// SMESH SMESHGUI : GUI for SMESH component // // Copyright (C) 2003 CEA // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg.cxx // Author : Natalia KOPNOVA, Open CASCADE S.A.S. // // SMESH includes #include "SMESHGUI_GroupDlg.h" #include "SMESHGUI.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_GroupUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_FilterUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_GEOMGenUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_FilterDlg.h" #include "SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshDlg.h" #include #include #include // SALOME GEOM includes #include #include // SALOME GUI includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // SALOME KERNEL includes #include // VTK Includes #include #include // OCCT includes #include // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // STL includes #include #include #include #define SPACING 6 #define MARGIN 11 //================================================================================= // function : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg() // purpose : //================================================================================= SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule, SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh ) : QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ) ), mySMESHGUI( theModule ), mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) ), mySelector( SMESH::GetViewWindow( theModule )->GetSelector() ), myIsBusy( false ), myNameChanged( false ), myActor( 0 ) { initDialog( true ); if ( !theMesh->_is_nil() ) init( theMesh ); else { mySelectSubMesh->setEnabled( false ); mySelectGroup->setEnabled( false ); myGeomGroupBtn->setEnabled( false ); myGeomGroupLine->setEnabled( false ); } } //================================================================================= // function : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg() // purpose : //================================================================================= SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::SMESHGUI_GroupDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule, SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGroup ) : QDialog( SMESH::GetDesktop( theModule ) ), mySMESHGUI( theModule ), mySelectionMgr( SMESH::GetSelectionMgr( theModule ) ), mySelector( SMESH::GetViewWindow( theModule )->GetSelector() ), myIsBusy( false ), myNameChanged( false ) { initDialog( false ); if ( !theGroup->_is_nil() ) init( theGroup ); else { mySelectSubMesh->setEnabled( false ); mySelectGroup->setEnabled( false ); myCurrentLineEdit = myMeshGroupLine; setSelectionMode( 5 ); } } //================================================================================= // function : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::initDialog( bool create) { setModal( false ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); myFilterDlg = 0; myCreate = create; myCurrentLineEdit = 0; myShapeByMeshOp = 0; myGeomPopup = 0; myGeomObjects = new GEOM::ListOfGO(); myGeomObjects->length( 0 ); QPixmap image0( SMESH::GetResourceMgr( mySMESHGUI )->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) ); setWindowTitle( create ? tr( "SMESH_CREATE_GROUP_TITLE" ) : tr( "SMESH_EDIT_GROUP_TITLE" ) ); myHelpFileName = create ? "creating_groups_page.html" : "editing_groups_page.html"; setSizeGripEnabled( true); QGridLayout* aMainLayout = new QGridLayout( this ); aMainLayout->setMargin( MARGIN ); aMainLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); /***************************************************************/ QLabel* meshGroupLab = new QLabel( create ? tr( "SMESH_MESH" ) : tr( "SMESH_GROUP" ), this ); myMeshGroupBtn = new QPushButton( this ); myMeshGroupBtn->setIcon( image0 ); myMeshGroupLine = new QLineEdit( this ); myMeshGroupLine->setReadOnly( true ); /***************************************************************/ QGroupBox* aTypeBox = new QGroupBox( tr( "SMESH_ELEMENTS_TYPE" ), this ); myTypeGroup = new QButtonGroup( this ); QHBoxLayout* aTypeBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( aTypeBox ); aTypeBoxLayout->setMargin( MARGIN ); aTypeBoxLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); QStringList types; types.append( tr( "MESH_NODE" ) ); types.append( tr( "SMESH_EDGE" ) ); types.append( tr( "SMESH_FACE" ) ); types.append( tr( "SMESH_VOLUME" ) ); QRadioButton* rb; for ( int i = 0; i < types.count(); i++ ) { rb = new QRadioButton( types[i], aTypeBox ); myTypeGroup->addButton( rb, i ); aTypeBoxLayout->addWidget( rb ); } aTypeBox->setEnabled( create ); myTypeId = -1; /***************************************************************/ QLabel* aName = new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_NAME" ), this ); aName->setMinimumWidth( 50 ); myName = new QLineEdit( this ); /***************************************************************/ QGroupBox* aGrpTypeBox = new QGroupBox( tr( "SMESH_GROUP_TYPE" ), this ); myGrpTypeGroup = new QButtonGroup( this ); QHBoxLayout* aGrpTypeBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( aGrpTypeBox ); aGrpTypeBoxLayout->setMargin( MARGIN ); aGrpTypeBoxLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); QRadioButton* rb1 = new QRadioButton( tr( "SMESH_GROUP_STANDALONE" ), aGrpTypeBox ); QRadioButton* rb2 = new QRadioButton( tr( "SMESH_GROUP_GEOMETRY" ), aGrpTypeBox ); myGrpTypeGroup->addButton( rb1, 0 ); myGrpTypeGroup->addButton( rb2, 1 ); aGrpTypeBoxLayout->addWidget( rb1 ); aGrpTypeBoxLayout->addWidget( rb2 ); aGrpTypeBox->setEnabled( create ); myGrpTypeId = -1; /***************************************************************/ myWGStack = new QStackedWidget( this ); QWidget* wg1 = new QWidget( myWGStack ); QWidget* wg2 = new QWidget( myWGStack ); /***************************************************************/ QGroupBox* aContentBox = new QGroupBox( tr( "SMESH_CONTENT" ), wg1 ); QGridLayout* aContentBoxLayout = new QGridLayout( aContentBox ); aContentBoxLayout->setMargin( MARGIN ); aContentBoxLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); QLabel* aLabel = new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_ID_ELEMENTS" ), aContentBox ); myElements = new QListWidget( aContentBox ); myElements->setSelectionMode( QListWidget::ExtendedSelection ); myFilter = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_FILTER" ), aContentBox ); QPushButton* aAddBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_ADD" ), aContentBox ); QPushButton* aRemoveBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_REMOVE" ), aContentBox ); QPushButton* aSortBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_SORT" ), aContentBox ); aContentBoxLayout->addWidget( aLabel, 0, 0 ); aContentBoxLayout->addWidget( myElements, 1, 0, 6, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->addWidget( myFilter, 1, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->addWidget( aAddBtn, 3, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->addWidget( aRemoveBtn, 4, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->addWidget( aSortBtn, 6, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->setRowStretch( 2, 1 ); aContentBoxLayout->setRowStretch( 5, 1 ); /***************************************************************/ QGroupBox* aSelectBox = new QGroupBox( tr( "SMESH_SELECT_FROM" ), wg1 ); QGridLayout* aSelectBoxLayout = new QGridLayout( aSelectBox ); aSelectBoxLayout->setMargin( MARGIN ); aSelectBoxLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); mySelectSubMesh = new QCheckBox( tr( "SMESH_SUBMESH" ), aSelectBox ); mySubMeshBtn = new QPushButton( aSelectBox ); mySubMeshBtn->setIcon( image0 ); mySubMeshLine = new QLineEdit( aSelectBox ); mySubMeshLine->setReadOnly( true ); onSelectSubMesh( false ); mySelectGroup = new QCheckBox( tr( "SMESH_GROUP" ), aSelectBox ); myGroupBtn = new QPushButton( aSelectBox ); myGroupBtn->setIcon( image0 ); myGroupLine = new QLineEdit( aSelectBox ); myGroupLine->setReadOnly( true ); onSelectGroup( false ); aSelectBoxLayout->addWidget( mySelectSubMesh, 0, 0 ); aSelectBoxLayout->addWidget( mySubMeshBtn, 0, 1 ); aSelectBoxLayout->addWidget( mySubMeshLine, 0, 2 ); aSelectBoxLayout->addWidget( mySelectGroup, 1, 0 ); aSelectBoxLayout->addWidget( myGroupBtn, 1, 1 ); aSelectBoxLayout->addWidget( myGroupLine, 1, 2 ); /***************************************************************/ QVBoxLayout* wg1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( wg1 ); wg1Layout->setMargin( 0 ); wg1Layout->setSpacing( SPACING ); wg1Layout->addWidget( aContentBox ); wg1Layout->addWidget( aSelectBox ); wg1Layout->setStretchFactor( aContentBox, 10 ); /***************************************************************/ QLabel* geomObject = new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_OBJECT_GEOM" ), wg2 ); myGeomGroupBtn = new QToolButton( wg2 ); myGeomGroupBtn->setIcon( image0 ); myGeomGroupBtn->setCheckable( true ); myGeomGroupLine = new QLineEdit( wg2 ); myGeomGroupLine->setReadOnly( true ); //VSR ??? onSelectGeomGroup( false ); myGeomGroupBtn->setEnabled( create ); myGeomGroupLine->setEnabled( create ); /***************************************************************/ QGridLayout* wg2Layout = new QGridLayout( wg2 ); wg2Layout->setMargin( 0 ); wg1Layout->setSpacing( SPACING ); wg2Layout->addWidget( geomObject, 0, 0 ); wg2Layout->addWidget( myGeomGroupBtn, 0, 1 ); wg2Layout->addWidget( myGeomGroupLine,0, 2 ); wg2Layout->setRowStretch( 1, 5 ); /***************************************************************/ myWGStack->insertWidget( 0, wg1 ); myWGStack->insertWidget( 1, wg2 ); /***************************************************************/ QGroupBox* aColorBox = new QGroupBox(tr( "SMESH_SET_COLOR" ), this); QHBoxLayout* aColorBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(aColorBox); aColorBoxLayout->setMargin(MARGIN); aColorBoxLayout->setSpacing(SPACING); QLabel* aColorLab = new QLabel(tr( "SMESH_CHECK_COLOR" ), aColorBox ); myColorBtn = new QtxColorButton(aColorBox); myColorBtn->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, myColorBtn->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() ); aColorBoxLayout->addWidget(aColorLab); aColorBoxLayout->addWidget(myColorBtn); /***************************************************************/ QFrame* aButtons = new QFrame(this); aButtons->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Sunken ); QHBoxLayout* aBtnLayout = new QHBoxLayout(aButtons); aBtnLayout->setMargin(MARGIN); aBtnLayout->setSpacing(SPACING); myOKBtn = new QPushButton(tr( "SMESH_BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE" ), aButtons); myOKBtn->setAutoDefault(true); myOKBtn->setDefault(true); myApplyBtn = new QPushButton(tr( "SMESH_BUT_APPLY" ), aButtons); myApplyBtn->setAutoDefault(true); myCloseBtn = new QPushButton(tr( "SMESH_BUT_CLOSE" ), aButtons); myCloseBtn->setAutoDefault(true); myHelpBtn = new QPushButton(tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), aButtons); myHelpBtn->setAutoDefault(true); aBtnLayout->addWidget(myOKBtn); aBtnLayout->addSpacing(10); aBtnLayout->addWidget(myApplyBtn); aBtnLayout->addSpacing(10); aBtnLayout->addStretch(); aBtnLayout->addWidget(myCloseBtn); aBtnLayout->addWidget(myHelpBtn); /***************************************************************/ aMainLayout->addWidget(meshGroupLab, 0, 0); aMainLayout->addWidget(myMeshGroupBtn, 0, 1); aMainLayout->addWidget(myMeshGroupLine, 0, 2); aMainLayout->addWidget(aTypeBox, 1, 0, 1, 3); aMainLayout->addWidget(aName, 2, 0); aMainLayout->addWidget(myName, 2, 2); aMainLayout->addWidget(aGrpTypeBox, 3, 0, 1, 3); aMainLayout->addWidget(myWGStack, 4, 0, 1, 3); aMainLayout->addWidget(aColorBox, 5, 0, 1, 3); aMainLayout->addWidget(aButtons, 6, 0, 1, 3); /* signals and slots connections */ connect(myMeshGroupBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setCurrentSelection())); connect(myGrpTypeGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(onGrpTypeChanged(int))); connect(myTypeGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(onTypeChanged(int))); connect(myName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(onNameChanged(const QString&))); connect(myElements, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onListSelectionChanged())); connect(myFilter, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFilters())); connect(aAddBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAdd())); connect(aRemoveBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onRemove())); connect(aSortBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSort())); connect(mySelectSubMesh, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onSelectSubMesh(bool))); connect(mySelectGroup, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onSelectGroup(bool))); connect(mySubMeshBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setCurrentSelection())); connect(myGroupBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setCurrentSelection())); connect(myGeomGroupBtn, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onGeomSelectionButton(bool))); connect(myColorBtn, SIGNAL(changed( QColor )), this, SLOT(onColorChanged( QColor ))); connect(myOKBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onOK())); connect(myApplyBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onApply())); connect(myCloseBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(myHelpBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onHelp())); /* Init selection */ mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox(this); mySMESHGUI->SetState(800); mySelectionMode = -1; myMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter(MESH); mySubMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter(SUBMESH); myGroupFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter(GROUP); SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = dynamic_cast( mySMESHGUI->application()->activeStudy() ); myGeomFilter = new GEOM_SelectionFilter( aStudy, true ); connect(mySMESHGUI, SIGNAL(SignalDeactivateActiveDialog()), this, SLOT(onDeactivate())); connect(mySMESHGUI, SIGNAL(SignalCloseAllDialogs()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(mySelectionMgr, SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onObjectSelectionChanged())); rb1->setChecked(true); // VSR !!! onGrpTypeChanged(0); // VSR!!! if (myMesh->_is_nil() ) myTypeGroup->button(0)->setChecked(true); updateButtons(); //myName->setText(GetDefaultName(tr( "SMESH_GROUP" ))); } //================================================================================= // function : ~SMESHGUI_GroupDlg() // purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources //================================================================================= SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::~SMESHGUI_GroupDlg() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us if ( myFilterDlg != 0 ) { myFilterDlg->setParent( 0 ); delete myFilterDlg; } } //================================================================================= // function : GetDefaultName() // purpose : Get the Group Name if Create new Group //================================================================================= QString SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::GetDefaultName(const QString& theOperation) { QString aName = ""; // collect all object names of SMESH component SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() ); if ( !appStudy ) return aName; _PTR(Study) aStudy = appStudy->studyDS(); std::set aSet; _PTR(SComponent) aMeshCompo (aStudy->FindComponent( "SMESH" )); if (aMeshCompo) { _PTR(ChildIterator) it (aStudy->NewChildIterator(aMeshCompo)); _PTR(SObject) obj; for (it->InitEx(true); it->More(); it->Next()) { obj = it->Value(); aSet.insert(obj->GetName()); } } // build a unique name int aNumber = 0; bool isUnique = false; while (!isUnique) { aName = theOperation + "_" + QString::number(++aNumber); isUnique = (aSet.count(aName.toLatin1().data()) == 0); } return aName; } //================================================================================= // function : Init() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::init (SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr theMesh) { mySelectionMgr->installFilter(myMeshFilter); /* init data from current selection */ restoreShowEntityMode(); myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_duplicate(theMesh); setShowEntityMode(); myGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil(); myGroupOnGeom = SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_nil(); // NPAL19389: create a group with a selection in another group // set actor of myMesh, if it is visible, else try // any visible actor of group or submesh of myMesh SetAppropriateActor(); setDefaultGroupColor(); SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); if( !aList.IsEmpty() ) { QString aName = aList.First()->getName(); myMeshGroupLine->setText(aName); myMeshGroupLine->home( false ); } myCurrentLineEdit = 0; myTypeGroup->button(0)->setChecked(true); onTypeChanged(0); } //================================================================================= // function : Init() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::init (SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_ptr theGroup) { restoreShowEntityMode(); myMesh = theGroup->GetMesh(); setShowEntityMode(); myNameChanged = true; myName->blockSignals(true); myName->setText(theGroup->GetName()); myName->blockSignals(false); myName->home(false); SALOMEDS::Color aColor = theGroup->GetColor(); setGroupColor( aColor ); myMeshGroupLine->setText(theGroup->GetName()); int aType = 0; switch(theGroup->GetType()) { case SMESH::NODE: aType= 0; break; case SMESH::EDGE: aType = 1; break; case SMESH::FACE: aType = 2; break; case SMESH::VOLUME: aType = 3; break; } myTypeGroup->button(aType)->setChecked(true); myGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_narrow( theGroup ); if (!myGroup->_is_nil()) { // NPAL19389: create a group with a selection in another group // set actor of myMesh, if it is visible, else set // actor of myGroup, if it is visible, else try // any visible actor of group or submesh of myMesh // commented, because an attempt to set selection on not displayed cells leads to error //SetAppropriateActor(); myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myMesh); if ( !myActor ) myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myGroup); SMESH::SetPickable(myActor); myGrpTypeGroup->button(0)->setChecked(true); onGrpTypeChanged(0); myCurrentLineEdit = 0; myElements->clear(); setSelectionMode(aType); myTypeId = aType; setShowEntityMode(); // depends on myTypeId myIdList.clear(); if (!myGroup->IsEmpty()) { SMESH::long_array_var anElements = myGroup->GetListOfID(); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { myIdList.append(anElements[i]); myElements->addItem(QString::number(anElements[i])); } myElements->selectAll(); } } else { myGroupOnGeom = SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_narrow( theGroup ); if ( !myGroupOnGeom->_is_nil() ) { // NPAL19389: create a group with a selection in another group // set actor of myMesh, if it is visible, else set // actor of myGroupOnGeom, if it is visible, else try // any visible actor of group or submesh of myMesh // commented, because an attempt to set selection on not displayed cells leads to error //SetAppropriateActor(); myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myMesh); if ( !myActor ) myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myGroupOnGeom); SMESH::SetPickable(myActor); myGrpTypeGroup->button(1)->setChecked(true); onGrpTypeChanged(1); QString aShapeName( "" ); _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument(); GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGroupShape = myGroupOnGeom->GetShape(); if (!aGroupShape->_is_nil()) { _PTR(SObject) aGroupShapeSO = aStudy->FindObjectID(aGroupShape->GetStudyEntry()); aShapeName = aGroupShapeSO->GetName().c_str(); } myGeomGroupLine->setText( aShapeName ); myNameChanged = true; myName->blockSignals(true); myName->setText( "Group On " + aShapeName); myName->blockSignals(false); } } } //================================================================================= // function : updateButtons() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::updateButtons() { bool enable = !myName->text().trimmed().isEmpty(); if (myGrpTypeId == 0) { enable = enable && myElements->count() > 0; enable = enable && (!myGroup->_is_nil() || !myMesh->_is_nil()); } else if (myGrpTypeId == 1) { if (CORBA::is_nil(myGroupOnGeom)) { // creation mode enable = enable && myGeomObjects->length() > 0 && !myMesh->_is_nil(); } } myOKBtn->setEnabled(enable); myApplyBtn->setEnabled(enable); } //================================================================================= // function : onNameChanged() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onNameChanged (const QString& text) { myOldName = myName->text(); updateButtons(); myNameChanged = !myName->text().trimmed().isEmpty(); } //================================================================================= // function : onTypeChanged() // purpose : Group elements type radio button management //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onTypeChanged (int id) { if (myTypeId != id) { myElements->clear(); if (myCurrentLineEdit == 0) setSelectionMode(id); myTypeId = id; setShowEntityMode(); } } //================================================================================= // function : onGrpTypeChanged() // purpose : Group type radio button management //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onGrpTypeChanged (int id) { if (myGrpTypeId != id) { myWGStack->setCurrentIndex( id ); myName->blockSignals(true); myName->setText(myOldName); myName->blockSignals(false); onSelectGeomGroup(id == 1); } myGrpTypeId = id; } //================================================================================= // function : onColorChanged() // purpose : Color button management //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onColorChanged(QColor theColor) { updateButtons(); } //================================================================================= // function : setSelectionMode() // purpose : Radio button management //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setSelectionMode (int theMode) { // PAL7314 if (myMesh->_is_nil()) return; if (mySelectionMode != theMode) { // [PAL10408] mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); mySelectionMgr->clearFilters(); if (myActor) myActor->SetPointRepresentation(false); else SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(false); if (theMode < 4) { switch (theMode) { case 0: if (myActor) myActor->SetPointRepresentation(true); else SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(true); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(NodeSelection); break; case 1: if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection); break; case 2: if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(FaceSelection); break; default: if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection); } } else { if (theMode == 4) mySelectionMgr->installFilter(mySubMeshFilter); else if (theMode == 5) mySelectionMgr->installFilter(myGroupFilter); else if (theMode == 6) mySelectionMgr->installFilter(myMeshFilter); else if (theMode == 7) mySelectionMgr->installFilter(myGeomFilter); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(ActorSelection); } mySelectionMode = theMode; } } //================================================================================= // function : onApply() // purpose : //================================================================================= bool SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onApply() { if (mySMESHGUI->isActiveStudyLocked()) return false; if (myName->text().trimmed().isEmpty()) return false; if (myGrpTypeId == 0) { // on mesh elements if (!myElements->count()) return false; mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); if (myGroup->_is_nil()) { // creation if (myMesh->_is_nil()) return false; SMESH::ElementType aType = SMESH::ALL; switch (myTypeId) { case 0: aType = SMESH::NODE; break; case 1: aType = SMESH::EDGE; break; case 2: aType = SMESH::FACE; break; case 3: aType = SMESH::VOLUME; break; } SMESH::long_array_var anIdList = new SMESH::long_array; int i, k = myElements->count(); anIdList->length(k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { anIdList[i] = myElements->item(i)->text().toInt(); } myGroup = SMESH::AddGroup(myMesh, aType, myName->text()); myGroup->Add(anIdList.inout()); SALOMEDS::Color aColor = getGroupColor(); myGroup->SetColor(aColor); _PTR(SObject) aMeshGroupSO = SMESH::FindSObject(myGroup); //SMESH::setFileName ( aMeshGroupSO, QString::number(myColorSpinBox->value()) ); SMESH::setFileType ( aMeshGroupSO, "COULEURGROUP" ); /* init for next operation */ myName->setText( "" ); myElements->clear(); myGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil(); } else { // edition myGroup->SetName(myName->text().toLatin1().data()); SALOMEDS::Color aColor = getGroupColor(); myGroup->SetColor(aColor); _PTR(SObject) aMeshGroupSO = SMESH::FindSObject(myGroup); if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(aMeshGroupSO->GetID().c_str())) anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); QList aAddList; int i, total = myElements->count(); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { int anId = myElements->item(i)->text().toInt(); int idx = myIdList.indexOf(anId); if ( idx == -1 ) aAddList.append(anId); else myIdList.removeAt(idx); } if (!aAddList.empty()) { SMESH::long_array_var anIdList = new SMESH::long_array; int added = aAddList.count(); anIdList->length(added); for (i = 0; i < added; i++) anIdList[i] = aAddList[i]; myGroup->Add(anIdList.inout()); } if (!myIdList.empty()) { SMESH::long_array_var anIdList = new SMESH::long_array; int removed = myIdList.count(); anIdList->length(removed); for (i = 0; i < removed; i++) anIdList[i] = myIdList[i]; myGroup->Remove(anIdList.inout()); } /* init for next operation */ myIdList.clear(); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { myIdList.append(myElements->item(i)->text().toInt()); } } mySMESHGUI->updateObjBrowser(true); SMESH::UpdateView(); // asv: fix of BUG PAL5515 mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); return true; } else if (myGrpTypeId == 1) { // on geom object if (CORBA::is_nil(myGroupOnGeom)) { // creation if (myMesh->_is_nil() || !myGeomObjects->length()) return false; SMESH::ElementType aType = SMESH::ALL; switch (myTypeId) { case 0: aType = SMESH::NODE; break; case 1: aType = SMESH::EDGE; break; case 2: aType = SMESH::FACE; break; case 3: aType = SMESH::VOLUME; break; } _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument(); GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var aGroupOp = SMESH::GetGEOMGen()->GetIGroupOperations(aStudy->StudyId()); if (myGeomObjects->length() == 1) { myGroupOnGeom = myMesh->CreateGroupFromGEOM(aType, myName->text().toLatin1().data(), myGeomObjects[0]); } else { SMESH::SMESH_Gen_var aSMESHGen = SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGen(); if ( aSMESHGen->_is_nil() ) return false; // create a geometry group GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var geomGen = SMESH::GetGEOMGen(); _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument(); if (geomGen->_is_nil() || !aStudy) return false; GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var op = geomGen->GetIGroupOperations(aStudy->StudyId()); if (op->_is_nil()) return false; // check and add all selected GEOM objects: they must be // a sub-shapes of the main GEOM and must be of one type TopAbs_ShapeEnum aGroupType = TopAbs_SHAPE; for ( int i =0; i < myGeomObjects->length(); i++) { TopAbs_ShapeEnum aSubShapeType = (TopAbs_ShapeEnum)myGeomObjects[i]->GetShapeType(); if (i == 0) aGroupType = aSubShapeType; else if (aSubShapeType != aGroupType) { aGroupType = TopAbs_SHAPE; break; } } GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aMeshShape = myMesh->GetShapeToMesh(); GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGroupVar = op->CreateGroup(aMeshShape, aGroupType); op->UnionList(aGroupVar, myGeomObjects); if (op->IsDone()) { // publish the GEOM group in study QString aNewGeomGroupName ( "Auto_group_for_" ); aNewGeomGroupName += myName->text(); SALOMEDS::SObject_var aNewGroupSO = geomGen->AddInStudy(aSMESHGen->GetCurrentStudy(), aGroupVar, aNewGeomGroupName.toLatin1().data(), aMeshShape); } myGroupOnGeom = myMesh->CreateGroupFromGEOM(aType, myName->text().toLatin1().data(), aGroupVar); } SALOMEDS::Color aColor = getGroupColor(); myGroupOnGeom->SetColor(aColor); _PTR(SObject) aMeshGroupSO = SMESH::FindSObject(myGroupOnGeom); //SMESH::setFileName ( aMeshGroupSO, QString::number(myColorSpinBox->value()) ); SMESH::setFileType ( aMeshGroupSO,"COULEURGROUP" ); /* init for next operation */ myName->setText( "" ); myGroupOnGeom = SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_nil(); } else { // edition myGroupOnGeom->SetName(myName->text().toLatin1().data()); SALOMEDS::Color aColor = getGroupColor(); myGroupOnGeom->SetColor(aColor); _PTR(SObject) aMeshGroupSO = SMESH::FindSObject(myGroupOnGeom); if(SMESH_Actor *anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(aMeshGroupSO->GetID().c_str())) anActor->SetSufaceColor( aColor.R, aColor.G, aColor.B ); } mySMESHGUI->updateObjBrowser(true); mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); return true; } return false; } //================================================================================= // function : onOK() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onOK() { if ( onApply() ) onClose(); } //================================================================================= // function : onListSelectionChanged() // purpose : Called when selection in element list is changed //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onListSelectionChanged() { // MESSAGE( "SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onListSelectionChanged(); myActor = " << myActor); if( myIsBusy || !myActor) return; myIsBusy = true; if (myCurrentLineEdit == 0) { mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); TColStd_MapOfInteger aIndexes; QList selItems = myElements->selectedItems(); QListWidgetItem* anItem; foreach(anItem, selItems) aIndexes.Add(anItem->text().toInt()); mySelector->AddOrRemoveIndex(myActor->getIO(), aIndexes, false); SALOME_ListIO aList; aList.Append(myActor->getIO()); mySelectionMgr->setSelectedObjects(aList,false); } myIsBusy = false; } //================================================================================= // function : onObjectSelectionChanged() // purpose : Called when selection in 3D view or ObjectBrowser is changed //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onObjectSelectionChanged() { if ( myIsBusy || !isEnabled()) return; if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGeomGroupLine && !myGeomGroupBtn->isChecked()) return; myIsBusy = true; SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); int aNbSel = aList.Extent(); myElements->clearSelection(); if (myCurrentLineEdit) { myCurrentLineEdit->setText( "" ); QString aString = ""; if (myCurrentLineEdit == myMeshGroupLine) { mySelectSubMesh->setEnabled(false); mySelectGroup->setEnabled(false); myGroupLine->setText( "" ); mySubMeshLine->setText( "" ); myGeomGroupBtn->setEnabled(false); myGeomGroupLine->setEnabled(false); myGeomGroupLine->setText( "" ); myGeomObjects = new GEOM::ListOfGO(); myGeomObjects->length(0); if (myGeomGroupBtn->isChecked()) myGeomGroupBtn->setChecked(false); if (!myCreate) myName->setText( "" ); myElements->clear(); if (aNbSel != 1 ) { myGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil(); myGroupOnGeom = SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_nil(); restoreShowEntityMode(); myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil(); updateGeomPopup(); updateButtons(); myIsBusy = false; return; } Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First(); if (myCreate) { restoreShowEntityMode(); myMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface(IO); setShowEntityMode(); updateGeomPopup(); if (myMesh->_is_nil()) { updateButtons(); myIsBusy = false; return; } myGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil(); // NPAL19389: create a group with a selection in another group // set actor of myMesh, if it is visible, else try // any visible actor of group or submesh of myMesh SetAppropriateActor(); aString = aList.First()->getName(); myMeshGroupLine->setText(aString); myMeshGroupLine->home( false ); mySelectSubMesh->setEnabled(true); mySelectGroup->setEnabled(true); myGeomGroupBtn->setEnabled(true); myGeomGroupLine->setEnabled(true); updateButtons(); } else { SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroup = SMESH::IObjectToInterface(IO); if (aGroup->_is_nil()) { myIsBusy = false; return; } myIsBusy = false; myCurrentLineEdit = 0; myGroup = SMESH::SMESH_Group::_nil(); myGroupOnGeom = SMESH::SMESH_GroupOnGeom::_nil(); init(aGroup); myIsBusy = true; mySelectSubMesh->setEnabled(true); mySelectGroup->setEnabled(true); } myCurrentLineEdit = 0; myIsBusy = false; if (!myCreate) return; if (myGrpTypeId == 0) { if (myTypeId == -1) onTypeChanged(0); else { myElements->clear(); setSelectionMode(myTypeId); } } myIsBusy = false; return; } else if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGeomGroupLine) { myGeomObjects = new GEOM::ListOfGO(); // The mesh SObject _PTR(SObject) aMeshSO = SMESH::FindSObject(myMesh); if (aNbSel == 0 || !aMeshSO) { myGeomObjects->length(0); updateButtons(); myIsBusy = false; return; } myGeomObjects->length(aNbSel); GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomGroup; Standard_Boolean testResult; int i = 0; SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (aList); for (; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { testResult = Standard_False; aGeomGroup = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject(anIt.Value(), testResult); // Check if the object is a geometry group if (!testResult || CORBA::is_nil(aGeomGroup)) continue; // Check if group constructed on the same shape as a mesh or on its child _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument(); GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var anOp = SMESH::GetGEOMGen()->GetIGroupOperations(aStudy->StudyId()); // The main shape of the group GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGroupMainShape; if (aGeomGroup->GetType() == 37) aGroupMainShape = anOp->GetMainShape(aGeomGroup); else aGroupMainShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_duplicate(aGeomGroup); _PTR(SObject) aGroupMainShapeSO = //aStudy->FindObjectIOR(aStudy->ConvertObjectToIOR(aGroupMainShape)); aStudy->FindObjectID(aGroupMainShape->GetStudyEntry()); _PTR(SObject) anObj, aRef; bool isRefOrSubShape = false; if (aMeshSO->FindSubObject(1, anObj) && anObj->ReferencedObject(aRef)) { //if (strcmp(aRef->GetID(), aGroupMainShapeSO->GetID()) == 0) { if (aRef->GetID() == aGroupMainShapeSO->GetID()) { isRefOrSubShape = true; } else { _PTR(SObject) aFather = aGroupMainShapeSO->GetFather(); _PTR(SComponent) aComponent = aGroupMainShapeSO->GetFatherComponent(); //while (!isRefOrSubShape && strcmp(aFather->GetID(), aComponent->GetID()) != 0) { while (!isRefOrSubShape && aFather->GetID() != aComponent->GetID()) { //if (strcmp(aRef->GetID(), aFather->GetID()) == 0) if (aRef->GetID() == aFather->GetID()) isRefOrSubShape = true; else aFather = aFather->GetFather(); } } } if (isRefOrSubShape) myGeomObjects[i++] = aGeomGroup; } myGeomObjects->length(i); if ( i == 0 ) { myIsBusy = false; return; } aNbSel = i; } if (aNbSel >= 1) { if (aNbSel > 1) { if (myCurrentLineEdit == mySubMeshLine) aString = tr( "SMESH_SUBMESH_SELECTED" ).arg(aNbSel); else if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGroupLine) aString = tr( "SMESH_GROUP_SELECTED" ).arg(aNbSel); else if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGeomGroupLine) aString = tr( "%1 Objects" ).arg(aNbSel); } else { aString = aList.First()->getName(); } } myCurrentLineEdit->setText(aString); myCurrentLineEdit->home(false); // 07.06.2008 skl for IPAL19574: // change name of group only if it is empty if( myName->text().trimmed().isEmpty() || !myNameChanged ) { myOldName = myName->text(); myName->blockSignals(true); myName->setText(aString); myName->blockSignals(false); } updateButtons(); } else // !myCurrentLineEdit: local selection of nodes or elements { if (aNbSel == 1 && myActor && myActor->hasIO()) { #ifdef ENABLE_SWITCH_ACTOR_DURING_ELEMENTS_SELECTION // NPAL19389: create a group with a selection in another group // Switch myActor to the newly selected one, if the last // is visible and belongs to group or submesh of myMesh Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) curIO = myActor->getIO(); Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) selIO = aList.First(); if (curIO->hasEntry() && selIO->hasEntry()) { const char* selEntry = selIO->getEntry(); if (strcmp(curIO->getEntry(), selEntry) != 0) { // different objects: selected and myActor SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetCurrentVtkView(); if (aViewWindow && aViewWindow->isVisible(selIO)) { // newly selected actor is visible // mesh entry _PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::FindSObject(myMesh); if (aSObject) { CORBA::String_var meshEntry = aSObject->GetID().c_str(); int len = strlen(meshEntry); if (strncmp(selEntry, meshEntry, len) == 0) { // selected object is myMesh or a part of it SMESH_Actor* anActor = SMESH::FindActorByEntry(selEntry); if (anActor) { myActor = anActor; SMESH::SetPickable(myActor); } } } } } } // NPAL19389 END #endif // ENABLE_SWITCH_ACTOR_DURING_ELEMENTS_SELECTION QString aListStr = ""; int aNbItems = 0; if (myTypeId == 0) { aNbItems = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedNodes(mySelector, myActor->getIO(), aListStr); } else { aNbItems = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements(mySelector, myActor->getIO(), aListStr); } if (aNbItems > 0) { QListWidgetItem* anItem; QList listItemsToSel; QStringList anElements = aListStr.split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::iterator it = anElements.begin(); it != anElements.end(); ++it) { QList found = myElements->findItems(*it, Qt::MatchExactly); foreach(anItem, found) if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } bool blocked = myElements->signalsBlocked(); myElements->blockSignals(true); foreach(anItem, listItemsToSel) anItem->setSelected(true); myElements->blockSignals(blocked); onListSelectionChanged(); listItemsToSel.clear(); } } } if (!myActor) { if (!myGroup->_is_nil()) myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myGroup); else if(!myGroupOnGeom->_is_nil()) myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myGroupOnGeom); else myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myMesh); } // somehow, if we display the mesh, while selecting from another actor, // the mesh becomes pickable, and there is no way to select any element if (myActor) SMESH::SetPickable(myActor); myIsBusy = false; } //================================================================================= // function : onSelectSubMesh() // purpose : Called when selection in 3D view or ObjectBrowser is changed //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onSelectSubMesh(bool on) { if (on) { if (mySelectGroup->isChecked()) { mySelectGroup->setChecked(false); } //VSR: else if (mySelectGeomGroup->isChecked()) { //VSR: mySelectGeomGroup->setChecked(false); //VSR: } myCurrentLineEdit = mySubMeshLine; setSelectionMode(4); } else { mySubMeshLine->setText( "" ); myCurrentLineEdit = 0; if (myTypeId != -1) setSelectionMode(myTypeId); } mySubMeshBtn->setEnabled(on); mySubMeshLine->setEnabled(on); } //================================================================================= // function : (onSelectGroup) // purpose : Called when selection in 3D view or ObjectBrowser is changed //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onSelectGroup(bool on) { if (on) { if (mySelectSubMesh->isChecked()) { mySelectSubMesh->setChecked(false); } myCurrentLineEdit = myGroupLine; setSelectionMode(5); } else { myGroupLine->setText( "" ); myCurrentLineEdit = 0; if (myTypeId != -1) setSelectionMode(myTypeId); } myGroupBtn->setEnabled(on); myGroupLine->setEnabled(on); } //================================================================================= // function : (onSelectGeomGroup) // purpose : Called when selection in 3D view or ObjectBrowser is changed //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onSelectGeomGroup(bool on) { if (on) { if (mySelectSubMesh->isChecked()) { mySelectSubMesh->setChecked(false); } else if (mySelectGroup->isChecked()) { mySelectGroup->setChecked(false); } myCurrentLineEdit = myGeomGroupLine; updateGeomPopup(); setSelectionMode(8); } else { myGeomGroupBtn->setChecked(false); myGeomObjects->length(0); myGeomGroupLine->setText( "" ); myCurrentLineEdit = 0; if (myTypeId != -1) setSelectionMode(myTypeId); } } //================================================================================= // function : setCurrentSelection() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setCurrentSelection() { QPushButton* send = (QPushButton*)sender(); myCurrentLineEdit = 0; if (send == myMeshGroupBtn) { myCurrentLineEdit = myMeshGroupLine; if (myCreate) setSelectionMode(6); else setSelectionMode(5); onObjectSelectionChanged(); } else if (send == mySubMeshBtn) { myCurrentLineEdit = mySubMeshLine; onObjectSelectionChanged(); } else if (send == myGroupBtn) { myCurrentLineEdit = myGroupLine; onObjectSelectionChanged(); } } //================================================================================= // function : setFilters() // purpose : SLOT. Called when "Filter" button pressed. //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setFilters() { SMESH::ElementType aType = SMESH::ALL; switch ( myTypeId ) { case 0 : aType = SMESH::NODE; break; case 1 : aType = SMESH::EDGE; break; case 2 : aType = SMESH::FACE; break; case 3 : aType = SMESH::VOLUME; break; default: return; } if ( myFilterDlg == 0 ) { myFilterDlg = new SMESHGUI_FilterDlg( mySMESHGUI, aType ); connect( myFilterDlg, SIGNAL( Accepted() ), SLOT( onFilterAccepted() ) ); } else myFilterDlg->Init( aType ); myFilterDlg->SetSelection(); myFilterDlg->SetMesh( myMesh ); myFilterDlg->SetSourceWg( myElements ); myFilterDlg->show(); } //================================================================================= // function : onFilterAccepted() // purpose : SLOT. Called when Filter dlg closed with OK button. // Uncheck "Select submesh" and "Select group" checkboxes //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onFilterAccepted() { if ( mySelectSubMesh->isChecked() || mySelectGroup->isChecked() ) { mySelectionMode = myTypeId; mySelectSubMesh->setChecked( false ); mySelectGroup->setChecked( false ); } } //================================================================================= // function : onAdd() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onAdd() { SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); int aNbSel = aList.Extent(); if (aNbSel == 0 || !myActor || myMesh->_is_nil()) return; myIsBusy = true; SMESH::ElementType aType = SMESH::ALL; switch(myTypeId) { case 0: aType = SMESH::NODE; mySelector->SetSelectionMode(NodeSelection); break; case 1: aType = SMESH::EDGE; mySelector->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection); break; case 2: aType = SMESH::FACE; mySelector->SetSelectionMode(FaceSelection); break; case 3: aType = SMESH::VOLUME; mySelector->SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection); break; default: mySelector->SetSelectionMode(ActorSelection); } QListWidgetItem* anItem = 0; QList listItemsToSel; if (myCurrentLineEdit == 0) { //if (aNbSel != 1) { myIsBusy = false; return; } QString aListStr = ""; int aNbItems = 0; if (myTypeId == 0) { aNbItems = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedNodes(mySelector, myActor->getIO(), aListStr); } else { aNbItems = SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements(mySelector, myActor->getIO(), aListStr); } if (aNbItems > 0) { QStringList anElements = aListStr.split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::iterator it = anElements.begin(); it != anElements.end(); ++it) { QList found = myElements->findItems(*it, Qt::MatchExactly); if (found.count() == 0) { anItem = new QListWidgetItem(*it); myElements->addItem(anItem); if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } else { foreach(anItem, found) if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } } bool blocked = myElements->signalsBlocked(); myElements->blockSignals(true); foreach(anItem, listItemsToSel) anItem->setSelected(true); myElements->blockSignals(blocked); onListSelectionChanged(); listItemsToSel.clear(); } } else if (myCurrentLineEdit == mySubMeshLine) { //SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (mySelectionMgr->StoredIObjects()); SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (aList); for ( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface(anIt.Value()); if (!aSubMesh->_is_nil()) { // check if mesh is the same if (aSubMesh->GetFather()->GetId() == myMesh->GetId()) { try { SMESH::long_array_var anElements = aSubMesh->GetElementsByType(aType); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { QString aText = QString::number(anElements[i]); QList found = myElements->findItems(aText, Qt::MatchExactly); if (found.count() == 0) { anItem = new QListWidgetItem(aText); myElements->addItem(anItem); if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } else { foreach(anItem, found) if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } } bool blocked = myElements->signalsBlocked(); myElements->blockSignals(true); foreach(anItem, listItemsToSel) anItem->setSelected(true); myElements->blockSignals(blocked); onListSelectionChanged(); listItemsToSel.clear(); } catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex) { SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(ex); } } } } mySelectSubMesh->setChecked(false); myIsBusy = false; onListSelectionChanged(); } else if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGroupLine) { //SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (mySelectionMgr->StoredIObjects()); SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (aList); for ( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aGroup = SMESH::IObjectToInterface(anIt.Value()); if (!aGroup->_is_nil()) { // check if mesh is the same if (aGroup->GetType() == aType && aGroup->GetMesh()->GetId() == myMesh->GetId()) { SMESH::long_array_var anElements = aGroup->GetListOfID(); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { QString aText = QString::number(anElements[i]); QList found = myElements->findItems(aText, Qt::MatchExactly); if (found.count() == 0) { anItem = new QListWidgetItem(aText); myElements->addItem(anItem); if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } else { foreach(anItem, found) if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } } bool blocked = myElements->signalsBlocked(); myElements->blockSignals(true); foreach(anItem, listItemsToSel) anItem->setSelected(true); myElements->blockSignals(blocked); onListSelectionChanged(); listItemsToSel.clear(); } } } mySelectGroup->setChecked(false); myIsBusy = false; onListSelectionChanged(); } else if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGeomGroupLine && myGeomObjects->length() == 1) { _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument(); GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var aGroupOp = SMESH::GetGEOMGen()->GetIGroupOperations(aStudy->StudyId()); SMESH::ElementType aGroupType = SMESH::ALL; switch(aGroupOp->GetType(myGeomObjects[0])) { case 7: aGroupType = SMESH::NODE; break; case 6: aGroupType = SMESH::EDGE; break; case 4: aGroupType = SMESH::FACE; break; case 2: aGroupType = SMESH::VOLUME; break; default: myIsBusy = false; return; } if (aGroupType == aType) { _PTR(SObject) aGroupSO = //aStudy->FindObjectIOR(aStudy->ConvertObjectToIOR(myGeomGroup)); aStudy->FindObjectID(myGeomObjects[0]->GetStudyEntry()); // Construct filter SMESH::FilterManager_var aFilterMgr = SMESH::GetFilterManager(); SMESH::Filter_var aFilter = aFilterMgr->CreateFilter(); SMESH::BelongToGeom_var aBelongToGeom = aFilterMgr->CreateBelongToGeom();; aBelongToGeom->SetGeom(myGeomObjects[0]); aBelongToGeom->SetShapeName(aGroupSO->GetName().c_str()); aBelongToGeom->SetElementType(aType); aFilter->SetPredicate(aBelongToGeom); SMESH::long_array_var anElements = aFilter->GetElementsId(myMesh); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { QString aText = QString::number(anElements[i]); QList found = myElements->findItems(aText, Qt::MatchExactly); if (found.count() == 0) { anItem = new QListWidgetItem(aText); myElements->addItem(anItem); if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } else { foreach(anItem, found) if (!anItem->isSelected()) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } } bool blocked = myElements->signalsBlocked(); myElements->blockSignals(true); foreach(anItem, listItemsToSel) anItem->setSelected(true); myElements->blockSignals(blocked); onListSelectionChanged(); listItemsToSel.clear(); } //VSR: mySelectGeomGroup->setChecked(false); myIsBusy = false; onListSelectionChanged(); } myIsBusy = false; // mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); updateButtons(); } //================================================================================= // function : onRemove() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onRemove() { myIsBusy = true; if (myCurrentLineEdit == 0) { QList selItems = myElements->selectedItems(); QListWidgetItem* item; foreach(item, selItems) delete item; } else { SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); int aNbSel = aList.Extent(); if (aNbSel == 0) { myIsBusy = false; return; } SMESH::ElementType aType = SMESH::ALL; switch(myTypeId) { case 0: aType = SMESH::NODE; break; case 1: aType = SMESH::EDGE; break; case 2: aType = SMESH::FACE; break; case 3: aType = SMESH::VOLUME; break; } if (myCurrentLineEdit == mySubMeshLine) { //SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (mySelectionMgr->StoredIObjects()); SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (aList); for ( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { SMESH::SMESH_subMesh_var aSubMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface(anIt.Value()); if (!aSubMesh->_is_nil()) { // check if mesh is the same if (aSubMesh->GetFather()->GetId() == myMesh->GetId()) { if (aType == SMESH::NODE) { try { SMESH::long_array_var anElements = aSubMesh->GetNodesId(); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { QList found = myElements->findItems(QString::number(anElements[i]), Qt::MatchExactly); QListWidgetItem* anItem; foreach(anItem, found) delete anItem; } } catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex) { SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(ex); } } else { try { SMESH::long_array_var anElements = aSubMesh->GetElementsId(); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { QList found = myElements->findItems(QString::number(anElements[i]), Qt::MatchExactly); QListWidgetItem* anItem; foreach(anItem, found) delete anItem; } } catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex) { SalomeApp_Tools::QtCatchCorbaException(ex); } } } } } } else if (myCurrentLineEdit == myGroupLine) { Standard_Boolean aRes; //SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (mySelectionMgr->StoredIObjects()); SALOME_ListIO aList; mySelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList ); SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO anIt (aList); for ( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { SMESH::SMESH_Group_var aGroup = SMESH::IObjectToInterface(anIt.Value()); if (aRes && !aGroup->_is_nil()) { // check if mesh is the same if (aGroup->GetType() == aType && aGroup->GetMesh()->GetId() == myMesh->GetId()) { SMESH::long_array_var anElements = aGroup->GetListOfID(); int k = anElements->length(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { QList found = myElements->findItems(QString::number(anElements[i]), Qt::MatchExactly); QListWidgetItem* anItem; foreach(anItem, found) delete anItem; } } } } } } myIsBusy = false; updateButtons(); } //================================================================================= // function : onSort() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onSort() { // PAL5412: sorts items in ascending by "string" value // myElements->sort(true); // myElements->update(); int i, k = myElements->count(); if (k > 0) { myIsBusy = true; QList aSelected; std::vector anArray(k); // QMemArray anArray(k); // fill the array for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { int id = myElements->item(i)->text().toInt(); anArray[i] = id; if (myElements->item(i)->isSelected()) aSelected.append(id); } // sort & update list std::sort(anArray.begin(), anArray.end()); // anArray.sort(); myElements->clear(); QListWidgetItem* anItem; QList listItemsToSel; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { anItem = new QListWidgetItem(QString::number(anArray[i])); myElements->addItem(anItem); if (aSelected.contains(anArray[i])) listItemsToSel.push_back(anItem); } bool blocked = myElements->signalsBlocked(); myElements->blockSignals(true); foreach(anItem, listItemsToSel) anItem->setSelected(true); myElements->blockSignals(blocked); listItemsToSel.clear(); myIsBusy = false; } } //================================================================================= // function : closeEvent() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::closeEvent (QCloseEvent*) { onClose(); } //================================================================================= // function : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onClose // purpose : SLOT called when "Close" button pressed. Close dialog //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onClose() { if (SMESH::GetCurrentVtkView()) { SMESH::RemoveFilters(); // PAL6938 -- clean all mesh entity filters SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(false); SMESH::SetPickable(); restoreShowEntityMode(); } mySelectionMgr->clearSelected(); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI )) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(ActorSelection); mySelectionMgr->clearFilters(); mySMESHGUI->ResetState(); reject(); } //================================================================================= // function : onHelp() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onHelp() { LightApp_Application* app = (LightApp_Application*)(SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()); if (app) app->onHelpContextModule(mySMESHGUI ? app->moduleName(mySMESHGUI->moduleName()) : QString( "" ), myHelpFileName); else { QString platform; #ifdef WIN32 platform = "winapplication"; #else platform = "application"; #endif SUIT_MessageBox::warning(this, tr( "WRN_WARNING" ), tr( "EXTERNAL_BROWSER_CANNOT_SHOW_PAGE" ). arg(app->resourceMgr()->stringValue( "ExternalBrowser", platform)). arg(myHelpFileName)); } } //================================================================================= // function : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onDeactivate // purpose : SLOT called when dialog must be deativated //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onDeactivate() { mySMESHGUI->ResetState(); setEnabled(false); } //================================================================================= // function : SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::enterEvent // purpose : Event filter //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::enterEvent (QEvent*) { if (!isEnabled()) { mySMESHGUI->EmitSignalDeactivateDialog(); setEnabled(true); mySelectionMode = -1; setSelectionMode(myTypeId); //mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox((QDialog*)this); mySMESHGUI->SetActiveDialogBox(this); mySMESHGUI->SetState(800); } } //================================================================================= // function : hideEvent // purpose : caused by ESC key //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::hideEvent (QHideEvent*) { if (!isMinimized() && !myIsBusy) onClose(); } //================================================================================= // function : keyPressEvent() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e ) { QDialog::keyPressEvent( e ); if ( e->isAccepted() ) return; if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_F1 ) { e->accept(); onHelp(); } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Enable showing of the popup when Geometry selection btn is clicked * \param enable - true to enable */ //================================================================================ enum { DIRECT_GEOM_INDEX = 0, GEOM_BY_MESH_INDEX }; void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::updateGeomPopup() { bool enable = false; if ( !myMesh->_is_nil() ) enable = myMesh->NbEdges() > 0; if ( myGeomGroupBtn ) { disconnect( myGeomGroupBtn, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( onGeomSelectionButton(bool) )); if ( enable ) { if ( !myGeomPopup ) { myGeomPopup = new QMenu(this); myActions[myGeomPopup->addAction( tr( "DIRECT_GEOM_SELECTION" ) )] = DIRECT_GEOM_INDEX; myActions[myGeomPopup->addAction( tr( "GEOM_BY_MESH_ELEM_SELECTION" ) )] = GEOM_BY_MESH_INDEX; connect( myGeomPopup, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction* ) ), SLOT( onGeomPopup( QAction* ) ) ); } connect( myGeomGroupBtn, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( onGeomSelectionButton(bool) )); } } } //================================================================================= // function : onGeomSelectionButton() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onGeomSelectionButton(bool isBtnOn) { if ( myGeomPopup && isBtnOn ) { myCurrentLineEdit = myGeomGroupLine; QAction* a = myGeomPopup->exec( QCursor::pos() ); if (!a || myActions[a] == DIRECT_GEOM_INDEX) setSelectionMode(7); } else if (!isBtnOn) { myCurrentLineEdit = 0; setSelectionMode(8); } } //================================================================================= // function : onGeomPopup() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onGeomPopup( QAction* a ) { int index = myActions[a]; if ( index == GEOM_BY_MESH_INDEX ) { mySelectionMode = -1; if ( !myShapeByMeshOp ) { myShapeByMeshOp = new SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshOp(true); connect(myShapeByMeshOp, SIGNAL(committed(SUIT_Operation*)), SLOT(onPublishShapeByMeshDlg(SUIT_Operation*))); connect(myShapeByMeshOp, SIGNAL(aborted(SUIT_Operation*)), SLOT(onCloseShapeByMeshDlg(SUIT_Operation*))); } // set mesh object to SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshOp and start it if ( !myMesh->_is_nil() ) { myIsBusy = true; hide(); // stop processing selection myIsBusy = false; myShapeByMeshOp->setModule( mySMESHGUI ); myShapeByMeshOp->setStudy( 0 ); // it's really necessary myShapeByMeshOp->SetMesh( myMesh ); myShapeByMeshOp->start(); } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief SLOT. Is called when Ok is pressed in SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshDlg */ //================================================================================ void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onPublishShapeByMeshDlg(SUIT_Operation* op) { if ( myShapeByMeshOp == op ) { mySMESHGUI->getApp()->updateObjectBrowser(); show(); // Select a found geometry object GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomVar = myShapeByMeshOp->GetShape(); if ( !aGeomVar->_is_nil() ) { QString ID = aGeomVar->GetStudyEntry(); _PTR(Study) aStudy = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument(); if ( _PTR(SObject) aGeomSO = aStudy->FindObjectID( ID.toLatin1().data() )) { SALOME_ListIO anIOList; Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = new SALOME_InteractiveObject ( aGeomSO->GetID().c_str(), "SMESH", aGeomSO->GetName().c_str() ); anIOList.Append( anIO ); mySelectionMgr->setSelectedObjects( anIOList, false ); onObjectSelectionChanged(); } } } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief SLOT. Is called when Close is pressed in SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshDlg */ //================================================================================ void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::onCloseShapeByMeshDlg(SUIT_Operation* op) { if ( myShapeByMeshOp == op ) { show(); setSelectionMode(7); } } //================================================================================= // function : setGroupColor() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setGroupColor( const SALOMEDS::Color& theColor ) { QColor aQColor( (int)( theColor.R * 255.0 ), (int)( theColor.G * 255.0 ), (int)( theColor.B * 255.0 ) ); setGroupQColor( aQColor ); } //================================================================================= // function : getGroupColor() // purpose : //================================================================================= SALOMEDS::Color SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::getGroupColor() const { QColor aQColor = getGroupQColor(); SALOMEDS::Color aColor; aColor.R = (float)aQColor.red() / 255.0; aColor.G = (float)aQColor.green() / 255.0; aColor.B = (float)aQColor.blue() / 255.0; return aColor; } //================================================================================= // function : setGroupQColor() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setGroupQColor( const QColor& theColor ) { if( theColor.isValid() ) myColorBtn->setColor( theColor ); } //================================================================================= // function : getGroupQColor() // purpose : //================================================================================= QColor SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::getGroupQColor() const { return myColorBtn->color(); } //================================================================================= // function : setDefaultGroupColor() // purpose : //================================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setDefaultGroupColor() { if( myMesh->_is_nil() ) return; bool isAutoColor = myMesh->GetAutoColor(); QColor aQColor; if( !isAutoColor ) { int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; SMESH::GetColor( "SMESH", "fill_color", r, g, b, QColor( 0, 170, 255 ) ); aQColor.setRgb( r, g, b ); } else { SMESH::ListOfGroups aListOfGroups = *myMesh->GetGroups(); QList aReservedColors; for( int i = 0, n = aListOfGroups.length(); i < n; i++ ) { SMESH::SMESH_GroupBase_var aGroupObject = aListOfGroups[i]; SALOMEDS::Color aReservedColor = aGroupObject->GetColor(); aReservedColors.append( aReservedColor ); } SALOMEDS::Color aColor = SMESHGUI::getUniqueColor( aReservedColors ); aQColor.setRgb( (int)( aColor.R * 255.0 ), (int)( aColor.G * 255.0 ), (int)( aColor.B * 255.0 ) ); } setGroupQColor( aQColor ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetAppropriateActor() // purpose : Find more appropriate of visible actors, set it to myActor, allow picking // NPAL19389: create a group with a selection in another group. // if mesh actor is not visible - find any first visible group or submesh //================================================================================= bool SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::SetAppropriateActor() { bool isActor = false; if (myMesh->_is_nil()) return false; SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetCurrentVtkView(); // try mesh actor myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myMesh); if (myActor && myActor->hasIO()) { isActor = true; if (aViewWindow && !aViewWindow->isVisible(myActor->getIO())) isActor = false; } // try current group actor if (!isActor) { if (!myGroup->_is_nil()) { myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myGroup); if (myActor && myActor->hasIO()) { isActor = true; if (aViewWindow && !aViewWindow->isVisible(myActor->getIO())) isActor = false; } } } // try current group on geometry actor if (!isActor) { if (!myGroupOnGeom->_is_nil()) { myActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myGroupOnGeom); if (myActor && myActor->hasIO()) { isActor = true; if (aViewWindow && !aViewWindow->isVisible(myActor->getIO())) isActor = false; } } } // try any visible actor of group or submesh of current mesh if (!isActor && aViewWindow) { // mesh entry _PTR(SObject) aSObject = SMESH::FindSObject(myMesh); if (aSObject) { CORBA::String_var meshEntry = aSObject->GetID().c_str(); int len = strlen(meshEntry); // iterate on all actors in current view window, search for // any visible actor, that belongs to group or submesh of current mesh vtkActorCollection *aCollection = aViewWindow->getRenderer()->GetActors(); aCollection->InitTraversal(); for (vtkActor *anAct = aCollection->GetNextActor(); anAct && !isActor; anAct = aCollection->GetNextActor()) { SMESH_Actor *anActor = dynamic_cast(anAct); if (anActor && anActor->hasIO()) { Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIO = anActor->getIO(); if (aViewWindow->isVisible(anIO)) { if (anIO->hasEntry() && strncmp(anIO->getEntry(), meshEntry, len) == 0) { myActor = anActor; isActor = true; } } } } } } if (isActor) SMESH::SetPickable(myActor); return isActor; } //======================================================================= //function : setShowEntityMode //purpose : make shown only entity corresponding to my type //======================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::setShowEntityMode() { if ( !myMesh->_is_nil() ) { if ( SMESH_Actor* actor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myMesh) ) { if (!myStoredShownEntity) myStoredShownEntity = actor->GetEntityMode(); switch ( myTypeId ) { case 0: restoreShowEntityMode(); break; case 1: actor->SetEntityMode( SMESH_Actor::eEdges ); break; case 2: actor->SetEntityMode( SMESH_Actor::eFaces ); break; case 3: actor->SetEntityMode( SMESH_Actor::eVolumes ); break; } } } } //======================================================================= //function : restoreShowEntityMode //purpose : restore ShowEntity mode of myActor //======================================================================= void SMESHGUI_GroupDlg::restoreShowEntityMode() { if ( myStoredShownEntity && !myMesh->_is_nil() ) { if ( SMESH_Actor* actor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myMesh) ) { actor->SetEntityMode(myStoredShownEntity); } } myStoredShownEntity = 0; }