/*! \page mesh_infos_page Mesh infos \n There are two types of information boxes: Standard Mesh Infos and Advanced Mesh Infos.
\anchor standard_mesh_infos_anchor

Standard Mesh Infos

The Standard Mesh Infos box gives only the information on the number of elements of maximum dimension and the number of nodes in the mesh. However, from this Info you can learn about groups selected on this mesh. \n To view the Standard Mesh Infos, select your mesh or submesh in the Object Browser and select Standard Mesh Infos from the \b Mesh menu or click "Standard Mesh Infos" button in the toolbar. \image html image49.gif
"Standard Mesh Infos" button
The following information will be displayed: \image html a-standmeshinfo.png
\anchor advanced_mesh_infos_anchor

Advanced Mesh Infos

The Advanced Mesh Infos gives more information about the mesh, including the total number of faces and volumes and their geometrical types. \n To view the Advanced Mesh Infos, select your mesh or submesh in the Object Browser and select Advanced Mesh Infos from the \b Mesh menu or click "Advanced Mesh Infos" button in the toolbar. \image html image50.gif
"Advanced Mesh Infos" button
The following information will be displayed: \image html advanced_mesh_infos.png In case you get Mesh Infos via a \ref tui_viewing_mesh_infos "TUI script", the information is displayed in Python Console. \image html b-mesh_infos.png */