// Copyright (C) 2007-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include "SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx" #include "SMDS_BallElement.hxx" #include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_Iterator.hxx" #include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx" #include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx" #include "SMESH_OctreeNode.hxx" #include "SMESH_Comment.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* AUXILIARY METHODS */ namespace { const double theEps = 1e-100; const double theInf = 1e+100; inline gp_XYZ gpXYZ(const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode ) { return gp_XYZ(aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z() ); } inline double getAngle( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2, const gp_XYZ& P3 ) { gp_Vec v1( P1 - P2 ), v2( P3 - P2 ); return v1.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() || v2.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() ? 0 : v1.Angle( v2 ); } inline double getCos2( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2, const gp_XYZ& P3 ) { gp_Vec v1( P1 - P2 ), v2( P3 - P2 ); double dot = v1 * v2, len1 = v1.SquareMagnitude(), len2 = v2.SquareMagnitude(); return ( dot < 0 || len1 < gp::Resolution() || len2 < gp::Resolution() ? -1 : dot * dot / len1 / len2 ); } inline double getArea( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2, const gp_XYZ& P3 ) { gp_Vec aVec1( P2 - P1 ); gp_Vec aVec2( P3 - P1 ); return ( aVec1 ^ aVec2 ).Magnitude() * 0.5; } inline double getArea( const gp_Pnt& P1, const gp_Pnt& P2, const gp_Pnt& P3 ) { return getArea( P1.XYZ(), P2.XYZ(), P3.XYZ() ); } inline double getDistance( const gp_XYZ& P1, const gp_XYZ& P2 ) { double aDist = gp_Pnt( P1 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( P2 ) ); return aDist; } int getNbMultiConnection( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh, const smIdType theId ) { if ( theMesh == 0 ) return 0; const SMDS_MeshElement* anEdge = theMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( anEdge == 0 || anEdge->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Edge/* || anEdge->NbNodes() != 2 */) return 0; // for each pair of nodes in anEdge (there are 2 pairs in a quadratic edge) // count elements containing both nodes of the pair. // Note that there may be such cases for a quadratic edge (a horizontal line): // // Case 1 Case 2 // | | | | | // | | | | | // +-----+------+ +-----+------+ // | | | | // | | | | // result should be 2 in both cases // int aResult0 = 0, aResult1 = 0; // last node, it is a medium one in a quadratic edge const SMDS_MeshNode* aLastNode = anEdge->GetNode( anEdge->NbNodes() - 1 ); const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode0 = anEdge->GetNode( 0 ); const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode1 = anEdge->GetNode( 1 ); if ( aNode1 == aLastNode ) aNode1 = 0; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = aLastNode->GetInverseElementIterator(); while( anElemIter->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next(); if ( anElem != 0 && anElem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Edge ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = anElem->nodesIterator(); while ( anIter->more() ) { if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* anElemNode = anIter->next() ) { if ( anElemNode == aNode0 ) { aResult0++; if ( !aNode1 ) break; // not a quadratic edge } else if ( anElemNode == aNode1 ) aResult1++; } } } } int aResult = std::max ( aResult0, aResult1 ); return aResult; } gp_XYZ getNormale( const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace, bool* ok=0 ) { int aNbNode = theFace->NbNodes(); gp_XYZ q1 = gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(1)) - gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(0)); gp_XYZ q2 = gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(2)) - gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(0)); gp_XYZ n = q1 ^ q2; if ( aNbNode > 3 ) { gp_XYZ q3 = gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(3)) - gpXYZ( theFace->GetNode(0)); n += q2 ^ q3; } double len = n.Modulus(); bool zeroLen = ( len <= std::numeric_limits::min()); if ( !zeroLen ) n /= len; if (ok) *ok = !zeroLen; return n; } } using namespace SMESH::Controls; /* * FUNCTORS */ //================================================================================ /* Class : NumericalFunctor Description : Base class for numerical functors */ //================================================================================ NumericalFunctor::NumericalFunctor(): myMesh(NULL) { myPrecision = -1; } void NumericalFunctor::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const smIdType theId, TSequenceOfXYZ& theRes ) const { theRes.clear(); if ( myMesh == 0 ) return false; const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( !IsApplicable( anElem )) return false; return GetPoints( anElem, theRes ); } bool NumericalFunctor::GetPoints(const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem, TSequenceOfXYZ& theRes ) { theRes.clear(); if ( anElem == 0 ) return false; theRes.reserve( anElem->NbNodes() ); theRes.setElement( anElem ); // Get nodes of the element SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr anIter= anElem->interlacedNodesIterator(); if ( anIter ) { SMESH_NodeXYZ p; while( anIter->more() ) { if ( p.Set( anIter->next() )) theRes.push_back( p ); } } return true; } long NumericalFunctor::GetPrecision() const { return myPrecision; } void NumericalFunctor::SetPrecision( const long thePrecision ) { myPrecision = thePrecision; myPrecisionValue = pow( 10., (double)( myPrecision ) ); } double NumericalFunctor::GetValue( long theId ) { double aVal = 0; myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); TSequenceOfXYZ P; if ( GetPoints( theId, P )) // elem type is checked here aVal = Round( GetValue( P )); return aVal; } double NumericalFunctor::Round( const double & aVal ) { return ( myPrecision >= 0 ) ? floor( aVal * myPrecisionValue + 0.5 ) / myPrecisionValue : aVal; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return true if a value can be computed for a given element. * Some NumericalFunctor's are meaningful for elements of a certain * geometry only. */ //================================================================================ bool NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return element && element->GetType() == this->GetType(); } bool NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( long theElementId ) const { return IsApplicable( myMesh->FindElement( theElementId )); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return histogram of functor values * \param nbIntervals - number of intervals * \param nbEvents - number of mesh elements having values within i-th interval * \param funValues - boundaries of intervals * \param elements - elements to check vulue of; empty list means "of all" * \param minmax - boundaries of diapason of values to divide into intervals */ //================================================================================ void NumericalFunctor::GetHistogram(int nbIntervals, std::vector& nbEvents, std::vector& funValues, const std::vector& elements, const double* minmax, const bool isLogarithmic) { if ( nbIntervals < 1 || !myMesh || !myMesh->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( GetType() )) return; nbEvents.resize( nbIntervals, 0 ); funValues.resize( nbIntervals+1 ); // get all values sorted std::multiset< double > values; if ( elements.empty() ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = myMesh->elementsIterator( GetType() ); while ( elemIt->more() ) values.insert( GetValue( elemIt->next()->GetID() )); } else { std::vector::const_iterator id = elements.begin(); for ( ; id != elements.end(); ++id ) values.insert( GetValue( *id )); } if ( minmax ) { funValues[0] = minmax[0]; funValues[nbIntervals] = minmax[1]; } else { funValues[0] = *values.begin(); funValues[nbIntervals] = *values.rbegin(); } // case nbIntervals == 1 if ( nbIntervals == 1 ) { nbEvents[0] = values.size(); return; } // case of 1 value if (funValues.front() == funValues.back()) { nbEvents.resize( 1 ); nbEvents[0] = values.size(); funValues[1] = funValues.back(); funValues.resize( 2 ); } // generic case std::multiset< double >::iterator min = values.begin(), max; for ( int i = 0; i < nbIntervals; ++i ) { // find end value of i-th interval double r = (i+1) / double(nbIntervals); if (isLogarithmic && funValues.front() > 1e-07 && funValues.back() > 1e-07) { double logmin = log10(funValues.front()); double lval = logmin + r * (log10(funValues.back()) - logmin); funValues[i+1] = pow(10.0, lval); } else { funValues[i+1] = funValues.front() * (1-r) + funValues.back() * r; } // count values in the i-th interval if there are any if ( min != values.end() && *min <= funValues[i+1] ) { // find the first value out of the interval max = values.upper_bound( funValues[i+1] ); // max is greater than funValues[i+1], or end() nbEvents[i] = std::distance( min, max ); min = max; } } // add values larger than minmax[1] nbEvents.back() += std::distance( min, values.end() ); } //======================================================================= /* Class : Volume Description : Functor calculating volume of a 3D element */ //================================================================================ double Volume::GetValue( long theElementId ) { if ( theElementId && myMesh ) { SMDS_VolumeTool aVolumeTool; if ( aVolumeTool.Set( myMesh->FindElement( theElementId ))) return aVolumeTool.GetSize(); } return 0; } double Volume::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Volume::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } //======================================================================= /* Class : MaxElementLength2D Description : Functor calculating maximum length of 2D element */ //================================================================================ double MaxElementLength2D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { if(P.size() == 0) return 0.; double aVal = 0; int len = P.size(); if( len == 3 ) { // triangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )); aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3)); } else if( len == 4 ) { // quadrangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 )); double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 3 )); double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2)); } else if( len == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 )); aVal = Max(L1,Max(L2,L3)); } else if( len == 8 || len == 9 ) { // quadratic quadrangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 1 )); double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )); double D2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(D1,D2)); } // Diagonals are undefined for concave polygons // else if ( P.getElementEntity() == SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon && P.size() > 2 ) // quad polygon // { // // sides // aVal = getDistance( P( 1 ), P( P.size() )) + getDistance( P( P.size() ), P( P.size()-1 )); // for ( size_t i = 1; i < P.size()-1; i += 2 ) // { // double L = getDistance( P( i ), P( i+1 )) + getDistance( P( i+1 ), P( i+2 )); // aVal = Max( aVal, L ); // } // // diagonals // for ( int i = P.size()-5; i > 0; i -= 2 ) // for ( int j = i + 4; j < P.size() + i - 2; i += 2 ) // { // double D = getDistance( P( i ), P( j )); // aVal = Max( aVal, D ); // } // } // { // polygons // } if( myPrecision >= 0 ) { double prec = pow( 10., (double)myPrecision ); aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec; } return aVal; } double MaxElementLength2D::GetValue( long theElementId ) { TSequenceOfXYZ P; return GetPoints( theElementId, P ) ? GetValue(P) : 0.0; } double MaxElementLength2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType MaxElementLength2D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //======================================================================= /* Class : MaxElementLength3D Description : Functor calculating maximum length of 3D element */ //================================================================================ double MaxElementLength3D::GetValue( long theElementId ) { TSequenceOfXYZ P; if( GetPoints( theElementId, P ) ) { double aVal = 0; const SMDS_MeshElement* aElem = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId ); SMDSAbs_EntityType aType = aElem->GetEntityType(); int len = P.size(); switch ( aType ) { case SMDSEntity_Tetra: { // tetras double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); break; } case SMDSEntity_Pyramid: { // pyramids double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L7,L8)); break; } case SMDSEntity_Penta: { // pentas double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 4 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 6 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),L9)); break; } case SMDSEntity_Hexa: { // hexas double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )); double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 )); double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )); double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 8 )); double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )); double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )); double D3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 )); double D4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 6 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),Max(L9,L10))); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L11,L12)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(D1,D2),Max(D3,D4))); break; } case SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism: { // hexagonal prism for ( int i1 = 1; i1 < 12; ++i1 ) for ( int i2 = i1+1; i1 <= 12; ++i1 ) aVal = Max( aVal, getDistance(P( i1 ),P( i2 ))); break; } case SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra: { // quadratic tetras double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )) + getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 4 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 4 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); break; } case SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid: { // quadratic pyramids double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 5 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 5 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 5 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L7,L8)); break; } case SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta: case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Penta: { // quadratic pentas double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 4 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 4 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 6 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),L9)); break; } case SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa: case SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa: { // quadratic hexas double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 7 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 8 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 16 )) + getDistance(P( 16 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 17 )) + getDistance(P( 17 ),P( 5 )); double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 18 )) + getDistance(P( 18 ),P( 6 )); double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 19 )) + getDistance(P( 19 ),P( 7 )); double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 20 )) + getDistance(P( 20 ),P( 8 )); double D1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )); double D2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )); double D3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 )); double D4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 6 )); aVal = Max(Max(Max(L1,L2),Max(L3,L4)),Max(L5,L6)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(L7,L8),Max(L9,L10))); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(L11,L12)); aVal = Max(aVal,Max(Max(D1,D2),Max(D3,D4))); break; } case SMDSEntity_Quad_Polyhedra: case SMDSEntity_Polyhedra: { // polys // get the maximum distance between all pairs of nodes for( int i = 1; i <= len; i++ ) { for( int j = 1; j <= len; j++ ) { if( j > i ) { // optimization of the loop double D = getDistance( P(i), P(j) ); aVal = Max( aVal, D ); } } } break; } case SMDSEntity_Node: case SMDSEntity_0D: case SMDSEntity_Edge: case SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge: case SMDSEntity_Triangle: case SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle: case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle: case SMDSEntity_Quadrangle: case SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle: case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle: case SMDSEntity_Polygon: case SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon: case SMDSEntity_Ball: case SMDSEntity_Last: return 0; } // switch ( aType ) if( myPrecision >= 0 ) { double prec = pow( 10., (double)myPrecision ); aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec; } return aVal; } return 0.; } double MaxElementLength3D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType MaxElementLength3D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } //======================================================================= /* Class : MinimumAngle Description : Functor for calculation of minimum angle */ //================================================================================ double MinimumAngle::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { if ( P.size() < 3 ) return 0.; double aMaxCos2; aMaxCos2 = getCos2( P( P.size() ), P( 1 ), P( 2 )); aMaxCos2 = Max( aMaxCos2, getCos2( P( P.size()-1 ), P( P.size() ), P( 1 ))); for ( size_t i = 2; i < P.size(); i++ ) { double A0 = getCos2( P( i-1 ), P( i ), P( i+1 ) ); aMaxCos2 = Max( aMaxCos2, A0 ); } if ( aMaxCos2 < 0 ) return 0; // all nodes coincide double cos = sqrt( aMaxCos2 ); if ( cos >= 1 ) return 0; return acos( cos ) * 180.0 / M_PI; } double MinimumAngle::GetBadRate( double Value, int nbNodes ) const { //const double aBestAngle = PI / nbNodes; const double aBestAngle = 180.0 - ( 360.0 / double(nbNodes) ); return ( fabs( aBestAngle - Value )); } SMDSAbs_ElementType MinimumAngle::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : AspectRatio Description : Functor for calculating aspect ratio */ //================================================================================ double AspectRatio::GetValue( long theId ) { double aVal = 0; myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); TSequenceOfXYZ P; if ( GetPoints( myCurrElement, P )) aVal = Round( GetValue( P )); return aVal; } double AspectRatio::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { // According to "Mesh quality control" by Nadir Bouhamau referring to // Pascal Jean Frey and Paul-Louis George. Maillages, applications aux elements finis. // Hermes Science publications, Paris 1999 ISBN 2-7462-0024-4 // PAL10872 int nbNodes = P.size(); if ( nbNodes < 3 ) return 0; // Compute aspect ratio if ( nbNodes == 3 ) { // Compute lengths of the sides double aLen1 = getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 )); double aLen2 = getDistance( P( 2 ), P( 3 )); double aLen3 = getDistance( P( 3 ), P( 1 )); // Q = alfa * h * p / S, where // // alfa = sqrt( 3 ) / 6 // h - length of the longest edge // p - half perimeter // S - triangle surface const double alfa = sqrt( 3. ) / 6.; double maxLen = Max( aLen1, Max( aLen2, aLen3 )); double half_perimeter = ( aLen1 + aLen2 + aLen3 ) / 2.; double anArea = getArea( P( 1 ), P( 2 ), P( 3 )); if ( anArea <= theEps ) return theInf; return alfa * maxLen * half_perimeter / anArea; } else if ( nbNodes == 6 ) { // quadratic triangles // Compute lengths of the sides double aLen1 = getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 3 )); double aLen2 = getDistance( P( 3 ), P( 5 )); double aLen3 = getDistance( P( 5 ), P( 1 )); // algo same as for the linear triangle const double alfa = sqrt( 3. ) / 6.; double maxLen = Max( aLen1, Max( aLen2, aLen3 )); double half_perimeter = ( aLen1 + aLen2 + aLen3 ) / 2.; double anArea = getArea( P( 1 ), P( 3 ), P( 5 )); if ( anArea <= theEps ) return theInf; return alfa * maxLen * half_perimeter / anArea; } else if( nbNodes == 4 ) { // quadrangle // Compute lengths of the sides double aLen[4]; aLen[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(2) ); aLen[1] = getDistance( P(2), P(3) ); aLen[2] = getDistance( P(3), P(4) ); aLen[3] = getDistance( P(4), P(1) ); // Compute lengths of the diagonals double aDia[2]; aDia[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(3) ); aDia[1] = getDistance( P(2), P(4) ); // Compute areas of all triangles which can be built // taking three nodes of the quadrangle double anArea[4]; anArea[0] = getArea( P(1), P(2), P(3) ); anArea[1] = getArea( P(1), P(2), P(4) ); anArea[2] = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(4) ); anArea[3] = getArea( P(2), P(3), P(4) ); // Q = alpha * L * C1 / C2, where // // alpha = sqrt( 1/32 ) // L = max( L1, L2, L3, L4, D1, D2 ) // C1 = sqrt( L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 ) // C2 = min( S1, S2, S3, S4 ) // Li - lengths of the edges // Di - lengths of the diagonals // Si - areas of the triangles const double alpha = sqrt( 1 / 32. ); double L = Max( aLen[ 0 ], Max( aLen[ 1 ], Max( aLen[ 2 ], Max( aLen[ 3 ], Max( aDia[ 0 ], aDia[ 1 ] ) ) ) ) ); double C1 = sqrt( aLen[0] * aLen[0] + aLen[1] * aLen[1] + aLen[2] * aLen[2] + aLen[3] * aLen[3] ); double C2 = Min( anArea[ 0 ], Min( anArea[ 1 ], Min( anArea[ 2 ], anArea[ 3 ] ) ) ); if ( C2 <= theEps ) return theInf; return alpha * L * C1 / C2; } else if( nbNodes == 8 || nbNodes == 9 ) { // nbNodes==8 - quadratic quadrangle // Compute lengths of the sides double aLen[4]; aLen[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(3) ); aLen[1] = getDistance( P(3), P(5) ); aLen[2] = getDistance( P(5), P(7) ); aLen[3] = getDistance( P(7), P(1) ); // Compute lengths of the diagonals double aDia[2]; aDia[0] = getDistance( P(1), P(5) ); aDia[1] = getDistance( P(3), P(7) ); // Compute areas of all triangles which can be built // taking three nodes of the quadrangle double anArea[4]; anArea[0] = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(5) ); anArea[1] = getArea( P(1), P(3), P(7) ); anArea[2] = getArea( P(1), P(5), P(7) ); anArea[3] = getArea( P(3), P(5), P(7) ); // Q = alpha * L * C1 / C2, where // // alpha = sqrt( 1/32 ) // L = max( L1, L2, L3, L4, D1, D2 ) // C1 = sqrt( L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 + L1^2 ) // C2 = min( S1, S2, S3, S4 ) // Li - lengths of the edges // Di - lengths of the diagonals // Si - areas of the triangles const double alpha = sqrt( 1 / 32. ); double L = Max( aLen[ 0 ], Max( aLen[ 1 ], Max( aLen[ 2 ], Max( aLen[ 3 ], Max( aDia[ 0 ], aDia[ 1 ] ) ) ) ) ); double C1 = sqrt( aLen[0] * aLen[0] + aLen[1] * aLen[1] + aLen[2] * aLen[2] + aLen[3] * aLen[3] ); double C2 = Min( anArea[ 0 ], Min( anArea[ 1 ], Min( anArea[ 2 ], anArea[ 3 ] ) ) ); if ( C2 <= theEps ) return theInf; return alpha * L * C1 / C2; } return 0; } bool AspectRatio::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return ( NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( element ) && !element->IsPoly() ); } double AspectRatio::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // the aspect ratio is in the range [1.0,infinity] // < 1.0 = very bad, zero area // 1.0 = good // infinity = bad return ( Value < 0.9 ) ? 1000 : Value / 1000.; } SMDSAbs_ElementType AspectRatio::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : AspectRatio3D Description : Functor for calculating aspect ratio */ //================================================================================ namespace{ inline double getHalfPerimeter(double theTria[3]){ return (theTria[0] + theTria[1] + theTria[2])/2.0; } inline double getArea(double theHalfPerim, double theTria[3]){ return sqrt(theHalfPerim* (theHalfPerim-theTria[0])* (theHalfPerim-theTria[1])* (theHalfPerim-theTria[2])); } inline double getVolume(double theLen[6]){ double a2 = theLen[0]*theLen[0]; double b2 = theLen[1]*theLen[1]; double c2 = theLen[2]*theLen[2]; double d2 = theLen[3]*theLen[3]; double e2 = theLen[4]*theLen[4]; double f2 = theLen[5]*theLen[5]; double P = 4.0*a2*b2*d2; double Q = a2*(b2+d2-e2)-b2*(a2+d2-f2)-d2*(a2+b2-c2); double R = (b2+d2-e2)*(a2+d2-f2)*(a2+d2-f2); return sqrt(P-Q+R)/12.0; } inline double getVolume2(double theLen[6]){ double a2 = theLen[0]*theLen[0]; double b2 = theLen[1]*theLen[1]; double c2 = theLen[2]*theLen[2]; double d2 = theLen[3]*theLen[3]; double e2 = theLen[4]*theLen[4]; double f2 = theLen[5]*theLen[5]; double P = a2*e2*(b2+c2+d2+f2-a2-e2); double Q = b2*f2*(a2+c2+d2+e2-b2-f2); double R = c2*d2*(a2+b2+e2+f2-c2-d2); double S = a2*b2*d2+b2*c2*e2+a2*c2*f2+d2*e2*f2; return sqrt(P+Q+R-S)/12.0; } inline double getVolume(const TSequenceOfXYZ& P){ gp_Vec aVec1( P( 2 ) - P( 1 ) ); gp_Vec aVec2( P( 3 ) - P( 1 ) ); gp_Vec aVec3( P( 4 ) - P( 1 ) ); gp_Vec anAreaVec( aVec1 ^ aVec2 ); return fabs(aVec3 * anAreaVec) / 6.0; } inline double getMaxHeight(double theLen[6]) { double aHeight = std::max(theLen[0],theLen[1]); aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[2]); aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[3]); aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[4]); aHeight = std::max(aHeight,theLen[5]); return aHeight; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Standard quality of a tetrahedron but not normalized */ //================================================================================ double tetQualityByHomardMethod( const gp_XYZ & p1, const gp_XYZ & p2, const gp_XYZ & p3, const gp_XYZ & p4 ) { gp_XYZ edgeVec[6]; edgeVec[0] = ( p1 - p2 ); edgeVec[1] = ( p2 - p3 ); edgeVec[2] = ( p3 - p1 ); edgeVec[3] = ( p4 - p1 ); edgeVec[4] = ( p4 - p2 ); edgeVec[5] = ( p4 - p3 ); double maxEdgeLen2 = edgeVec[0].SquareModulus(); maxEdgeLen2 = Max( maxEdgeLen2, edgeVec[1].SquareModulus() ); maxEdgeLen2 = Max( maxEdgeLen2, edgeVec[2].SquareModulus() ); maxEdgeLen2 = Max( maxEdgeLen2, edgeVec[3].SquareModulus() ); maxEdgeLen2 = Max( maxEdgeLen2, edgeVec[4].SquareModulus() ); maxEdgeLen2 = Max( maxEdgeLen2, edgeVec[5].SquareModulus() ); double maxEdgeLen = Sqrt( maxEdgeLen2 ); gp_XYZ cross01 = edgeVec[0] ^ edgeVec[1]; double sumArea = ( cross01 ).Modulus(); // actually double area sumArea += ( edgeVec[0] ^ edgeVec[3] ).Modulus(); sumArea += ( edgeVec[1] ^ edgeVec[4] ).Modulus(); sumArea += ( edgeVec[2] ^ edgeVec[5] ).Modulus(); double sixVolume = Abs( cross01 * edgeVec[4] ); // 6 * volume double quality = maxEdgeLen * sumArea / sixVolume; // not normalized!!! return quality; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief HOMARD method of hexahedron quality * 1. Decompose the hexa into 24 tetra: each face is splitted into 4 triangles by * adding the diagonals and every triangle is connected to the center of the hexa. * 2. Compute the quality of every tetra with the same formula as for the standard quality, * except that the factor for the normalization is not the same because the final goal * is to have a quality equal to 1 for a perfect cube. So the formula is: * qual = max(lengthes of 6 edges) * (sum of surfaces of 4 faces) / (7.6569*6*volume) * 3. The quality of the hexa is the highest value of the qualities of the 24 tetra */ //================================================================================ double hexQualityByHomardMethod( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { gp_XYZ quadCenter[6]; quadCenter[0] = ( P(1) + P(2) + P(3) + P(4) ) / 4.; quadCenter[1] = ( P(5) + P(6) + P(7) + P(8) ) / 4.; quadCenter[2] = ( P(1) + P(2) + P(6) + P(5) ) / 4.; quadCenter[3] = ( P(2) + P(3) + P(7) + P(6) ) / 4.; quadCenter[4] = ( P(3) + P(4) + P(8) + P(7) ) / 4.; quadCenter[5] = ( P(1) + P(4) + P(8) + P(5) ) / 4.; gp_XYZ hexCenter = ( P(1) + P(2) + P(3) + P(4) + P(5) + P(6) + P(7) + P(8) ) / 8.; // quad 1 ( 1 2 3 4 ) double quality = tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(1), P(2), quadCenter[0], hexCenter ); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(2), P(3), quadCenter[0], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(3), P(4), quadCenter[0], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(4), P(1), quadCenter[0], hexCenter )); // quad 2 ( 5 6 7 8 ) quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(5), P(6), quadCenter[1], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(6), P(7), quadCenter[1], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(7), P(8), quadCenter[1], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(8), P(5), quadCenter[1], hexCenter )); // quad 3 ( 1 2 6 5 ) quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(1), P(2), quadCenter[2], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(2), P(6), quadCenter[2], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(6), P(5), quadCenter[2], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(5), P(1), quadCenter[2], hexCenter )); // quad 4 ( 2 3 7 6 ) quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(2), P(3), quadCenter[3], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(3), P(7), quadCenter[3], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(7), P(6), quadCenter[3], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(6), P(2), quadCenter[3], hexCenter )); // quad 5 ( 3 4 8 7 ) quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(3), P(4), quadCenter[4], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(4), P(8), quadCenter[4], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(8), P(7), quadCenter[4], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(7), P(3), quadCenter[4], hexCenter )); // quad 6 ( 1 4 8 5 ) quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(1), P(4), quadCenter[5], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(4), P(8), quadCenter[5], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(8), P(5), quadCenter[5], hexCenter )); quality = Max( quality, tetQualityByHomardMethod( P(5), P(1), quadCenter[5], hexCenter )); return quality / 7.65685424949; } } double AspectRatio3D::GetValue( long theId ) { double aVal = 0; myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( myCurrElement && myCurrElement->GetVtkType() == VTK_TETRA ) { // Action from CoTech | ACTION 31.3: // EURIWARE BO: Homogenize the formulas used to calculate the Controls in SMESH to fit with // those of ParaView. The library used by ParaView for those calculations can be reused in SMESH. vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = const_cast( myMesh )->GetGrid(); if ( vtkCell* avtkCell = grid->GetCell( myCurrElement->GetVtkID() )) aVal = Round( vtkMeshQuality::TetAspectRatio( avtkCell )); } else { TSequenceOfXYZ P; if ( GetPoints( myCurrElement, P )) aVal = Round( GetValue( P )); } return aVal; } bool AspectRatio3D::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return ( NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( element ) && !element->IsPoly() ); } double AspectRatio3D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { double aQuality = 0.0; if(myCurrElement->IsPoly()) return aQuality; int nbNodes = P.size(); if( myCurrElement->IsQuadratic() ) { if (nbNodes==10) nbNodes=4; // quadratic tetrahedron else if(nbNodes==13) nbNodes=5; // quadratic pyramid else if(nbNodes==15) nbNodes=6; // quadratic pentahedron else if(nbNodes==20) nbNodes=8; // quadratic hexahedron else if(nbNodes==27) nbNodes=8; // tri-quadratic hexahedron else return aQuality; } switch(nbNodes) { case 4:{ double aLen[6] = { getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )), // a getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )), // b getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )), // c getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 )), // d getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )), // e getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 )) // f }; double aTria[4][3] = { {aLen[0],aLen[1],aLen[2]}, // abc {aLen[0],aLen[3],aLen[5]}, // adf {aLen[1],aLen[3],aLen[4]}, // bde {aLen[2],aLen[4],aLen[5]} // cef }; double aSumArea = 0.0; double aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[0]); double anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[0]); aSumArea += anArea; aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[1]); anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[1]); aSumArea += anArea; aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[2]); anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[2]); aSumArea += anArea; aHalfPerimeter = getHalfPerimeter(aTria[3]); anArea = getArea(aHalfPerimeter,aTria[3]); aSumArea += anArea; double aVolume = getVolume(P); //double aVolume = getVolume(aLen); double aHeight = getMaxHeight(aLen); static double aCoeff = sqrt(2.0)/12.0; if ( aVolume > DBL_MIN ) aQuality = aCoeff*aHeight*aSumArea/aVolume; break; } case 5:{ { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } break; } case 6:{ { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 6 )}; aQuality = GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 6 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 ),P( 6 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } break; } case 8:{ return hexQualityByHomardMethod( P ); // bos #23982 { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 7 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 ),P( 8 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 4 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 7 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 8 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 4 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 7 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 6 ),P( 5 ),P( 8 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 1 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 2 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 6 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 1 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 2 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 ),P( 6 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 1 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 2 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 6 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 8 ),P( 7 ),P( 2 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 4 ),P( 5 ),P( 8 ),P( 2 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 6 ),P( 7 ),P( 1 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 6 ),P( 4 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 5 ),P( 6 ),P( 8 ),P( 3 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 7 ),P( 8 ),P( 6 ),P( 1 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 7 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[4] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 2 ),P( 5 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[4])),aQuality); } break; } case 12: { gp_XYZ aXYZ[8] = {P( 1 ),P( 2 ),P( 4 ),P( 5 ),P( 7 ),P( 8 ),P( 10 ),P( 11 )}; aQuality = GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[8])); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[8] = {P( 2 ),P( 3 ),P( 5 ),P( 6 ),P( 8 ),P( 9 ),P( 11 ),P( 12 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[8])),aQuality); } { gp_XYZ aXYZ[8] = {P( 3 ),P( 4 ),P( 6 ),P( 1 ),P( 9 ),P( 10 ),P( 12 ),P( 7 )}; aQuality = std::max(GetValue(TSequenceOfXYZ(&aXYZ[0],&aXYZ[8])),aQuality); } break; } // switch(nbNodes) if ( nbNodes > 4 ) { // evaluate aspect ratio of quadrangle faces AspectRatio aspect2D; SMDS_VolumeTool::VolumeType type = SMDS_VolumeTool::GetType( nbNodes ); int nbFaces = SMDS_VolumeTool::NbFaces( type ); TSequenceOfXYZ points(4); for ( int i = 0; i < nbFaces; ++i ) { // loop on faces of a volume if ( SMDS_VolumeTool::NbFaceNodes( type, i ) != 4 ) continue; const int* pInd = SMDS_VolumeTool::GetFaceNodesIndices( type, i, true ); for ( int p = 0; p < 4; ++p ) // loop on nodes of a quadrangle face points( p + 1 ) = P( pInd[ p ] + 1 ); aQuality = std::max( aQuality, aspect2D.GetValue( points )); } } return aQuality; } double AspectRatio3D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // the aspect ratio is in the range [1.0,infinity] // 1.0 = good // infinity = bad return Value / 1000.; } SMDSAbs_ElementType AspectRatio3D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } //================================================================================ /* Class : Warping Description : Functor for calculating warping */ //================================================================================ bool Warping::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( element ) && element->NbNodes() == 4; } double Warping::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { return ComputeValue(P); } double Warping::ComputeA( const gp_XYZ& thePnt1, const gp_XYZ& thePnt2, const gp_XYZ& thePnt3, const gp_XYZ& theG ) const { double aLen1 = gp_Pnt( thePnt1 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( thePnt2 ) ); double aLen2 = gp_Pnt( thePnt2 ).Distance( gp_Pnt( thePnt3 ) ); double L = Min( aLen1, aLen2 ) * 0.5; if ( L < theEps ) return theInf; gp_XYZ GI = ( thePnt2 + thePnt1 ) / 2. - theG; gp_XYZ GJ = ( thePnt3 + thePnt2 ) / 2. - theG; gp_XYZ N = GI.Crossed( GJ ); if ( N.Modulus() < gp::Resolution() ) return M_PI / 2; N.Normalize(); double H = ( thePnt2 - theG ).Dot( N ); return asin( fabs( H / L ) ) * 180. / M_PI; } double Warping::ComputeValue(const TSequenceOfXYZ& thePoints) const { if (thePoints.size() != 4) return 0; gp_XYZ G = (thePoints(1) + thePoints(2) + thePoints(3) + thePoints(4)) / 4.; double A1 = ComputeA(thePoints(1), thePoints(2), thePoints(3), G); double A2 = ComputeA(thePoints(2), thePoints(3), thePoints(4), G); double A3 = ComputeA(thePoints(3), thePoints(4), thePoints(1), G); double A4 = ComputeA(thePoints(4), thePoints(1), thePoints(2), G); double val = Max(Max(A1, A2), Max(A3, A4)); const double eps = 0.1; // val is in degrees return val < eps ? 0. : val; } double Warping::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // the warp is in the range [0.0,PI/2] // 0.0 = good (no warp) // PI/2 = bad (face pliee) return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Warping::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : Warping3D Description : Functor for calculating warping */ //================================================================================ bool Warping3D::IsApplicable(const SMDS_MeshElement* element) const { return NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable(element);//&& element->NbNodes() == 4; } double Warping3D::GetValue(long theId) { double aVal = 0; myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement(theId); if (myCurrElement) { WValues aValues; ProcessVolumeELement(aValues); for (const auto& aValue: aValues) { aVal = Max(aVal, aValue.myWarp); } } return aVal; } double Warping3D::GetValue(const TSequenceOfXYZ& P) { return ComputeValue(P); } SMDSAbs_ElementType Warping3D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } bool Warping3D::Value::operator<(const Warping3D::Value& x) const { if (myPntIds.size() != x.myPntIds.size()) return myPntIds.size() < x.myPntIds.size(); for (int anInd = 0; anInd < myPntIds.size(); ++anInd) if (myPntIds[anInd] != x.myPntIds[anInd]) return myPntIds[anInd] != x.myPntIds[anInd]; return false; } // Compute value on each face of volume void Warping3D::ProcessVolumeELement(WValues& theValues) { SMDS_VolumeTool aVTool(myCurrElement); double aCoord[3]; for (int aFaceID = 0; aFaceID < aVTool.NbFaces(); ++aFaceID) { TSequenceOfXYZ aPoints; std::set aNodes; std::vector aNodeIds; const SMDS_MeshNode** aNodesPtr = aVTool.GetFaceNodes(aFaceID); if (aNodesPtr) { for (int i = 0; i < aVTool.NbFaceNodes(aFaceID); ++i) { aNodesPtr[i]->GetXYZ(aCoord); aPoints.push_back(gp_XYZ{ aCoord[0], aCoord[1], aCoord[2] }); aNodeIds.push_back(aNodesPtr[i]->GetID()); } double aWarp = GetValue(aPoints); Value aVal{ aWarp, aNodeIds }; theValues.push_back(aVal); } } } void Warping3D::GetValues(WValues& theValues) { for (SMDS_VolumeIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->volumesIterator(); anIter->more(); ) { myCurrElement = anIter->next(); ProcessVolumeELement(theValues); } } //================================================================================ /* Class : Taper Description : Functor for calculating taper */ //================================================================================ bool Taper::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return ( NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( element ) && element->NbNodes() == 4 ); } double Taper::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { if ( P.size() != 4 ) return 0.; // Compute taper double J1 = getArea( P( 4 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ); double J2 = getArea( P( 3 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ); double J3 = getArea( P( 2 ), P( 3 ), P( 4 ) ); double J4 = getArea( P( 3 ), P( 4 ), P( 1 ) ); double JA = 0.25 * ( J1 + J2 + J3 + J4 ); if ( JA <= theEps ) return theInf; double T1 = fabs( ( J1 - JA ) / JA ); double T2 = fabs( ( J2 - JA ) / JA ); double T3 = fabs( ( J3 - JA ) / JA ); double T4 = fabs( ( J4 - JA ) / JA ); double val = Max( Max( T1, T2 ), Max( T3, T4 ) ); const double eps = 0.01; return val < eps ? 0. : val; } double Taper::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // the taper is in the range [0.0,1.0] // 0.0 = good (no taper) // 1.0 = bad (les cotes opposes sont allignes) return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Taper::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : Skew Description : Functor for calculating skew in degrees */ //================================================================================ static inline double skewAngle( const gp_XYZ& p1, const gp_XYZ& p2, const gp_XYZ& p3 ) { gp_XYZ p12 = ( p2 + p1 ) / 2.; gp_XYZ p23 = ( p3 + p2 ) / 2.; gp_XYZ p31 = ( p3 + p1 ) / 2.; gp_Vec v1( p31 - p2 ), v2( p12 - p23 ); return v1.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() || v2.Magnitude() < gp::Resolution() ? 0. : v1.Angle( v2 ); } bool Skew::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return ( NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( element ) && element->NbNodes() <= 4 ); } double Skew::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { if ( P.size() != 3 && P.size() != 4 ) return 0.; // Compute skew const double PI2 = M_PI / 2.; if ( P.size() == 3 ) { double A0 = fabs( PI2 - skewAngle( P( 3 ), P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ) ); double A1 = fabs( PI2 - skewAngle( P( 1 ), P( 2 ), P( 3 ) ) ); double A2 = fabs( PI2 - skewAngle( P( 2 ), P( 3 ), P( 1 ) ) ); return Max( A0, Max( A1, A2 ) ) * 180. / M_PI; } else { gp_XYZ p12 = ( P( 1 ) + P( 2 ) ) / 2.; gp_XYZ p23 = ( P( 2 ) + P( 3 ) ) / 2.; gp_XYZ p34 = ( P( 3 ) + P( 4 ) ) / 2.; gp_XYZ p41 = ( P( 4 ) + P( 1 ) ) / 2.; gp_Vec v1( p34 - p12 ), v2( p23 - p41 ); double A = v1.Magnitude() <= gp::Resolution() || v2.Magnitude() <= gp::Resolution() ? 0. : fabs( PI2 - v1.Angle( v2 ) ); double val = A * 180. / M_PI; const double eps = 0.1; // val is in degrees return val < eps ? 0. : val; } } double Skew::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // the skew is in the range [0.0,PI/2]. // 0.0 = good // PI/2 = bad return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Skew::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : Area Description : Functor for calculating area */ //================================================================================ double Area::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { double val = 0.0; if ( P.size() > 2 ) { gp_Vec aVec1( P(2) - P(1) ); gp_Vec aVec2( P(3) - P(1) ); gp_Vec SumVec = aVec1 ^ aVec2; for (size_t i=4; i<=P.size(); i++) { gp_Vec aVec1( P(i-1) - P(1) ); gp_Vec aVec2( P(i ) - P(1) ); gp_Vec tmp = aVec1 ^ aVec2; SumVec.Add(tmp); } val = SumVec.Magnitude() * 0.5; } return val; } double Area::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not a quality control functor return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Area::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : Length Description : Functor for calculating length of edge */ //================================================================================ double Length::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { switch ( P.size() ) { case 2: return getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ); case 3: return getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ) + getDistance( P( 2 ), P( 3 ) ); default: return 0.; } } double Length::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not quality control functor return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Length::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Edge; } //================================================================================ /* Class : Length3D Description : Functor for calculating minimal length of element edge */ //================================================================================ Length3D::Length3D(): Length2D ( SMDSAbs_Volume ) { } //================================================================================ /* Class : Length2D Description : Functor for calculating minimal length of element edge */ //================================================================================ Length2D::Length2D( SMDSAbs_ElementType type ): myType ( type ) { } bool Length2D::IsApplicable( const SMDS_MeshElement* element ) const { return ( NumericalFunctor::IsApplicable( element ) && element->GetEntityType() != SMDSEntity_Polyhedra ); } double Length2D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { double aVal = 0; int len = P.size(); SMDSAbs_EntityType aType = P.getElementEntity(); switch (aType) { case SMDSEntity_Edge: if (len == 2) aVal = getDistance( P( 1 ), P( 2 ) ); break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge: if (len == 3) // quadratic edge aVal = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 3 )) + getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 2 )); break; case SMDSEntity_Triangle: if (len == 3){ // triangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )); aVal = Min(L1,Min(L2,L3)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quadrangle: if (len == 4){ // quadrangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 )); aVal = Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle: case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle: if (len >= 6){ // quadratic triangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 )); aVal = Min(L1,Min(L2,L3)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle: case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle: if (len >= 8){ // quadratic quadrangles double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )) + getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )) + getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 1 )); aVal = Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Tetra: if (len == 4){ // tetrahedra double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 4 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Pyramid: if (len == 5){ // pyramid double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 5 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(L7,L8)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Penta: if (len == 6) { // pentahedron double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 4 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 4 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 6 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(Min(L7,L8),L9)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Hexa: if (len == 8){ // hexahedron double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 7 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 8 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )); double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 )); double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )); double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 8 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(Min(L7,L8),Min(L9,L10))); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(L11,L12)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra: if (len == 10){ // quadratic tetrahedron double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 5 )) + getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 4 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 4 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid: if (len == 13){ // quadratic pyramid double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 6 )) + getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 5 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 5 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 5 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(L7,L8)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta: case SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Penta: if (len >= 15){ // quadratic pentahedron double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )) + getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )) + getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 1 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 5 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 4 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 4 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 6 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(Min(L7,L8),L9)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa: case SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa: if (len >= 20) { // quadratic hexahedron double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 9 )) + getDistance(P( 9 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 10 )) + getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 11 )) + getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 12 )) + getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 1 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 13 )) + getDistance(P( 13 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 14 )) + getDistance(P( 14 ),P( 7 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ),P( 15 )) + getDistance(P( 15 ),P( 8 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ),P( 16 )) + getDistance(P( 16 ),P( 5 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 17 )) + getDistance(P( 17 ),P( 5 )); double L10= getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 18 )) + getDistance(P( 18 ),P( 6 )); double L11= getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 19 )) + getDistance(P( 19 ),P( 7 )); double L12= getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 20 )) + getDistance(P( 20 ),P( 8 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(Min(L7,L8),Min(L9,L10))); aVal = Min(aVal,Min(L11,L12)); } break; case SMDSEntity_Polygon: if ( len > 1 ) { aVal = getDistance( P(1), P( P.size() )); for ( size_t i = 1; i < P.size(); ++i ) aVal = Min( aVal, getDistance( P( i ), P( i+1 ))); } break; case SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon: if ( len > 2 ) { aVal = getDistance( P(1), P( P.size() )) + getDistance( P(P.size()), P( P.size()-1 )); for ( size_t i = 1; i < P.size()-1; i += 2 ) aVal = Min( aVal, getDistance( P( i ), P( i+1 )) + getDistance( P( i+1 ), P( i+2 ))); } break; case SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism: if (len == 12) { // hexagonal prism double L1 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 2 )); double L2 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 3 )); double L3 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 4 )); double L4 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 5 )); double L5 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 6 )); double L6 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 1 )); double L7 = getDistance(P( 7 ), P( 8 )); double L8 = getDistance(P( 8 ), P( 9 )); double L9 = getDistance(P( 9 ), P( 10 )); double L10= getDistance(P( 10 ),P( 11 )); double L11= getDistance(P( 11 ),P( 12 )); double L12= getDistance(P( 12 ),P( 7 )); double L13 = getDistance(P( 1 ),P( 7 )); double L14 = getDistance(P( 2 ),P( 8 )); double L15 = getDistance(P( 3 ),P( 9 )); double L16 = getDistance(P( 4 ),P( 10 )); double L17 = getDistance(P( 5 ),P( 11 )); double L18 = getDistance(P( 6 ),P( 12 )); aVal = Min(Min(Min(L1,L2),Min(L3,L4)),Min(L5,L6)); aVal = Min(aVal, Min(Min(Min(L7,L8),Min(L9,L10)),Min(L11,L12))); aVal = Min(aVal, Min(Min(Min(L13,L14),Min(L15,L16)),Min(L17,L18))); } break; case SMDSEntity_Polyhedra: { } break; default: return 0; } if (aVal < 0 ) { return 0.; } if ( myPrecision >= 0 ) { double prec = pow( 10., (double)( myPrecision ) ); aVal = floor( aVal * prec + 0.5 ) / prec; } return aVal; } double Length2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not a quality control functor return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Length2D::GetType() const { return myType; } Length2D::Value::Value(double theLength,long thePntId1, long thePntId2): myLength(theLength) { myPntId[0] = thePntId1; myPntId[1] = thePntId2; if(thePntId1 > thePntId2){ myPntId[1] = thePntId1; myPntId[0] = thePntId2; } } bool Length2D::Value::operator<(const Length2D::Value& x) const { if(myPntId[0] < x.myPntId[0]) return true; if(myPntId[0] == x.myPntId[0]) if(myPntId[1] < x.myPntId[1]) return true; return false; } void Length2D::GetValues(TValues& theValues) { if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Face ) { for ( SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator(); anIter->more(); ) { const SMDS_MeshFace* anElem = anIter->next(); if ( anElem->IsQuadratic() ) { // use special nodes iterator SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr anIter = anElem->interlacedNodesIterator(); smIdType aNodeId[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }; gp_Pnt P[4]; double aLength = 0; if ( anIter->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = anIter->next(); P[0] = P[1] = SMESH_NodeXYZ( aNode ); aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1] = aNode->GetID(); aLength = 0; } for ( ; anIter->more(); ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* N1 = anIter->next(); P[2] = SMESH_NodeXYZ( N1 ); aNodeId[2] = N1->GetID(); aLength = P[1].Distance(P[2]); if(!anIter->more()) break; const SMDS_MeshNode* N2 = anIter->next(); P[3] = SMESH_NodeXYZ( N2 ); aNodeId[3] = N2->GetID(); aLength += P[2].Distance(P[3]); Value aValue1(aLength,aNodeId[1],aNodeId[2]); Value aValue2(aLength,aNodeId[2],aNodeId[3]); P[1] = P[3]; aNodeId[1] = aNodeId[3]; theValues.insert(aValue1); theValues.insert(aValue2); } aLength += P[2].Distance(P[0]); Value aValue1(aLength,aNodeId[1],aNodeId[2]); Value aValue2(aLength,aNodeId[2],aNodeId[0]); theValues.insert(aValue1); theValues.insert(aValue2); } else { SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aNodesIter = anElem->nodeIterator(); smIdType aNodeId[2] = {0,0}; gp_Pnt P[3]; double aLength; const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode; if ( aNodesIter->more()) { aNode = aNodesIter->next(); P[0] = P[1] = SMESH_NodeXYZ( aNode ); aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1] = aNode->GetID(); aLength = 0; } for( ; aNodesIter->more(); ) { aNode = aNodesIter->next(); smIdType anId = aNode->GetID(); P[2] = SMESH_NodeXYZ( aNode ); aLength = P[1].Distance(P[2]); Value aValue(aLength,aNodeId[1],anId); aNodeId[1] = anId; P[1] = P[2]; theValues.insert(aValue); } aLength = P[0].Distance(P[1]); Value aValue(aLength,aNodeId[0],aNodeId[1]); theValues.insert(aValue); } } } else { // not implemented } } //================================================================================ /* Class : Deflection2D Description : computes distance between a face center and an underlying surface */ //================================================================================ double Deflection2D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& P ) { if ( myMesh && P.getElement() ) { // get underlying surface if ( myShapeIndex != P.getElement()->getshapeId() ) { mySurface.Nullify(); myShapeIndex = P.getElement()->getshapeId(); const TopoDS_Shape& S = static_cast< const SMESHDS_Mesh* >( myMesh )->IndexToShape( myShapeIndex ); if ( !S.IsNull() && S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) { mySurface = new ShapeAnalysis_Surface( BRep_Tool::Surface( TopoDS::Face( S ))); GeomLib_IsPlanarSurface isPlaneCheck( mySurface->Surface() ); if ( isPlaneCheck.IsPlanar() ) myPlane.reset( new gp_Pln( isPlaneCheck.Plan() )); else myPlane.reset(); } } // project gravity center to the surface if ( !mySurface.IsNull() ) { gp_XYZ gc(0,0,0); gp_XY uv(0,0); int nbUV = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i ) { gc += P(i+1); if ( SMDS_FacePositionPtr fPos = P.getElement()->GetNode( i )->GetPosition() ) { uv.ChangeCoord(1) += fPos->GetUParameter(); uv.ChangeCoord(2) += fPos->GetVParameter(); ++nbUV; } } gc /= P.size(); if ( nbUV ) uv /= nbUV; double maxLen = MaxElementLength2D().GetValue( P ); double tol = 1e-3 * maxLen; double dist; if ( myPlane ) { dist = myPlane->Distance( gc ); if ( dist < tol ) dist = 0; } else { if ( uv.X() != 0 && uv.Y() != 0 ) // faster way mySurface->NextValueOfUV( uv, gc, tol, 0.5 * maxLen ); else mySurface->ValueOfUV( gc, tol ); dist = mySurface->Gap(); } return Round( dist ); } } return 0; } void Deflection2D::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { NumericalFunctor::SetMesh( dynamic_cast( theMesh )); myShapeIndex = -100; myPlane.reset(); } SMDSAbs_ElementType Deflection2D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } double Deflection2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not quality control functor return Value; } //================================================================================ /* Class : MultiConnection Description : Functor for calculating number of faces conneted to the edge */ //================================================================================ double MultiConnection::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& /*P*/ ) { return 0; } double MultiConnection::GetValue( long theId ) { return getNbMultiConnection( myMesh, theId ); } double MultiConnection::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not quality control functor return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType MultiConnection::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Edge; } //================================================================================ /* Class : MultiConnection2D Description : Functor for calculating number of faces conneted to the edge */ //================================================================================ double MultiConnection2D::GetValue( const TSequenceOfXYZ& /*P*/ ) { return 0; } double MultiConnection2D::GetValue( long theElementId ) { int aResult = 0; const SMDS_MeshElement* aFaceElem = myMesh->FindElement(theElementId); SMDSAbs_ElementType aType = aFaceElem->GetType(); switch (aType) { case SMDSAbs_Face: { int i = 0, len = aFaceElem->NbNodes(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = aFaceElem->nodesIterator(); if (!anIter) break; const SMDS_MeshNode *aNode, *aNode0 = 0; NCollection_Map< smIdType, smIdHasher > aMap, aMapPrev; for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) { aMapPrev = aMap; aMap.Clear(); int aNb = 0; if (anIter->more()) { aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)anIter->next(); } else { if (i == len) aNode = aNode0; else break; } if (!aNode) break; if (i == 0) aNode0 = aNode; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator(); while (anElemIter->more()) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next(); if (anElem != 0 && anElem->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face) { smIdType anId = anElem->GetID(); aMap.Add(anId); if (aMapPrev.Contains(anId)) { aNb++; } } } aResult = Max(aResult, aNb); } } break; default: aResult = 0; } return aResult; } double MultiConnection2D::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not quality control functor return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType MultiConnection2D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } MultiConnection2D::Value::Value(long thePntId1, long thePntId2) { myPntId[0] = thePntId1; myPntId[1] = thePntId2; if(thePntId1 > thePntId2){ myPntId[1] = thePntId1; myPntId[0] = thePntId2; } } bool MultiConnection2D::Value::operator<(const MultiConnection2D::Value& x) const { if(myPntId[0] < x.myPntId[0]) return true; if(myPntId[0] == x.myPntId[0]) if(myPntId[1] < x.myPntId[1]) return true; return false; } void MultiConnection2D::GetValues(MValues& theValues) { if ( !myMesh ) return; for ( SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator(); anIter->more(); ) { const SMDS_MeshFace* anElem = anIter->next(); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aNodesIter = anElem->interlacedNodesIterator(); const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode1 = anElem->GetNode( anElem->NbNodes() - 1 ); const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode2; for ( ; aNodesIter->more(); ) { aNode2 = aNodesIter->next(); Value aValue ( aNode1->GetID(), aNode2->GetID() ); MValues::iterator aItr = theValues.insert( std::make_pair( aValue, 0 )).first; aItr->second++; aNode1 = aNode2; } } return; } //================================================================================ /* Class : BallDiameter Description : Functor returning diameter of a ball element */ //================================================================================ double BallDiameter::GetValue( long theId ) { double diameter = 0; if ( const SMDS_BallElement* ball = myMesh->DownCast< SMDS_BallElement >( myMesh->FindElement( theId ))) { diameter = ball->GetDiameter(); } return diameter; } double BallDiameter::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { // meaningless as it is not a quality control functor return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType BallDiameter::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Ball; } //================================================================================ /* Class : NodeConnectivityNumber Description : Functor returning number of elements connected to a node */ //================================================================================ double NodeConnectivityNumber::GetValue( long theId ) { double nb = 0; if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* node = myMesh->FindNode( theId )) { SMDSAbs_ElementType type; if ( myMesh->NbVolumes() > 0 ) type = SMDSAbs_Volume; else if ( myMesh->NbFaces() > 0 ) type = SMDSAbs_Face; else if ( myMesh->NbEdges() > 0 ) type = SMDSAbs_Edge; else return 0; nb = node->NbInverseElements( type ); } return nb; } double NodeConnectivityNumber::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType NodeConnectivityNumber::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Node; } //================================================================================ /* Class : ScaledJacobian Description : Functor returning the ScaledJacobian for volumetric elements */ //================================================================================ double ScaledJacobian::GetValue( long theElementId ) { if ( theElementId && myMesh ) { SMDS_VolumeTool aVolumeTool; if ( aVolumeTool.Set( myMesh->FindElement( theElementId ))) return aVolumeTool.GetScaledJacobian(); } return 0; /* //VTK version not used because lack of implementation for HEXAGONAL_PRISM. //Several mesh quality measures implemented in vtkMeshQuality can be accessed left here as reference double aVal = 0; myCurrElement = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId ); if ( myCurrElement ) { VTKCellType cellType = myCurrElement->GetVtkType(); vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = const_cast( myMesh )->GetGrid(); vtkCell* avtkCell = grid->GetCell( myCurrElement->GetVtkID() ); switch ( cellType ) { case VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA: case VTK_TETRA: aVal = Round( vtkMeshQuality::TetScaledJacobian( avtkCell )); break; case VTK_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON: case VTK_HEXAHEDRON: aVal = Round( vtkMeshQuality::HexScaledJacobian( avtkCell )); break; case VTK_QUADRATIC_WEDGE: case VTK_WEDGE: //Pentahedron aVal = Round( vtkMeshQuality::WedgeScaledJacobian( avtkCell )); break; case VTK_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID: case VTK_PYRAMID: aVal = Round( vtkMeshQuality::PyramidScaledJacobian( avtkCell )); break; case VTK_HEXAGONAL_PRISM: case VTK_POLYHEDRON: default: break; } } return aVal; */ } double ScaledJacobian::GetBadRate( double Value, int /*nbNodes*/ ) const { return Value; } SMDSAbs_ElementType ScaledJacobian::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } /* PREDICATES */ //================================================================================ /* Class : BadOrientedVolume Description : Predicate bad oriented volumes */ //================================================================================ BadOrientedVolume::BadOrientedVolume() { myMesh = 0; } void BadOrientedVolume::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool BadOrientedVolume::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if ( myMesh == 0 ) return false; SMDS_VolumeTool vTool( myMesh->FindElement( theId )); bool isOk = true; if ( vTool.IsPoly() ) { isOk = true; for ( int i = 0; i < vTool.NbFaces() && isOk; ++i ) isOk = vTool.IsFaceExternal( i ); } else { isOk = vTool.IsForward(); } return !isOk; } SMDSAbs_ElementType BadOrientedVolume::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } /* Class : BareBorderVolume */ bool BareBorderVolume::IsSatisfy(long theElementId ) { SMDS_VolumeTool myTool; if ( myTool.Set( myMesh->FindElement(theElementId))) { for ( int iF = 0; iF < myTool.NbFaces(); ++iF ) if ( myTool.IsFreeFace( iF )) { const SMDS_MeshNode** n = myTool.GetFaceNodes(iF); std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes( n, n+myTool.NbFaceNodes(iF)); if ( !myMesh->FindElement( nodes, SMDSAbs_Face, /*Nomedium=*/false)) return true; } } return false; } //================================================================================ /* Class : BareBorderFace */ //================================================================================ bool BareBorderFace::IsSatisfy(long theElementId ) { bool ok = false; if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* face = myMesh->FindElement(theElementId)) { if ( face->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face ) { int nbN = face->NbCornerNodes(); for ( int i = 0; i < nbN && !ok; ++i ) { // check if a link is shared by another face const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = face->GetNode( i ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = face->GetNode( (i+1)%nbN ); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = n1->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face ); bool isShared = false; while ( !isShared && fIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* f = fIt->next(); isShared = ( f != face && f->GetNodeIndex(n2) != -1 ); } if ( !isShared ) { const int iQuad = face->IsQuadratic(); myLinkNodes.resize( 2 + iQuad); myLinkNodes[0] = n1; myLinkNodes[1] = n2; if ( iQuad ) myLinkNodes[2] = face->GetNode( i+nbN ); ok = !myMesh->FindElement( myLinkNodes, SMDSAbs_Edge, /*noMedium=*/false); } } } } return ok; } //================================================================================ /* Class : OverConstrainedVolume */ //================================================================================ bool OverConstrainedVolume::IsSatisfy(long theElementId ) { // An element is over-constrained if all its nodes are on the boundary. // A node is on the boundary if it is connected to one or more faces. SMDS_VolumeTool myTool; if (myTool.Set(myMesh->FindElement(theElementId))) { auto nodes = myTool.GetNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < myTool.NbNodes(); ++i) { auto node = nodes[i]; if (node->NbInverseElements(SMDSAbs_Face) == 0) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } //================================================================================ /* Class : OverConstrainedFace */ //================================================================================ bool OverConstrainedFace::IsSatisfy(long theElementId ) { // An element is over-constrained if all its nodes are on the boundary. // A node is on the boundary if it is connected to one or more faces. if (const SMDS_MeshElement *face = myMesh->FindElement(theElementId)) if (face->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face) { int nbN = face->NbCornerNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nbN; ++i) { const SMDS_MeshNode *n1 = face->GetNode(i); if (n1->NbInverseElements(SMDSAbs_Edge) == 0) return false; } return true; } return false; } //================================================================================ /* Class : CoincidentNodes Description : Predicate of Coincident nodes */ //================================================================================ CoincidentNodes::CoincidentNodes() { myToler = 1e-5; } bool CoincidentNodes::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { return myCoincidentIDs.Contains( theElementId ); } SMDSAbs_ElementType CoincidentNodes::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Node; } void CoincidentNodes::SetTolerance( const double theToler ) { if ( myToler != theToler ) { SetMesh(0); myToler = theToler; } } void CoincidentNodes::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMeshModifTracer.SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified() ) { TIDSortedNodeSet nodesToCheck; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = theMesh->nodesIterator(); while ( nIt->more() ) nodesToCheck.insert( nodesToCheck.end(), nIt->next() ); std::list< std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> > nodeGroups; SMESH_OctreeNode::FindCoincidentNodes ( nodesToCheck, &nodeGroups, myToler ); myCoincidentIDs.Clear(); std::list< std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*> >::iterator groupIt = nodeGroups.begin(); for ( ; groupIt != nodeGroups.end(); ++groupIt ) { std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*>& coincNodes = *groupIt; std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator n = coincNodes.begin(); for ( ; n != coincNodes.end(); ++n ) myCoincidentIDs.Add( (*n)->GetID() ); } } } //================================================================================ /* Class : CoincidentElements Description : Predicate of Coincident Elements Note : This class is suitable only for visualization of Coincident Elements */ //================================================================================ CoincidentElements::CoincidentElements() { myMesh = 0; } void CoincidentElements::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool CoincidentElements::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { if ( !myMesh ) return false; if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* e = myMesh->FindElement( theElementId )) { if ( e->GetType() != GetType() ) return false; std::set< const SMDS_MeshNode* > elemNodes( e->begin_nodes(), e->end_nodes() ); const int nbNodes = e->NbNodes(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr invIt = (*elemNodes.begin())->GetInverseElementIterator( GetType() ); while ( invIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* e2 = invIt->next(); if ( e2 == e || e2->NbNodes() != nbNodes ) continue; bool sameNodes = true; for ( size_t i = 0; i < elemNodes.size() && sameNodes; ++i ) sameNodes = ( elemNodes.count( e2->GetNode( i ))); if ( sameNodes ) return true; } } return false; } SMDSAbs_ElementType CoincidentElements1D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Edge; } SMDSAbs_ElementType CoincidentElements2D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } SMDSAbs_ElementType CoincidentElements3D::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Volume; } //================================================================================ /* Class : FreeBorders Description : Predicate for free borders */ //================================================================================ FreeBorders::FreeBorders() { myMesh = 0; } void FreeBorders::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool FreeBorders::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return getNbMultiConnection( myMesh, theId ) == 1; } SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeBorders::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Edge; } //================================================================================ /* Class : FreeEdges Description : Predicate for free Edges */ //================================================================================ FreeEdges::FreeEdges() { myMesh = 0; } void FreeEdges::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool FreeEdges::IsFreeEdge( const SMDS_MeshNode** theNodes, const smIdType theFaceId ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anElemIter = theNodes[ 0 ]->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face); while( anElemIter->more() ) { if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = anElemIter->next()) { const smIdType anId = anElem->GetID(); if ( anId != theFaceId && anElem->GetNodeIndex( theNodes[1] ) >= 0 ) return false; } } return true; } bool FreeEdges::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if ( myMesh == 0 ) return false; const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( aFace == 0 || aFace->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face || aFace->NbNodes() < 3 ) return false; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr anIter = aFace->interlacedNodesIterator(); if ( !anIter ) return false; int i = 0, nbNodes = aFace->NbNodes(); std::vector aNodes( nbNodes+1 ); while( anIter->more() ) if ( ! ( aNodes[ i++ ] = anIter->next() )) return false; aNodes[ nbNodes ] = aNodes[ 0 ]; for ( i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++ ) if ( IsFreeEdge( &aNodes[ i ], theId ) ) return true; return false; } SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeEdges::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } FreeEdges::Border::Border(long theElemId, long thePntId1, long thePntId2): myElemId(theElemId) { myPntId[0] = thePntId1; myPntId[1] = thePntId2; if(thePntId1 > thePntId2){ myPntId[1] = thePntId1; myPntId[0] = thePntId2; } } bool FreeEdges::Border::operator<(const FreeEdges::Border& x) const{ if(myPntId[0] < x.myPntId[0]) return true; if(myPntId[0] == x.myPntId[0]) if(myPntId[1] < x.myPntId[1]) return true; return false; } inline void UpdateBorders(const FreeEdges::Border& theBorder, FreeEdges::TBorders& theRegistry, FreeEdges::TBorders& theContainer) { if(theRegistry.find(theBorder) == theRegistry.end()){ theRegistry.insert(theBorder); theContainer.insert(theBorder); }else{ theContainer.erase(theBorder); } } void FreeEdges::GetBoreders(TBorders& theBorders) { TBorders aRegistry; for ( SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anIter = myMesh->facesIterator(); anIter->more(); ) { const SMDS_MeshFace* anElem = anIter->next(); long anElemId = anElem->GetID(); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aNodesIter = anElem->interlacedNodesIterator(); if ( !aNodesIter->more() ) continue; long aNodeId[2] = {0,0}; aNodeId[0] = anElem->GetNode( anElem->NbNodes()-1 )->GetID(); for ( ; aNodesIter->more(); ) { aNodeId[1] = aNodesIter->next()->GetID(); Border aBorder( anElemId, aNodeId[0], aNodeId[1] ); UpdateBorders( aBorder, aRegistry, theBorders ); aNodeId[0] = aNodeId[1]; } } } //================================================================================ /* Class : FreeNodes Description : Predicate for free nodes */ //================================================================================ FreeNodes::FreeNodes() { myMesh = 0; } void FreeNodes::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool FreeNodes::IsSatisfy( long theNodeId ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = myMesh->FindNode( theNodeId ); if (!aNode) return false; return (aNode->NbInverseElements() < 1); } SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeNodes::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Node; } //================================================================================ /* Class : FreeFaces Description : Predicate for free faces */ //================================================================================ FreeFaces::FreeFaces() { myMesh = 0; } void FreeFaces::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool FreeFaces::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if (!myMesh) return false; // check that faces nodes refers to less than two common volumes const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( !aFace || aFace->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face ) return false; int nbNode = aFace->NbNodes(); // collect volumes to check that number of volumes with count equal nbNode not less than 2 typedef std::map< SMDS_MeshElement*, int > TMapOfVolume; // map of volume counters typedef std::map< SMDS_MeshElement*, int >::iterator TItrMapOfVolume; // iterator TMapOfVolume mapOfVol; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = aFace->nodesIterator(); while ( nodeItr->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = static_cast(nodeItr->next()); if ( !aNode ) continue; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr volItr = aNode->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Volume); while ( volItr->more() ) { SMDS_MeshElement* aVol = (SMDS_MeshElement*)volItr->next(); TItrMapOfVolume itr = mapOfVol.insert( std::make_pair( aVol, 0 )).first; (*itr).second++; } } int nbVol = 0; TItrMapOfVolume volItr = mapOfVol.begin(); TItrMapOfVolume volEnd = mapOfVol.end(); for ( ; volItr != volEnd; ++volItr ) if ( (*volItr).second >= nbNode ) nbVol++; // face is not free if number of volumes constructed on their nodes more than one return (nbVol < 2); } SMDSAbs_ElementType FreeFaces::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } //================================================================================ /* Class : LinearOrQuadratic Description : Predicate to verify whether a mesh element is linear */ //================================================================================ LinearOrQuadratic::LinearOrQuadratic() { myMesh = 0; } void LinearOrQuadratic::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool LinearOrQuadratic::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if (!myMesh) return false; const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( !anElem || (myType != SMDSAbs_All && anElem->GetType() != myType) ) return false; return (!anElem->IsQuadratic()); } void LinearOrQuadratic::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { myType = theType; } SMDSAbs_ElementType LinearOrQuadratic::GetType() const { return myType; } //================================================================================ /* Class : GroupColor Description : Functor for check color of group to which mesh element belongs to */ //================================================================================ GroupColor::GroupColor() { } bool GroupColor::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myIDs.count( theId ); } void GroupColor::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { myType = theType; } SMDSAbs_ElementType GroupColor::GetType() const { return myType; } static bool isEqual( const Quantity_Color& theColor1, const Quantity_Color& theColor2 ) { // tolerance to compare colors const double tol = 5*1e-3; return ( fabs( theColor1.Red() - theColor2.Red() ) < tol && fabs( theColor1.Green() - theColor2.Green() ) < tol && fabs( theColor1.Blue() - theColor2.Blue() ) < tol ); } void GroupColor::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myIDs.clear(); const SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = dynamic_cast(theMesh); if ( !aMesh ) return; int nbGrp = aMesh->GetNbGroups(); if ( !nbGrp ) return; // iterates on groups and find necessary elements ids const std::set& aGroups = aMesh->GetGroups(); std::set::const_iterator GrIt = aGroups.begin(); for (; GrIt != aGroups.end(); GrIt++) { SMESHDS_GroupBase* aGrp = (*GrIt); if ( !aGrp ) continue; // check type and color of group if ( !isEqual( myColor, aGrp->GetColor() )) continue; // IPAL52867 (prevent infinite recursion via GroupOnFilter) if ( SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter * gof = dynamic_cast< SMESHDS_GroupOnFilter* >( aGrp )) if ( gof->GetPredicate().get() == this ) continue; SMDSAbs_ElementType aGrpElType = (SMDSAbs_ElementType)aGrp->GetType(); if ( myType == aGrpElType || (myType == SMDSAbs_All && aGrpElType != SMDSAbs_Node) ) { // add elements IDS into control smIdType aSize = aGrp->Extent(); for (smIdType i = 0; i < aSize; i++) myIDs.insert( aGrp->GetID(i+1) ); } } } void GroupColor::SetColorStr( const TCollection_AsciiString& theStr ) { Kernel_Utils::Localizer loc; TCollection_AsciiString aStr = theStr; aStr.RemoveAll( ' ' ); aStr.RemoveAll( '\t' ); for ( int aPos = aStr.Search( ";;" ); aPos != -1; aPos = aStr.Search( ";;" ) ) aStr.Remove( aPos, 2 ); Standard_Real clr[3]; clr[0] = clr[1] = clr[2] = 0.; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { TCollection_AsciiString tmpStr = aStr.Token( ";", i+1 ); if ( !tmpStr.IsEmpty() && tmpStr.IsRealValue() ) clr[i] = tmpStr.RealValue(); } myColor = Quantity_Color( clr[0], clr[1], clr[2], Quantity_TOC_RGB ); } //======================================================================= // name : GetRangeStr // Purpose : Get range as a string. // Example: "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-" //======================================================================= void GroupColor::GetColorStr( TCollection_AsciiString& theResStr ) const { theResStr.Clear(); theResStr += TCollection_AsciiString( myColor.Red() ); theResStr += TCollection_AsciiString( ";" ) + TCollection_AsciiString( myColor.Green() ); theResStr += TCollection_AsciiString( ";" ) + TCollection_AsciiString( myColor.Blue() ); } //================================================================================ /* Class : ElemGeomType Description : Predicate to check element geometry type */ //================================================================================ ElemGeomType::ElemGeomType() { myMesh = 0; myType = SMDSAbs_All; myGeomType = SMDSGeom_TRIANGLE; } void ElemGeomType::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool ElemGeomType::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if (!myMesh) return false; const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( !anElem ) return false; const SMDSAbs_ElementType anElemType = anElem->GetType(); if ( myType != SMDSAbs_All && anElemType != myType ) return false; bool isOk = ( anElem->GetGeomType() == myGeomType ); return isOk; } void ElemGeomType::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { myType = theType; } SMDSAbs_ElementType ElemGeomType::GetType() const { return myType; } void ElemGeomType::SetGeomType( SMDSAbs_GeometryType theType ) { myGeomType = theType; } SMDSAbs_GeometryType ElemGeomType::GetGeomType() const { return myGeomType; } //================================================================================ /* Class : ElemEntityType Description : Predicate to check element entity type */ //================================================================================ ElemEntityType::ElemEntityType(): myMesh( 0 ), myType( SMDSAbs_All ), myEntityType( SMDSEntity_0D ) { } void ElemEntityType::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } bool ElemEntityType::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if ( !myMesh ) return false; if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node ) return myMesh->FindNode( theId ); const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); return ( anElem && myEntityType == anElem->GetEntityType() ); } void ElemEntityType::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { myType = theType; } SMDSAbs_ElementType ElemEntityType::GetType() const { return myType; } void ElemEntityType::SetElemEntityType( SMDSAbs_EntityType theEntityType ) { myEntityType = theEntityType; } SMDSAbs_EntityType ElemEntityType::GetElemEntityType() const { return myEntityType; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Class ConnectedElements */ //================================================================================ ConnectedElements::ConnectedElements(): myNodeID(0), myType( SMDSAbs_All ), myOkIDsReady( false ) {} SMDSAbs_ElementType ConnectedElements::GetType() const { return myType; } smIdType ConnectedElements::GetNode() const { return myXYZ.empty() ? myNodeID : 0; } // myNodeID can be found by myXYZ std::vector ConnectedElements::GetPoint() const { return myXYZ; } void ConnectedElements::clearOkIDs() { myOkIDsReady = false; myOkIDs.clear(); } void ConnectedElements::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { if ( myType != theType || myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified() ) clearOkIDs(); myType = theType; } void ConnectedElements::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMeshModifTracer.SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified() ) { clearOkIDs(); if ( !myXYZ.empty() ) SetPoint( myXYZ[0], myXYZ[1], myXYZ[2] ); // find a node near myXYZ it in a new mesh } } void ConnectedElements::SetNode( smIdType nodeID ) { myNodeID = nodeID; myXYZ.clear(); bool isSameDomain = false; if ( myOkIDsReady && myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() && !myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified() ) if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* n = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->FindNode( myNodeID )) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = n->GetInverseElementIterator( myType ); while ( !isSameDomain && eIt->more() ) isSameDomain = IsSatisfy( eIt->next()->GetID() ); } if ( !isSameDomain ) clearOkIDs(); } void ConnectedElements::SetPoint( double x, double y, double z ) { myXYZ.resize(3); myXYZ[0] = x; myXYZ[1] = y; myXYZ[2] = z; myNodeID = 0; bool isSameDomain = false; // find myNodeID by myXYZ if possible if ( myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() ) { SMESHUtils::Deleter searcher ( SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetElementSearcher( (SMDS_Mesh&) *myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() )); std::vector< const SMDS_MeshElement* > foundElems; searcher->FindElementsByPoint( gp_Pnt(x,y,z), SMDSAbs_All, foundElems ); if ( !foundElems.empty() ) { myNodeID = foundElems[0]->GetNode(0)->GetID(); if ( myOkIDsReady && !myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified() ) isSameDomain = IsSatisfy( foundElems[0]->GetID() ); } } if ( !isSameDomain ) clearOkIDs(); } bool ConnectedElements::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { // Here we do NOT check if the mesh has changed, we do it in Set...() only!!! if ( !myOkIDsReady ) { if ( !myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() ) return false; const SMDS_MeshNode* node0 = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->FindNode( myNodeID ); if ( !node0 ) return false; std::list< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeQueue( 1, node0 ); std::set< smIdType > checkedNodeIDs; // algo: // foreach node in nodeQueue: // foreach element sharing a node: // add ID of an element of myType to myOkIDs; // push all element nodes absent from checkedNodeIDs to nodeQueue; while ( !nodeQueue.empty() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = nodeQueue.front(); nodeQueue.pop_front(); // loop on elements sharing the node SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = node->GetInverseElementIterator(); while ( eIt->more() ) { // keep elements of myType const SMDS_MeshElement* element = eIt->next(); if ( myType == SMDSAbs_All || element->GetType() == myType ) myOkIDs.insert( myOkIDs.end(), element->GetID() ); // enqueue nodes of the element SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nIt = element->nodesIterator(); while ( nIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n = static_cast< const SMDS_MeshNode* >( nIt->next() ); if ( checkedNodeIDs.insert( n->GetID()).second ) nodeQueue.push_back( n ); } } } if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node ) std::swap( myOkIDs, checkedNodeIDs ); size_t totalNbElems = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( myType ); if ( myOkIDs.size() == totalNbElems ) myOkIDs.clear(); myOkIDsReady = true; } return myOkIDs.empty() ? true : myOkIDs.count( theElementId ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Class CoplanarFaces */ //================================================================================ namespace { inline bool isLessAngle( const gp_Vec& v1, const gp_Vec& v2, const double cos ) { double dot = v1 * v2; // cos * |v1| * |v2| double l1 = v1.SquareMagnitude(); double l2 = v2.SquareMagnitude(); return (( dot * cos >= 0 ) && ( dot * dot ) / l1 / l2 >= ( cos * cos )); } } CoplanarFaces::CoplanarFaces() : myFaceID(0), myToler(0) { } void CoplanarFaces::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMeshModifTracer.SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified() ) { // Build a set of coplanar face ids myCoplanarIDs.Clear(); if ( !myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() || !myFaceID || !myToler ) return; const SMDS_MeshElement* face = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->FindElement( myFaceID ); if ( !face || face->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face ) return; bool normOK; gp_Vec myNorm = getNormale( static_cast(face), &normOK ); if (!normOK) return; const double cosTol = Cos( myToler * M_PI / 180. ); NCollection_Map< SMESH_TLink, SMESH_TLinkHasher > checkedLinks; std::list< std::pair< const SMDS_MeshElement*, gp_Vec > > faceQueue; faceQueue.push_back( std::make_pair( face, myNorm )); while ( !faceQueue.empty() ) { face = faceQueue.front().first; myNorm = faceQueue.front().second; faceQueue.pop_front(); for ( int i = 0, nbN = face->NbCornerNodes(); i < nbN; ++i ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = face->GetNode( i ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = face->GetNode(( i+1 )%nbN); if ( !checkedLinks.Add( SMESH_TLink( n1, n2 ))) continue; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = n1->GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_Face); while ( fIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* f = fIt->next(); if ( f->GetNodeIndex( n2 ) > -1 ) { gp_Vec norm = getNormale( static_cast(f), &normOK ); if (!normOK || isLessAngle( myNorm, norm, cosTol)) { myCoplanarIDs.Add( f->GetID() ); faceQueue.push_back( std::make_pair( f, norm )); } } } } } } } bool CoplanarFaces::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { return myCoplanarIDs.Contains( theElementId ); } /* *Class : RangeOfIds *Description : Predicate for Range of Ids. * Range may be specified with two ways. * 1. Using AddToRange method * 2. With SetRangeStr method. Parameter of this method is a string * like as "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-" */ //======================================================================= // name : RangeOfIds // Purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= RangeOfIds::RangeOfIds() { myMesh = 0; myType = SMDSAbs_All; } //======================================================================= // name : SetMesh // Purpose : Set mesh //======================================================================= void RangeOfIds::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; } //======================================================================= // name : AddToRange // Purpose : Add ID to the range //======================================================================= bool RangeOfIds::AddToRange( long theEntityId ) { myIds.Add( theEntityId ); return true; } //======================================================================= // name : GetRangeStr // Purpose : Get range as a string. // Example: "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-" //======================================================================= void RangeOfIds::GetRangeStr( TCollection_AsciiString& theResStr ) { theResStr.Clear(); TIDsSeq anIntSeq; NCollection_Sequence< std::string > aStrSeq; TIDsMap::Iterator anIter( myIds ); for ( ; anIter.More(); anIter.Next() ) { smIdType anId = anIter.Key(); SMESH_Comment aStr( anId ); anIntSeq.Append( anId ); aStrSeq.Append( aStr ); } for ( smIdType i = 1, n = myMin.size(); i <= n; i++ ) { smIdType aMinId = myMin[i]; smIdType aMaxId = myMax[i]; SMESH_Comment aStr; if ( aMinId != IntegerFirst() ) aStr << aMinId; aStr << "-"; if ( aMaxId != std::numeric_limits::max() ) aStr << aMaxId; // find position of the string in result sequence and insert string in it if ( anIntSeq.Length() == 0 ) { anIntSeq.Append( aMinId ); aStrSeq.Append( (const char*)aStr ); } else { if ( aMinId < anIntSeq.First() ) { anIntSeq.Prepend( aMinId ); aStrSeq.Prepend( (const char*)aStr ); } else if ( aMinId > anIntSeq.Last() ) { anIntSeq.Append( aMinId ); aStrSeq.Append( (const char*)aStr ); } else for ( int j = 1, k = anIntSeq.Length(); j <= k; j++ ) if ( aMinId < anIntSeq( j ) ) { anIntSeq.InsertBefore( j, aMinId ); aStrSeq.InsertBefore( j, (const char*)aStr ); break; } } } if ( aStrSeq.Length() == 0 ) return; std::string aResStr; aResStr = aStrSeq( 1 ); for ( int j = 2, k = aStrSeq.Length(); j <= k; j++ ) { aResStr += ","; aResStr += aStrSeq( j ); } theResStr = aResStr.c_str(); } //======================================================================= // name : SetRangeStr // Purpose : Define range with string // Example of entry string: "1,2,3,50-60,63,67,70-" //======================================================================= bool RangeOfIds::SetRangeStr( const TCollection_AsciiString& theStr ) { myMin.clear(); myMax.clear(); myIds.Clear(); TCollection_AsciiString aStr = theStr; for ( int i = 1; i <= aStr.Length(); ++i ) { char c = aStr.Value( i ); if ( !isdigit( c ) && c != ',' && c != '-' ) aStr.SetValue( i, ','); } aStr.RemoveAll( ' ' ); TCollection_AsciiString tmpStr = aStr.Token( ",", 1 ); int i = 1; while ( tmpStr != "" ) { tmpStr = aStr.Token( ",", i++ ); int aPos = tmpStr.Search( '-' ); if ( aPos == -1 ) { if ( tmpStr.IsIntegerValue() ) myIds.Add( tmpStr.IntegerValue() ); else return false; } else { TCollection_AsciiString aMaxStr = tmpStr.Split( aPos ); TCollection_AsciiString aMinStr = tmpStr; while ( aMinStr.Search( "-" ) != -1 ) aMinStr.RemoveAll( '-' ); while ( aMaxStr.Search( "-" ) != -1 ) aMaxStr.RemoveAll( '-' ); if ( (!aMinStr.IsEmpty() && !aMinStr.IsIntegerValue()) || (!aMaxStr.IsEmpty() && !aMaxStr.IsIntegerValue()) ) return false; myMin.push_back( aMinStr.IsEmpty() ? IntegerFirst() : aMinStr.IntegerValue() ); myMax.push_back( aMaxStr.IsEmpty() ? IntegerLast() : aMaxStr.IntegerValue() ); } } return true; } //======================================================================= // name : GetType // Purpose : Get type of supported entities //======================================================================= SMDSAbs_ElementType RangeOfIds::GetType() const { return myType; } //======================================================================= // name : SetType // Purpose : Set type of supported entities //======================================================================= void RangeOfIds::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { myType = theType; } //======================================================================= // name : IsSatisfy // Purpose : Verify whether entity satisfies to this rpedicate //======================================================================= bool RangeOfIds::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if ( !myMesh ) return false; if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node ) { if ( myMesh->FindNode( theId ) == 0 ) return false; } else { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMesh->FindElement( theId ); if ( anElem == 0 || (myType != anElem->GetType() && myType != SMDSAbs_All )) return false; } if ( myIds.Contains( theId ) ) return true; for ( size_t i = 0; i < myMin.size(); i++ ) if ( theId >= myMin[i] && theId <= myMax[i] ) return true; return false; } /* Class : Comparator Description : Base class for comparators */ Comparator::Comparator(): myMargin(0) {} Comparator::~Comparator() {} void Comparator::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( myFunctor ) myFunctor->SetMesh( theMesh ); } void Comparator::SetMargin( double theValue ) { myMargin = theValue; } void Comparator::SetNumFunctor( NumericalFunctorPtr theFunct ) { myFunctor = theFunct; } SMDSAbs_ElementType Comparator::GetType() const { return myFunctor ? myFunctor->GetType() : SMDSAbs_All; } double Comparator::GetMargin() { return myMargin; } /* Class : LessThan Description : Comparator "<" */ bool LessThan::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myFunctor && myFunctor->GetValue( theId ) < myMargin; } /* Class : MoreThan Description : Comparator ">" */ bool MoreThan::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myFunctor && myFunctor->GetValue( theId ) > myMargin; } /* Class : EqualTo Description : Comparator "=" */ EqualTo::EqualTo(): myToler(Precision::Confusion()) {} bool EqualTo::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myFunctor && fabs( myFunctor->GetValue( theId ) - myMargin ) < myToler; } void EqualTo::SetTolerance( double theToler ) { myToler = theToler; } double EqualTo::GetTolerance() { return myToler; } /* Class : LogicalNOT Description : Logical NOT predicate */ LogicalNOT::LogicalNOT() {} LogicalNOT::~LogicalNOT() {} bool LogicalNOT::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myPredicate && !myPredicate->IsSatisfy( theId ); } void LogicalNOT::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( myPredicate ) myPredicate->SetMesh( theMesh ); } void LogicalNOT::SetPredicate( PredicatePtr thePred ) { myPredicate = thePred; } SMDSAbs_ElementType LogicalNOT::GetType() const { return myPredicate ? myPredicate->GetType() : SMDSAbs_All; } /* Class : LogicalBinary Description : Base class for binary logical predicate */ LogicalBinary::LogicalBinary() {} LogicalBinary::~LogicalBinary() {} void LogicalBinary::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( myPredicate1 ) myPredicate1->SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( myPredicate2 ) myPredicate2->SetMesh( theMesh ); } void LogicalBinary::SetPredicate1( PredicatePtr thePredicate ) { myPredicate1 = thePredicate; } void LogicalBinary::SetPredicate2( PredicatePtr thePredicate ) { myPredicate2 = thePredicate; } SMDSAbs_ElementType LogicalBinary::GetType() const { if ( !myPredicate1 || !myPredicate2 ) return SMDSAbs_All; SMDSAbs_ElementType aType1 = myPredicate1->GetType(); SMDSAbs_ElementType aType2 = myPredicate2->GetType(); return aType1 == aType2 ? aType1 : SMDSAbs_All; } /* Class : LogicalAND Description : Logical AND */ bool LogicalAND::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myPredicate1 && myPredicate2 && myPredicate1->IsSatisfy( theId ) && myPredicate2->IsSatisfy( theId ); } /* Class : LogicalOR Description : Logical OR */ bool LogicalOR::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { return myPredicate1 && myPredicate2 && (myPredicate1->IsSatisfy( theId ) || myPredicate2->IsSatisfy( theId )); } /* FILTER */ // #ifdef WITH_TBB // #include // #include // namespace Parallel // { // typedef tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< TIdSequence > TIdSeq; // struct Predicate // { // const SMDS_Mesh* myMesh; // PredicatePtr myPredicate; // TIdSeq & myOKIds; // Predicate( const SMDS_Mesh* m, PredicatePtr p, TIdSeq & ids ): // myMesh(m), myPredicate(p->Duplicate()), myOKIds(ids) {} // void operator() ( const tbb::blocked_range& r ) const // { // for ( size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i ) // if ( myPredicate->IsSatisfy( i )) // myOKIds.local().push_back(); // } // } // } // #endif Filter::Filter() {} Filter::~Filter() {} void Filter::SetPredicate( PredicatePtr thePredicate ) { myPredicate = thePredicate; } void Filter::GetElementsId( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh, PredicatePtr thePredicate, TIdSequence& theSequence, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theElements ) { theSequence.clear(); if ( !theMesh || !thePredicate ) return; thePredicate->SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( !theElements ) theElements = theMesh->elementsIterator( thePredicate->GetType() ); if ( theElements ) { while ( theElements->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = theElements->next(); if ( thePredicate->GetType() == SMDSAbs_All || thePredicate->GetType() == anElem->GetType() ) { long anId = anElem->GetID(); if ( thePredicate->IsSatisfy( anId ) ) theSequence.push_back( anId ); } } } } void Filter::GetElementsId( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh, Filter::TIdSequence& theSequence, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theElements ) { GetElementsId(theMesh,myPredicate,theSequence,theElements); } /* ManifoldPart */ typedef std::set TMapOfFacePtr; /* Internal class Link */ ManifoldPart::Link::Link( SMDS_MeshNode* theNode1, SMDS_MeshNode* theNode2 ) { myNode1 = theNode1; myNode2 = theNode2; } ManifoldPart::Link::~Link() { myNode1 = 0; myNode2 = 0; } bool ManifoldPart::Link::IsEqual( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink ) const { if ( myNode1 == theLink.myNode1 && myNode2 == theLink.myNode2 ) return true; else if ( myNode1 == theLink.myNode2 && myNode2 == theLink.myNode1 ) return true; else return false; } bool ManifoldPart::Link::operator<( const ManifoldPart::Link& x ) const { if(myNode1 < x.myNode1) return true; if(myNode1 == x.myNode1) if(myNode2 < x.myNode2) return true; return false; } bool ManifoldPart::IsEqual( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink1, const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink2 ) { return theLink1.IsEqual( theLink2 ); } ManifoldPart::ManifoldPart() { myMesh = 0; myAngToler = Precision::Angular(); myIsOnlyManifold = true; } ManifoldPart::~ManifoldPart() { myMesh = 0; } void ManifoldPart::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMesh = theMesh; process(); } SMDSAbs_ElementType ManifoldPart::GetType() const { return SMDSAbs_Face; } bool ManifoldPart::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { return myMapIds.Contains( theElementId ); } void ManifoldPart::SetAngleTolerance( const double theAngToler ) { myAngToler = theAngToler; } double ManifoldPart::GetAngleTolerance() const { return myAngToler; } void ManifoldPart::SetIsOnlyManifold( const bool theIsOnly ) { myIsOnlyManifold = theIsOnly; } void ManifoldPart::SetStartElem( const long theStartId ) { myStartElemId = theStartId; } bool ManifoldPart::process() { myMapIds.Clear(); myMapBadGeomIds.Clear(); myAllFacePtr.clear(); myAllFacePtrIntDMap.clear(); if ( !myMesh ) return false; // collect all faces into own map SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr anFaceItr = myMesh->facesIterator(); for (; anFaceItr->more(); ) { SMDS_MeshFace* aFacePtr = (SMDS_MeshFace*)anFaceItr->next(); myAllFacePtr.push_back( aFacePtr ); myAllFacePtrIntDMap[aFacePtr] = myAllFacePtr.size()-1; } SMDS_MeshFace* aStartFace = (SMDS_MeshFace*)myMesh->FindElement( myStartElemId ); if ( !aStartFace ) return false; // the map of non manifold links and bad geometry TMapOfLink aMapOfNonManifold; TIDsMap aMapOfTreated; // begin cycle on faces from start index and run on vector till the end // and from begin to start index to cover whole vector const int aStartIndx = myAllFacePtrIntDMap[aStartFace]; bool isStartTreat = false; for ( int fi = aStartIndx; !isStartTreat || fi != aStartIndx ; fi++ ) { if ( fi == aStartIndx ) isStartTreat = true; // as result next time when fi will be equal to aStartIndx SMDS_MeshFace* aFacePtr = myAllFacePtr[ fi ]; if ( aMapOfTreated.Contains( aFacePtr->GetID()) ) continue; aMapOfTreated.Add( aFacePtr->GetID() ); TIDsMap aResFaces; if ( !findConnected( myAllFacePtrIntDMap, aFacePtr, aMapOfNonManifold, aResFaces ) ) continue; TIDsMap::Iterator anItr( aResFaces ); for ( ; anItr.More(); anItr.Next() ) { smIdType aFaceId = anItr.Key(); aMapOfTreated.Add( aFaceId ); myMapIds.Add( aFaceId ); } if ( fi == int( myAllFacePtr.size() - 1 )) fi = 0; } // end run on vector of faces return !myMapIds.IsEmpty(); } static void getLinks( const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace, ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink& theLinks ) { int aNbNode = theFace->NbNodes(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeItr = theFace->nodesIterator(); int i = 1; SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = 0; for ( ; aNodeItr->more() && i <= aNbNode; ) { SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next(); if ( i == 1 ) aNode = aN1; i++; SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = ( i >= aNbNode ) ? aNode : (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next(); i++; ManifoldPart::Link aLink( aN1, aN2 ); theLinks.push_back( aLink ); } } bool ManifoldPart::findConnected ( const ManifoldPart::TDataMapFacePtrInt& theAllFacePtrInt, SMDS_MeshFace* theStartFace, ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink& theNonManifold, TIDsMap& theResFaces ) { theResFaces.Clear(); if ( !theAllFacePtrInt.size() ) return false; if ( getNormale( theStartFace ).SquareModulus() <= gp::Resolution() ) { myMapBadGeomIds.Add( theStartFace->GetID() ); return false; } ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink aMapOfBoundary, aMapToSkip; ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink aSeqOfBoundary; theResFaces.Add( theStartFace->GetID() ); ManifoldPart::TDataMapOfLinkFacePtr aDMapLinkFace; expandBoundary( aMapOfBoundary, aSeqOfBoundary, aDMapLinkFace, theNonManifold, theStartFace ); bool isDone = false; while ( !isDone && aMapOfBoundary.size() != 0 ) { bool isToReset = false; ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink::iterator pLink = aSeqOfBoundary.begin(); for ( ; !isToReset && pLink != aSeqOfBoundary.end(); ++pLink ) { ManifoldPart::Link aLink = *pLink; if ( aMapToSkip.find( aLink ) != aMapToSkip.end() ) continue; // each link could be treated only once aMapToSkip.insert( aLink ); ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr aFaces; // find next if ( myIsOnlyManifold && (theNonManifold.find( aLink ) != theNonManifold.end()) ) continue; else { getFacesByLink( aLink, aFaces ); // filter the element to keep only indicated elements ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr aFiltered; ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr::iterator pFace = aFaces.begin(); for ( ; pFace != aFaces.end(); ++pFace ) { SMDS_MeshFace* aFace = *pFace; if ( myAllFacePtrIntDMap.find( aFace ) != myAllFacePtrIntDMap.end() ) aFiltered.push_back( aFace ); } aFaces = aFiltered; if ( aFaces.size() < 2 ) // no neihgbour faces continue; else if ( myIsOnlyManifold && aFaces.size() > 2 ) // non manifold case { theNonManifold.insert( aLink ); continue; } } // compare normal with normals of neighbor element SMDS_MeshFace* aPrevFace = aDMapLinkFace[ aLink ]; ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr::iterator pFace = aFaces.begin(); for ( ; pFace != aFaces.end(); ++pFace ) { SMDS_MeshFace* aNextFace = *pFace; if ( aPrevFace == aNextFace ) continue; smIdType anNextFaceID = aNextFace->GetID(); if ( myIsOnlyManifold && theResFaces.Contains( anNextFaceID ) ) // should not be with non manifold restriction. probably bad topology continue; // check if face was treated and skipped if ( myMapBadGeomIds.Contains( anNextFaceID ) || !isInPlane( aPrevFace, aNextFace ) ) continue; // add new element to connected and extend the boundaries. theResFaces.Add( anNextFaceID ); expandBoundary( aMapOfBoundary, aSeqOfBoundary, aDMapLinkFace, theNonManifold, aNextFace ); isToReset = true; } } isDone = !isToReset; } return !theResFaces.IsEmpty(); } bool ManifoldPart::isInPlane( const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace1, const SMDS_MeshFace* theFace2 ) { gp_Dir aNorm1 = gp_Dir( getNormale( theFace1 ) ); gp_XYZ aNorm2XYZ = getNormale( theFace2 ); if ( aNorm2XYZ.SquareModulus() <= gp::Resolution() ) { myMapBadGeomIds.Add( theFace2->GetID() ); return false; } if ( aNorm1.IsParallel( gp_Dir( aNorm2XYZ ), myAngToler ) ) return true; return false; } void ManifoldPart::expandBoundary ( ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink& theMapOfBoundary, ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink& theSeqOfBoundary, ManifoldPart::TDataMapOfLinkFacePtr& theDMapLinkFacePtr, ManifoldPart::TMapOfLink& theNonManifold, SMDS_MeshFace* theNextFace ) const { ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink aLinks; getLinks( theNextFace, aLinks ); int aNbLink = (int)aLinks.size(); for ( int i = 0; i < aNbLink; i++ ) { ManifoldPart::Link aLink = aLinks[ i ]; if ( myIsOnlyManifold && (theNonManifold.find( aLink ) != theNonManifold.end()) ) continue; if ( theMapOfBoundary.find( aLink ) != theMapOfBoundary.end() ) { if ( myIsOnlyManifold ) { // remove from boundary theMapOfBoundary.erase( aLink ); ManifoldPart::TVectorOfLink::iterator pLink = theSeqOfBoundary.begin(); for ( ; pLink != theSeqOfBoundary.end(); ++pLink ) { ManifoldPart::Link aBoundLink = *pLink; if ( aBoundLink.IsEqual( aLink ) ) { theSeqOfBoundary.erase( pLink ); break; } } } } else { theMapOfBoundary.insert( aLink ); theSeqOfBoundary.push_back( aLink ); theDMapLinkFacePtr[ aLink ] = theNextFace; } } } void ManifoldPart::getFacesByLink( const ManifoldPart::Link& theLink, ManifoldPart::TVectorOfFacePtr& theFaces ) const { // take all faces that shared first node SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anItr = theLink.myNode1->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face ); SMDS_StdIterator< const SMDS_MeshElement*, SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > faces( anItr ), facesEnd; std::set aSetOfFaces( faces, facesEnd ); // take all faces that shared second node anItr = theLink.myNode2->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face ); // find the common part of two sets for ( ; anItr->more(); ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace = anItr->next(); if ( aSetOfFaces.count( aFace )) theFaces.push_back( (SMDS_MeshFace*) aFace ); } } /* Class : BelongToMeshGroup Description : Verify whether a mesh element is included into a mesh group */ BelongToMeshGroup::BelongToMeshGroup(): myGroup( 0 ) { } void BelongToMeshGroup::SetGroup( SMESHDS_GroupBase* g ) { myGroup = g; } void BelongToMeshGroup::SetStoreName( const std::string& sn ) { myStoreName = sn; } void BelongToMeshGroup::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( myGroup && myGroup->GetMesh() != theMesh ) { myGroup = 0; } if ( !myGroup && !myStoreName.empty() ) { if ( const SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = dynamic_cast(theMesh)) { const std::set& grps = aMesh->GetGroups(); std::set::const_iterator g = grps.begin(); for ( ; g != grps.end() && !myGroup; ++g ) if ( *g && myStoreName == (*g)->GetStoreName() ) myGroup = *g; } } if ( myGroup ) { myGroup->IsEmpty(); // make GroupOnFilter update its predicate } } bool BelongToMeshGroup::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { return myGroup ? myGroup->Contains( theElementId ) : false; } SMDSAbs_ElementType BelongToMeshGroup::GetType() const { return myGroup ? myGroup->GetType() : SMDSAbs_All; } //================================================================================ // ElementsOnSurface //================================================================================ ElementsOnSurface::ElementsOnSurface() { myIds.Clear(); myType = SMDSAbs_All; mySurf.Nullify(); myToler = Precision::Confusion(); myUseBoundaries = false; } ElementsOnSurface::~ElementsOnSurface() { } void ElementsOnSurface::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { myMeshModifTracer.SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified()) process(); } bool ElementsOnSurface::IsSatisfy( long theElementId ) { return myIds.Contains( theElementId ); } SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementsOnSurface::GetType() const { return myType; } void ElementsOnSurface::SetTolerance( const double theToler ) { if ( myToler != theToler ) { myToler = theToler; process(); } } double ElementsOnSurface::GetTolerance() const { return myToler; } void ElementsOnSurface::SetUseBoundaries( bool theUse ) { if ( myUseBoundaries != theUse ) { myUseBoundaries = theUse; SetSurface( mySurf, myType ); } } void ElementsOnSurface::SetSurface( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { myIds.Clear(); myType = theType; mySurf.Nullify(); if ( theShape.IsNull() || theShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE ) return; mySurf = TopoDS::Face( theShape ); BRepAdaptor_Surface SA( mySurf, myUseBoundaries ); Standard_Real u1 = SA.FirstUParameter(), u2 = SA.LastUParameter(), v1 = SA.FirstVParameter(), v2 = SA.LastVParameter(); Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface( mySurf ); myProjector.Init( surf, u1,u2, v1,v2 ); process(); } void ElementsOnSurface::process() { myIds.Clear(); if ( mySurf.IsNull() ) return; if ( !myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() ) return; int nbElems = FromSmIdType( myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->GetMeshInfo().NbElements( myType )); if ( nbElems > 0 ) myIds.ReSize( nbElems ); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr anIter = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh()->elementsIterator( myType ); for(; anIter->more(); ) process( anIter->next() ); } void ElementsOnSurface::process( const SMDS_MeshElement* theElemPtr ) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeItr = theElemPtr->nodesIterator(); bool isSatisfy = true; for ( ; aNodeItr->more(); ) { SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)aNodeItr->next(); if ( !isOnSurface( aNode ) ) { isSatisfy = false; break; } } if ( isSatisfy ) myIds.Add( theElemPtr->GetID() ); } bool ElementsOnSurface::isOnSurface( const SMDS_MeshNode* theNode ) { if ( mySurf.IsNull() ) return false; gp_Pnt aPnt( theNode->X(), theNode->Y(), theNode->Z() ); // double aToler2 = myToler * myToler; // if ( mySurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Plane))) // { // gp_Pln aPln = Handle(Geom_Plane)::DownCast(mySurf)->Pln(); // if ( aPln.SquareDistance( aPnt ) > aToler2 ) // return false; // } // else if ( mySurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_CylindricalSurface))) // { // gp_Cylinder aCyl = Handle(Geom_CylindricalSurface)::DownCast(mySurf)->Cylinder(); // double aRad = aCyl.Radius(); // gp_Ax3 anAxis = aCyl.Position(); // gp_XYZ aLoc = aCyl.Location().XYZ(); // double aXDist = anAxis.XDirection().XYZ() * ( aPnt.XYZ() - aLoc ); // double aYDist = anAxis.YDirection().XYZ() * ( aPnt.XYZ() - aLoc ); // if ( fabs(aXDist*aXDist + aYDist*aYDist - aRad*aRad) > aToler2 ) // return false; // } // else // return false; myProjector.Perform( aPnt ); bool isOn = ( myProjector.IsDone() && myProjector.LowerDistance() <= myToler ); return isOn; } //================================================================================ // ElementsOnShape //================================================================================ namespace { const int theIsCheckedFlag = 0x0000100; } struct ElementsOnShape::Classifier { Classifier(): mySolidClfr(0), myProjFace(0), myProjEdge(0), myFlags(0) { myU = myV = 1e100; } ~Classifier(); void Init(const TopoDS_Shape& s, double tol, const Bnd_B3d* box = 0 ); bool IsOut(const gp_Pnt& p) { return SetChecked( true ), (this->*myIsOutFun)( p ); } TopAbs_ShapeEnum ShapeType() const { return myShape.ShapeType(); } const TopoDS_Shape& Shape() const { return myShape; } const Bnd_B3d* GetBndBox() const { return & myBox; } double Tolerance() const { return myTol; } bool IsChecked() { return myFlags & theIsCheckedFlag; } bool IsSetFlag( int flag ) const { return myFlags & flag; } void SetChecked( bool is ) { is ? SetFlag( theIsCheckedFlag ) : UnsetFlag( theIsCheckedFlag ); } void SetFlag ( int flag ) { myFlags |= flag; } void UnsetFlag( int flag ) { myFlags &= ~flag; } void GetParams( double & u, double & v ) const { u = myU; v = myV; } private: bool isOutOfSolid (const gp_Pnt& p); bool isOutOfBox (const gp_Pnt& p); bool isOutOfFace (const gp_Pnt& p); bool isOutOfEdge (const gp_Pnt& p); bool isOutOfVertex(const gp_Pnt& p); bool isOutOfNone (const gp_Pnt& /*p*/) { return true; } bool isBox (const TopoDS_Shape& s); TopoDS_Shape prepareSolid( const TopoDS_Shape& theSolid ); bool (Classifier::* myIsOutFun)(const gp_Pnt& p); BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier* mySolidClfr; Bnd_B3d myBox; GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf* myProjFace; GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve* myProjEdge; gp_Pnt myVertexXYZ; TopoDS_Shape myShape; double myTol; double myU, myV; // result of isOutOfFace() and isOutOfEdge() int myFlags; }; struct ElementsOnShape::OctreeClassifier : public SMESH_Octree { OctreeClassifier( const std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier* >& classifiers ); OctreeClassifier( const OctreeClassifier* otherTree, const std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier >& clsOther, std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier >& cls ); void GetClassifiersAtPoint( const gp_XYZ& p, std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier* >& classifiers ); size_t GetSize(); protected: OctreeClassifier() {} SMESH_Octree* newChild() const { return new OctreeClassifier; } void buildChildrenData(); Bnd_B3d* buildRootBox(); std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier* > myClassifiers; }; ElementsOnShape::ElementsOnShape(): myOctree(0), myType(SMDSAbs_All), myToler(Precision::Confusion()), myAllNodesFlag(false) { } ElementsOnShape::~ElementsOnShape() { clearClassifiers(); } Predicate* ElementsOnShape::clone() const { size_t size = sizeof( *this ); if ( myOctree ) size += myOctree->GetSize(); if ( !myClassifiers.empty() ) size += sizeof( myClassifiers[0] ) * myClassifiers.size(); if ( !myWorkClassifiers.empty() ) size += sizeof( myWorkClassifiers[0] ) * myWorkClassifiers.size(); if ( size > 1e+9 ) // 1G { if (SALOME::VerbosityActivated()) std::cout << "Avoid ElementsOnShape::clone(), too large: " << size << " bytes " << std::endl; return 0; } ElementsOnShape* cln = new ElementsOnShape(); cln->SetAllNodes ( myAllNodesFlag ); cln->SetTolerance( myToler ); cln->SetMesh ( myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh() ); cln->myShape = myShape; // avoid creation of myClassifiers cln->SetShape ( myShape, myType ); cln->myClassifiers.resize( myClassifiers.size() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) cln->myClassifiers[ i ].Init( BRepBuilderAPI_Copy( myClassifiers[ i ].Shape()), myToler, myClassifiers[ i ].GetBndBox() ); if ( myOctree ) // copy myOctree { cln->myOctree = new OctreeClassifier( myOctree, myClassifiers, cln->myClassifiers ); } return cln; } SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementsOnShape::GetType() const { return myType; } void ElementsOnShape::SetTolerance (const double theToler) { if (myToler != theToler) { myToler = theToler; TopoDS_Shape s = myShape; myShape.Nullify(); SetShape( s, myType ); } } double ElementsOnShape::GetTolerance() const { return myToler; } void ElementsOnShape::SetAllNodes (bool theAllNodes) { myAllNodesFlag = theAllNodes; } void ElementsOnShape::SetMesh (const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh) { myMeshModifTracer.SetMesh( theMesh ); if ( myMeshModifTracer.IsMeshModified()) { size_t nbNodes = theMesh ? theMesh->NbNodes() : 0; if ( myNodeIsChecked.size() == nbNodes ) { std::fill( myNodeIsChecked.begin(), myNodeIsChecked.end(), false ); } else { SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myNodeIsChecked ); SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myNodeIsOut ); myNodeIsChecked.resize( nbNodes, false ); myNodeIsOut.resize( nbNodes ); } } } bool ElementsOnShape::getNodeIsOut( const SMDS_MeshNode* n, bool& isOut ) { if ( n->GetID() >= (int) myNodeIsChecked.size() || !myNodeIsChecked[ n->GetID() ]) return false; isOut = myNodeIsOut[ n->GetID() ]; return true; } void ElementsOnShape::setNodeIsOut( const SMDS_MeshNode* n, bool isOut ) { if ( n->GetID() < (int) myNodeIsChecked.size() ) { myNodeIsChecked[ n->GetID() ] = true; myNodeIsOut [ n->GetID() ] = isOut; } } void ElementsOnShape::SetShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const SMDSAbs_ElementType theType) { bool shapeChanges = ( myShape != theShape ); myType = theType; myShape = theShape; if ( myShape.IsNull() ) return; if ( shapeChanges ) { // find most complex shapes TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape shapesMap; TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeTypes[4] = { TopAbs_SOLID, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_VERTEX }; TopExp_Explorer sub; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { if ( shapesMap.IsEmpty() ) for ( sub.Init( myShape, shapeTypes[i] ); sub.More(); sub.Next() ) shapesMap.Add( sub.Current() ); if ( i > 0 ) for ( sub.Init( myShape, shapeTypes[i], shapeTypes[i-1] ); sub.More(); sub.Next() ) shapesMap.Add( sub.Current() ); } clearClassifiers(); myClassifiers.resize( shapesMap.Extent() ); for ( int i = 0; i < shapesMap.Extent(); ++i ) myClassifiers[ i ].Init( shapesMap( i+1 ), myToler ); } if ( theType == SMDSAbs_Node ) { SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myNodeIsChecked ); SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myNodeIsOut ); } else { std::fill( myNodeIsChecked.begin(), myNodeIsChecked.end(), false ); } } void ElementsOnShape::clearClassifiers() { // for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) // delete myClassifiers[ i ]; myClassifiers.clear(); delete myOctree; myOctree = 0; } bool ElementsOnShape::IsSatisfy( long elemId ) { if ( myClassifiers.empty() ) return false; const SMDS_Mesh* mesh = myMeshModifTracer.GetMesh(); if ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node ) return IsSatisfy( mesh->FindNode( elemId )); return IsSatisfy( mesh->FindElement( elemId )); } bool ElementsOnShape::IsSatisfy (const SMDS_MeshElement* elem) { if ( !elem ) return false; bool isSatisfy = myAllNodesFlag, isNodeOut; gp_XYZ centerXYZ (0, 0, 0); if ( !myOctree && myClassifiers.size() > 5 ) { myWorkClassifiers.resize( myClassifiers.size() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) myWorkClassifiers[ i ] = & myClassifiers[ i ]; myOctree = new OctreeClassifier( myWorkClassifiers ); SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myWorkClassifiers ); } for ( int i = 0, nb = elem->NbNodes(); i < nb && (isSatisfy == myAllNodesFlag); ++i ) { SMESH_TNodeXYZ aPnt( elem->GetNode( i )); centerXYZ += aPnt; isNodeOut = true; if ( !getNodeIsOut( aPnt._node, isNodeOut )) { if ( myOctree ) { myWorkClassifiers.clear(); myOctree->GetClassifiersAtPoint( aPnt, myWorkClassifiers ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myWorkClassifiers.size(); ++i ) myWorkClassifiers[i]->SetChecked( false ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myWorkClassifiers.size() && isNodeOut; ++i ) if ( !myWorkClassifiers[i]->IsChecked() ) isNodeOut = myWorkClassifiers[i]->IsOut( aPnt ); } else { for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size() && isNodeOut; ++i ) isNodeOut = myClassifiers[i].IsOut( aPnt ); } setNodeIsOut( aPnt._node, isNodeOut ); } isSatisfy = !isNodeOut; } // Check the center point for volumes MantisBug 0020168 if ( isSatisfy && myAllNodesFlag && myClassifiers[0].ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID ) { centerXYZ /= elem->NbNodes(); isSatisfy = false; if ( myOctree ) { myWorkClassifiers.clear(); myOctree->GetClassifiersAtPoint( centerXYZ, myWorkClassifiers ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myWorkClassifiers.size() && !isSatisfy; ++i ) isSatisfy = ! myWorkClassifiers[i]->IsOut( centerXYZ ); } else { for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size() && !isSatisfy; ++i ) isSatisfy = ! myClassifiers[i].IsOut( centerXYZ ); } } return isSatisfy; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Check and optionally return a satisfying shape */ //================================================================================ bool ElementsOnShape::IsSatisfy (const SMDS_MeshNode* node, TopoDS_Shape* okShape) { if ( !node ) return false; if ( !myOctree && myClassifiers.size() > 5 ) { myWorkClassifiers.resize( myClassifiers.size() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) myWorkClassifiers[ i ] = & myClassifiers[ i ]; myOctree = new OctreeClassifier( myWorkClassifiers ); } bool isNodeOut = true; if ( okShape || !getNodeIsOut( node, isNodeOut )) { SMESH_NodeXYZ aPnt = node; if ( myOctree ) { myWorkClassifiers.clear(); myOctree->GetClassifiersAtPoint( aPnt, myWorkClassifiers ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myWorkClassifiers.size(); ++i ) myWorkClassifiers[i]->SetChecked( false ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < myWorkClassifiers.size(); ++i ) if ( !myWorkClassifiers[i]->IsChecked() && !myWorkClassifiers[i]->IsOut( aPnt )) { isNodeOut = false; if ( okShape ) *okShape = myWorkClassifiers[i]->Shape(); myWorkClassifiers[i]->GetParams( myU, myV ); break; } } else { for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) if ( !myClassifiers[i].IsOut( aPnt )) { isNodeOut = false; if ( okShape ) *okShape = myClassifiers[i].Shape(); myClassifiers[i].GetParams( myU, myV ); break; } } setNodeIsOut( node, isNodeOut ); } return !isNodeOut; } void ElementsOnShape::Classifier::Init( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, double theTol, const Bnd_B3d* theBox ) { myShape = theShape; myTol = theTol; myFlags = 0; bool isShapeBox = false; switch ( myShape.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_SOLID: { if (( isShapeBox = isBox( theShape ))) { myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfBox; } else { mySolidClfr = new BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier( prepareSolid( theShape )); myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfSolid; } break; } case TopAbs_FACE: { Standard_Real u1,u2,v1,v2; Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface( TopoDS::Face( theShape )); if ( surf.IsNull() ) myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfNone; else { surf->Bounds( u1,u2,v1,v2 ); myProjFace = new GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf; myProjFace->Init( surf, u1,u2, v1,v2, myTol ); myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfFace; } break; } case TopAbs_EDGE: { Standard_Real u1, u2; Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve( TopoDS::Edge( theShape ), u1, u2); if ( curve.IsNull() ) myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfNone; else { myProjEdge = new GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve; myProjEdge->Init( curve, u1, u2 ); myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfEdge; } break; } case TopAbs_VERTEX: { myVertexXYZ = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( theShape ) ); myIsOutFun = & ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfVertex; break; } default: throw SALOME_Exception("Programmer error in usage of ElementsOnShape::Classifier"); } if ( !isShapeBox ) { if ( theBox ) { myBox = *theBox; } else { Bnd_Box box; if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) { BRepAdaptor_Surface SA( TopoDS::Face( myShape ), /*useBoundaries=*/false ); if ( SA.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface ) BRepBndLib::AddOptimal( myShape, box, /*useTriangulation=*/true, /*useShapeTolerance=*/true ); } if ( box.IsVoid() ) BRepBndLib::Add( myShape, box ); myBox.Clear(); myBox.Add( box.CornerMin() ); myBox.Add( box.CornerMax() ); gp_XYZ halfSize = 0.5 * ( box.CornerMax().XYZ() - box.CornerMin().XYZ() ); for ( int iDim = 1; iDim <= 3; ++iDim ) { double x = halfSize.Coord( iDim ); halfSize.SetCoord( iDim, x + Max( myTol, 1e-2 * x )); } myBox.SetHSize( halfSize ); } } } ElementsOnShape::Classifier::~Classifier() { delete mySolidClfr; mySolidClfr = 0; delete myProjFace; myProjFace = 0; delete myProjEdge; myProjEdge = 0; } TopoDS_Shape ElementsOnShape::Classifier::prepareSolid( const TopoDS_Shape& theSolid ) { // try to limit tolerance of theSolid down to myTol (issue #19026) // check if tolerance of theSolid is more than myTol bool tolIsOk = true; // max tolerance is at VERTEXes for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( theSolid, TopAbs_VERTEX ); exp.More() && tolIsOk; exp.Next() ) tolIsOk = ( myTol >= BRep_Tool::Tolerance( TopoDS::Vertex( exp.Current() ))); if ( tolIsOk ) return theSolid; // make a copy to prevent the original shape from changes TopoDS_Shape resultShape = BRepBuilderAPI_Copy( theSolid ); if ( !GEOMUtils::FixShapeTolerance( resultShape, TopAbs_SHAPE, myTol )) return theSolid; return resultShape; } bool ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfSolid( const gp_Pnt& p ) { if ( isOutOfBox( p )) return true; mySolidClfr->Perform( p, myTol ); return ( mySolidClfr->State() != TopAbs_IN && mySolidClfr->State() != TopAbs_ON ); } bool ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfBox( const gp_Pnt& p ) { return myBox.IsOut( p.XYZ() ); } bool ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfFace( const gp_Pnt& p ) { if ( isOutOfBox( p )) return true; myProjFace->Perform( p ); if ( myProjFace->IsDone() && myProjFace->LowerDistance() <= myTol ) { // check relatively to the face myProjFace->LowerDistanceParameters( myU, myV ); gp_Pnt2d aProjPnt( myU, myV ); BRepClass_FaceClassifier aClsf ( TopoDS::Face( myShape ), aProjPnt, myTol ); if ( aClsf.State() == TopAbs_IN || aClsf.State() == TopAbs_ON ) return false; } return true; } bool ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfEdge( const gp_Pnt& p ) { if ( isOutOfBox( p )) return true; myProjEdge->Perform( p ); bool isOn = ( myProjEdge->NbPoints() > 0 && myProjEdge->LowerDistance() <= myTol ); if ( isOn ) myU = myProjEdge->LowerDistanceParameter(); return !isOn; } bool ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isOutOfVertex( const gp_Pnt& p ) { return ( myVertexXYZ.Distance( p ) > myTol ); } bool ElementsOnShape::Classifier::isBox(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape ) { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape vMap; TopExp::MapShapes( theShape, TopAbs_VERTEX, vMap ); if ( vMap.Extent() != 8 ) return false; myBox.Clear(); for ( int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i ) myBox.Add( BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( vMap( i ))).XYZ() ); gp_XYZ pMin = myBox.CornerMin(), pMax = myBox.CornerMax(); for ( int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i ) { gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( vMap( i ))); for ( int iC = 1; iC <= 3; ++ iC ) { double d1 = Abs( pMin.Coord( iC ) - p.Coord( iC )); double d2 = Abs( pMax.Coord( iC ) - p.Coord( iC )); if ( Min( d1, d2 ) > myTol ) return false; } } myBox.Enlarge( myTol ); return true; } ElementsOnShape:: OctreeClassifier::OctreeClassifier( const std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier* >& classifiers ) :SMESH_Octree( new SMESH_TreeLimit ) { myClassifiers = classifiers; compute(); } ElementsOnShape:: OctreeClassifier::OctreeClassifier( const OctreeClassifier* otherTree, const std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier >& clsOther, std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier >& cls ) :SMESH_Octree( new SMESH_TreeLimit ) { myBox = new Bnd_B3d( *otherTree->getBox() ); if (( myIsLeaf = otherTree->isLeaf() )) { myClassifiers.resize( otherTree->myClassifiers.size() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < otherTree->myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) { int ind = otherTree->myClassifiers[i] - & clsOther[0]; myClassifiers[ i ] = & cls[ ind ]; } } else if ( otherTree->myChildren ) { myChildren = new SMESH_Tree< Bnd_B3d, 8 > * [ 8 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < nbChildren(); i++ ) myChildren[i] = new OctreeClassifier( static_cast( otherTree->myChildren[i]), clsOther, cls ); } } void ElementsOnShape:: OctreeClassifier::GetClassifiersAtPoint( const gp_XYZ& point, std::vector< ElementsOnShape::Classifier* >& result ) { if ( getBox()->IsOut( point )) return; if ( isLeaf() ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) if ( !myClassifiers[i]->GetBndBox()->IsOut( point )) result.push_back( myClassifiers[i] ); } else { for (int i = 0; i < nbChildren(); i++) ((OctreeClassifier*) myChildren[i])->GetClassifiersAtPoint( point, result ); } } size_t ElementsOnShape::OctreeClassifier::GetSize() { size_t res = sizeof( *this ); if ( !myClassifiers.empty() ) res += sizeof( myClassifiers[0] ) * myClassifiers.size(); if ( !isLeaf() ) for (int i = 0; i < nbChildren(); i++) res += ((OctreeClassifier*) myChildren[i])->GetSize(); return res; } void ElementsOnShape::OctreeClassifier::buildChildrenData() { // distribute myClassifiers among myChildren const int childFlag[8] = { 0x0000001, 0x0000002, 0x0000004, 0x0000008, 0x0000010, 0x0000020, 0x0000040, 0x0000080 }; int nbInChild[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j < nbChildren(); j++ ) { if ( !myClassifiers[i]->GetBndBox()->IsOut( *myChildren[j]->getBox() )) { myClassifiers[i]->SetFlag( childFlag[ j ]); ++nbInChild[ j ]; } } } for ( int j = 0; j < nbChildren(); j++ ) { OctreeClassifier* child = static_cast( myChildren[ j ]); child->myClassifiers.resize( nbInChild[ j ]); for ( size_t i = 0; nbInChild[ j ] && i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) { if ( myClassifiers[ i ]->IsSetFlag( childFlag[ j ])) { --nbInChild[ j ]; child->myClassifiers[ nbInChild[ j ]] = myClassifiers[ i ]; myClassifiers[ i ]->UnsetFlag( childFlag[ j ]); } } } SMESHUtils::FreeVector( myClassifiers ); // define if a child isLeaf() for ( int i = 0; i < nbChildren(); i++ ) { OctreeClassifier* child = static_cast( myChildren[ i ]); child->myIsLeaf = ( child->myClassifiers.size() <= 5 || child->maxSize() < child->myClassifiers[0]->Tolerance() ); } } Bnd_B3d* ElementsOnShape::OctreeClassifier::buildRootBox() { Bnd_B3d* box = new Bnd_B3d; for ( size_t i = 0; i < myClassifiers.size(); ++i ) box->Add( *myClassifiers[i]->GetBndBox() ); return box; } /* Class : BelongToGeom Description : Predicate for verifying whether entity belongs to specified geometrical support */ BelongToGeom::BelongToGeom() : myMeshDS(NULL), myType(SMDSAbs_NbElementTypes), myIsSubshape(false), myTolerance(Precision::Confusion()) {} Predicate* BelongToGeom::clone() const { BelongToGeom* cln = 0; if ( myElementsOnShapePtr ) if ( ElementsOnShape* eos = static_cast( myElementsOnShapePtr->clone() )) { cln = new BelongToGeom( *this ); cln->myElementsOnShapePtr.reset( eos ); } return cln; } void BelongToGeom::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( myMeshDS != theMesh ) { myMeshDS = dynamic_cast(theMesh); init(); } if ( myElementsOnShapePtr ) myElementsOnShapePtr->SetMesh( myMeshDS ); } void BelongToGeom::SetGeom( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape ) { if ( myShape != theShape ) { myShape = theShape; init(); } } static bool IsSubShape (const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape& theMap, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) { if (theMap.Contains(theShape)) return true; if (theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND || theShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID) { TopoDS_Iterator anIt (theShape, Standard_True, Standard_True); for (; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { if (!IsSubShape(theMap, anIt.Value())) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } void BelongToGeom::init() { if ( !myMeshDS || myShape.IsNull() ) return; // is sub-shape of main shape? TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = myMeshDS->ShapeToMesh(); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) { myIsSubshape = false; } else { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMap; TopExp::MapShapes( aMainShape, aMap ); myIsSubshape = IsSubShape( aMap, myShape ); if ( myIsSubshape ) { aMap.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes( myShape, aMap ); mySubShapesIDs.Clear(); for ( int i = 1; i <= aMap.Extent(); ++i ) { int subID = myMeshDS->ShapeToIndex( aMap( i )); if ( subID > 0 ) mySubShapesIDs.Add( subID ); } } } //if (!myIsSubshape) // to be always ready to check an element not bound to geometry { if ( !myElementsOnShapePtr ) myElementsOnShapePtr.reset( new ElementsOnShape() ); myElementsOnShapePtr->SetTolerance( myTolerance ); myElementsOnShapePtr->SetAllNodes( true ); // "belong", while false means "lays on" myElementsOnShapePtr->SetMesh( myMeshDS ); myElementsOnShapePtr->SetShape( myShape, myType ); } } bool BelongToGeom::IsSatisfy (long theId) { if (myMeshDS == 0 || myShape.IsNull()) return false; if (!myIsSubshape) { return myElementsOnShapePtr->IsSatisfy(theId); } // Case of sub-mesh if (myType == SMDSAbs_Node) { if ( const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = myMeshDS->FindNode( theId )) { if ( aNode->getshapeId() < 1 ) return myElementsOnShapePtr->IsSatisfy(theId); else return mySubShapesIDs.Contains( aNode->getshapeId() ); } } else { if ( const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = myMeshDS->FindElement( theId )) { if ( myType == SMDSAbs_All || anElem->GetType() == myType ) { if ( anElem->getshapeId() < 1 ) return myElementsOnShapePtr->IsSatisfy(theId); else return mySubShapesIDs.Contains( anElem->getshapeId() ); } } } return false; } void BelongToGeom::SetType (SMDSAbs_ElementType theType) { if ( myType != theType ) { myType = theType; init(); } } SMDSAbs_ElementType BelongToGeom::GetType() const { return myType; } TopoDS_Shape BelongToGeom::GetShape() { return myShape; } const SMESHDS_Mesh* BelongToGeom::GetMeshDS() const { return myMeshDS; } void BelongToGeom::SetTolerance (double theTolerance) { myTolerance = theTolerance; init(); } double BelongToGeom::GetTolerance() { return myTolerance; } /* Class : LyingOnGeom Description : Predicate for verifying whether entiy lying or partially lying on specified geometrical support */ LyingOnGeom::LyingOnGeom() : myMeshDS(NULL), myType(SMDSAbs_NbElementTypes), myIsSubshape(false), myTolerance(Precision::Confusion()) {} Predicate* LyingOnGeom::clone() const { LyingOnGeom* cln = 0; if ( myElementsOnShapePtr ) if ( ElementsOnShape* eos = static_cast( myElementsOnShapePtr->clone() )) { cln = new LyingOnGeom( *this ); cln->myElementsOnShapePtr.reset( eos ); } return cln; } void LyingOnGeom::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( myMeshDS != theMesh ) { myMeshDS = dynamic_cast(theMesh); init(); } if ( myElementsOnShapePtr ) myElementsOnShapePtr->SetMesh( myMeshDS ); } void LyingOnGeom::SetGeom( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape ) { if ( myShape != theShape ) { myShape = theShape; init(); } } void LyingOnGeom::init() { if (!myMeshDS || myShape.IsNull()) return; // is sub-shape of main shape? TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = myMeshDS->ShapeToMesh(); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) { myIsSubshape = false; } else { myIsSubshape = myMeshDS->IsGroupOfSubShapes( myShape ); } if (myIsSubshape) { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape shapes; TopExp::MapShapes( myShape, shapes ); mySubShapesIDs.Clear(); for ( int i = 1; i <= shapes.Extent(); ++i ) { int subID = myMeshDS->ShapeToIndex( shapes( i )); if ( subID > 0 ) mySubShapesIDs.Add( subID ); } } // else // to be always ready to check an element not bound to geometry { if ( !myElementsOnShapePtr ) myElementsOnShapePtr.reset( new ElementsOnShape() ); myElementsOnShapePtr->SetTolerance( myTolerance ); myElementsOnShapePtr->SetAllNodes( false ); // lays on, while true means "belong" myElementsOnShapePtr->SetMesh( myMeshDS ); myElementsOnShapePtr->SetShape( myShape, myType ); } } bool LyingOnGeom::IsSatisfy( long theId ) { if ( myMeshDS == 0 || myShape.IsNull() ) return false; if (!myIsSubshape) { return myElementsOnShapePtr->IsSatisfy(theId); } // Case of sub-mesh const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = ( myType == SMDSAbs_Node ) ? myMeshDS->FindNode( theId ) : myMeshDS->FindElement( theId ); if ( mySubShapesIDs.Contains( elem->getshapeId() )) return true; if (( elem->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Node ) && ( myType == SMDSAbs_All || elem->GetType() == myType )) { SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeItr = elem->nodesIterator(); while ( nodeItr->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode = nodeItr->next(); if ( mySubShapesIDs.Contains( aNode->getshapeId() )) return true; } } return false; } void LyingOnGeom::SetType( SMDSAbs_ElementType theType ) { if ( myType != theType ) { myType = theType; init(); } } SMDSAbs_ElementType LyingOnGeom::GetType() const { return myType; } TopoDS_Shape LyingOnGeom::GetShape() { return myShape; } const SMESHDS_Mesh* LyingOnGeom::GetMeshDS() const { return myMeshDS; } void LyingOnGeom::SetTolerance (double theTolerance) { myTolerance = theTolerance; init(); } double LyingOnGeom::GetTolerance() { return myTolerance; } TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(): myElem(0) {} TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(size_type n) : myArray(n), myElem(0) {} TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(size_type n, const gp_XYZ& t) : myArray(n,t), myElem(0) {} TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(const TSequenceOfXYZ& theSequenceOfXYZ) : myArray(theSequenceOfXYZ.myArray), myElem(theSequenceOfXYZ.myElem) {} template TSequenceOfXYZ::TSequenceOfXYZ(InputIterator theBegin, InputIterator theEnd): myArray(theBegin,theEnd), myElem(0) {} TSequenceOfXYZ::~TSequenceOfXYZ() {} TSequenceOfXYZ& TSequenceOfXYZ::operator=(const TSequenceOfXYZ& theSequenceOfXYZ) { myArray = theSequenceOfXYZ.myArray; myElem = theSequenceOfXYZ.myElem; return *this; } gp_XYZ& TSequenceOfXYZ::operator()(size_type n) { return myArray[n-1]; } const gp_XYZ& TSequenceOfXYZ::operator()(size_type n) const { return myArray[n-1]; } void TSequenceOfXYZ::clear() { myArray.clear(); } void TSequenceOfXYZ::reserve(size_type n) { myArray.reserve(n); } void TSequenceOfXYZ::push_back(const gp_XYZ& v) { myArray.push_back(v); } TSequenceOfXYZ::size_type TSequenceOfXYZ::size() const { return myArray.size(); } SMDSAbs_EntityType TSequenceOfXYZ::getElementEntity() const { return myElem ? myElem->GetEntityType() : SMDSEntity_Last; } TMeshModifTracer::TMeshModifTracer(): myMeshModifTime(0), myMesh(0) { } void TMeshModifTracer::SetMesh( const SMDS_Mesh* theMesh ) { if ( theMesh != myMesh ) myMeshModifTime = 0; myMesh = theMesh; } bool TMeshModifTracer::IsMeshModified() { bool modified = false; if ( myMesh ) { modified = ( myMeshModifTime != myMesh->GetMTime() ); myMeshModifTime = myMesh->GetMTime(); } return modified; }