// SMESH OBJECT : interactive object for SMESH visualization // // Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // // // File : SMESH_ActorDef.h // Author : Nicolas REJNERI // Module : SMESH // $Header$ #ifndef SMESH_ACTORDEF_H #define SMESH_ACTORDEF_H #include "SMESH_Actor.h" #include "SMESH_Object.h" #include template class TVTKSmartPtr: public vtkSmartPointer { public: TVTKSmartPtr() {} TVTKSmartPtr(T* r, bool theIsOwner = false): vtkSmartPointer(r) { if(r && theIsOwner) r->Delete(); } TVTKSmartPtr& operator()(T* r, bool theIsOwner = false){ vtkSmartPointer::operator=(r); if(r && theIsOwner) r->Delete(); return *this; } TVTKSmartPtr& operator=(T* r){ vtkSmartPointer::operator=(r); return *this;} T* Get() const { return this->GetPointer();} }; class vtkProperty; class vtkShrinkFilter; class vtkPolyDataMapper; class vtkUnstructuredGrid; class vtkMergeFilter; class vtkPolyData; class vtkMapper; class vtkActor2D; class vtkMaskPoints; class vtkCellCenters; class vtkLabeledDataMapper; class vtkSelectVisiblePoints; class vtkScalarBarActor; class vtkLookupTable; class vtkPlane; class vtkImplicitBoolean; class vtkTimeStamp; class SMESH_DeviceActor; class SMESH_ActorDef : public SMESH_Actor { friend class SMESH_VisualObj; friend class SMESH_Actor; public: vtkTypeMacro(SMESH_ActorDef,SMESH_Actor); virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *renWin); virtual int RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport *viewport); virtual int RenderTranslucentGeometry(vtkViewport *viewport); virtual void Render(vtkRenderer *ren); virtual void AddToRender(vtkRenderer* theRenderer); virtual void RemoveFromRender(vtkRenderer* theRenderer); virtual bool hasHighlight() { return true; } virtual void highlight(bool theHighlight); virtual void SetPreSelected(bool thePreselect = false); virtual bool IsInfinitive(); virtual void SetOpacity(vtkFloatingPointType theValue); virtual vtkFloatingPointType GetOpacity(); virtual void SetSufaceColor(vtkFloatingPointType r,vtkFloatingPointType g,vtkFloatingPointType b); virtual void GetSufaceColor(vtkFloatingPointType& r,vtkFloatingPointType& g,vtkFloatingPointType& b); virtual void SetBackSufaceColor(vtkFloatingPointType r,vtkFloatingPointType g,vtkFloatingPointType b); virtual void GetBackSufaceColor(vtkFloatingPointType& r,vtkFloatingPointType& g,vtkFloatingPointType& b); virtual void SetEdgeColor(vtkFloatingPointType r,vtkFloatingPointType g,vtkFloatingPointType b); virtual void GetEdgeColor(vtkFloatingPointType& r,vtkFloatingPointType& g,vtkFloatingPointType& b); virtual void SetNodeColor(vtkFloatingPointType r,vtkFloatingPointType g,vtkFloatingPointType b); virtual void GetNodeColor(vtkFloatingPointType& r,vtkFloatingPointType& g,vtkFloatingPointType& b); virtual void SetHighlightColor(vtkFloatingPointType r,vtkFloatingPointType g,vtkFloatingPointType b); virtual void GetHighlightColor(vtkFloatingPointType& r,vtkFloatingPointType& g,vtkFloatingPointType& b); virtual void SetPreHighlightColor(vtkFloatingPointType r,vtkFloatingPointType g,vtkFloatingPointType b); virtual void GetPreHighlightColor(vtkFloatingPointType& r,vtkFloatingPointType& g,vtkFloatingPointType& b); virtual vtkFloatingPointType GetLineWidth(); virtual void SetLineWidth(vtkFloatingPointType theVal); virtual void SetNodeSize(vtkFloatingPointType size) ; virtual vtkFloatingPointType GetNodeSize() ; virtual int GetNodeObjId(int theVtkID); virtual vtkFloatingPointType* GetNodeCoord(int theObjID); virtual int GetElemObjId(int theVtkID); virtual vtkCell* GetElemCell(int theObjID); virtual int GetObjDimension( const int theObjId ); virtual void SetVisibility(int theMode); void SetVisibility(int theMode, bool theIsUpdateRepersentation); virtual void SetRepresentation(int theMode); virtual unsigned int GetEntityMode() const { return myEntityMode;} virtual void SetEntityMode(unsigned int theMode); virtual void SetPointRepresentation(bool theIsPointsVisible); virtual bool GetPointRepresentation(); virtual vtkFloatingPointType* GetBounds(); virtual void SetTransform(VTKViewer_Transform* theTransform); virtual vtkUnstructuredGrid* GetUnstructuredGrid(); virtual vtkDataSet* GetInput(); virtual vtkMapper* GetMapper(); virtual vtkFloatingPointType GetShrinkFactor(); virtual void SetShrinkFactor(vtkFloatingPointType theValue); virtual bool IsShrunkable() { return myIsShrinkable;} virtual bool IsShrunk() { return myIsShrunk;} virtual void SetShrink(); virtual void UnShrink(); virtual void SetPointsLabeled(bool theIsPointsLabeled); virtual bool GetPointsLabeled(){ return myIsPointsLabeled;} virtual void SetCellsLabeled(bool theIsCellsLabeled); virtual bool GetCellsLabeled(){ return myIsCellsLabeled;} virtual void SetFacesOriented(bool theIsFacesOriented); virtual bool GetFacesOriented(); virtual void SetControlMode(eControl theMode); virtual eControl GetControlMode(){ return myControlMode;} virtual vtkScalarBarActor* GetScalarBarActor(){ return myScalarBarActor;} virtual void SetPlaneParam(vtkFloatingPointType theDir[3], vtkFloatingPointType theDist, vtkPlane* thePlane); virtual void GetPlaneParam(vtkFloatingPointType theDir[3], vtkFloatingPointType& theDist, vtkPlane* thePlane); virtual void RemoveAllClippingPlanes(); virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfClippingPlanes(); virtual vtkPlane* GetClippingPlane(vtkIdType theID); virtual vtkIdType AddClippingPlane(vtkPlane* thePlane); virtual TVisualObjPtr GetObject() { return myVisualObj;} virtual void SetControlsPrecision( const long p ) { myControlsPrecision = p; } virtual long GetControlsPrecision() const { return myControlsPrecision; } virtual void UpdateScalarBar(); protected: void SetControlMode(eControl theMode, bool theCheckEntityMode); void SetImplicitFunctionUsed(bool theIsImplicitFunctionUsed); bool IsImplicitFunctionUsed() const; TVisualObjPtr myVisualObj; vtkTimeStamp* myTimeStamp; vtkScalarBarActor* myScalarBarActor; vtkLookupTable* myLookupTable; vtkProperty* mySurfaceProp; vtkProperty* myBackSurfaceProp; vtkProperty* myEdgeProp; vtkProperty* myNodeProp; SMESH_DeviceActor* myBaseActor; SMESH_DeviceActor* myNodeActor; SMESH_DeviceActor* myPickableActor; vtkProperty* myHighlightProp; vtkProperty* myPreselectProp; SMESH_DeviceActor* myHighlitableActor; eControl myControlMode; SMESH_DeviceActor* my2DActor; SMESH_DeviceActor* my3DActor; SMESH_DeviceActor* myControlActor; vtkProperty* myNodeExtProp; SMESH_DeviceActor* myNodeExtActor; vtkProperty* my1DProp; SMESH_DeviceActor* my1DActor; vtkProperty* my1DExtProp; SMESH_DeviceActor* my1DExtActor; unsigned int myEntityMode; unsigned int myEntityState; bool myIsPointsVisible; bool myIsShrinkable; bool myIsShrunk; bool myIsPointsLabeled; vtkUnstructuredGrid* myPointsNumDataSet; vtkActor2D *myPointLabels; vtkMaskPoints* myPtsMaskPoints; vtkLabeledDataMapper* myPtsLabeledDataMapper; vtkSelectVisiblePoints* myPtsSelectVisiblePoints; bool myIsCellsLabeled; vtkUnstructuredGrid* myCellsNumDataSet; vtkActor2D *myCellsLabels; vtkMaskPoints* myClsMaskPoints; vtkCellCenters* myCellCenters; vtkLabeledDataMapper* myClsLabeledDataMapper; vtkSelectVisiblePoints* myClsSelectVisiblePoints; vtkImplicitBoolean* myImplicitBoolean; typedef TVTKSmartPtr TPlanePtr; typedef std::vector TCippingPlaneCont; TCippingPlaneCont myCippingPlaneCont; long myControlsPrecision; bool myIsFacesOriented; SMESH_ActorDef(); ~SMESH_ActorDef(); bool Init(TVisualObjPtr theVisualObj, const char* theEntry, const char* theName, int theIsClear); void SetIsShrunkable(bool theShrunkable); void UpdateHighlight(); void Update(); private: // hide the two parameter Render() method from the user and the compiler. virtual void Render(vtkRenderer *, vtkMapper *) {}; virtual void ShallowCopy(vtkProp *prop); virtual void SetMapper(vtkMapper *); static SMESH_ActorDef* New(); // Not implemented. SMESH_ActorDef(const SMESH_ActorDef&); void operator=(const SMESH_ActorDef&); }; #endif //SMESH_ACTORDEF_H