.. _segments_around_vertex_algo_page: ********************** Segments around Vertex ********************** **Segments around Vertex** algorithm is considered to be a 0D meshing algorithm, but, of course, it doesn't mesh vertices. It allows to define the local size of the segments in the neighborhood of a certain vertex. If we assign this algorithm to a geometrical object of higher dimension, it applies to all its vertices. .. _note: To create 0D elements, use :ref:`adding_nodes_and_elements_page` operation. Length of segments near vertex is defined by **Length Near Vertex** hypothesis. This hypothesis is used by :ref:`Wire Discretization <a1d_algos_anchor>` or :ref:`Composite Side Discretization <a1d_algos_anchor>` algorithms as follows: a geometrical edge is discretized according to a 1D hypotheses and then nodes near vertices are modified to assure the segment length required by **Length Near Vertex** hypothesis. .. image:: ../images/lengthnearvertex.png :align: center **See also** a sample :ref:`TUI Script <tui_segments_around_vertex>`.