/*! \page additional_hypo_page Additional Hypotheses \n <b>Additional Hypotheses</b> can be applied as a supplement to the main hypotheses, introducing additional concepts to mesh creation. To define an <b>Additional Hypothesis</b> simply select it in <b>Create Mesh</b> menu. These hypotheses are actually changes in the rules of mesh creation and as such don't possess adjustable values. <h2>Non Conform mesh allowed hypothesis</h2> <b>Non Conform mesh allowed</b> hypothesis allows to generate non-conform meshes (that is, meshes having some edges ending on an edge or face of adjacent elements). <h2>Quadratic Mesh</h2> Quadratic Mesh hypothesis allows to build a quadratic mesh (whose edges are not straight but broken lines and can be defined by three points: first, middle and last) instead of an ordinary one. <h2>Propagation of 1D Hypothesis on opposite edges</h2> <b>Propagation of 1D Hypothesis on opposite edges</b> allows to propagate a hypothesis onto an opposite edge. If a local hypothesis and propagation are defined on an edge of a quadrangular face, the opposite edge will have the same hypothesis, unless another hypothesis has been locally defined on the opposite edge. <br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_propagation "Propagation hypothesis" operation. */