// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // SMESH DriverMED : driver to read and write 'med' files // File : DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh.cxx // Module : SMESH // #include "DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh.h" #include "DriverMED_Family.h" #include "MED_Factory.hxx" #include "MED_Utilities.hxx" #include "SMDS_IteratorOnIterators.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx" #include "SMDS_SetIterator.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "MED_Common.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #define _EDF_NODE_IDS_ //#define _ELEMENTS_BY_DIM_ using namespace std; using namespace MED; DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh(): myAllSubMeshes (false), myDoGroupOfNodes (false), myDoGroupOfEdges (false), myDoGroupOfFaces (false), myDoGroupOfVolumes (false), myDoGroupOf0DElems(false), myDoGroupOfBalls(false), myAutoDimension(false), myAddODOnVertices(false), myDoAllInGroups(false), myVersion(-1), myZTolerance(-1.) {} void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::SetFile(const std::string& theFileName, int theVersion) { myVersion = theVersion; Driver_SMESHDS_Mesh::SetFile(theFileName); } /*! * MED version is either the latest available, or with an inferior minor, * to ensure backward compatibility on writing med files. */ string DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::GetVersionString(int theMinor, int theNbDigits) { TInt majeur, mineur, release; majeur=MED_MAJOR_NUM; mineur=MED_MINOR_NUM; release=MED_RELEASE_NUM; TInt imposedMineur = mineur; if (theMinor < 0) imposedMineur = mineur; else if (theMinor > MED_MINOR_NUM) imposedMineur = mineur; else imposedMineur = theMinor; ostringstream name; if ( theNbDigits > 0 ) name << majeur; if ( theNbDigits > 1 ) name << "." << imposedMineur; if ( theNbDigits > 2 ) name << "." << release; return name.str(); } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroup(SMESHDS_GroupBase* theGroup) { myGroups.push_back(theGroup); } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddAllSubMeshes() { myAllSubMeshes = true; } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddSubMesh(SMESHDS_SubMesh* theSubMesh, int /*theID*/) { mySubMeshes.push_back( theSubMesh ); } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroupOfNodes() { myDoGroupOfNodes = true; } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroupOfEdges() { myDoGroupOfEdges = true; } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroupOfFaces() { myDoGroupOfFaces = true; } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroupOfVolumes() { myDoGroupOfVolumes = true; } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroupOf0DElems() { myDoGroupOf0DElems = true; } void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddGroupOfBalls() { myDoGroupOfBalls = true; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Set up a flag to add all elements not belonging to any group to * some auxiliary group. This is needed for SMESH -> SAUVE -> SMESH conversion, * which since PAL0023285 reads only SAUVE elements belonging to any group, * and hence can lose some elements. That auxiliary group is ignored while * reading a MED file. */ //================================================================================ void DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::AddAllToGroup() { myDoAllInGroups = true; } namespace { typedef double (SMDS_MeshNode::* TGetCoord)() const; typedef const char* TName; typedef const char* TUnit; // name length in a mesh must be equal to 16 : // 1234567890123456 TName M = "m "; TName X = "x "; TName Y = "y "; TName Z = "z "; TUnit aUnit[3] = {M,M,M}; // 3 dim TGetCoord aXYZGetCoord[3] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::X, &SMDS_MeshNode::Y, &SMDS_MeshNode::Z }; TName aXYZName[3] = {X,Y,Z}; // 2 dim TGetCoord aXYGetCoord[2] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::X, &SMDS_MeshNode::Y }; TName aXYName[2] = {X,Y}; TGetCoord aYZGetCoord[2] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::Y, &SMDS_MeshNode::Z }; TName aYZName[2] = {Y,Z}; TGetCoord aXZGetCoord[2] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::X, &SMDS_MeshNode::Z }; TName aXZName[2] = {X,Z}; // 1 dim TGetCoord aXGetCoord[1] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::X }; TName aXName[1] = {X}; TGetCoord aYGetCoord[1] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::Y }; TName aYName[1] = {Y}; TGetCoord aZGetCoord[1] = { &SMDS_MeshNode::Z }; TName aZName[1] = {Z}; class TCoordHelper{ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr myNodeIter; const SMDS_MeshNode* myCurrentNode; TGetCoord* myGetCoord; TName* myName; TUnit* myUnit; public: TCoordHelper(const SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr& theNodeIter, TGetCoord* theGetCoord, TName* theName, TUnit* theUnit = aUnit): myNodeIter(theNodeIter), myGetCoord(theGetCoord), myName(theName), myUnit(theUnit) {} virtual ~TCoordHelper(){} bool Next(){ return myNodeIter->more() && (myCurrentNode = myNodeIter->next()); } const SMDS_MeshNode* GetNode(){ return myCurrentNode; } MED::TIntVector::value_type GetID(){ return myCurrentNode->GetID(); } MED::TFloatVector::value_type GetCoord(TInt theCoodId){ return (myCurrentNode->*myGetCoord[theCoodId])(); } MED::TStringVector::value_type GetName(TInt theDimId){ return myName[theDimId]; } MED::TStringVector::value_type GetUnit(TInt theDimId){ return myUnit[theDimId]; } }; typedef boost::shared_ptr TCoordHelperPtr; //------------------------------------------------------- /*! * \brief Structure describing element type */ //------------------------------------------------------- struct TElemTypeData { EEntiteMaillage _entity; EGeometrieElement _geomType; TInt _nbElems; SMDSAbs_ElementType _smdsType; TElemTypeData (EEntiteMaillage entity, EGeometrieElement geom, TInt nb, SMDSAbs_ElementType type) : _entity(entity), _geomType(geom), _nbElems( nb ), _smdsType( type ) {} }; typedef NCollection_DataMap< Standard_Address, int > TElemFamilyMap; //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Fills element to famaly ID map for element type. * Removes all families of anElemType */ //================================================================================ void fillElemFamilyMap( TElemFamilyMap & anElemFamMap, list & aFamilies, const SMDSAbs_ElementType anElemType) { anElemFamMap.Clear(); list::iterator aFamsIter = aFamilies.begin(); while ( aFamsIter != aFamilies.end() ) { if ((*aFamsIter)->GetType() != anElemType) { aFamsIter++; } else { int aFamId = (*aFamsIter)->GetId(); const ElementsSet& anElems = (*aFamsIter)->GetElements(); ElementsSet::const_iterator anElemsIter = anElems.begin(); for (; anElemsIter != anElems.end(); anElemsIter++) { anElemFamMap.Bind( (Standard_Address)*anElemsIter, aFamId ); } // remove a family from the list aFamilies.erase( aFamsIter++ ); } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief For an element, return family ID found in the map or a default one */ //================================================================================ int getFamilyId( const TElemFamilyMap & anElemFamMap, const SMDS_MeshElement* anElement, const int aDefaultFamilyId) { if ( anElemFamMap.IsBound( (Standard_Address) anElement )) return anElemFamMap( (Standard_Address) anElement ); return aDefaultFamilyId; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Returns iterator on sub-meshes */ //================================================================================ SMESHDS_SubMeshIteratorPtr getIterator( std::vector& mySubMeshes ) { return SMESHDS_SubMeshIteratorPtr ( new SMDS_SetIterator < const SMESHDS_SubMesh*, std::vector< SMESHDS_SubMesh* >::iterator >( mySubMeshes.begin(), mySubMeshes.end() )); } } Driver_Mesh::Status DriverMED_W_SMESHDS_Mesh::Perform() { Status aResult = DRS_OK; try { //MESSAGE("Perform - myFile : "<NbEdges() > 0 ) aMeshDimension = 1; if ( myMesh->NbFaces() > 0 ) aMeshDimension = 2; if ( myMesh->NbVolumes() > 0 ) aMeshDimension = 3; TInt aSpaceDimension = 3; TCoordHelperPtr aCoordHelperPtr; { bool anIsXDimension = false; bool anIsYDimension = false; bool anIsZDimension = false; if ( myAutoDimension && aMeshDimension < 3 ) { SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aNodesIter = myMesh->nodesIterator(); double aBounds[6]; if(aNodesIter->more()){ const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = aNodesIter->next(); aBounds[0] = aBounds[1] = aNode->X(); aBounds[2] = aBounds[3] = aNode->Y(); aBounds[4] = aBounds[5] = aNode->Z(); } while(aNodesIter->more()){ const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = aNodesIter->next(); aBounds[0] = min(aBounds[0],aNode->X()); aBounds[1] = max(aBounds[1],aNode->X()); aBounds[2] = min(aBounds[2],aNode->Y()); aBounds[3] = max(aBounds[3],aNode->Y()); aBounds[4] = min(aBounds[4],aNode->Z()); aBounds[5] = max(aBounds[5],aNode->Z()); } double EPS = 1.0E-7; TopoDS_Shape mainShape = myMesh->ShapeToMesh(); bool hasShapeToMesh = ( myMesh->SubMeshIndices().size() > 1 ); if ( !mainShape.IsNull() && hasShapeToMesh ) { // define EPS by max tolerance of the mainShape (IPAL53097) TopExp_Explorer subShape; for ( subShape.Init( mainShape, TopAbs_FACE ); subShape.More(); subShape.Next() ) { EPS = Max( EPS, BRep_Tool::Tolerance( TopoDS::Face( subShape.Current() ))); } for ( subShape.Init( mainShape, TopAbs_EDGE ); subShape.More(); subShape.Next() ) { EPS = Max( EPS, BRep_Tool::Tolerance( TopoDS::Edge( subShape.Current() ))); } for ( subShape.Init( mainShape, TopAbs_VERTEX ); subShape.More(); subShape.Next() ) { EPS = Max( EPS, BRep_Tool::Tolerance( TopoDS::Vertex( subShape.Current() ))); } EPS *= 2.; } anIsXDimension = (aBounds[1] - aBounds[0]) + abs(aBounds[1]) + abs(aBounds[0]) > EPS; anIsYDimension = (aBounds[3] - aBounds[2]) + abs(aBounds[3]) + abs(aBounds[2]) > EPS; anIsZDimension = (aBounds[5] - aBounds[4]) + abs(aBounds[5]) + abs(aBounds[4]) > EPS; if ( myZTolerance > 0 && anIsZDimension ) anIsZDimension = (aBounds[5] > myZTolerance || aBounds[4] < -myZTolerance ); aSpaceDimension = Max( aMeshDimension, anIsXDimension + anIsYDimension + anIsZDimension ); if ( !aSpaceDimension ) aSpaceDimension = 3; // PAL16857(SMESH not conform to the MED convention): if ( aSpaceDimension == 2 && anIsZDimension ) // 2D only if mesh is in XOY plane aSpaceDimension = 3; // PAL18941(a saved study with a mesh belong Z is opened and the mesh is belong X) if ( aSpaceDimension == 1 && !anIsXDimension ) {// 1D only if mesh is along OX if ( anIsYDimension ) { aSpaceDimension = 2; anIsXDimension = true; } else { aSpaceDimension = 3; } } } SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aNodesIter = myMesh->nodesIterator(); switch ( aSpaceDimension ) { case 3: aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aXYZGetCoord,aXYZName)); break; case 2: if(anIsXDimension && anIsYDimension) aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aXYGetCoord,aXYName)); if(anIsYDimension && anIsZDimension) aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aYZGetCoord,aYZName)); if(anIsXDimension && anIsZDimension) aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aXZGetCoord,aXZName)); break; case 1: if(anIsXDimension) aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aXGetCoord,aXName)); if(anIsYDimension) aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aYGetCoord,aYName)); if(anIsZDimension) aCoordHelperPtr.reset(new TCoordHelper(aNodesIter,aZGetCoord,aZName)); break; } } MED::PWrapper myMed = CrWrapperW(myFile, myVersion); PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = myMed->CrMeshInfo(aMeshDimension,aSpaceDimension,aMeshName); //MESSAGE("Add - aMeshName : "<GetName()); myMed->SetMeshInfo(aMeshInfo); // Storing SMDS groups and sub-meshes as med families //---------------------------------------------------- int myNodesDefaultFamilyId = 0; int my0DElementsDefaultFamilyId = 0; int myBallsDefaultFamilyId = 0; int myEdgesDefaultFamilyId = 0; int myFacesDefaultFamilyId = 0; int myVolumesDefaultFamilyId = 0; int nbNodes = myMesh->NbNodes(); int nb0DElements = myMesh->Nb0DElements(); int nbBalls = myMesh->NbBalls(); int nbEdges = myMesh->NbEdges(); int nbFaces = myMesh->NbFaces(); int nbVolumes = myMesh->NbVolumes(); if (myDoGroupOfNodes) myNodesDefaultFamilyId = REST_NODES_FAMILY; if (myDoGroupOfEdges) myEdgesDefaultFamilyId = REST_EDGES_FAMILY; if (myDoGroupOfFaces) myFacesDefaultFamilyId = REST_FACES_FAMILY; if (myDoGroupOfVolumes) myVolumesDefaultFamilyId = REST_VOLUMES_FAMILY; if (myDoGroupOf0DElems) my0DElementsDefaultFamilyId = REST_0DELEM_FAMILY; if (myDoGroupOfBalls) myBallsDefaultFamilyId = REST_BALL_FAMILY; if (myDoAllInGroups ) { if (!myDoGroupOfEdges) myEdgesDefaultFamilyId = NIG_EDGES_FAMILY ; if (!myDoGroupOfFaces) myFacesDefaultFamilyId = NIG_FACES_FAMILY ; if (!myDoGroupOfVolumes) myVolumesDefaultFamilyId = NIG_VOLS_FAMILY ; if (!myDoGroupOf0DElems) my0DElementsDefaultFamilyId = NIG_0DELEM_FAMILY ; if (!myDoGroupOfBalls) myBallsDefaultFamilyId = NIG_BALL_FAMILY ; } //MESSAGE("Perform - aFamilyInfo"); list aFamilies; if (myAllSubMeshes) { aFamilies = DriverMED_Family::MakeFamilies (myMesh->SubMeshes(), myGroups, myDoGroupOfNodes && nbNodes, myDoGroupOfEdges && nbEdges, myDoGroupOfFaces && nbFaces, myDoGroupOfVolumes && nbVolumes, myDoGroupOf0DElems && nb0DElements, myDoGroupOfBalls && nbBalls, myDoAllInGroups); } else { aFamilies = DriverMED_Family::MakeFamilies (getIterator( mySubMeshes ), myGroups, myDoGroupOfNodes && nbNodes, myDoGroupOfEdges && nbEdges, myDoGroupOfFaces && nbFaces, myDoGroupOfVolumes && nbVolumes, myDoGroupOf0DElems && nb0DElements, myDoGroupOfBalls && nbBalls, myDoAllInGroups); } list::iterator aFamsIter; for (aFamsIter = aFamilies.begin(); aFamsIter != aFamilies.end(); aFamsIter++) { PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo = (*aFamsIter)->GetFamilyInfo(myMed,aMeshInfo); myMed->SetFamilyInfo(aFamilyInfo); } // Storing SMDS nodes to the MED file for the MED mesh //---------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_ typedef map TNodeIdMap; TNodeIdMap aNodeIdMap; #endif const EModeSwitch theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE; const ERepere theSystem = eCART; const EBooleen theIsElemNum = eVRAI; const EBooleen theIsElemNames = eFAUX; const EConnectivite theConnMode = eNOD; TInt aNbNodes = myMesh->NbNodes(); PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = myMed->CrNodeInfo(aMeshInfo, aNbNodes, theMode, theSystem, theIsElemNum, theIsElemNames); // find family numbers for nodes TElemFamilyMap anElemFamMap; fillElemFamilyMap( anElemFamMap, aFamilies, SMDSAbs_Node ); for (TInt iNode = 0; aCoordHelperPtr->Next(); iNode++) { // coordinates TCoordSlice aTCoordSlice = aNodeInfo->GetCoordSlice( iNode ); for(TInt iCoord = 0; iCoord < aSpaceDimension; iCoord++){ aTCoordSlice[iCoord] = aCoordHelperPtr->GetCoord(iCoord); } if ( aSpaceDimension == 3 && -myZTolerance < aTCoordSlice[2] && aTCoordSlice[2] < myZTolerance ) aTCoordSlice[2] = 0.; // node number int aNodeID = aCoordHelperPtr->GetID(); aNodeInfo->SetElemNum( iNode, aNodeID ); #ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_ aNodeIdMap.insert( aNodeIdMap.end(), make_pair( aNodeID, iNode+1 )); #endif // family number const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = aCoordHelperPtr->GetNode(); int famNum = getFamilyId( anElemFamMap, aNode, myNodesDefaultFamilyId ); aNodeInfo->SetFamNum( iNode, famNum ); } anElemFamMap.Clear(); // coordinate names and units for (TInt iCoord = 0; iCoord < aSpaceDimension; iCoord++) { aNodeInfo->SetCoordName( iCoord, aCoordHelperPtr->GetName(iCoord)); aNodeInfo->SetCoordUnit( iCoord, aCoordHelperPtr->GetUnit(iCoord)); } //MESSAGE("Perform - aNodeInfo->GetNbElem() = "<SetNodeInfo(aNodeInfo); aNodeInfo.reset(); // free memory used for arrays // Storing SMDS elements to the MED file for the MED mesh //------------------------------------------------------- // Write one element type at once in order to minimize memory usage (PAL19276) const SMDS_MeshInfo& nbElemInfo = myMesh->GetMeshInfo(); // poly elements are not supported by med-2.1 bool polyTypesSupported = ( myMed->CrPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo,eMAILLE,ePOLYGONE,0,0).get() != 0 ); TInt nbPolygonNodes = 0, nbPolyhedronNodes = 0, nbPolyhedronFaces = 0; // nodes on VERTEXes where 0D elements are absent std::vector nodesOf0D; std::vector< SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > iterVec; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr iterVecIter; if ( myAddODOnVertices && getNodesOfMissing0DOnVert( myMesh, nodesOf0D )) { iterVec.resize(2); iterVec[0] = myMesh->elementsIterator( SMDSAbs_0DElement ); iterVec[1] = SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr ( new SMDS_ElementVectorIterator( nodesOf0D.begin(), nodesOf0D.end() )); typedef SMDS_IteratorOnIterators < const SMDS_MeshElement *, std::vector< SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr > > TItIterator; iterVecIter = SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr( new TItIterator( iterVec )); } // collect info on all geom types list< TElemTypeData > aTElemTypeDatas; EEntiteMaillage anEntity = eMAILLE; #ifdef _ELEMENTS_BY_DIM_ anEntity = eNOEUD_ELEMENT; #endif aTElemTypeDatas.push_back(TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOINT1, nbElemInfo.Nb0DElements() + nodesOf0D.size(), SMDSAbs_0DElement)); #ifdef _ELEMENTS_BY_DIM_ anEntity = eSTRUCT_ELEMENT; #endif aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eBALL, nbElemInfo.NbBalls(), SMDSAbs_Ball)); #ifdef _ELEMENTS_BY_DIM_ anEntity = eARETE; #endif aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eSEG2, nbElemInfo.NbEdges( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Edge)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eSEG3, nbElemInfo.NbEdges( ORDER_QUADRATIC ), SMDSAbs_Edge)); #ifdef _ELEMENTS_BY_DIM_ anEntity = eFACE; #endif aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eTRIA3, nbElemInfo.NbTriangles( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Face)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eTRIA6, nbElemInfo.NbTriangles( ORDER_QUADRATIC ) - nbElemInfo.NbBiQuadTriangles(), SMDSAbs_Face)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eTRIA7, nbElemInfo.NbBiQuadTriangles(), SMDSAbs_Face)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eQUAD4, nbElemInfo.NbQuadrangles( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Face)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eQUAD8, nbElemInfo.NbQuadrangles( ORDER_QUADRATIC ) - nbElemInfo.NbBiQuadQuadrangles(), SMDSAbs_Face)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eQUAD9, nbElemInfo.NbBiQuadQuadrangles(), SMDSAbs_Face)); if ( polyTypesSupported ) { aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOLYGONE, nbElemInfo.NbPolygons( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Face)); // we need one more loop on poly elements to count nb of their nodes aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOLYGONE, nbElemInfo.NbPolygons( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Face)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOLYGON2, nbElemInfo.NbPolygons( ORDER_QUADRATIC ), SMDSAbs_Face)); // we need one more loop on QUAD poly elements to count nb of their nodes aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOLYGON2, nbElemInfo.NbPolygons( ORDER_QUADRATIC ), SMDSAbs_Face)); } #ifdef _ELEMENTS_BY_DIM_ anEntity = eMAILLE; #endif aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eTETRA4, nbElemInfo.NbTetras( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eTETRA10, nbElemInfo.NbTetras( ORDER_QUADRATIC ), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePYRA5, nbElemInfo.NbPyramids( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePYRA13, nbElemInfo.NbPyramids( ORDER_QUADRATIC ), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePENTA6, nbElemInfo.NbPrisms( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePENTA15, nbElemInfo.NbQuadPrisms(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePENTA18, nbElemInfo.NbBiQuadPrisms(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eHEXA8, nbElemInfo.NbHexas( ORDER_LINEAR ), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eHEXA20, nbElemInfo.NbHexas( ORDER_QUADRATIC )- nbElemInfo.NbTriQuadHexas(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eHEXA27, nbElemInfo.NbTriQuadHexas(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, eOCTA12, nbElemInfo.NbHexPrisms(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); if ( polyTypesSupported ) { aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOLYEDRE, nbElemInfo.NbPolyhedrons(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); // we need one more loop on poly elements to count nb of their nodes aTElemTypeDatas.push_back( TElemTypeData(anEntity, ePOLYEDRE, nbElemInfo.NbPolyhedrons(), SMDSAbs_Volume)); } vector< bool > isElemFamMapBuilt( SMDSAbs_NbElementTypes, false ); // loop on all geom types of elements list< TElemTypeData >::iterator aElemTypeData = aTElemTypeDatas.begin(); for ( ; aElemTypeData != aTElemTypeDatas.end(); ++aElemTypeData ) { if ( aElemTypeData->_nbElems == 0 ) continue; int defaultFamilyId = 0; switch ( aElemTypeData->_smdsType ) { case SMDSAbs_0DElement: defaultFamilyId = my0DElementsDefaultFamilyId; break; case SMDSAbs_Ball: defaultFamilyId = myBallsDefaultFamilyId; break; case SMDSAbs_Edge: defaultFamilyId = myEdgesDefaultFamilyId; break; case SMDSAbs_Face: defaultFamilyId = myFacesDefaultFamilyId; break; case SMDSAbs_Volume: defaultFamilyId = myVolumesDefaultFamilyId; break; default: continue; } // build map of family numbers for this type if ( !isElemFamMapBuilt[ aElemTypeData->_smdsType ]) { fillElemFamilyMap( anElemFamMap, aFamilies, aElemTypeData->_smdsType ); isElemFamMapBuilt[ aElemTypeData->_smdsType ] = true; } // iterator on elements of a current type SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIterator; int iElem = 0; // Treat POLYGONs // --------------- if ( aElemTypeData->_geomType == ePOLYGONE || aElemTypeData->_geomType == ePOLYGON2 ) { if ( aElemTypeData->_geomType == ePOLYGONE ) elemIterator = myMesh->elementEntityIterator( SMDSEntity_Polygon ); else elemIterator = myMesh->elementEntityIterator( SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon ); if ( nbPolygonNodes == 0 ) { // Count nb of nodes while ( elemIterator->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIterator->next(); nbPolygonNodes += anElem->NbNodes(); if ( ++iElem == aElemTypeData->_nbElems ) break; } } else { // Store in med file PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo = myMed->CrPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo, aElemTypeData->_entity, aElemTypeData->_geomType, aElemTypeData->_nbElems, nbPolygonNodes, theConnMode, theIsElemNum, theIsElemNames); TElemNum & index = *(aPolygoneInfo->myIndex.get()); index[0] = 1; while ( elemIterator->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIterator->next(); // index TInt aNbNodes = anElem->NbNodes(); index[ iElem+1 ] = index[ iElem ] + aNbNodes; // connectivity TConnSlice aTConnSlice = aPolygoneInfo->GetConnSlice( iElem ); for(TInt iNode = 0; iNode < aNbNodes; iNode++) { const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode = anElem->GetNode( iNode ); #ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_ aTConnSlice[ iNode ] = aNodeIdMap[aNode->GetID()]; #else aTConnSlice[ iNode ] = aNode->GetID(); #endif } // element number aPolygoneInfo->SetElemNum( iElem, anElem->GetID() ); // family number int famNum = getFamilyId( anElemFamMap, anElem, defaultFamilyId ); aPolygoneInfo->SetFamNum( iElem, famNum ); if ( ++iElem == aPolygoneInfo->GetNbElem() ) break; } myMed->SetPolygoneInfo(aPolygoneInfo); nbPolygonNodes = 0; // to treat next polygon type } } // Treat POLYEDREs // ---------------- else if ( aElemTypeData->_geomType == ePOLYEDRE ) { elemIterator = myMesh->elementGeomIterator( SMDSGeom_POLYHEDRA ); if ( nbPolyhedronNodes == 0 ) { // Count nb of nodes while ( elemIterator->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIterator->next(); nbPolyhedronNodes += anElem->NbNodes(); nbPolyhedronFaces += anElem->NbFaces(); if ( ++iElem == aElemTypeData->_nbElems ) break; } } else { // Store in med file PPolyedreInfo aPolyhInfo = myMed->CrPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo, aElemTypeData->_entity, aElemTypeData->_geomType, aElemTypeData->_nbElems, nbPolyhedronFaces+1, nbPolyhedronNodes, theConnMode, theIsElemNum, theIsElemNames); TElemNum & index = *(aPolyhInfo->myIndex.get()); TElemNum & faces = *(aPolyhInfo->myFaces.get()); TElemNum & conn = *(aPolyhInfo->myConn.get()); index[0] = 1; faces[0] = 1; TInt iFace = 0, iNode = 0; while ( elemIterator->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIterator->next(); const SMDS_MeshVolume *aPolyedre = myMesh->DownCast< SMDS_MeshVolume >( anElem ); if ( !aPolyedre ) continue; // index TInt aNbFaces = aPolyedre->NbFaces(); index[ iElem+1 ] = index[ iElem ] + aNbFaces; // face index for (TInt f = 1; f <= aNbFaces; ++f, ++iFace ) { int aNbFaceNodes = aPolyedre->NbFaceNodes( f ); faces[ iFace+1 ] = faces[ iFace ] + aNbFaceNodes; } // connectivity SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeIt = anElem->nodesIterator(); while ( nodeIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode = nodeIt->next(); #ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_ conn[ iNode ] = aNodeIdMap[aNode->GetID()]; #else conn[ iNode ] = aNode->GetID(); #endif ++iNode; } // element number aPolyhInfo->SetElemNum( iElem, anElem->GetID() ); // family number int famNum = getFamilyId( anElemFamMap, anElem, defaultFamilyId ); aPolyhInfo->SetFamNum( iElem, famNum ); if ( ++iElem == aPolyhInfo->GetNbElem() ) break; } myMed->SetPolyedreInfo(aPolyhInfo); } } // if (aElemTypeData->_geomType == ePOLYEDRE ) // Treat BALLs // ---------------- else if (aElemTypeData->_geomType == eBALL ) { // allocate data arrays PBallInfo aBallInfo = myMed->CrBallInfo( aMeshInfo, aElemTypeData->_nbElems ); elemIterator = myMesh->elementsIterator( SMDSAbs_Ball ); while ( elemIterator->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIterator->next(); // connectivity const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode = anElem->GetNode( 0 ); #ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_ (*aBallInfo->myConn)[ iElem ] = aNodeIdMap[aNode->GetID()]; #else (*aBallInfo->myConn)[ iElem ] = aNode->GetID(); #endif // element number aBallInfo->SetElemNum( iElem, anElem->GetID() ); // diameter aBallInfo->myDiameters[ iElem ] = static_cast( anElem )->GetDiameter(); // family number int famNum = getFamilyId( anElemFamMap, anElem, defaultFamilyId ); aBallInfo->SetFamNum( iElem, famNum ); ++iElem; } // store data in a file myMed->SetBallInfo(aBallInfo); } else { // Treat standard types // --------------------- // allocate data arrays PCellInfo aCellInfo = myMed->CrCellInfo( aMeshInfo, aElemTypeData->_entity, aElemTypeData->_geomType, aElemTypeData->_nbElems, theConnMode, theIsElemNum, theIsElemNames); TInt aNbNodes = MED::GetNbNodes(aElemTypeData->_geomType); elemIterator = myMesh->elementsIterator( aElemTypeData->_smdsType ); if ( aElemTypeData->_smdsType == SMDSAbs_0DElement && ! nodesOf0D.empty() ) elemIterator = iterVecIter; while ( elemIterator->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* anElem = elemIterator->next(); if ( anElem->NbNodes() != aNbNodes || anElem->IsPoly() ) continue; // other geometry // connectivity TConnSlice aTConnSlice = aCellInfo->GetConnSlice( iElem ); for (TInt iNode = 0; iNode < aNbNodes; iNode++) { const SMDS_MeshElement* aNode = anElem->GetNode( iNode ); #ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_ aTConnSlice[ iNode ] = aNodeIdMap[aNode->GetID()]; #else aTConnSlice[ iNode ] = aNode->GetID(); #endif } // element number aCellInfo->SetElemNum( iElem, anElem->GetID() ); // family number int famNum = getFamilyId( anElemFamMap, anElem, defaultFamilyId ); aCellInfo->SetFamNum( iElem, famNum ); if ( ++iElem == aCellInfo->GetNbElem() ) break; } // store data in a file myMed->SetCellInfo(aCellInfo); } } // loop on geom types } catch(const std::exception& exc) { INFOS("The following exception was caught:\n\t"<& nodes) { nodes.clear(); for ( int i = 1; i <= meshDS->MaxShapeIndex(); ++i ) { if ( meshDS->IndexToShape( i ).ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX ) continue; if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = meshDS->MeshElements(i) ) { SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt= sm->GetNodes(); while (nIt->more()) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n = nIt->next(); if ( n->NbInverseElements( SMDSAbs_0DElement ) == 0 ) nodes.push_back( n ); } } } return !nodes.empty(); }