
\mainpage Introduction to Mesh module

\image html a-viewgeneral.png

\n \b Mesh module of SALOME is destined for:
<li>\subpage about_meshes_page "creating meshes" in different ways:
 - by meshing geometrical models previously created or imported by the
   Geometry component; 
 - bottom-up, using \ref modifying_meshes_page "mesh edition"
   operations, especially \ref extrusion_page "extrusion" and \ref
   revolution_page "revolution";
 - by generation of the 3D mesh from the 2D mesh not based on the geometry
  (\ref importing_exporting_meshes_page "imported" for example); 
<li>\ref importing_exporting_meshes_page "importing and exporting meshes" 
  in various formats;</li>
<li>\subpage modifying_meshes_page "modifying meshes" with a vast
  array of dedicated operations;</li> 
<li>\subpage grouping_elements_page "creating groups" of mesh
<li>filtering mesh entities (nodes or elements) using
  \subpage filters_page "Filters" functionality for \ref
  grouping_elements_page "creating groups" and applying \ref
  modifying_meshes_page "mesh modifications";</li>
<li>\subpage viewing_meshes_overview_page "viewing meshes" in
  the VTK viewer and \ref mesh_infos_page "getting info" on mesh
  and its sub-objects;</li>
<li>applying to meshes \subpage quality_page "Quality Controls", 
  allowing to highlight important elements;</li>
<li>taking various \subpage measurements_page "measurements" of the
  mesh objects.</li>

It is possible to use the variables predefined in
\subpage using_notebook_mesh_page "Salome notebook" to set parameters
of operations.

Mesh module preferences are described in the \subpage mesh_preferences_page 
section of SALOME Mesh Help.

Almost all mesh module functionalities are accessible via
\subpage smeshpy_interface_page "Mesh module Python interface".

There is a set of \subpage tools_page "tools" plugged-in the module to extend
the basic functionality listed above.

\image html image7.jpg "Example of MESH module usage for engineering tasks"
