/*! \page double_nodes_page Duplicate Nodes \n This operation allows to duplicate nodes of your mesh. To duplicate nodes:
  1. From the \b Modification menu choose \b Transformation -> \b Duplicate \b Nodes item or click "Duplicate Nodes" button in the toolbar.
    \image html duplicate_nodes.png "Duplicate Nodes button"
  2. Check in the dialog box one of two radio buttons corresponding to the type of nodes duplication operation you would like to perform.
  3. Fill the other fields available in the dialog box (depends on the chosen operation mode).
  4. Click the \b Apply or Apply and Close button to perform the operation of nodes duplication.
\n "Duplicate Nodes" dialog has two working modes:
\anchor mode_without_elem_anchor

Without duplication of border elements

In this mode the dialog looks like: \image html duplicate01.png Parameters to be defined in this mode:
  1. Group of nodes to duplicate (mandatory): these nodes will be duplicated.
  2. Group of elements to replace nodes with new ones (optional): the duplicated nodes will be associated with these elements.
  3. Construct group with newly created nodes option (checked by default): if checked - the group with just created nodes will be builded.

\anchor mode_with_elem_anchor

With duplication of border elements

In this mode the dialog looks like: \image html duplicate02.png Parameters to be defined in this mode:
  1. Group of elements to duplicate (mandatory): these elements will be duplicated.
  2. Group of nodes at not to duplicate (optional): group of nodes at crack bottom which will not be duplicated.
  3. Group of elements to replace nodes with new ones (mandatory): the duplicated nodes will be associated with these elements.
  4. Construct group with newly created elements option (checked by default): if checked - the group with just created elements will be builded.

See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_duplicate_nodes "Duplicate nodes" operation. */