# 1D Mesh with Fixed Points example import salome salome.salome_init_without_session() from salome.geom import geomBuilder from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder geom_builder = geomBuilder.New() smesh_builder = smeshBuilder.New() # Create face and explode it on edges face = geom_builder.MakeFaceHW(100, 100, 1) edges = geom_builder.SubShapeAllSorted(face, geom_builder.ShapeType["EDGE"]) geom_builder.addToStudy( face, "Face" ) # get the first edge from exploded result edge1 = geom_builder.GetSubShapeID(face, edges[0]) # Define Mesh on previously created face Mesh_1 = smesh_builder.Mesh(face) # Create Fixed Point 1D hypothesis and define parameters. # Note: values greater than 1.0 and less than 0.0 are not taken into account; # duplicated values are removed. Also, if not specified explicitly, values 0.0 and 1.0 # add added automatically. # The number of segments should correspond to the number of points (NbSeg = NbPnt-1); # extra values of segments splitting parameter are not taken into account, # while missing values are considered to be equal to 1. Fixed_points_1D_1 = smesh_builder.CreateHypothesis('FixedPoints1D') Fixed_points_1D_1.SetPoints( [ 1.1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, -0.3 ] ) Fixed_points_1D_1.SetNbSegments( [ 3, 1, 2 ] ) Fixed_points_1D_1.SetReversedEdges( [edge1] ) # Add hypothesis to mesh and define 2D parameters Mesh_1.AddHypothesis(Fixed_points_1D_1) Regular_1D = Mesh_1.Segment() Quadrangle_2D = Mesh_1.Quadrangle() # Compute mesh Mesh_1.Compute()