#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2012-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # ################################################################################# # # File: collect_mesh_methods.py # Author: Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com) # ################################################################################# # # Extraction of the meshing algorithm classes # dynamically added by the plug-in to the Mesh # class. # # This script is intended for internal usage - only # for generation of the extra developer documentation for # the meshing plug-in(s). # # Usage: # collect_mesh_methods.py <plugin_name> # where # <plugin_name> is a name of the plug-in module # # Notes: # - the script is supposed to be run in correct environment # i.e. PYTHONPATH, SMESH_MeshersList and other important # variables are set properly; otherwise the script will fail. # ################################################################################ import inspect import sys def main(plugin_name, dummymeshhelp = True, output_file = "smeshBuilder.py", format = "doxygen"): plugin_module_name = plugin_name + "Builder" plugin_module = "salome.%s.%s" % (plugin_name, plugin_module_name) try: exec("from salome.smesh.smeshBuilder import *", globals()) exec("import %s" % plugin_module, globals()) exec("mod = %s" % plugin_module , globals()) methods = {} for attr in dir( mod ): if attr.startswith( '_' ): continue algo = getattr( mod, attr ) if inspect.isclass(algo) and hasattr(algo, "meshMethod"): method = getattr( algo, "meshMethod" ) if method not in methods: methods[ method ] = [] methods[ method ].append( algo ) pass pass if methods: output = [] if dummymeshhelp: if format == "doxygen": output.append( "## @package smeshBuilder" ) output.append( "# Documentation of the methods dynamically added by the " + plugin_name + " meshing plug-in to the Mesh class." ) output.append( "" ) elif format == "sphinx": output.append( '"""' ) output.append( 'Documentation of the methods dynamically added by the ' + plugin_name + ' meshing plug-in to the Mesh class.' ) output.append( '"""' ) output.append( '' ) pass if format == "doxygen": output.append( "## This class allows defining and managing a mesh." ) output.append( "#" ) elif format == "sphinx": output.append( "class Mesh:" ) output.append( ' """' ) output.append( ' This class allows defining and managing a mesh.' ) output.append( ' ' ) if dummymeshhelp: # Add dummy Mesh help # This is supposed to be done when generating documentation for meshing plug-ins if format == "doxygen": output.append( "# @note The documentation below does not provide complete description of class @b %Mesh" ) output.append( "# from @b smeshBuilder package. This documentation provides only information about" ) output.append( "# the methods dynamically added to the %Mesh class by the " + plugin_name + " plugin" ) output.append( "# For more details on the %Mesh class, please refer to the SALOME %Mesh module" ) output.append( "# documentation." ) elif format == "sphinx": output.append( ' The documentation below does not provide complete description of class @b %Mesh' ) output.append( ' from @b smeshBuilder package. This documentation provides only information about' ) output.append( ' the methods dynamically added to the %Mesh class by the " + plugin_name + " plugin' ) output.append( ' For more details on the %Mesh class, please refer to the SALOME %Mesh module' ) output.append( ' documentation.' ) output.append( ' """' ) output.append( ' ' ) pass else: # Extend documentation for Mesh class with information about dynamically added methods. # This is supposed to be done only when building documentation for SMESH module if format == "doxygen": output.append( "# @note Some methods are dynamically added to the @b %Mesh class in runtime by meshing " ) output.append( "# plug-in modules. If you fail to find help on some methods in the documentation of SMESH module, " ) output.append( "# try to look into the documentation for the meshing plug-ins." ) elif format == "sphinx": output.append( " Note:") output.append( " Some methods are dynamically added to the @b %Mesh class in runtime by meshing " ) output.append( " plug-in modules. If you fail to find help on some methods in the documentation of SMESH module, " ) output.append( " try to look into the documentation for the meshing plug-ins." ) output.append( ' """' ) output.append( ' ' ) pass if format == "doxygen": output.append( "class Mesh:" ) for method in methods: docHelper = "" for algo in methods[ method ]: if hasattr( algo, "docHelper" ): docHelper = getattr( algo, "docHelper" ) if docHelper: break pass if not docHelper: docHelper = "Create new algorithm." if format == "doxygen": output.append( " ## %s" % docHelper ) output.append( " #" ) output.append( " # This method is dynamically added to %Mesh class by the meshing plug-in(s). " ) output.append( " #" ) output.append( " # If the optional @a geom_shape parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh)." ) output.append( " # Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on @a geom_shape subshape." ) output.append( " # @param algo_type type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in" ) output.append( " # @param geom_shape if defined, the subshape to be meshed (GEOM_Object)" ) output.append( " # @return An instance of Mesh_Algorithm sub-class according to the specified @a algo_type, see " ) output.append( " # %s" % ", ".join( [ "%s.%s" % ( plugin_module_name, algo.__name__ ) for algo in methods[ method ] ] ) ) output.append( " def %s(algo_type, geom_shape=0):" % method ) output.append( " pass" ) elif format == "sphinx": output.append( ' def %s(algo_type, geom_shape=0):' % method ) output.append( ' """' ) output.append( ' %s' % docHelper ) output.append( ' ' ) output.append( ' This method is dynamically added to :class:`Mesh <smeshBuilder.Mesh>` class by the meshing plug-in(s). ' ) output.append( ' ' ) output.append( ' If the optional *geom_shape* parameter is not set, this algorithm is global (applied to whole mesh).' ) output.append( ' Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on *geom_shape* subshape.' ) output.append( ' ' ) output.append( ' Parameters:' ) output.append( ' algo_type: type of algorithm to be created; allowed values are specified by classes implemented by plug-in' ) output.append( ' geom_shape (GEOM_Object): if defined, the subshape to be meshed' ) output.append( ' ' ) output.append( ' Returns:') output.append( ' An instance of Mesh_Algorithm sub-class according to the specified *algo_type*, see ' ) output.append( ' %s' % ", ".join( [ ":class:`~%s.%s`" % ( plugin_module_name, algo.__name__ ) for algo in methods[ method ] ] ) ) output.append( ' """' ) output.append( ' pass' ) pass with open(output_file, "w", encoding='utf8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(output)) pass pass except Exception as e: print(e) pass pass if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() h = "Output file (smesh.py by default)" parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output", action="store", default='smesh.py', metavar="file", help=h) h = "If this option is True, dummy help for Mesh class is added. " h += "This option should be False (default) when building documentation for SMESH module " h += "and True when building documentation for meshing plug-ins." parser.add_argument("-d", "--dummy-mesh-help", dest="dummymeshhelp", action="store_true", default=False, help=h) h = "Format of the documentation strings in the output file. Possible values are: " h+= "'doxygen' - documentation strings are generated in the doxygen format, before a method definition." h+= "'sphinx' - documentation strings are generated in the sphinx format, after a method definition." parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", dest="format", action="store", default="doxygen", help=h) parser.add_argument("plugin_name") args = parser.parse_args() if args.plugin_name is None : sys.exit("Plugin name is not specified") main( args.plugin_name, args.dummymeshhelp, args.output, args.format ) pass