FACE X = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1,0,0 ) O = geompy.MakeVertex( 100,50,50 ) plane = geompy.MakePlane( O, X, 200 ) # plane YZ lX = 200 lYlZ = 100 box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(lX,lYlZ,lYlZ) sBox = geompy.MakeHalfPartition( box, plane ) # Generate a uniquebody whit coincident faces # 4 left, 34 middle, 50 right ignoreFaces = [4,34,50] geompy.addToStudy( sBox, "SisterBox" ) MesherSBox = smesh_builder.Mesh( sBox, "SisterBoxMesh") ViscousBuilder = MesherSBox.ViscousLayerBuilder() thickness = 20 numberOfLayers = 10 stretchFactor = 1.5 ViscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( thickness, numberOfLayers, stretchFactor, ignoreFaces ) ShrinkSBox = ViscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() SBoxProp = geompy.BasicProperties(sBox) ShirnksBoxProp = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkSBox) assert( assertAlmostEqual(ShirnksBoxProp[2], lX * (lYlZ - 2.0*thickness)**(2.0), 1e-12 ) ) ####END SHRINK COMPOUND OBJECT TO GENERATE COMPUND WITH COMMON FACE ####SHRINK COMPOUND OBJECT TO GENERATE TWO DISJOINT SOLIDS ignoreFaces = [4,50] ViscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( thickness, numberOfLayers, stretchFactor, ignoreFaces ) ShrinkSBox2 = ViscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() SBoxProp = geompy.BasicProperties(sBox) ShirnksBoxProp2 = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkSBox2) assert( assertAlmostEqual(ShirnksBoxProp2[2], (lX -2.0*thickness) * (lYlZ - 2.0*thickness)**(2.0), 1e-12 ) ) ####END SHRINK COMPOUND OBJECT TO GENERATE TWO DISJOINT SOLIDS ######SHRINK SQUARE offset = 0.5 numberOfLayers = 6 Face = geompy.MakeFaceHW(5, 5, 1) MesherSqr = smesh_builder.Mesh(Face, "Face") viscousBuilder = MesherSqr.ViscousLayerBuilder() viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, numberOfLayers, 1.2 ) ShrinkFace = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() FaceProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(Face) ShrinkFaceProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkFace) #Test smaller face assert( ShrinkFaceProperties[1] < FaceProperties[1] ) assertAlmostEqual( ShrinkFaceProperties[1], (5.0-offset*2.0)**(2.0), 1e-12 ) ######END SHRINK SQUARE ######SHRINK CIRCLE Disk = geompy.MakeDiskR(5, 1) #Test with circle MesherCircle = smesh_builder.Mesh(Disk, "Disk") viscousBuilder = MesherCircle.ViscousLayerBuilder() viscousBuilder.setBuilderParameters( offset, numberOfLayers, 1.2 ) ShrinkCircle = viscousBuilder.GetShrinkGeometry() FaceProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(Disk) ShrinkFaceProperties = geompy.BasicProperties(ShrinkCircle) assert( ShrinkFaceProperties[1] < FaceProperties[1] ) ######END SHRINK CIRCLE