.. _smeshpy_interface_page: **************** Python interface **************** Python API of SALOME Mesh module defines several classes that can be used for easy mesh creation and edition. Documentation of SALOME Mesh module Python API is available in two forms: - :doc:`Structured documentation <modules>`, where all methods and classes are grouped by their functionality. - :ref:`Linear documentation <modindex>` grouped only by classes, declared in the :mod:`smeshBuilder` Python module. With SALOME 7.2, the Python interface for Mesh has been slightly modified to offer new functionality. You may have to modify your scripts generated with SALOME 6 or older versions. Please see :ref:`smesh_migration_page`. Class :class:`smeshBuilder.smeshBuilder` provides an interface to create and handle meshes. It can be used to create an empty mesh or to import mesh from the data file. As soon as a mesh is created, it is possible to manage it via its own methods, described in class :class:`smeshBuilder.Mesh` documentation. Class :class:`smeshstudytools.SMeshStudyTools` provides several methods to manipulate mesh objects in Salome study. A usual workflow to generate a mesh on geometry is following: #. Create an instance of :class:`smeshBuilder.smeshBuilder`: .. code-block:: python from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder smesh = smeshBuilder.New() #. Create a :class:`smeshBuilder.Mesh` object: .. code-block:: python mesh = smesh.Mesh( geometry ) #. Create and assign :ref:`algorithms <basic_meshing_algos_page>` by calling corresponding methods of the mesh. If a sub-shape is provided as an argument, a :ref:`sub-mesh <constructing_submeshes_page>` is implicitly created on this sub-shape: .. code-block:: python regular1D = mesh.Segment() quadrangle = mesh.Quadrangle() # use other 2D algorithm on a face -- a sub-mesh appears in the mesh triangle = mesh.Triangle( face ) #. Create and assign :ref:`hypotheses <about_hypo_page>` by calling corresponding methods of algorithms: .. code-block:: python regular1D.LocalLength( 10. ) quadrangle.Reduced() triangle.SetMaxSize( 20. ) triangle.SetFineness( smeshBuilder.VeryCoarse ) #. :ref:`Compute the mesh <compute_anchor>` (generate mesh nodes and elements): .. code-block:: python mesh.Compute() An easiest way to start with Python scripting is to do something in GUI and then to get a corresponding Python script via **File > Dump Study** menu item. Don't forget that you can get all methods of any object in hand (e.g. a mesh group or a hypothesis) by calling *dir()* Python built-in function. All methods of the :class:`Mesh Group <SMESH.SMESH_GroupBase>` can be found in :ref:`tui_create_standalone_group` sample script. An example below demonstrates usage of the Python API for 3D mesh generation and for retrieving basic information on mesh nodes, elements and groups. .. _example_3d_mesh: Example of 3d mesh generation: ############################## .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/mesh_3d.py :language: python :download:`Download this script <../../examples/mesh_3d.py>` Examples of Python scripts for Mesh operations are available by the following links: .. toctree:: :titlesonly: tui_creating_meshes tui_defining_hypotheses tui_grouping_elements tui_filters tui_modifying_meshes tui_transforming_meshes tui_viewing_meshes tui_quality_controls tui_adaptation tui_measurements tui_work_on_objects_from_gui tui_notebook_smesh .. toctree:: :hidden: smesh_migration.rst smeshBuilder.rst StdMeshersBuilder.rst smeshstudytools.rst modules.rst smesh_module.rst