@default AREA_ELEMENTS Area ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS Aspect Ratio 3D ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS Aspect Ratio COL_ALGO_HEADER Algorithm COL_ERROR_HEADER Error COL_SHAPE_HEADER SubShape COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED Algorithm failed COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH Invalid input mesh COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE Unexpected geometry COMPERR_EXCEPTION Unknown exception COMPERR_MEMORY_PB Memory allocation problem COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION OCC exception COMPERR_OK No errors COMPERR_SLM_EXCEPTION SALOME exception COMPERR_STD_EXCEPTION std::exception SMESH_GEOM Geometry DIRECT_GEOM_SELECTION Direct geometry selection ELEMENT_ID Element ID FREE_BORDERS Free Borders GEOMETRY_NAME Geometry name GEOM_BY_MESH_ELEM_SELECTION Find geometry by mesh element selection GLOBAL_ALGO Global INF_SELECT_OBJECT Select an object LENGTH2D_EDGES Length 2D LENGTH_EDGES Length LOCAL_ALGO Local MEN_ADD Add MEN_ADV_INFO Advanced Mesh Infos MEN_ALL All MEN_AREA Area MEN_ASPECT Aspect Ratio MEN_ASPECT_3D Aspect Ratio 3D MEN_AUTO_COLOR Auto Color MEN_AUTO_UPD Automatic Update MEN_BUILD_COMPOUND Build Compound MEN_CLIP Clipping MEN_COLORS Colors / Size MEN_COMPUTE Compute MEN_PRECOMPUTE Preview MEN_EVALUATE Evaluate MEN_CONNECTION Borders at Multi-Connection MEN_CONNECTION_2D Borders at Multi-Connection 2D MEN_CONSTRUCT_GROUP Construct Group MEN_CONV_TO_QUAD Convert to/from quadratic MEN_2D_FROM_3D Create 2D mesh from 3D MEN_MESH_ORDER Change submesh priority MEN_CREATE_GROUP Create Group MEN_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry MEN_CREATE_MESH Create Mesh MEN_CREATE_SUBMESH Create Sub-mesh MEN_CTRL Controls MEN_CUT Cutting of Quadrangles MEN_CUT_GROUP Cut Groups MEN_DAT DAT File MEN_DELETE Delete MEN_DEL_GROUP Delete Groups MEN_FACE_ORIENTATION Orientation of Faces MEN_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable Auto Color MEN_DISPLAY_ONLY Show Only MEN_DISPMODE Display Mode MEN_DISP_ENT Display Entity MEN_ELEM0D 0D Element MEN_ELEMS0D 0D Elements MEN_EDGE Edge MEN_EDGES Edges MEN_EDIT Edit MEN_EDIT_GROUP Edit Group MEN_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP Edit Group as Standalone MEN_EDIT_HYPO Edit Hypothesis MEN_EDIT_MESHSUBMESH Edit Mesh/Sub-mesh MEN_EXPORT Export MEN_EXPORT_DAT Export to DAT File MEN_EXPORT_MED Export to MED File MEN_EXPORT_STL Export to STL File MEN_EXPORT_UNV Export to UNV File MEN_EXTRUSION Extrusion MEN_EXTRUSION_ALONG Extrusion Along a Path MEN_FACES Faces MEN_FILE File MEN_FREE_BORDER Free Borders MEN_FREE_EDGE Free Edges MEN_FREE_NODE Free Nodes MEN_FREE_FACES Free Faces MEN_GLOBAL_HYPO Global Hypothesis MEN_HEXA Hexahedron MEN_HIDE Hide MEN_HYPO Hypotheses MEN_IMPORT Import MEN_INT_GROUP Intersect Groups MEN_INV Diagonal Inversion MEN_LENGTH Length MEN_LENGTH_2D Length 2D MEN_MAP Pattern Mapping MEN_MED MED file MEN_MERGE Merge Nodes MEN_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge Elements MEN_MESH Mesh MEN_MESH_THROU_POINT Mesh to Pass Through a Point MEN_MIN_ANG Minimum Angle MEN_MODIFY Modification MEN_MOVE Move Node MEN_NODE Node MEN_NODES Nodes MEN_NUM Numbering MEN_NUM_ELEMENTS Display Elements # MEN_NUM_NODES Display Nodes # MEN_ORIENT Orientation MEN_POLYGON Polygon MEN_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron MEN_PRECISION Precision MEN_PREF Preferences MEN_QUAD Quadrangle MEN_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge MEN_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron MEN_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron MEN_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid MEN_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle MEN_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron MEN_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle MEN_QUALITY Quality Controls MEN_REMOVE Remove MEN_REMOVE_ELEMENTS Elements MEN_REMOVE_NODES Nodes MEN_RENAME Rename MEN_RENUM Renumbering MEN_RENUM_ELEMENTS Elements MEN_RENUM_NODES Nodes MEN_RESET Reset MEN_REVOLUTION Revolution MEN_ROT Rotation MEN_SCALAR_BAR Scalar Bar MEN_SCALAR_BAR_PROP Scalar Bar Properties MEN_SELECTION Selection MEN_SEL_FILTER_LIB Selection Filters Library MEN_SEW Sewing MEN_SHADE Shading MEN_QUADRATIC_REPRESENT 2D Quadratic MEN_LINE_REPRESENTATION Lines MEN_ARC_REPRESENTATION Arcs MEN_SHOW Show MEN_SHRINK Shrink MEN_SKEW Skew MEN_SMOOTH Smoothing MEN_STD_INFO Standard Mesh Infos MEN_STL STL File MEN_SYM Symmetry MEN_TAPER Taper MEN_TETRA Tetrahedron MEN_TOOLS Tools MEN_TRANS Translation MEN_TRANSF Transformation MEN_TRANSP Transparency MEN_TRIANGLE Triangle MEN_UNASSIGN Unassign MEN_UNION Union of Triangles MEN_UNION2 Union of Two Triangles MEN_UNV UNV File MEN_UN_GROUP Union Groups MEN_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Group of underlying entities MEN_UPDATE Update MEN_VIEW View MEN_VOLUMES Volumes MEN_VOLUME_3D Volume MEN_WARP Warping Angle MEN_WHAT_IS Mesh Element Info MEN_WIRE Wireframe MESHERS_FILE_CANT_OPEN Can not open resource file MESHERS_FILE_CHECK_VARIABLE Check environment variable SMESH_MeshersList MESHERS_FILE_NO_VARIABLE Environment variable SMESH_MeshersList is not defined MESH_IS_NOT_SELECTED There is no selected mesh Please, select a mesh and try again MESH_NODE Node MESH_NODE_TITLE Add Node MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS Minimum Angle MULTI2D_BORDERS Borders at Multi-Connections 2D MULTI_BORDERS Borders at Multi-Connections NODE_ID Node ID NON_SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED There are objects selected which do not belong to %1 component. PREVIEW Preview SKEW_ELEMENTS Skew SMESHGUI_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters are not correctly specified Please enter correct values and try again SMESH_ADD_ALGORITHM Algorithms SMESH_ADD_ALGORITHM_TITLE Algorithms Assignation SMESH_ADD_ELEM0D Add 0D Element SMESH_ADD_ELEM0D_TITLE Add 0D Element SMESH_ADD_EDGE Add Edge SMESH_ADD_EDGE_TITLE Add Edge SMESH_ADD_HEXAS Add Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_HEXAS_TITLE Add Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis SMESH_ADD_HYPOTHESIS_TITLE Hypothesis Assignation SMESH_ADD_HYP_WRN "%1" assigned but: SMESH_ADD_POLYGON Add polygon SMESH_ADD_POLYGON_TITLE Add polygon SMESH_ADD_QUADRANGLE Add Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRANGLE_TITLE Add Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_EDGE_TITLE Add Quadratic Edge SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON_TITLE Add Quadratic Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON_TITLE Add Quadratic Pentahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID_TITLE Add Quadratic Pyramid SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE_TITLE Add Quadratic Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON_TITLE Add Quadratic Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE_TITLE Add Quadratic Triangle SMESH_ADD_SUBMESH SubMesh Construction SMESH_ADD_TETRAS Add Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_TETRAS_TITLE Add Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_TRIANGLE Add Triangle SMESH_ADD_TRIANGLE_TITLE Add Triangle SMESH_ANGLE Angle SMESH_ARGUMENTS Arguments SMESH_AUTO_GROUPS Automatically create groups SMESH_AVAILABLE Available SMESH_AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS Available algorithms SMESH_AVAILABLE_HYPOTHESES Available hypotheses SMESH_AXIS Axis SMESH_BAD_SELECTION No valid selection SMESH_BAD_MESH_SELECTION No valid mesh selection SMESH_BOUNDARYEDGES Boundary Edges SMESH_BUILD_COMPOUND_TITLE Create a Compound SMESH_BUT_ADD A&dd SMESH_BUT_APPLY &Apply SMESH_BUT_CANCEL &Cancel SMESH_BUT_CLOSE &Close SMESH_BUT_CREATE Create SMESH_BUT_DELETE Delete SMESH_BUT_FILTER Set &Filters SMESH_BUT_HELP &Help SMESH_BUT_NEW New SMESH_BUT_NO &No SMESH_BUT_OK &Ok SMESH_BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE A&pply and Close SMESH_BUT_REMOVE &Remove SMESH_BUT_SORT &Sort List SMESH_BUT_YES &Yes SMESH_CANT_ADD_HYP Can not assign "%1": SMESH_CANT_RM_HYP Can not unassign "%1": SMESH_CHECK_COLOR Color SMESH_CLIPPING_FROM From <--- SMESH_CLIPPING_INTO ---> Into SMESH_CLIPPING_TITLE Change Clipping SMESH_COMPUTE_SUCCEED Mesh computation succeed SMESH_EVALUATE_SUCCEED Mesh evaluation succeed SMESH_CONTENT Content SMESH_CONTINUE_MESH_VISUALIZATION It seems that there is not enough memory to show the mesh so that the application may crash. Do you wish to continue visualization? SMESH_COORDINATES Coordinates SMESH_COPY_ELEMENTS Copy Elements SMESH_COPY_GROUPS Copy groups SMESH_CREATE_ALGORITHMS Create algorithms SMESH_CREATE_COPY Create a copy SMESH_CREATE_GROUP_TITLE Create Group SMESH_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry SMESH_CREATE_HYPOTHESES Create hypotheses SMESH_CREATE_MESH Create a new mesh SMESH_CREATE_POLYHEDRAL_VOLUME_TITLE Create polyhedral volume SMESH_DIAGONAL Diagonal Inversion SMESH_DIAGONAL_INVERSION_TITLE Diagonal Inversion SMESH_DISTANCE Distance SMESH_DRS_1 MED file contains no mesh with the given name SMESH_DRS_2 MED file has overlapped ranges of element numbers, the numbers from the file are ignored SMESH_DRS_3 Some elements were skipped due to incorrect file data SMESH_DRS_4 The file is incorrect, some data is missed SMESH_DRS_EMPTY The file is empty, there is nothing to be published SMESH_DX dX SMESH_DY dY SMESH_DZ dZ SMESH_ELEM0D 0D Element SMESH_EDGE Edge SMESH_EDGES_CONNECTIVITY_TITLE Edges Connectivity SMESH_EDIT_GROUP_TITLE Edit Group SMESH_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP_TITLE Edit Group as Standalone SMESH_EDIT_HYPOTHESES Hypotheses Assignation SMESH_EDIT_USED Used SMESH_ELEMENTS Elements SMESH_ELEMENTS_COLOR Mesh Element Color SMESH_ELEMENTS_TYPE Elements Type SMESH_ELEMENT_TYPE Element Type SMESH_ERROR Error SMESH_ERR_SCALARBAR_PARAMS Warning! The parameters is incorrect SMESH_EXPORT_FAILED Mesh export failed. Probably, there is not enough space on disk. SMESH_EXPORT_MED_DUPLICATED_GRP There are duplicated group names in mesh "%1". You can cancel exporting and rename them, otherwise some group names in the resulting MED file will not match ones in the study. Do you want to continue ? SMESH_EXPORT_MED_V2_1 During export mesh with name - "%1" to MED 2.1 polygons and polyhedrons elements will be missed For correct export use MED 2.2 Are you sure want to export to MED 2.1 ? SMESH_EXPORT_STL1 Mesh - "%1" does not contain triangles SMESH_EXPORT_STL2 Mesh - "%1" contains another than triangles elements, they are ignored during writing to STL SMESH_EXPORT_UNV During export mesh with name - "%1" to UNV pyramid's elements will be missed SMESH_EXTRUSION Extrusion SMESH_EXTRUSION_TO_DISTANCE Extrusion To Distance SMESH_EXTRUSION_ALONG_VECTOR Extrusion Along Vector SMESH_FACE Face SMESH_FEATUREANGLE Feature Angle SMESH_FEATUREEDGES Feature Edges SMESH_FONT_ARIAL Arial SMESH_FONT_BOLD Bold SMESH_FONT_COURIER Courier SMESH_FONT_ITALIC Italic SMESH_FONT_SCALARBAR Font SMESH_FONT_SHADOW Shadow SMESH_FONT_TIMES Times SMESH_GEOM_GROUP Geometry group SMESH_GROUP Group SMESH_GROUP_GEOMETRY Group on geometry SMESH_GROUP_SELECTED %1 Groups SMESH_GROUP_STANDALONE Standalone group SMESH_GROUP_TYPE Group type SMESH_HEIGHT Height: SMESH_HEXAS Hexahedron SMESH_HILIGHT_COLOR Highlight Color SMESH_HORIZONTAL Horizontal SMESH_HYPOTHESES Hypotheses SMESH_HYP_1 Algorithm misses a hypothesis SMESH_HYP_10 Hypothesis and submesh dimensions mismatch SMESH_HYP_11 Shape is neither the main one, nor its subshape, nor a valid group SMESH_HYP_12 Geomerty mismatches algorithm's expectation SMESH_HYP_13 Algorithm can't work without shape SMESH_HYP_2 There are concurrent hypotheses on a shape SMESH_HYP_3 Hypothesis has a bad parameter value SMESH_HYP_4 Submesh is ignored as there is another algorithm of upper dimension generating %1D elements SMESH_HYP_5 Algorithm hides algorithm(s) of lower dimension by generating all-dimensions elements SMESH_HYP_6 Unknown fatal error at hypothesis definition SMESH_HYP_7 Hypothesis is not suitable in the current context SMESH_HYP_8 Non-conform mesh is produced using applied hypotheses SMESH_HYP_9 Such dimention hypothesis is already assigned to the shape SMESH_ID_DIAGONAL Id Edges SMESH_ID_ELEMENTS Id Elements SMESH_ID_FACES Id Faces SMESH_ID_NODES Id Nodes SMESH_INCORRECT_INPUT Incorrect input data! SMESH_INFORMATION Information SMESH_INIT Mesh SMESH_INIT_MESH Mesh Construction SMESH_INSUFFICIENT_DATA Insufficient input value SMESH_LABELS Labels: SMESH_LABELS_COLORS_SCALARBAR Colors && Labels SMESH_LENGTH Length SMESH_MAKE_GROUPS Generate groups SMESH_MANIFOLDEDGES Manifold Edges SMESH_MAX Max SMESH_MEN_ALGORITHMS Algorithms SMESH_MEN_APPLIED_ALGORIHTMS Applied Algorithms SMESH_MEN_APPLIED_HYPOTHESIS Applied Hypotheses SMESH_MEN_COMPONENT SMESH SMESH_MEN_HYPOTHESIS Hypotheses SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnCompound SubMeshes On Compound SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnEdge SubMeshes On Edge SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnFace SubMeshes On Face SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnSolid SubMeshes On Solid SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnVertex SubMeshes On Vertex SMESH_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge elements SMESH_MERGE_NODES Merge nodes SMESH_MESH Mesh SMESH_MESHINFO_0DELEMS 0D Elements SMESH_MESHINFO_ALL_TYPES Heterogenous SMESH_MESHINFO_EDGES Edges SMESH_MESHINFO_ELEMENTS Elements SMESH_MESHINFO_ENTITIES Entities SMESH_MESHINFO_FACES Faces SMESH_MESHINFO_HEXAS Hexahedrons SMESH_MESHINFO_NAME Name SMESH_MESHINFO_NODES Nodes SMESH_MESHINFO_ORDER0 Total SMESH_MESHINFO_ORDER1 Linear SMESH_MESHINFO_ORDER2 Quadratic SMESH_MESHINFO_POLYEDRES Polyhedrons SMESH_MESHINFO_POLYGONES Polygons SMESH_MESHINFO_PRISMS Prisms SMESH_MESHINFO_PYRAS Pyramids SMESH_MESHINFO_QUADRANGLES Quadrangles SMESH_MESHINFO_TETRAS Tetrahedrons SMESH_MESHINFO_TITLE Mesh Infos SMESH_MESHINFO_TOTAL Total SMESH_MESHINFO_TRIANGLES Triangles SMESH_MESHINFO_TYPE Type SMESH_MESHINFO_VOLUMES Volumes SMESH_MIN Min SMESH_MOVE Move SMESH_MOVE_ELEMENTS Move Elements SMESH_MOVE_NODES_TITLE Move Node SMESH_NAME Name SMESH_NODES Nodes SMESH_NONMANIFOLDEDGES Non Manifold Edges SMESH_NORMAL Normal SMESH_NO_MESH_VISUALIZATION There is not enough memory to show the mesh SMESH_NUMBEROFCOLORS Nb of colors: SMESH_NUMBEROFLABELS Nb of labels: SMESH_NUMBEROFSTEPS Number of steps: SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED %1_objects SMESH_OBJECT_ALGORITHM Algorithm SMESH_OBJECT_GEOM Geometrical Object SMESH_OBJECT_HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis SMESH_OBJECT_MESH Mesh SMESH_OBJECT_MESHorSUBMESH Mesh or SubMesh SMESH_OPERATION_FAILED Operation failed SMESH_ORIENTATION Orientation SMESH_ORIENTATION_ELEMENTS_TITLE Change Orientation SMESH_OUTLINE_COLOR Mesh Object Color SMESH_PARAMETERS Parameters SMESH_PLANE Plane SMESH_POINT Point SMESH_POINT_1 Point 1 SMESH_POINT_2 Point 2 SMESH_POLYEDRE_CREATE_ERROR Polyedron creation error SMESH_POLYEDRON Polyhedron SMESH_POLYGON Polygon SMESH_POSITION_SIZE_SCALARBAR Origin && Size SMESH_PRECISION Precision SMESH_PREFERENCES_SCALARBAR Scalar Bar Preferences SMESH_PREF_SELECTION Preferences - Selection SMESH_PRESELECTION Preselection SMESH_PRISM Prism SMESH_PROPERTIES_SCALARBAR Scalar Bar Properties SMESH_PYRAMID Pyramid SMESH_QUADRANGLE Quadrangle SMESH_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge SMESH_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron SMESH_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron SMESH_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid SMESH_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle SMESH_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron SMESH_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle SMESH_RANGE_MAX Max value: SMESH_RANGE_MIN Min value: SMESH_RANGE_SCALARBAR Scalar Range SMESH_REALLY_DELETE Do you really want to delete this %1 object(s)? : %2 SMESH_REMOVE Remove SMESH_REMOVE_ELEMENTS_TITLE Remove Elements SMESH_REMOVE_NODES_TITLE Remove Nodes SMESH_RENUMBERING Renumbering SMESH_RENUMBERING_ELEMENTS_TITLE Renumbering elements SMESH_RENUMBERING_NODES_TITLE Renumbering nodes SMESH_REVERSE Reverse SMESH_REVOLUTION Revolution SMESH_RM_HYP_WRN "%1" unassigned but: SMESH_ROTATION Rotation SMESH_ROTATION_TITLE Rotation about an axis SMESH_SCALARBAR Scalar Bar SMESH_SEGMENTS Segments SMESH_SELECTION Selection SMESH_SELECT_FROM Select From SMESH_SELECT_WHOLE_MESH Select whole mesh, submesh or group SMESH_SET_COLOR Color group SMESH_SEWING Sewing SMESH_SMOOTHING Smoothing SMESH_STANDARD_MESHINFO_TITLE Standard Mesh Infos SMESH_SUBMESH SubMesh SMESH_SUBMESH_SELECTED %1 SubMeshes SMESH_SYMMETRY Symmetry SMESH_TETRAS Tetrahedron SMESH_TITLE Title: SMESH_TOLERANCE Tolerance SMESH_TRANSLATION Translation SMESH_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE ---> Opaque SMESH_TRANSPARENCY_TITLE Change Transparency SMESH_TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT Transparent <--- SMESH_TRIANGLE Triangle SMESH_UPDATEVIEW Update View SMESH_VALUE Value SMESH_VECTOR Vector SMESH_VERTICAL Vertical SMESH_VISU_PROBLEM Mesh visualization failed, probably due to lack of memory SMESH_VISU_PROBLEM_CLEAR Mesh visualization failed, no memory even to show a message, so all visual data have been removed to let the application live. Consider saving your work before application crash SMESH_VOLUME Volume SMESH_WARNING Warning SMESH_WHAT_IS_TITLE Mesh Element Info SMESH_WIDTH Width: SMESH_WRN_ALGORITHM_ALREADYEXIST Algorithm already exists SMESH_WRN_COMPUTE_FAILED Mesh computation failed SMESH_WRN_EVALUATE_FAILED Mesh evaluation failed SMESH_WRN_EMPTY_NAME Empty name is not valid SMESH_WRN_HYPOTHESIS_ALREADYEXIST Hypothesis already exists SMESH_WRN_HYPOTHESIS_NOTEXIST Hypothesis or Algorithm not exists SMESH_WRN_MISSING_PARAMETERS Missing parameters SMESH_WRN_NO_AVAILABLE_DATA No available data in selection SMESH_WRN_SELECTIONMODE_DIAGONAL Activate Link Selection Mode SMESH_WRN_SELECTIONMODE_ELEMENTS Activate Elements Selection Mode SMESH_WRN_SELECTIONMODE_NODES Activate Nodes Selection Mode SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK Study frame with VTK Viewer must be activated SMESH_WRN_WARNING Warning SMESH_X X SMESH_X_SCALARBAR X: SMESH_Y Y SMESH_Y_SCALARBAR Y: SMESH_Z Z STATE_ALGO_MISSING %3 %2D algorithm is missing STATE_HYP_BAD_GEOMETRY %3 %2D algorithm "%1" is assigned to geometry mismatching its expectation STATE_HYP_BAD_PARAMETER Hypothesis of %3 %2D algorithm "%1" has a bad parameter value STATE_HYP_MISSING %3 %2D algorithm "%1" misses %4D hypothesis STATE_HYP_NOTCONFORM %3 %2D algorithm "%1" would produce not conform mesh: global "Not Conform Mesh Allowed" hypotesis is missing STB_ADV_INFO Advanced Mesh Infos STB_ALL All STB_AREA Area STB_ASPECT Aspect Ratio STB_ASPECT_3D Aspect Ratio 3D STB_AUTO_COLOR Auto color STB_AUTO_UPD Automatic update STB_BUILD_COMPOUND Build Compound Mesh STB_CLIP Clipping STB_COLORS Colors / Size STB_COMPUTE Compute STB_PRECOMPUTE Preview STB_EVALUATE Evaluate STB_CONNECTION Borders at Multi-Connection STB_CONNECTION_2D Borders at Multi-Connection 2D STB_CONSTRUCT_GROUP Construct Group STB_CONV_TO_QUAD Convert to/from quadratic STB_2D_FROM_3D Create 2D mesh from 3D STB_MESH_ORDER Change submesh priority STB_CREATE_GROUP Create Group STB_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry STB_CREATE_MESH Create Mesh STB_CREATE_SUBMESH Create Sub-mesh STB_CUT Cutting of quadrangles STB_CUT_GROUP Cut Groups STB_DAT Import DAT file STB_DELETE Delete STB_DEL_GROUP Delete Groups STB_FACE_ORIENTATION Orientation of faces STB_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color STB_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only STB_DISP_ENT Display entity STB_ELEM0D 0D Element STB_ELEMS0D 0D Elements STB_EDGE Edge STB_EDGES Edges STB_EDIT_GROUP Edit Group STB_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP Edit Group as Standalone STB_EDIT_HYPO Edit Hypothesis STB_EDIT_MESHSUBMESH Edit Mesh/Sub-mesh STB_EXPORT_DAT Export to DAT file STB_EXPORT_MED Export to MED file STB_EXPORT_STL Export to STL file STB_EXPORT_UNV Export to UNV file STB_EXTRUSION Extrusion STB_EXTRUSION_ALONG Extrusion along a path STB_FACES Faces STB_FREE_BORDER Free Borders STB_FREE_EDGE Free Edges STB_FREE_NODE Free Nodes STB_FREE_FACES Free Faces STB_GLOBAL_HYPO Global Hypothesis STB_HEXA Hexahedron STB_HIDE Hide STB_INT_GROUP Intersect Groups STB_INV Diagonal Inversion STB_LENGTH Length STB_LENGTH_2D Length 2D STB_MAP Pattern mapping STB_MED Import MED file STB_MERGE Merge nodes STB_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge elements STB_MESH_THROU_POINT Mesh to pass through a point STB_MIN_ANG Minimum Angle STB_MOVE Move Node STB_NODE Node STB_NODES Nodes STB_NUM_ELEMENTS Display Elements STB_NUM_NODES Display Nodes STB_ORIENT Orientation STB_POLYGON Polygon STB_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron STB_PRECISION Precision STB_QUAD Quadrangle STB_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge STB_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron STB_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron STB_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid STB_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle STB_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron STB_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle STB_REMOVE_ELEMENTS Remove elements STB_REMOVE_NODES Remove nodes STB_RENAME Rename STB_RENUM_ELEMENTS Renumbering elements STB_RENUM_NODES Renumbering nodes STB_RESET Reset STB_REVOLUTION Revolution STB_ROT Rotation STB_SCALAR_BAR Scalar bar STB_SCALAR_BAR_PROP Scalar bar Properties STB_SELECTION Selection STB_SEL_FILTER_LIB Selection filters library STB_SEW Sewing STB_SHADE Shading STB_SHOW Show STB_SHRINK Shrink STB_SKEW Skew STB_SMOOTH Smoothing STB_STD_INFO Standard Mesh Infos STB_SYM Symmetry STB_TAPER Taper STB_TETRA Tetrahedron STB_TRANS Translation STB_TRANSP Transparency STB_TRIANGLE Triangle STB_UNASSIGN Unassign STB_UNION Union of triangles STB_UNION2 Union of two triangles STB_UNV Import UNV file STB_UN_GROUP Union Groups STB_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Create groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions STB_UPDATE Update STB_VOLUMES Volumes STB_VOLUME_3D Volume STB_WARP Warping angle STB_WHAT_IS Mesh Element Info STB_WIRE Wireframe TAPER_ELEMENTS Taper TB_ADD_REMOVE Add/Remove Toolbar TB_CTRL Controls Toolbar TB_DISP_MODE Display Mode Toolbar TB_HYPO Hypotheses Toolbar TB_MESH Mesh Toolbar TB_MODIFY Modification Toolbar TOP_ADV_INFO Advanced Mesh Infos TOP_ALL All TOP_AREA Area TOP_ASPECT Aspect Ratio TOP_ASPECT_3D Aspect Ratio 3D TOP_AUTO_COLOR Auto color TOP_AUTO_UPD Automatic update TOP_BUILD_COMPOUND Build Compound Mesh TOP_CLIP Clipping TOP_COLORS Colors / Size TOP_COMPUTE Compute TOP_PRECOMPUTE Preview TOP_EVALUATE Evaluate TOP_CONNECTION Borders at Multi-Connection TOP_CONNECTION_2D Borders at Multi-Connection 2D TOP_CONSTRUCT_GROUP Construct Group TOP_CONV_TO_QUAD Convert to/from quadratic TOP_2D_FROM_3D Create 2D mesh from 3D TOP_MESH_ORDER Change submesh priority TOP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group TOP_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry TOP_CREATE_MESH Create Mesh TOP_CREATE_SUBMESH Create Sub-mesh TOP_CUT Cutting of quadrangles TOP_CUT_GROUP Cut Groups TOP_DAT Import DAT file TOP_DELETE Delete TOP_DEL_GROUP Delete Groups TOP_FACE_ORIENTATION Orientation of faces TOP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color TOP_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only TOP_DISP_ENT Display entity TOP_ELEM0D 0D Element TOP_ELEMS0D 0D Elements TOP_EDGE Edge TOP_EDGES Edges TOP_EDIT_GROUP Edit Group TOP_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP Edit Group as Standalone TOP_EDIT_HYPO Edit Hypothesis TOP_EDIT_MESHSUBMESH Edit Mesh/Sub-mesh TOP_EXPORT_DAT Export to DAT file TOP_EXPORT_MED Export to MED file TOP_EXPORT_STL Export to STL file TOP_EXPORT_UNV Export to UNV file TOP_EXTRUSION Extrusion TOP_EXTRUSION_ALONG Extrusion along a path TOP_FACES Faces TOP_FREE_BORDER Free Borders TOP_FREE_EDGE Free Edges TOP_FREE_NODE Free Nodes TOP_FREE_FACES Free Faces TOP_GLOBAL_HYPO Global Hypothesis TOP_HEXA Hexahedron TOP_HIDE Hide TOP_INT_GROUP Intersect Groups TOP_INV Diagonal Inversion TOP_LENGTH Length TOP_LENGTH_2D Length 2D TOP_MAP Pattern mapping TOP_MED Import MED file TOP_MERGE Merge nodes TOP_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge elements TOP_MESH_THROU_POINT Mesh to pass through a point TOP_MIN_ANG Minimum Angle TOP_MOVE Move Node TOP_NODE Node TOP_NODES Nodes TOP_NUM_ELEMENTS Display Elements TOP_NUM_NODES Display Nodes TOP_ORIENT Orientation TOP_POLYGON Polygon TOP_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron TOP_PRECISION Precision TOP_QUAD Quadrangle TOP_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge TOP_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron TOP_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron TOP_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid TOP_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle TOP_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron TOP_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle TOP_REMOVE_ELEMENTS Remove elements TOP_REMOVE_NODES Remove nodes TOP_RENAME Rename TOP_RENUM_ELEMENTS Renumbering elements TOP_RENUM_NODES Renumbering nodes TOP_RESET Reset TOP_REVOLUTION Revolution TOP_ROT Rotation TOP_SCALAR_BAR Scalar bar TOP_SCALAR_BAR_PROP Scalar bar Properties TOP_SELECTION Selection TOP_SEL_FILTER_LIB Selection filters library TOP_SEW Sewing TOP_SHADE Shading TOP_SHOW Show TOP_SHRINK Shrink TOP_SKEW Skew TOP_SMOOTH Smoothing TOP_STD_INFO Standard Mesh Infos TOP_SYM Symmetry TOP_TAPER Taper TOP_TETRA Tetrahedron TOP_TRANS Translation TOP_TRANSP Transparency TOP_TRIANGLE Triangle TOP_UNASSIGN Unassign TOP_UNION Union of triangles TOP_UNION2 Union of two triangles TOP_UNV Import UNV file TOP_UN_GROUP Union Groups TOP_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Create groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions TOP_UPDATE Update TOP_VOLUMES Volumes TOP_VOLUME_3D Volume TOP_WARP Warping angle TOP_WHAT_IS Mesh Element Info TOP_WIRE Wireframe VOLUME_3D_ELEMENTS Area WARP_ELEMENTS Warping MEN_FILE_INFO MED File Information SMESH_WRN_NO_APPROPRIATE_SELECTION No appropriate objects selected MEN_CLEAR_MESH Clear Mesh Data TOP_CLEAR_MESH Clear Mesh Data STB_CLEAR_MESH Clear Mesh Data SMESH_IMPORT_MESH Import mesh data from files SMESH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMAT Unsupported file format SMESH_ERR_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR Unknown error SMESH_IMPORT_ERRORS Import operation has finished with errors: SMESH_DRS_SOME_EMPTY One or more mesh files were empty, data has not been published NO_MESH_SELECTED No mesh selected SMESHGUI NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER This command is available in VTK viewer only Please, create VTK viewer and try again PREF_AUTO_GROUPS Automatically create groups for MED export PREF_GROUP_SEGMENT_LENGTH Automatic parameters PREF_SEGMENT_LENGTH Ratio Bounding Box Diagonal / Max Size PREF_NB_SEGMENTS Default Number of Segments PREF_AUTO_UPDATE Automatic update PREF_BACKFACE Back face PREF_COLOR Color PREF_ORIENTATION_COLOR Color PREF_ORIENTATION_3D_VECTORS 3D vectors PREF_ORIENTATION_SCALE Scale PREF_DISPLAY_ENTITY Display entity QUADRATIC_REPRESENT_MODE Representation of the 2D quadratic elements MAX_ARC_ANGLE Maximum angle PREF_DISPLAY_MODE Display mode PREF_ELEMENTS Elements PREF_ELEMENT_COLOR Element color PREF_FILL Fill PREF_NOTIFY_MODE Show a computation result notification PREF_GROUP_ELEMENTS Elements PREF_GROUP_EXPORT Mesh export PREF_GROUP_FACES_ORIENTATION Orientation of faces PREF_GROUP_COMPUTE Mesh computation PREF_GROUP_NODES Nodes PREF_GROUP_PRECISION Precision PREF_GROUP_PRESELECTION Preselection PREF_GROUP_QUALITY Quality controls PREF_GROUP_SELECTION Selection PREF_GROUP_UPDATE Update PREF_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR Highlight color PREF_LABELS_COLOR Labels color PREF_NODES Nodes PREF_OBJECTS Objects PREF_OBJECT_COLOR Object color PREF_OUTLINE Outline PREF_PRECISION_USE Use precision PREF_PRECISION_VALUE Number of digits after point PREF_RENUMBER Automatic renumbering PREF_SHRINK_COEFF Shrink coef. PREF_SIZE Size PREF_TAB_GENERAL General PREF_TAB_MESH Mesh PREF_TAB_SELECTION Selection PREF_TITLE_COLOR Title color PREF_COLOR_0D 0D elements PREF_SIZE_0D Size of 0D elements PREF_WIDTH Width SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_EDGE Add Quadratic Edge SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Add Quadratic Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Add Quadratic Pentahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Add Quadratic Pyramid SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Add Quadratic Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Add Quadratic Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Add Quadratic Triangle SMESH_CORNER_NODES Corner Nodes: SMESH_FIRST First SMESH_LAST Last SMESH_MIDDLE Middle SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg COMPOUND Compound COMPOUND_MESH Compound_Mesh CREATE_COMMON_GROUPS Create common groups for initial meshes MERGE_NODES_AND_ELEMENTS Merge coincident nodes and elements MESHES Meshes PROCESSING_IDENTICAL_GROUPS Processing identical groups RENAME Rename RESULT_NAME Result name UNITE Unite SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg CAPTION Modification of orientation SMESHGUI_ComputeDlg CAPTION Compute mesh failed CONSTRUCTOR Compute mesh EVAL_DLG Evaluate mesh ERRORS Errors MEMORY_LACK Memory allocation problem PUBLISH_SHAPE Publish SubShape SHOW_SHAPE Show SubShape SHOW_BAD_MESH Show bad Mesh SMESHGUI_PrecomputeDlg CAPTION Preview and Compute mesh PREVIEW Preview PREVIEW_1 1D Mesh PREVIEW_2 2D Mesh COMPUTE Compute SMESHGUI_PrecomputeOp CLEAR_SUBMESH_QUESTION A temporary submeshes on the selected geometry created during preview operation. Do you want to remove all this submeshes? SMESH_WRN_NOTHING_PREVIEW No mesh preview is available SMESH_REJECT_MESH_ORDER The submesh priority changed during preview operation. Do you want to restore original submesh priority? SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadDlg CAPTION Convert to/from quadratic MEDIUMNDS Medium nodes on geometry MESH Mesh RADIOBTN_1 Convert to quadratic RADIOBTN_2 Convert from quadratic SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp MESH_IS_NOT_SELECTED Mesh is not selected Please specify it and try again REF_IS_NULL No valid mesh object selected SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg CAPTION Create 2D mesh from 3D SMESHGUI_CreatePatternDlg CAPTION Pattern Creation DEFAULT_2D Pattern_2d DEFAULT_3D Pattern_3d ERROR_OF_CREATION Internal error occurs during pattern creation Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_SAVING Internal error occurs during pattern saving. Please verify \free disk space and your write permission to this file ERR_LOADF_CANT_PROJECT Impossible to perform projection of nodes to the face ERR_LOADF_CLOSED_FACE It is impossible to create pattern from face having seam edge ERR_LOADF_NARROW_FACE It is impossible to create pattern from narrow face ERR_LOADV_BAD_SHAPE Pattern can be created from closed shell or solid with 6 faces only ERR_LOADV_COMPUTE_PARAMS It is impossible to compute point parameters ERR_LOAD_EMPTY_SUBMESH There are no elements to create pattern MESH_OR_SUBMESH Mesh or SubMesh PATTERN Pattern PATTERN_FILT Pattern files(*.smp) PATTERN_NAME Pattern name PATTERN_TYPE Pattern type PROJECT Project nodes on the face SAVE Save... SAVE_PATTERN Save Pattern SMESHGUI_CreatePolyhedralVolumeDlg FACES_BY_NODES Faces by nodes SMESH_POLYEDRE_CREATE_ERROR Polyhedron creation error. SMESH_POLYEDRE_PREVIEW Polyhedron preview SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg CAPTION Cutting of quadrangles SMESHGUI_DeleteGroupDlg CAPTION Delete groups with contents NO_SELECTED_GROUPS There are no selected groups Please select a groups and try again SELECTED_GROUPS Selected groups SMESHGUI_EditMeshDlg COINCIDENT_ELEMENTS Coincident elements COINCIDENT_NODES Coincident nodes DETECT Detect EDIT_SELECTED_GROUP Edit selected group SELECT_ALL Select all SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg BAD_SHAPE_TYPE The shape selected for the path is not edge CANT_GET_TANGENT Can't get tangent for one of the path nodes EXTRUSION_1D Extrusion of 1D elements EXTRUSION_2D Extrusion of 2D elements EXTRUSION_ALONG_PATH Extrusion along a path EXTR_BAD_STARTING_NODE Wrong path starting node LINEAR_ANGLES Linear variation of the angles NO_ELEMENTS_SELECTED No mesh elements are selected for extrusion SELECTED_PATH_IS_NOT_EDGE Path mesh should be of edge type SMESH_ANGLES Rotation Angles SMESH_BASE_POINT Base Point SMESH_PATH Path SMESH_PATH_MESH Mesh or submesh SMESH_PATH_SHAPE Shape (edge) SMESH_PATH_START Start node SMESH_USE_ANGLES Use Angles SMESH_USE_BASE_POINT Use Base Point WRONG_ANGLES_NUMBER The number of angles should correspond to the number of path nodes SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg EXTRUSION_1D Extrusion of 1D elements EXTRUSION_2D Extrusion of 2D elements EXTRUSION_ALONG_LINE Extrusion along a line SMESHGUI_FilterDlg BAD_SHAPE_NAME There is no "%1" geometrical object in the current study Please select valid object and try again CURRENT_DIALOG Current Dialog EDGES_TLT Filter for Edges FACES_TLT Filter for Faces MESH Mesh NODES_TLT Filter for Nodes SELECTION Initial Selection SET_IN_VIEWER Insert filter in viewer SHAPE_IS_NOT_A_CYLINDER "%1" is not a cylinderical face Please select a cylindrical face and try again SHAPE_IS_NOT_A_FACE "%1" is not a face Please select a face and try again SHAPE_IS_NOT_A_PLANE "%1" is not a plane Please select a plane and try again SOURCE Source TLT Selection filter VOLUMES_TLT Filter for Volumes SMESHGUI_FilterLibraryDlg ADD Add ADD_TO_TLT Add selection filter to library ALL_FILES_FILTER All Files (*.*) ASSIGN_NEW_NAME Library already contains filter with name "%1" New name "%2" is assigned to added filter COPY_FROM_TLT Copy selection filter from library DELETE Delete EDGE Edge EDIT_LIB_TLT Selection filter library ELEMENT Element EMPTY_FILTER_NAME Name of the filter is empty Please enter a non-empty name ERROR_FILTER_NAME Name of the filter is not unique Please enter other name ERROR_LOAD It is impossible to load library Please check library file name and attributes ERROR_OF_ADDING Internal error occurs during adiing new filter in library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_COPYING Internal error occurs during copying filter from library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_DELETING Internal error occurs during deleting filter from library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_EDITING Internal error occurs during editing filter library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_SAVING Internal error occurs during saving filter library Please check input data and try again FACE Face FILTER Filter FILTER_NAME Filter name FILTER_NAMES Names of filters LIBRARY_FILE Library file name LIBRARY_IS_NOT_LOADED Library is not loaded. Please load library and try again LIB_NAME FilterLib.xml NODE Node NO_PERMISSION You do not have write permission to this file OPEN_LIBRARY Open library SELECTION Selection VOLUME Volume XML_FILT XML files(*.xml) SMESHGUI_FilterTable ADD Add ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS Additional parameters ADD_TO Add to... AND And AREA Area ASPECT_RATIO Aspect ratio ASPECT_RATIO_3D Aspect ratio 3D BAD_ORIENTED_VOLUME Bad oriented volume BELONG_TO_CYLINDER Belong to Cylinder BELONG_TO_GENSURFACE Belong to Surface BELONG_TO_GEOM Belong to Geom BELONG_TO_PLANE Belong to Plane BINARY Binary CLEAR Clear COMPARE Compare COPY_FROM Copy from... CRITERION Criterion EDGES Edges ENTITY_TYPE Entity type EQUAL_TO Equal to ERROR Threshold value is not correctly specified Please enter correct value and try again FACES Faces FILTER Filter FREE_BORDERS Free borders FREE_EDGES Free edges FREE_NODES Free nodes FREE_FACES Free faces ID ID INSERT Insert LENGTH Length LENGTH2D Length 2D LESS_THAN Less than LYING_ON_GEOM Lying on Geom MINIMUM_ANGLE Minimum angle MORE_THAN More than MULTIEDGES_ERROR Threshold value of borders at multi-connections can not be equal 1 Please enter correct value and try again GROUPCOLOR_ERROR Color of group can not be undefied Please enter correct value and try again MULTI_BORDERS Borders at multi-connections NODES Nodes NOT Not OR Or RANGE_OF_IDS Range of IDs REMOVE Remove SKEW Skew TAPER Taper THRESHOLD_VALUE Threshold value UNARY Unary VOLUMES Volumes VOLUME_3D Volume WARPING Warping LINEAR Linear GROUP_COLOR Color of Group ELEMENTS Elements GEOM_TYPE Geometry type GEOM_TYPE_0 Point GEOM_TYPE_1 Edge GEOM_TYPE_2 Triangle GEOM_TYPE_3 Quadrangle GEOM_TYPE_4 Polygon GEOM_TYPE_5 Tetrahedron GEOM_TYPE_6 Pyramid GEOM_TYPE_7 Hexahedron GEOM_TYPE_8 Pentahedron GEOM_TYPE_9 Polyhedra SMESHGUI_GroupOpDlg ARGUMENTS Arguments DIFF_MESHES Arguments of operation are not correctly specified Groups correspond to a different meshes Please specify valid arguments and try again DIFF_TYPES Arguments of operation are not correctly specified Groups contain elements of different types Please specify valid arguments and try again EMPTY_NAME Name of group to be created is not valid Please specify non-empty name and try again INCORRECT_ARGUMENTS Arguments of operation are not specified Please specify them and try again NAME Name OBJECT_1 Object 1 OBJECT_2 Object 2 RESULT_NAME Result name TOOL_OBJECT Tool object UNION_OF_TWO_GROUPS Union of two groups SMESHGUI_UnionGroupsDlg UNION_OF_GROUPS Union of groups SMESHGUI_DimGroupDlg CREATE_GROUP_OF_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Create group of underlying entities ELEMENTS_TYPE Elements type NODE Node EDGE Edge FACE Face VOLUME Volume SMESHGUI_IntersectGroupsDlg INTERSECTION_OF_GROUPS Intersection of groups SMESHGUI_CutGroupsDlg CUT_OF_GROUPS Cut of groups MAIN_OBJECT Main object TOOL_OBJECT Tool object SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointDlg AUTO_SEARCH Automatic search CAPTION Mesh to pass through a point CREATE_NEW_METHOD Create a node MESH_PASS_THROUGH_POINT Make a node at point METHOD Method MOVE_EXISTING_METHOD Move a node NODE_2MOVE Node to move NODE_2MOVE_ID ID SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointOp INVALID_ID Node ID is invalid INVALID_MESH Mesh to modify not selected SMESHGUI_MeshDlg CREATE_MESH Create mesh CREATE_SUBMESH Create sub-mesh DIM_0D 0D DIM_1D 1D DIM_2D 2D DIM_3D 3D EDIT_MESH_SUBMESH Edit mesh/sub-mesh GEOMETRY Geometry HYPOTHESES_SETS Assign a set of hypotheses MESH Mesh NAME Name SMESHGUI_MeshOp ALGORITHM_WITHOUT_HYPOTHESIS Algorithm is defined for %1 dimension but hypothesis is not defined EDIT_SUBMESH_QUESTION A submesh on the selected geometry already exists. Do you want to edit this submesh? SUBMESH_NOT_ALLOWED No sense in creating a submesh ignored by global algorithm "%1" GEOMETRY_OBJECT_IS_NOT_DEFINED Geometry object is not defined Please specify it and try again GEOMETRY_OBJECT_IS_NULL Geometry object is null HYPOTHESES_AND_ALGORITHMS_ARE_NOT_DEFINED Hypotheses and algorithms are not defined HYPOTHESIS_WITHOUT_ALGORITHM Hypothesis is defined for %1 dimension but algorithm is not defined IMPORTED_MESH Mesh is not built on geometry INVALID_SUBSHAPE Geometry object is not a subshape of the shape to mesh MESH_IS_NOT_DEFINED Mesh is not defined Please specify it and try again MESH_IS_NULL Mesh is null NAME_OF_MESH_IS_EMPTY Name of mesh is empty Please enter valid name and try again NAME_OF_SUBMESH_IS_EMPTY Name of submesh is empty Please enter valid name and try again THERE_IS_NO_OBJECT_FOR_EDITING There is no object for editing. Please select mesh or sub-mesh and try again SMESHGUI_MeshPatternDlg 3D_BLOCK 3D block CAPTION Pattern Mapping CREATE_POLYEDRS_NEAR_BOUNDARY Create polyhedrons near boundary CREATE_POLYGONS_NEAR_BOUNDARY Create polygons near boundary ERROR_OF_LOADING Loading of pattern from file failed. Probably file is corrupted or contains pattern of the other type ERROR_OF_OPENING It is impossible to open file. Please verify whether file exists and your permission to this file ERROR_OF_READING It is impossible to load pattern Please verify file's contents ERR_READ_3D_COORD It is impossible to load pattern Coordinates of 3D points out of [0,1] range ERR_READ_BAD_INDEX It is impossible to load pattern Invalid index of point detected ERR_READ_BAD_KEY_POINT It is impossible to load pattern Key-point not on a boundary ERR_READ_ELEM_POINTS It is impossible to load pattern invalid number of points in element ERR_READ_NB_POINTS It is impossible to load pattern It is impossible to read number of points from file ERR_READ_NO_ELEMS It is impossible to load pattern There are no elements in it ERR_READ_NO_KEYPOINT It is impossible to load pattern There are no key-points in 2D one ERR_READ_POINT_COORDS It is impossible to load pattern It is impossible to read point coordinates from file ERR_READ_TOO_FEW_POINTS It is impossible to load pattern. There are too few points in the file for pattern loading FACE Face LOAD_PATTERN Load pattern MESH_FACES Mesh faces MESH_VOLUMES Mesh volumes NEW New... NODE_1 Node 1 NODE_2 Node 2 PATTERN Pattern PATTERN_FILT Pattern files(*.smp) PATTERN_TYPE Pattern type PREVIEW Preview REFINE Refine selected mesh elements REVERSE Reverse order of key-points VERTEX Vertex VERTEX1 Vertex 1 VERTEX2 Vertex 2 SMESHGUI_MeshTab ADD_HYPOTHESIS Add. Hypothesis ALGORITHM Algorithm HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis NONE <None> SMESHGUI_MoveNodesDlg CAPTION Move node NODE_ID_IS_NOT_DEFINED Node ID is not defined SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg ADD Add FILTER Filter REMOVE Remove SELECT_FROM Select from SORT_LIST Sort list SPLIT_JOIN_CRITERION Criterion TO_ALL Apply to all USE_DIAGONAL_1_3 Use diagonal 1-3 USE_DIAGONAL_2_4 Use diagonal 2-4 USE_NUMERIC_FUNC Use numeric functor SMESHGUI_PrecisionDlg CAPTION Precision for mesh quality controls NOT_USE Do not use PRECISION Number of digits after point SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg ANGLE_BY_STEP Angle by Step PREVIEW Preview REVOLUTION_1D Revolution of 1D elements REVOLUTION_2D Revolution of 2D elements REVOLUTION_AROUND_AXIS Revolution around an axis TOTAL_ANGLE Total Angle MEN_POINT_SELECT From Origin to selected Point MEN_FACE_SELECT Normal to selected Face SMESHGUI_SewingDlg BORDER Border BORDER_1 Border 1 BORDER_2 Border 2 CREATE_POLYEDRS_NEAR_BOUNDARY Replace affected volumes by polyedres CREATE_POLYGONS_INSTEAD_SPLITTING Create polygons instead of splitting ERROR_1 Free Border1 not found by the selected nodes ERROR_2 Free Border2 not found by the selected nodes ERROR_3 Free Border1 and Border2 not found by the selected nodes ERROR_4 No path from the first side node to the last side node have been found ERROR_5 Not allowed to splite volumes on the side! ERROR_6 Different number of elements selected on the sides ERROR_7 Element sets are topologically different or given nodes are inconvenient ERROR_8 Nodes on the side 1 are either not linked or not laying on the element set boundary ERROR_9 Nodes on the side 2 are either not linked or not laying on the element set boundary FIRST_NODE_ID First Node ID LAST_NODE_ID Last Node ID MERGE_EQUAL_ELEMENTS Merge equal elements NODE1_TO_MERGE Node 1 To Merge NODE2_TO_MERGE Node 2 To Merge SECOND_NODE_ID Second Node ID SEW_BORDER_TO_SIDE Sew Border To Side SEW_CONFORM_FREE_BORDERS Sew Conform Free Borders SEW_FREE_BORDERS Sew Free Borders SEW_SIDE_ELEMENTS Sew Side Elements SIDE Side SIDE_1 Side 1 SIDE_2 Side 2 SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshDlg CAPTION Find geometry by mesh element SMESHGUI_SingleEditDlg EDGE_BETWEEN Edge between neighboring triangles SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg CENTROIDAL Centroidal FIXED_NODES_IDS Fixed nodes ids IS_PARAMETRIC in parametric space ITERATION_LIMIT Iteration limit LAPLACIAN Laplacian MAX_ASPECT_RATIO Max. aspect ratio METHOD Method SMESHGUI_TrianglesInversionDlg CAPTION Diagonal inversion SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg CAPTION Union of triangles MAXIMUM_ANGLE Maximum bending angle SMESHGUI_UnionOfTwoTrianglesDlg CAPTION Union of two triangles SMESHGUI_WhatIsDlg ENTITY_TYPE Element type GRAVITY_CENTER Gravity center CONNECTED_ELEMENTS Connected With Elements SMESHGUI_FileInfoDlg CAPTION File information FILE_NAME File name FILE_SIZE File size (bytes) MED_VERSION MED version SMESHGUI_GroupOnShapeDlg SMESH_CREATE_GROUP_FROM_GEOM Create Groups from Geometry SMESHGUI_MeshOrderDlg SMESH_MESHORDER_TITLE Order of submesh in meshing process SMESHGUI_MeshOrderOp SMESH_NO_CONCURENT_MESH No concurent submeshes detected