.. _merging_elements_page: **************** Merging Elements **************** This functionality allows to merge coincident elements of a mesh. Two elements are considered coincident if they are based on the same set of nodes. .. image:: ../images/mergeelems_ico.png :align: center .. centered:: *"Merge elements"* menu button To merge elements choose in the main menu **Modification** -> **Transformation** -> **Merge elements** item. The following dialog box shall appear: .. image:: ../images/mergeelems_auto.png :align: center In this dialog: * **Name** is the name of the mesh object whose elements will be merged. * **Automatic** or **Manual** Mode allows choosing how the elements are processed. In the **Automatic** Mode all elements created on the same nodes will be merged. In **Manual** mode you can adjust groups of coincident elements detected by the program. If the **Manual** Mode is selected, additional controls are available: .. image:: ../images/mergeelems.png :align: center * **Detect** button generates the list of coincident elements found in the selected object. * **Coincident elements** is a list of groups of elements for merging. After the operation all elements of each group will be united into one element. The first element of a group is kept and the others are removed. * **Remove** button deletes the selected group from the list. * **Add** button adds to the list a group of elements selected in the viewer with pressed "Shift" key. * **Select all** check-box selects all groups. * **Show double elements IDs** check-box shows/hides identifiers of elements of the selected groups in the 3D viewer. * **Edit selected group of coincident elements** list allows editing the selected group: .. image:: ../images/add.png :align: center * adds to the group the elements selected in the viewer. .. image:: ../images/remove.png :align: center * removes the selected elements from the group. .. image:: ../images/sort.png :align: center * moves the selected element to the first position in the group in order to keep it in the mesh. * To confirm your choice click **Apply** or **Apply and Close** button. In the following picture you see a triangle which coincides with one of the elements of the mesh. After we apply **Merge Elements** functionality, the triangle will be completely merged with the mesh. .. image:: ../images/meshtrianglemergeelem1.png :align: center **See Also** a sample TUI Script of a :ref:`tui_merging_elements` operation.