// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : SMESH_Slot.cxx // Created : Fri Nov 30 15:58:37 2018 // Author : Edward AGAPOV (eap) #include "SMESH_MeshAlgos.hxx" #include "ObjectPool.hxx" #include "SMDS_LinearEdge.hxx" #include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshGroup.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { typedef SMESH_MeshAlgos::Edge TEdge; //================================================================================ //! point of intersection of a face edge with the cylinder struct IntPoint { SMESH_NodeXYZ myNode; // point and a node int myEdgeIndex; // face edge index bool myIsOutPln[2]; // isOut of two planes double SquareDistance( const IntPoint& p ) const { return ( myNode-p.myNode ).SquareModulus(); } }; //================================================================================ //! cut of a face struct Cut { IntPoint myIntPnt1, myIntPnt2; const SMDS_MeshElement* myFace; const IntPoint& operator[]( size_t i ) const { return i ? myIntPnt2 : myIntPnt1; } double SquareDistance( const gp_Pnt& p, gp_XYZ & pClosest ) const { gp_Vec edge( myIntPnt1.myNode, myIntPnt2.myNode ); gp_Vec n1p ( myIntPnt1.myNode, p ); double u = ( edge * n1p ) / edge.SquareMagnitude(); // param [0,1] on the edge if ( u <= 0. ) { pClosest = myIntPnt1.myNode; return n1p.SquareMagnitude(); } if ( u >= 1. ) { pClosest = myIntPnt2.myNode; return p.SquareDistance( myIntPnt2.myNode ); } pClosest = myIntPnt1.myNode + u * edge.XYZ(); // projection of the point on the edge return p.SquareDistance( pClosest ); } }; //================================================================================ //! poly-line segment struct Segment { typedef std::vector< Cut > TCutList; const SMDS_MeshElement* myEdge; TCutList myCuts; std::vector< const IntPoint* > myFreeEnds; // ends of cut edges Segment( const SMDS_MeshElement* e = 0 ): myEdge(e) { myCuts.reserve( 4 ); } // return its axis gp_Ax1 Ax1( bool reversed = false ) const { SMESH_NodeXYZ n1 = myEdge->GetNode( reversed ); SMESH_NodeXYZ n2 = myEdge->GetNode( !reversed ); return gp_Ax1( n1, gp_Dir( n2 - n1 )); } // return a node const SMDS_MeshNode* Node(int i) const { return myEdge->GetNode( i % 2 ); } // store an intersection edge forming the slot border void AddCutEdge( const IntPoint& p1, const IntPoint& p2, const SMDS_MeshElement* myFace ) { myCuts.push_back( Cut({ p1, p2, myFace })); } // return number of not shared IntPoint's int NbFreeEnds( double tol ) { if ( myCuts.empty() ) return 0; if ( myFreeEnds.empty() ) { // remove degenerated cuts // for ( size_t iC1 = 0; iC1 < myCuts.size(); ++iC1 ) // if ( myCuts[ iC1 ][ 0 ].myNode == myCuts[ iC1 ][ 1 ].myNode ) // { // if ( iC1 < myCuts.size() - 1 ) // myCuts[ iC1 ] = myCuts.back(); // myCuts.pop_back(); // } int nbShared = 0; std::vector< bool > isSharedPnt( myCuts.size() * 2, false ); for ( size_t iC1 = 0; iC1 < myCuts.size() - 1; ++iC1 ) for ( size_t iP1 = 0; iP1 < 2; ++iP1 ) { size_t i1 = iC1 * 2 + iP1; if ( isSharedPnt[ i1 ]) continue; for ( size_t iC2 = iC1 + 1; iC2 < myCuts.size(); ++iC2 ) for ( size_t iP2 = 0; iP2 < 2; ++iP2 ) { size_t i2 = iC2 * 2 + iP2; if ( isSharedPnt[ i2 ]) continue; if ( myCuts[ iC1 ][ iP1 ].SquareDistance( myCuts[ iC2 ][ iP2 ]) < tol * tol ) { nbShared += 2; if ( myCuts[ iC1 ][ 0 ].SquareDistance( myCuts[ iC1 ][ 1 ]) < tol * tol ) isSharedPnt[ iC1 * 2 ] = isSharedPnt[ iC1 * 2 + 1 ] = true; else if ( myCuts[ iC2 ][ 0 ].SquareDistance( myCuts[ iC2 ][ 1 ]) < tol * tol ) isSharedPnt[ iC2 * 2 ] = isSharedPnt[ iC2 * 2 + 1 ] = true; else isSharedPnt[ i1 ] = isSharedPnt[ i2 ] = true; } } } myFreeEnds.reserve( isSharedPnt.size() - nbShared ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < isSharedPnt.size(); ++i ) if ( !isSharedPnt[ i ] ) { int iP = i % 2; int iC = i / 2; myFreeEnds.push_back( & myCuts[ iC ][ iP ]); } } return myFreeEnds.size(); } }; typedef ObjectPoolIterator TSegmentIterator; //================================================================================ //! Segments and plane separating domains of segments, at common node struct NodeData { std::vector< Segment* > mySegments; gp_Ax1 myPlane; // oriented OK for mySegments[0] void AddSegment( Segment* seg, const SMDS_MeshNode* n ) { mySegments.reserve(2); mySegments.push_back( seg ); if ( mySegments.size() == 1 ) { myPlane = mySegments[0]->Ax1( mySegments[0]->myEdge->GetNodeIndex( n )); } else { gp_Ax1 axis2 = mySegments[1]->Ax1( mySegments[1]->myEdge->GetNodeIndex( n )); myPlane.SetDirection( myPlane.Direction().XYZ() - axis2.Direction().XYZ() ); } } gp_Ax1 Plane( const Segment* seg ) { return ( seg == mySegments[0] ) ? myPlane : myPlane.Reversed(); } }; typedef NCollection_DataMap< const SMDS_MeshNode*, NodeData, SMESH_Hasher > TSegmentsOfNode; //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Intersect a face edge given by its nodes with a cylinder. */ //================================================================================ bool intersectEdge( const gp_Cylinder& cyl, const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1, const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2, const double tol, std::vector< IntPoint >& intPoints ) { gp_Lin line( gp_Ax1( n1, gp_Dir( n2 - n1 ))); IntAna_IntConicQuad intersection( line, IntAna_Quadric( cyl )); if ( !intersection.IsDone() || intersection.IsParallel() || intersection.IsInQuadric() || intersection.NbPoints() == 0 ) return false; gp_Vec edge( n1, n2 ); size_t oldNbPnts = intPoints.size(); for ( int iP = 1; iP <= intersection.NbPoints(); ++iP ) { const gp_Pnt& p = intersection.Point( iP ); gp_Vec n1p ( n1, p ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n = 0; double u = ( edge * n1p ) / edge.SquareMagnitude(); // param [0,1] on the edge if ( u <= 0. ) { if ( p.SquareDistance( n1 ) < tol * tol ) n = n1.Node(); else continue; } else if ( u >= 1. ) { if ( p.SquareDistance( n2 ) < tol * tol ) n = n2.Node(); else continue; } else { if ( p.SquareDistance( n1 ) < tol * tol ) n = n1.Node(); else if ( p.SquareDistance( n2 ) < tol * tol ) n = n2.Node(); } intPoints.push_back( IntPoint() ); if ( n ) intPoints.back().myNode.Set( n ); else intPoints.back().myNode.SetCoord( p.X(),p.Y(),p.Z() ); } // set points order along an edge if ( intPoints.size() - oldNbPnts == 2 && intersection.ParamOnConic( 1 ) > intersection.ParamOnConic( 2 )) { int i = intPoints.size() - 1; std::swap( intPoints[ i ], intPoints[ i - 1 ]); } return intPoints.size() - oldNbPnts > 0; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Return signed distance between a point and a plane */ //================================================================================ double signedDist( const gp_Pnt& p, const gp_Ax1& planeNormal ) { const gp_Pnt& O = planeNormal.Location(); gp_Vec Op( O, p ); return Op * planeNormal.Direction(); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Check if a point is outside a segment domain bound by two planes */ //================================================================================ bool isOut( const gp_Pnt& p, const gp_Ax1* planeNormal, bool* isOutPtr, int nbPln = 2 ) { isOutPtr[0] = isOutPtr[1] = false; for ( int i = 0; i < nbPln; ++i ) { isOutPtr[i] = ( signedDist( p, planeNormal[i] ) <= 0. ); } return ( isOutPtr[0] && isOutPtr[1] ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Check if a segment between two points is outside a segment domain bound by two planes */ //================================================================================ bool isSegmentOut( bool* isOutPtr1, bool* isOutPtr2 ) { return (( isOutPtr1[0] && isOutPtr2[0] ) || ( isOutPtr1[1] && isOutPtr2[1] )); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief cut off ip1 from edge (ip1 - ip2) by a plane */ //================================================================================ void cutOff( IntPoint & ip1, const IntPoint & ip2, const gp_Ax1& planeNormal, double tol ) { gp_Lin lin( ip1.myNode, ( ip2.myNode - ip1.myNode )); gp_Pln pln( planeNormal.Location(), planeNormal.Direction() ); IntAna_IntConicQuad intersection( lin, pln, Precision::Angular/*Tolerance*/() ); if ( intersection.IsDone() && !intersection.IsParallel() && !intersection.IsInQuadric() && intersection.NbPoints() == 1 ) { if ( intersection.Point( 1 ).SquareDistance( ip1.myNode ) > tol * tol ) { static_cast< gp_XYZ& >( ip1.myNode ) = intersection.Point( 1 ).XYZ(); ip1.myNode._node = 0; ip1.myEdgeIndex = -1; } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Assure that face normal is computed in faceNormals vector */ //================================================================================ const gp_XYZ& computeNormal( const SMDS_MeshElement* face, std::vector< gp_XYZ >& faceNormals ) { bool toCompute; if ((int) faceNormals.size() <= face->GetID() ) { toCompute = true; faceNormals.resize( face->GetID() + 1 ); } else { toCompute = faceNormals[ face->GetID() ].SquareModulus() == 0.; } if ( toCompute ) SMESH_MeshAlgos::FaceNormal( face, faceNormals[ face->GetID() ], /*normalized=*/false ); return faceNormals[ face->GetID() ]; } typedef std::vector< SMDS_MeshGroup* > TGroupVec; //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Fill theFaceID2Groups map for a given face * \param [in] theFace - the face * \param [in] theGroupsToUpdate - list of groups to treat * \param [out] theFaceID2Groups - the map to fill in * \param [out] theWorkGroups - a working buffer of groups */ //================================================================================ void findGroups( const SMDS_MeshElement * theFace, TGroupVec & theGroupsToUpdate, NCollection_DataMap< int, TGroupVec > & theFaceID2Groups, TGroupVec & theWorkGroups ) { theWorkGroups.clear(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < theGroupsToUpdate.size(); ++i ) if ( theGroupsToUpdate[i]->Contains( theFace )) theWorkGroups.push_back( theGroupsToUpdate[i] ); if ( !theWorkGroups.empty() ) theFaceID2Groups.Bind( theFace->GetID(), theWorkGroups ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Check distance between a point and an edge defined by a couple of nodes */ //================================================================================ bool isOnEdge( const SMDS_MeshNode* n1, const SMDS_MeshNode* n2, const gp_Pnt& p, const double tol ) { SMDS_LinearEdge edge( n1, n2 ); return ( SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( &edge, p ) < tol ); } //================================================================================ /*! * \return Index of intersection point detected on a triangle cut by planes * \param [in] i - index of a cut triangle side * \param [in] n1 - 1st point of a cut triangle side * \param [in] n2 - 2nd point of a cut triangle side * \param [in] face - a not cut triangle * \param [in] intPoint - the intersection point * \param [in] faceNodes - nodes of not cut triangle * \param [in] tol - tolerance */ //================================================================================ int edgeIndex( const int i, const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1, const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2, const SMDS_MeshElement* face, const IntPoint& intPoint, const std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* >& faceNodes, const double tol ) { if ( n1.Node() && n2.Node() ) return face->GetNodeIndex( n1.Node() ); // project intPoint to sides of face for ( size_t i = 1; i < faceNodes.size(); ++i ) if ( isOnEdge( faceNodes[ i-1 ], faceNodes[ i ], intPoint.myNode, tol )) return i - 1; return -(i+1); } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Find a neighboring segment and its next node * \param [in] curSegment - a current segment * \param [in,out] curNode - a current node to update * \param [in] segmentsOfNode - map of segments of nodes * \return Segment* - the found segment */ //================================================================================ Segment* nextSegment( const Segment* curSegment, const SMDS_MeshNode* & curNode, const TSegmentsOfNode& segmentsOfNode ) { Segment* neighborSeg = 0; const NodeData& noData = segmentsOfNode( curNode ); for ( size_t iS = 0; iS < noData.mySegments.size() && !neighborSeg; ++iS ) if ( noData.mySegments[ iS ] != curSegment ) neighborSeg = noData.mySegments[ iS ]; if ( neighborSeg ) { int iN = ( neighborSeg->Node(0) == curNode ); curNode = neighborSeg->Node( iN ); } return neighborSeg; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Tries to find a segment to which a given point is too close * \param [in] p - the point * \param [in] minDist - minimal allowed distance from segment * \param [in] curSegment - start segment * \param [in] curNode - start node * \param [in] segmentsOfNode - map of segments of nodes * \return bool - true if a too close segment found */ //================================================================================ const Segment* findTooCloseSegment( const IntPoint& p, const double minDist, const double /*tol*/, const Segment* curSegment, const SMDS_MeshNode* curNode, const TSegmentsOfNode& segmentsOfNode ) { double prevDist = Precision::Infinite(); while ( curSegment ) { double dist = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( curSegment->myEdge, p.myNode ); if ( dist < minDist ) { // check if dist is less than distance of curSegment to its cuts // double minCutDist = prevDist; // bool coincide = false; // for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < curSegment->myCuts.size(); ++iC ) // { // if (( coincide = ( curSegment->myCuts[iC].SquareDistance( p.myNode ) < tol * tol ))) // break; // for ( size_t iP = 0; iP < 2; ++iP ) // { // double cutDist = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( curSegment->myEdge, // curSegment->myCuts[iC][iP].myNode ); // minCutDist = std::min( minCutDist, cutDist ); // } // } // if ( !coincide && minCutDist > dist ) return curSegment; } if ( dist > prevDist ) break; prevDist = dist; curSegment = nextSegment( curSegment, curNode, segmentsOfNode ); } return 0; } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Create a slot of given width around given 1D elements lying on a triangle mesh. * The slot is constructed by cutting faces by cylindrical surfaces made around each segment. * \return Edges located at the slot boundary */ //================================================================================ std::vector< SMESH_MeshAlgos::Edge > SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakeSlot( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr theSegmentIt, double theWidth, SMDS_Mesh* theMesh, std::vector< SMDS_MeshGroup* > & theGroupsToUpdate) { std::vector< Edge > bndEdges; if ( !theSegmentIt || !theSegmentIt->more() || !theMesh || theWidth == 0.) return bndEdges; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // put the input segments to a data map in order to be able finding neighboring ones // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSegmentsOfNode segmentsOfNode; ObjectPool< Segment > segmentPool; while( theSegmentIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* edge = theSegmentIt->next(); if ( edge->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Edge ) throw SALOME_Exception( "A segment is not a mesh edge"); Segment* segment = segmentPool.getNew(); segment->myEdge = edge; for ( SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = edge->nodeIterator(); nIt->more(); ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nIt->next(); NodeData* noData = segmentsOfNode.ChangeSeek( n ); if ( !noData ) noData = segmentsOfNode.Bound( n, NodeData() ); noData->AddSegment( segment, n ); } } // --------------------------------- // Cut the mesh around the segments // --------------------------------- const double tol = Precision::Confusion(); const double angularTol = 1e-5; std::vector< gp_XYZ > faceNormals; SMESH_MeshAlgos::Intersector meshIntersector( theMesh, tol, faceNormals ); std::unique_ptr< SMESH_ElementSearcher> faceSearcher; std::vector< NLink > startEdges; std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > faceNodes(4), edgeNodes(2); std::vector faces(2); NCollection_Map checkedFaces; std::vector< IntPoint > intPoints, p(2); std::vector< SMESH_NodeXYZ > facePoints(4); std::vector< Intersector::TFace > cutFacePoints; NCollection_DataMap< int, TGroupVec > faceID2Groups; TGroupVec groupVec; std::vector< gp_Ax1 > planeNormalVec(2); gp_Ax1 * planeNormal = & planeNormalVec[0]; for ( TSegmentIterator segIt( segmentPool ); segIt.more(); ) // loop on all segments { Segment* segment = const_cast< Segment* >( segIt.next() ); gp_Lin segLine( segment->Ax1() ); gp_Ax3 cylAxis( segLine.Location(), segLine.Direction() ); gp_Cylinder segCylinder( cylAxis, 0.5 * theWidth ); double radius2( segCylinder.Radius() * segCylinder.Radius() ); // get normals of planes separating domains of neighboring segments for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) // loop on 2 segment ends { const SMDS_MeshNode* n = segment->Node( i ); planeNormal[i] = segmentsOfNode( n ).Plane( segment ); } // we explore faces around a segment starting from face edges; // initialize a list of starting edges startEdges.clear(); { // get a face to start searching intersected faces from const SMDS_MeshNode* n0 = segment->Node( 0 ); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr fIt = n0->GetInverseElementIterator( SMDSAbs_Face ); const SMDS_MeshElement* face = ( fIt->more() ) ? fIt->next() : 0; if ( !theMesh->Contains( face )) { if ( !faceSearcher ) faceSearcher.reset( SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetElementSearcher( *theMesh )); face = faceSearcher->FindClosestTo( SMESH_NodeXYZ( n0 ), SMDSAbs_Face ); } // collect face edges int nbNodes = face->NbCornerNodes(); faceNodes.assign( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() ); faceNodes.resize( nbNodes + 1 ); faceNodes[ nbNodes ] = faceNodes[ 0 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i ) startEdges.push_back( NLink( faceNodes[i], faceNodes[i+1] )); } // intersect faces located around a segment checkedFaces.Clear(); while ( !startEdges.empty() ) { edgeNodes[0] = startEdges[0].first; edgeNodes[1] = startEdges[0].second; theMesh->GetElementsByNodes( edgeNodes, faces, SMDSAbs_Face ); for ( size_t iF = 0; iF < faces.size(); ++iF ) // loop on faces sharing a start edge { const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faces[iF]; if ( !checkedFaces.Add( face )) continue; int nbNodes = face->NbCornerNodes(); if ( nbNodes != 3 ) throw SALOME_Exception( "MakeSlot() accepts triangles only" ); faceNodes.assign( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() ); faceNodes.resize( nbNodes + 1 ); faceNodes[ nbNodes ] = faceNodes[ 0 ]; facePoints.assign( faceNodes.begin(), faceNodes.end() ); // check if cylinder axis || face const gp_XYZ& faceNorm = computeNormal( face, faceNormals ); bool isCylinderOnFace = ( Abs( faceNorm * cylAxis.Direction().XYZ() ) < tol ); if ( !isCylinderOnFace ) { if ( Intersector::CutByPlanes( face, planeNormalVec, tol, cutFacePoints )) continue; // whole face cut off facePoints.swap( cutFacePoints[0] ); facePoints.push_back( facePoints[0] ); } // find intersection points on face edges intPoints.clear(); int nbPoints = facePoints.size()-1; int nbFarPoints = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < nbPoints; ++i ) { const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1 = facePoints[i]; const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2 = facePoints[i+1]; size_t iP = intPoints.size(); intersectEdge( segCylinder, n1, n2, tol, intPoints ); // save edge index if ( isCylinderOnFace ) for ( ; iP < intPoints.size(); ++iP ) intPoints[ iP ].myEdgeIndex = i; else for ( ; iP < intPoints.size(); ++iP ) intPoints[ iP ].myEdgeIndex = edgeIndex( i, n1, n2, face, intPoints[ iP ], faceNodes, tol ); nbFarPoints += ( segLine.SquareDistance( n1 ) > radius2 ); } // feed startEdges if ( nbFarPoints < nbPoints || !intPoints.empty() ) for ( size_t i = 1; i < faceNodes.size(); ++i ) { const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n1 = faceNodes[i]; const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n2 = faceNodes[i-1]; isOut( n1, planeNormal, p[0].myIsOutPln ); isOut( n2, planeNormal, p[1].myIsOutPln ); if ( !isSegmentOut( p[0].myIsOutPln, p[1].myIsOutPln )) { startEdges.push_back( NLink( n1.Node(), n2.Node() )); } } if ( intPoints.size() < 2 ) continue; // classify intPoints by planes for ( size_t i = 0; i < intPoints.size(); ++i ) isOut( intPoints[i].myNode, planeNormal, intPoints[i].myIsOutPln ); // cut the face if ( intPoints.size() > 2 ) intPoints.push_back( intPoints[0] ); for ( size_t iE = 1; iE < intPoints.size(); ++iE ) // 2 <= intPoints.size() <= 5 { if (( intPoints[iE].myIsOutPln[0] && intPoints[iE].myIsOutPln[1] ) || ( isSegmentOut( intPoints[iE].myIsOutPln, intPoints[iE-1].myIsOutPln ))) continue; // intPoint is out of domain // check if a cutting edge connecting two intPoints is on cylinder surface if ( intPoints[iE].myEdgeIndex == intPoints[iE-1].myEdgeIndex ) continue; // on same edge if ( intPoints[iE].myNode.Node() && intPoints[iE].myNode == intPoints[iE-1].myNode ) // coincide continue; gp_XYZ edegDir = intPoints[iE].myNode - intPoints[iE-1].myNode; bool toCut; // = edegDir.SquareModulus() > tol * tol; if ( intPoints.size() == 2 ) toCut = true; else if ( isCylinderOnFace ) toCut = cylAxis.Direction().IsParallel( edegDir, angularTol ); else { SMESH_NodeXYZ nBetween; int eInd = intPoints[iE-1].myEdgeIndex; if ( eInd < 0 ) nBetween = facePoints[( 1 - (eInd-1)) % nbPoints ]; else nBetween = faceNodes[( 1 + eInd ) % nbNodes ]; toCut = ( segLine.SquareDistance( nBetween ) > radius2 ); } if ( !toCut ) continue; // limit the edge by planes if ( intPoints[iE].myIsOutPln[0] || intPoints[iE].myIsOutPln[1] ) cutOff( intPoints[iE], intPoints[iE-1], planeNormal[ intPoints[iE].myIsOutPln[1] ], tol ); if ( intPoints[iE-1].myIsOutPln[0] || intPoints[iE-1].myIsOutPln[1] ) cutOff( intPoints[iE-1], intPoints[iE], planeNormal[ intPoints[iE-1].myIsOutPln[1] ], tol ); gp_XYZ edegDirNew = intPoints[iE].myNode - intPoints[iE-1].myNode; if ( edegDir * edegDirNew < 0 || edegDir.SquareModulus() < tol * tol ) continue; // fully cut off segment->AddCutEdge( intPoints[iE], intPoints[iE-1], face ); } } // loop on faces sharing an edge startEdges[0] = startEdges.back(); startEdges.pop_back(); } // loop on startEdges } // loop on all input segments // ---------------------------------------------------------- // If a plane fully cuts off edges of one side of a segment, // it also may cut edges of adjacent segments // ---------------------------------------------------------- for ( TSegmentIterator segIt( segmentPool ); segIt.more(); ) // loop on all segments { Segment* segment = const_cast< Segment* >( segIt.next() ); if ( segment->NbFreeEnds( tol ) >= 4 ) continue; for ( int iE = 0; iE < 2; ++iE ) // loop on 2 segment ends { const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = segment->Node( iE ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = segment->Node( 1 - iE ); planeNormal[0] = segmentsOfNode( n1 ).Plane( segment ); bool isNeighborCut; Segment* neighborSeg = segment; do // check segments connected to the segment via n2 { neighborSeg = nextSegment( neighborSeg, n2, segmentsOfNode ); if ( !neighborSeg ) break; isNeighborCut = false; for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < neighborSeg->myCuts.size(); ++iC ) // check cut edges { IntPoint* intPnt = &( neighborSeg->myCuts[iC].myIntPnt1 ); isOut( intPnt[0].myNode, planeNormal, intPnt[0].myIsOutPln, 1 ); isOut( intPnt[1].myNode, planeNormal, intPnt[1].myIsOutPln, 1 ); const Segment * closeSeg[2] = { 0, 0 }; if ( intPnt[0].myIsOutPln[0] ) closeSeg[0] = findTooCloseSegment( intPnt[0], 0.5 * theWidth - 1e-3*tol, tol, segment, n1, segmentsOfNode ); if ( intPnt[1].myIsOutPln[0] ) closeSeg[1] = findTooCloseSegment( intPnt[1], 0.5 * theWidth - 1e-3*tol, tol, segment, n1, segmentsOfNode ); int nbCut = bool( closeSeg[0] ) + bool( closeSeg[1] ); if ( nbCut == 0 ) continue; isNeighborCut = true; if ( nbCut == 2 ) // remove a cut { if ( iC < neighborSeg->myCuts.size() - 1 ) neighborSeg->myCuts[iC] = neighborSeg->myCuts.back(); neighborSeg->myCuts.pop_back(); } else // shorten cuts of 1) neighborSeg and 2) closeSeg { // 1) int iP = bool( closeSeg[1] ); gp_Lin segLine( closeSeg[iP]->Ax1() ); gp_Ax3 cylAxis( segLine.Location(), segLine.Direction() ); gp_Cylinder cyl( cylAxis, 0.5 * theWidth ); intPoints.clear(); if ( intersectEdge( cyl, intPnt[iP].myNode, intPnt[1-iP].myNode, tol, intPoints ) && intPoints[0].SquareDistance( intPnt[iP] ) > tol * tol ) intPnt[iP].myNode = intPoints[0].myNode; // 2) double minCutDist = theWidth; gp_XYZ projection, closestProj; int iCut = -1; for ( size_t iC2 = 0; iC2 < closeSeg[iP]->myCuts.size(); ++iC2 ) { double cutDist = closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iC2].SquareDistance( intPnt[iP].myNode, projection ); if ( cutDist < minCutDist ) { closestProj = projection; minCutDist = cutDist; iCut = iC2; if ( minCutDist < tol * tol ) break; } } if ( iCut < 0 ) continue; // ??? double d1 = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( neighborSeg->myEdge, closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iCut][0].myNode ); double d2 = SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( neighborSeg->myEdge, closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iCut][1].myNode ); int iP2 = ( d2 < d1 ); IntPoint& ip = const_cast< IntPoint& >( closeSeg[iP]->myCuts[iCut][iP2] ); ip = intPnt[iP]; } // update myFreeEnds neighborSeg->myFreeEnds.clear(); neighborSeg->NbFreeEnds( tol ); } } while ( isNeighborCut ); } } // ----------------------- // Cut faces by cut edges // ----------------------- for ( TSegmentIterator segIt( segmentPool ); segIt.more(); ) // loop on all segments { Segment* segment = const_cast< Segment* >( segIt.next() ); for ( size_t iC = 0; iC < segment->myCuts.size(); ++iC ) { Cut & cut = segment->myCuts[ iC ]; computeNormal( cut.myFace, faceNormals ); meshIntersector.Cut( cut.myFace, cut.myIntPnt1.myNode, cut.myIntPnt1.myEdgeIndex, cut.myIntPnt2.myNode, cut.myIntPnt2.myEdgeIndex ); Edge e = { cut.myIntPnt1.myNode.Node(), cut.myIntPnt2.myNode.Node(), 0 }; bndEdges.push_back( e ); findGroups( cut.myFace, theGroupsToUpdate, faceID2Groups, groupVec ); } } // ----------------------------------------- // Make cut at the end of group of segments // ----------------------------------------- std::vector polySegments; for ( TSegmentsOfNode::Iterator nSegsIt( segmentsOfNode ); nSegsIt.More(); nSegsIt.Next() ) { const NodeData& noData = nSegsIt.Value(); if ( noData.mySegments.size() != 1 ) continue; const Segment* segment = noData.mySegments[0]; // find two IntPoint's of cut edges to make a cut between if ( segment->myFreeEnds.size() != 4 ) throw SALOME_Exception( "MakeSlot(): too short end edge?" ); std::multimap< double, const IntPoint* > dist2IntPntMap; for ( size_t iE = 0; iE < segment->myFreeEnds.size(); ++iE ) { const SMESH_NodeXYZ& n = segment->myFreeEnds[ iE ]->myNode; double d = Abs( signedDist( n, noData.myPlane )); dist2IntPntMap.insert( std::make_pair( d, segment->myFreeEnds[ iE ])); } std::multimap< double, const IntPoint* >::iterator d2ip = dist2IntPntMap.begin(); SMESH_MeshAlgos::PolySegment linkNodes; linkNodes.myXYZ[0] = d2ip->second->myNode; linkNodes.myXYZ[1] = (++d2ip)->second->myNode; linkNodes.myVector = noData.myPlane.Direction() ^ (linkNodes.myXYZ[0] - linkNodes.myXYZ[1]); linkNodes.myNode1[ 0 ] = linkNodes.myNode2[ 0 ] = 0; linkNodes.myNode1[ 1 ] = linkNodes.myNode2[ 1 ] = 0; // create segments connecting linkNodes std::vector newSegments; std::vector newNodes; SMESH_MeshAlgos::TListOfPolySegments polySegs(1, linkNodes); SMESH_MeshAlgos::MakePolyLine( theMesh, polySegs, newSegments, newNodes, /*group=*/0, faceSearcher.get() ); // cut faces by newSegments intPoints.resize(2); for ( size_t i = 0; i < newSegments.size(); ++i ) { intPoints[0].myNode = edgeNodes[0] = newSegments[i]->GetNode(0); intPoints[1].myNode = edgeNodes[1] = newSegments[i]->GetNode(1); // find an underlying face gp_XYZ middle = 0.5 * ( intPoints[0].myNode + intPoints[1].myNode ); const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faceSearcher->FindClosestTo( middle, SMDSAbs_Face ); // find intersected edges of the face int nbNodes = face->NbCornerNodes(); faceNodes.assign( face->begin_nodes(), face->end_nodes() ); faceNodes.resize( nbNodes + 1 ); faceNodes[ nbNodes ] = faceNodes[ 0 ]; for ( int iP = 0; iP < 2; ++iP ) { intPoints[iP].myEdgeIndex = -1; for ( int iN = 0; iN < nbNodes && intPoints[iP].myEdgeIndex < 0; ++iN ) { if ( isOnEdge( faceNodes[iN], faceNodes[iN+1], intPoints[iP].myNode, tol )) intPoints[iP].myEdgeIndex = iN; } } // face cut computeNormal( face, faceNormals ); meshIntersector.Cut( face, intPoints[0].myNode, intPoints[0].myEdgeIndex, intPoints[1].myNode, intPoints[1].myEdgeIndex ); Edge e = { intPoints[0].myNode.Node(), intPoints[1].myNode.Node(), 0 }; bndEdges.push_back( e ); findGroups( face, theGroupsToUpdate, faceID2Groups, groupVec ); // add cut points to an adjacent face at ends of poly-line // if they fall onto face edges if (( i == 0 && intPoints[0].myEdgeIndex >= 0 ) || ( i == newSegments.size() - 1 && intPoints[1].myEdgeIndex >= 0 )) { for ( int iE = 0; iE < 2; ++iE ) // loop on ends of a new segment { if ( iE ? ( i != newSegments.size() - 1 ) : ( i != 0 )) continue; int iEdge = intPoints[ iE ].myEdgeIndex; edgeNodes[0] = faceNodes[ iEdge ]; edgeNodes[1] = faceNodes[ iEdge+1 ]; theMesh->GetElementsByNodes( edgeNodes, faces, SMDSAbs_Face ); for ( size_t iF = 0; iF < faces.size(); ++iF ) if ( faces[iF] != face ) { int iN1 = faces[iF]->GetNodeIndex( edgeNodes[0] ); int iN2 = faces[iF]->GetNodeIndex( edgeNodes[1] ); intPoints[ iE ].myEdgeIndex = Abs( iN1 - iN2 ) == 1 ? Min( iN1, iN2 ) : 2; computeNormal( faces[iF], faceNormals ); meshIntersector.Cut( faces[iF], intPoints[iE].myNode, intPoints[iE].myEdgeIndex, intPoints[iE].myNode, intPoints[iE].myEdgeIndex ); findGroups( faces[iF], theGroupsToUpdate, faceID2Groups, groupVec ); } } } } // loop on newSegments polySegments.insert( polySegments.end(), newSegments.begin(), newSegments.end() ); } // loop on map of input segments // actual mesh splitting TElemIntPairVec new2OldFaces; TNodeIntPairVec new2OldNodes; meshIntersector.MakeNewFaces( new2OldFaces, new2OldNodes, /*sign=*/1, /*optimize=*/true ); // add new faces to theGroupsToUpdate for ( size_t i = 0; i < new2OldFaces.size(); ++i ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* newFace = new2OldFaces[i].first; const int oldFaceID = new2OldFaces[i].second; if ( !newFace ) continue; if ( TGroupVec* groups = const_cast< TGroupVec* >( faceID2Groups.Seek( oldFaceID ))) for ( size_t iG = 0; iG < groups->size(); ++iG ) (*groups)[ iG ]->Add( newFace ); } // remove poly-line edges for ( size_t i = 0; i < polySegments.size(); ++i ) { edgeNodes[0] = polySegments[i]->GetNode(0); edgeNodes[1] = polySegments[i]->GetNode(1); theMesh->RemoveFreeElement( polySegments[i] ); if ( edgeNodes[0]->NbInverseElements() == 0 ) theMesh->RemoveNode( edgeNodes[0] ); if ( edgeNodes[1]->NbInverseElements() == 0 ) theMesh->RemoveNode( edgeNodes[1] ); } return bndEdges; }