/*! \page reorient_faces_page Reorient faces \n This operation allows changing orientation of faces two ways.
  1. To reorient a set of neighboring faces by defining the desired orientation by a vector.
    Since the direction of face normals in the set can be even opposite, it is necessary to specify a control face whose normal will be compared with the vector. This face can be either
  2. To reorient faces with relation to adjacent volumes.
Orientation of a face is changed by reverting the order of its nodes. To change orientation of faces:
  1. In the \b Modification menu select Reorient faces item or click Reorient faces button in the toolbar.
    \image html reorient_faces_face.png "Reorient faces" button
    The following dialog box will appear:
    \image html reorient_2d_point.png "First mode: to reorient adjacent faces according to a vector. The control face is found by point."
    \image html reorient_2d_face.png "Second mode: to reorient adjacent faces according to a vector. The control face is explicitly given."
    \image html reorient_2d_volume.png "Third mode: to reorient faces with relation to adjacent volumes."
  2. In this dialog
  3. Click the \b Apply or Apply and Close button to confirm the operation.

See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_reorient_faces "Reorient faces" operation. */