//  Copyright (C) 2003  OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
//  version 2.1 of the License. 
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
//  Lesser General Public License for more details. 
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA 
//  See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org 
//  File   : SMESH_BasicHypothesis.idl
//  Author : Paul RASCLE, EDF
//  $Header$


#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis.idl"
#include "SMESH_Mesh.idl"

 * StdMeshers: interfaces to standard hypotheses and algorithms
module StdMeshers
   * StdMeshers_LocalLength: interface of "Average length" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_LocalLength : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <length> parameter value
    void SetLength(in double length) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <length> parameter value
    double GetLength();

   * StdMeshers_NumberOfSegments: interface of "Nb. Segments" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_NumberOfSegments : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <number of segments> parameter value
    void SetNumberOfSegments(in long segmentsNumber) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <number of segments> parameter value
    long GetNumberOfSegments();

     * Sets <distribution type> parameter value
    void SetDistrType(in long typ)
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <distribution type> parameter value
    long GetDistrType();

     * Sets <scale factor> parameter value
    void SetScaleFactor(in double scaleFactor)
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <scale factor> parameter value
    double GetScaleFactor()
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Sets <table function> parameter value for distribution DT_TabFunc
    void SetTableFunction(in SMESH::double_array table)
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <table function> parameter value for distribution DT_TabFunc
    SMESH::double_array GetTableFunction()
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Sets <expression function> parameter value for distribution DT_ExprFunc
    void SetExpressionFunction(in string expr)
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <expression function> parameter value for distribution DT_ExprFunc
    string GetExpressionFunction()
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Sets <exponent mode> parameter value for functional distributions
    void SetExponentMode(in boolean isExponent)
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <exponent mode> parameter value for functional distributions
    boolean IsExponentMode()
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

   * StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D: interface of "Arithmetic 1D" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <start segment length> or <end segment length> parameter value
    void SetLength(in double length, in boolean isStartLength) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <start segment length> or <end segment length> parameter value
    double GetLength(in boolean isStartLength);

   * StdMeshers_MaxElementArea: interface of "Max. Triangle Area" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_MaxElementArea : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <maximum element area> parameter value
    void SetMaxElementArea(in double area) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <maximum element area> parameter value
    double GetMaxElementArea();

   * StdMeshers_LengthFromEdges: interface of "Length From Edges (2D Hyp. for Triangulator)" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_LengthFromEdges : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <mode> parameter value
    void SetMode(in long mode) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <mode> parameter value
    long GetMode();

   * StdMeshers_StartEndLength: interface of "Start and End Length" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_StartEndLength : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <start segment length> or <end segment length> parameter value
    void SetLength(in double length, in boolean isStartLength) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <start segment length> or <end segment length> parameter value
    double GetLength(in boolean isStartLength);

   * StdMeshers_Deflection1D: interface of "Deflection 1D" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_Deflection1D : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <deflection> parameter value
    void SetDeflection(in double deflection)
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <deflection> parameter value
    double GetDeflection();

   * StdMeshers_MaxElementVolume: interface of "Max. Hexahedron or Tetrahedron Volume" hypothesis
  interface StdMeshers_MaxElementVolume : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis
     * Sets <maximum element volume> parameter value
    void SetMaxElementVolume(in double volume) 
      raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);

     * Returns <maximum element volume> parameter value
    double GetMaxElementVolume();

   * StdMeshers_NotConformAllowed: interface of "Not Conform Mesh Allowed" hypothesis.
   * Presence of this hypothesis permits to algorithm generation of not conform mesh.
  interface StdMeshers_NotConformAllowed : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis

   * StdMeshers_Propagation: interface of "Propagation" hypothesis.
   * Presence of this hypothesis on any edge propagates any other 1D
   * hypothesis from this edge on all edges, opposite to it.
   * It concerns only edges of quadrangle faces.
  interface StdMeshers_Propagation : SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis

   * StdMeshers_Regular_1D: interface of "Wire discretisation" algorithm
  interface StdMeshers_Regular_1D : SMESH::SMESH_1D_Algo

   * StdMeshers_MEFISTO_2D: interface of "Triangle (Mefisto)" algorithm
  interface StdMeshers_MEFISTO_2D : SMESH::SMESH_2D_Algo

   * StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D: interface of "Quadrangle (Mapping)" algorithm
  interface StdMeshers_Quadrangle_2D : SMESH::SMESH_2D_Algo

   * StdMeshers_Hexa_3D: interface of "Hexahedron (i,j,k)" algorithm
  interface StdMeshers_Hexa_3D : SMESH::SMESH_3D_Algo

