.. _use_existing_page: ************************************** Use Edges/Faces to be Created Manually ************************************** The algorithms **Use Edges to be Created Manually** and **Use Faces to be Created Manually** allow creating a 1D or a 2D mesh in a python script (using *AddNode, AddEdge* and *AddFace* commands) and then using such sub-meshes in the construction of a 2D or a 3D mesh. For example, you want to use standard algorithms to generate 1D and 3D meshes and to create 2D mesh by your python code. For this, you #. create a mesh object, assign a 1D algorithm, #. invoke **Compute** command, which computes a 1D mesh, #. assign **Use Faces to be Created Manually** and a 3D algorithm, #. run your python code, which creates a 2D mesh, #. invoke **Compute** command, which computes a 3D mesh. .. warning:: * **Use Edges to be Created Manually** and **Use Faces to be Created Manually** algorithms should be assigned *before* mesh generation by the Python code. * Nodes and elements created in your script must be assigned to geometry entities by calling *SetMeshElementOnShape*, *SetNodeOnVertex*, *SetNodeOnEdge* etc. in order to be used by an algorithm of upper dimension. Consider trying a sample script demonstrating the usage of :ref:`Use Faces to be Created Manually <tui_use_existing_faces>` algorithm for construction of a 2D mesh using Python commands. .. figure:: ../images/use_existing_face_sample_mesh.png :align: center **See also** :ref:`the sample script <tui_use_existing_faces>` creating the mesh shown in the image in a Shrink mode.