/*! \page preview_meshes_page Preview and Compute meshes Before whole mesh computation it is allowed to see the mesh preview. When mesh object is already created and all hypotheses assigned, select your mesh in the Object Browser. From the \b Mesh menu select \b Preview or click "Preview" button of the toolbar or activate "Preview" item from pop-up menu. \image html mesh_precompute.png
"Preview" button
The Mesh Preview dialog box appears. In this dialog box you can select preview mode 1D mesh or 2D mesh depending on assigned hypotheses to mesh. The 1D mesh preview shows as nodes computed on geometry edges \image html preview_mesh_1D.png The 2D mesh preview shows edge mesh elements, computed on geometry faces \image html preview_mesh_2D.png Pressing Compute button leads to whole mesh computation process. During exit from Preview dialog box, the question about storage temporary created mesh elements appers: \image html preview_tmp_data.png Note, that computed temporary mesh elements can be reused during next mesh computation process. */