# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014-2021 EDF R&D # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # """Fissure dans un coude""" import logging import os import math import GEOM import SMESH from blocFissure.gmu.geomsmesh import geompy from blocFissure.gmu.geomsmesh import smesh from blocFissure.gmu.geomsmesh import geomPublish from blocFissure.gmu.geomsmesh import geomPublishInFather from blocFissure.gmu import initLog from blocFissure.gmu.putName import putName from blocFissure.gmu.fissureGenerique import fissureGenerique from blocFissure.gmu.triedreBase import triedreBase from blocFissure.gmu.genereMeshCalculZoneDefaut import genereMeshCalculZoneDefaut from blocFissure.gmu.creeZoneDefautDansObjetSain import creeZoneDefautDansObjetSain from blocFissure.gmu.insereFissureLongue import insereFissureLongue O, OX, OY, OZ = triedreBase() class fissure_Coude(fissureGenerique): """problème de fissure du Coude : version de base maillage hexa """ nomProbleme = "fissure_Coude" geomParams = dict() meshParams = dict() shapeFissureParams = dict() maillageFissureParams = dict() referencesMaillageFissure = dict() circonferentielle = False longitudinale = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setParamGeometrieSaine(self): """ Paramètres géométriques du tuyau coudé sain: angleCoude r_cintr l_tube_p1 l_tube_p2 epais de """ self.geomParams = dict(angleCoude = 60, r_cintr = 1200, l_tube_p1 = 1600, l_tube_p2 = 1200, epais = 40, de = 760) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genereGeometrieSaine(self, geomParams): """a écrire""" logging.info("genereGeometrieSaine %s", self.nomCas) angleCoude = geomParams['angleCoude'] r_cintr = geomParams['r_cintr'] l_tube_p1 = geomParams['l_tube_p1'] l_tube_p2 = geomParams['l_tube_p2'] epais = geomParams['epais'] de = geomParams['de'] centre = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, -l_tube_p1) Disk_1 = geompy.MakeDiskPntVecR(centre, OZ, de/2.) Disk_2 = geompy.MakeDiskPntVecR(centre, OZ, de/2. -epais) Cut_1 = geompy.MakeCut(Disk_1, Disk_2) Extrusion_1 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(Cut_1, OZ, l_tube_p1) axe = geompy.MakeTranslation(OY, -r_cintr, 0, -l_tube_p1) Revolution_1 = geompy.MakeRevolution(Cut_1, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) Rotation_1 = geompy.MakeRotation(Cut_1, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) Rotation_2 = geompy.MakeRotation(OZ, OY, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) Extrusion_2 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(Rotation_1, Rotation_2, -l_tube_p2) Plane_1 = geompy.MakePlaneLCS(None, 100000, 3) geomPublish(initLog.debug, Plane_1, "Plane_1" ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, Extrusion_1, "Extrusion_1" ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, Revolution_1, "Revolution_1" ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, Extrusion_2, "Extrusion_2" ) P1 = O geomPublish(initLog.always, P1, "P1", self.numeroCas ) op2 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, -l_tube_p1) P2 = geompy.MakeRotation(op2, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) P2 = geompy.MakeTranslationVectorDistance(P2, Rotation_2, -l_tube_p2) geomPublish(initLog.always, P2, "P2", self.numeroCas ) # --- tube coude sain geometrieSaine = geompy.MakePartition([Extrusion_1, Revolution_1, Extrusion_2, P1, P2], [Plane_1], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 1) geomPublish(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, self.nomCas, self.numeroCas ) [P1, P2] = geompy.RestoreGivenSubShapes(geometrieSaine, [P1, P2], GEOM.FSM_GetInPlaceByHistory, False, True) [ep, circ_g, circ_d, long_p2, long_coude, long_p1] = geompy.Propagate(geometrieSaine) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, long_p1, 'long_p1' ) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, ep, 'ep' ) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, long_coude, 'long_coude' ) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, circ_g, 'circ_g' ) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, circ_d, 'circ_d' ) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, long_p2, 'long_p2' ) # --- face extremite tube (EXTUBE) facesIds = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneIDs(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], OZ, GEOM.ST_ON) EXTUBE = geompy.CreateGroup(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) geompy.UnionIDs(EXTUBE, facesIds) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, EXTUBE, 'EXTUBE' ) # --- edge bord extremite tube (BORDTU) edge1Ids = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneIDs(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], OZ, GEOM.ST_ON) edge2Ids = geompy.GetShapesOnCylinderIDs(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], OZ, de/2., GEOM.ST_ON) edgesIds = list() for edge in edge1Ids: if edge in edge2Ids: edgesIds.append(edge) BORDTU = geompy.CreateGroup(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"]) geompy.UnionIDs(BORDTU, edgesIds) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, BORDTU, 'BORDTU' ) # --- face origine tube (CLGV) pp2 = geompy.MakeTranslationVectorDistance(P2, Rotation_2, 10) vec2 = geompy.MakeVector(P2, pp2) #geomPublish(initLog.debug, vec2, 'vec2', self.numeroCas) facesIds = geompy.GetShapesOnPlaneIDs(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], vec2, GEOM.ST_ON) CLGV = geompy.CreateGroup(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) geompy.UnionIDs(CLGV, facesIds) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, CLGV, 'CLGV' ) # --- peau tube interieur (PEAUINT) extru1 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(Disk_2, OZ, l_tube_p1) revol1 = geompy.MakeRevolution(Disk_2, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) rot1 = geompy.MakeRotation(Disk_2, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) extru2 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(rot1, Rotation_2, -l_tube_p2) interne = geompy.MakeFuse(extru1, revol1) interne = geompy.MakeFuse(extru2, interne) geomPublish(initLog.debug, interne, 'interne', self.numeroCas) facesIds = geompy.GetShapesOnShapeIDs(interne, geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], GEOM.ST_ONIN) PEAUINT = geompy.CreateGroup(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) geompy.UnionIDs(PEAUINT, facesIds) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, PEAUINT, 'PEAUINT' ) # --- peau tube exterieur (PEAUEXT) Disk_3 = geompy.MakeDiskPntVecR(centre, OZ, de/2. +epais) couronne1 = geompy.MakeCut(Disk_3, Disk_1) extru1 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(couronne1, OZ, l_tube_p1) revol1 = geompy.MakeRevolution(couronne1, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) rot1 = geompy.MakeRotation(couronne1, axe, angleCoude*math.pi/180.0) extru2 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(rot1, Rotation_2, -l_tube_p2) externe = geompy.MakeFuse(extru1, revol1) externe = geompy.MakeFuse(extru2, externe) geomPublish(initLog.debug, externe, 'externe', self.numeroCas) facesIds = geompy.GetShapesOnShapeIDs(externe, geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], GEOM.ST_ON) PEAUEXT = geompy.CreateGroup(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]) geompy.UnionIDs(PEAUEXT, facesIds) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, PEAUEXT, 'PEAUEXT' ) # --- solide sain volIds = geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"]) COUDE = geompy.CreateGroup(geometrieSaine, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"]) geompy.UnionIDs(COUDE, volIds) geomPublishInFather(initLog.always, geometrieSaine, COUDE, 'COUDSAIN' ) geometriesSaines = [geometrieSaine, long_p1, ep, long_coude, circ_g, circ_d, long_p2, P1, P2, EXTUBE, BORDTU, CLGV, PEAUINT, PEAUEXT, COUDE] return geometriesSaines # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setParamMaillageSain(self): self.meshParams = dict(n_long_p1 = 16, n_ep = 3, n_long_coude = 15, n_circ_g = 20, n_circ_d = 20, n_long_p2 = 12) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genereMaillageSain(self, geometriesSaines, meshParams): logging.info("genereMaillageSain %s", self.nomCas) geometrieSaine = geometriesSaines[0] long_p1 = geometriesSaines[1] ep = geometriesSaines[2] long_coude = geometriesSaines[3] circ_g = geometriesSaines[4] circ_d = geometriesSaines[5] long_p2 = geometriesSaines[6] P1 = geometriesSaines[7] P2 = geometriesSaines[8] EXTUBE = geometriesSaines[9] BORDTU = geometriesSaines[10] CLGV = geometriesSaines[11] PEAUINT = geometriesSaines[12] PEAUEXT = geometriesSaines[13] COUDE = geometriesSaines[14] n_long_p1 = meshParams['n_long_p1'] n_ep = meshParams['n_ep'] n_long_coude = meshParams['n_long_coude'] n_circ_g = meshParams['n_circ_g'] n_circ_d = meshParams['n_circ_d'] n_long_p2 = meshParams['n_long_p2'] maillageSain = smesh.Mesh(geometrieSaine) putName(maillageSain, "maillageSain", i_pref=self.numeroCas) algo3d = maillageSain.Hexahedron() algo2d = maillageSain.Quadrangle() algo1d_long_p1 = maillageSain.Segment(geom=long_p1) hypo1d_long_p1 = algo1d_long_p1.NumberOfSegments(n_long_p1) putName(hypo1d_long_p1, "n_long_p1={}".format(n_long_p1), i_pref=self.numeroCas) algo1d_ep = maillageSain.Segment(geom=ep) hypo1d_ep = algo1d_ep.NumberOfSegments(n_ep) putName(hypo1d_ep, "n_ep={}".format(n_ep), i_pref=self.numeroCas) algo1d_long_coude = maillageSain.Segment(geom=long_coude) hypo1d_long_coude = algo1d_long_coude.NumberOfSegments(n_long_coude) putName(hypo1d_long_coude, "n_long_coude={}".format(n_long_coude), i_pref=self.numeroCas) algo1d_circ_g = maillageSain.Segment(geom=circ_g) hypo1d_circ_g = algo1d_circ_g.NumberOfSegments(n_circ_g) putName(hypo1d_circ_g, "n_circ_g={}".format(n_circ_g), i_pref=self.numeroCas) algo1d_circ_d = maillageSain.Segment(geom=circ_d) hypo1d_circ_d = algo1d_circ_d.NumberOfSegments(n_circ_d) putName(hypo1d_circ_d, "n_circ_d={}".format(n_circ_d), i_pref=self.numeroCas) algo1d_long_p2 = maillageSain.Segment(geom=long_p2) hypo1d_long_p2 = algo1d_long_p2.NumberOfSegments(n_long_p2) putName(hypo1d_long_p2, "n_long_p2={}".format(n_long_p2), i_pref=self.numeroCas) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(P1,'P1',SMESH.NODE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(P2,'P2',SMESH.NODE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(EXTUBE,'EXTUBE',SMESH.FACE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(BORDTU,'BORDTU',SMESH.EDGE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(CLGV,'CLGV',SMESH.FACE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(PEAUINT,'PEAUINT',SMESH.FACE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(PEAUEXT,'PEAUEXT',SMESH.FACE) _ = maillageSain.GroupOnGeom(COUDE,'COUDSAIN',SMESH.VOLUME) is_done = maillageSain.Compute() text = "maillageSain.Compute" if is_done: logging.info(text+" OK") else: text = "Erreur au calcul du maillage.\n" + text logging.info(text) raise Exception(text) return [maillageSain, True] # True : maillage hexa # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setParamShapeFissure(self): """ paramètres de la fissure pour le tuyau coude profondeur : 0 < profondeur <= épaisseur azimut : entre 0 et 360° alpha : 0 < alpha < angleCoude longueur : <=2*profondeur ==> ellipse, >2*profondeur = fissure longue lgInfluence : distance autour de la shape de fissure a remailler (si 0, pris égal à profondeur. A ajuster selon le maillage) orientation : 0° : longitudinale, 90° : circonférentielle, autre : uniquement fissures elliptiques externe : True : fissure face externe, False : fissure face interne """ logging.info("setParamShapeFissure %s", self.nomCas) self.shapeFissureParams = dict(profondeur = 10, azimut = 160, alpha = 20, longueur = 400, orientation = 90, lgInfluence = 0, elliptique = False, externe = True) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genereShapeFissure( self, geometriesSaines, geomParams, shapeFissureParams, \ mailleur="MeshGems"): logging.info("genereShapeFissure %s", self.nomCas) logging.info("shapeFissureParams %s", shapeFissureParams) #angleCoude = geomParams['angleCoude'] r_cintr = geomParams['r_cintr'] l_tube_p1 = geomParams['l_tube_p1'] #l_tube_p2 = geomParams['l_tube_p2'] epais = geomParams['epais'] de = geomParams['de'] profondeur = shapeFissureParams['profondeur'] azimut = shapeFissureParams['azimut'] alpha = shapeFissureParams['alpha'] longueur = shapeFissureParams['longueur'] orientation = shapeFissureParams['orientation'] externe = shapeFissureParams['externe'] lgInfluence = shapeFissureParams['lgInfluence'] azimut = -azimut # axe inverse / ASCOUF axe = geompy.MakeTranslation(OY, -r_cintr, 0, -l_tube_p1) if not lgInfluence: lgInfluence = profondeur self.fissureLongue = bool(longueur > 2*profondeur) if self.fissureLongue and (abs(orientation) < 45.) : self.longitudinale = True elif self.fissureLongue: self.circonferentielle = True #logging.info("longitudinale %s", self.longitudinale) #logging.info("circonferentielle %s", self.circonferentielle) if self.circonferentielle: if externe: raybor = de/2. rayint = raybor - profondeur rayext = raybor + profondeur else: rayext = de/2. - epais rayint = raybor + profondeur rayext = raybor - profondeur lgfond = longueur -2*profondeur angle = lgfond/(2*raybor) pb = geompy.MakeVertex(raybor, 0, 0) pi = geompy.MakeVertex(rayint, 0, 0) pe = geompy.MakeVertex(rayext, 0, 0) pl = geompy.MakeVertex(raybor, profondeur, 0) pr = geompy.MakeVertex(raybor, -profondeur, 0) pil = geompy.MakeRotation(pi, OZ, angle) pll = geompy.MakeRotation(pl, OZ, angle) pel = geompy.MakeRotation(pe, OZ, angle) pir = geompy.MakeRotation(pi, OZ, -angle) prr = geompy.MakeRotation(pr, OZ, -angle) per = geompy.MakeRotation(pe, OZ, -angle) arcl = geompy.MakeArc(pil, pll, pel) arcr = geompy.MakeArc(pir, prr, per) arci = geompy.MakeArc(pil, pi, pir) arce = geompy.MakeArc(pel, pe, per) wire0 = geompy.MakeWire([arcr, arci, arcl]) cercle0 = geompy.MakeCircle(O, OY, profondeur/4.0) cercle0 = geompy.MakeRotation(cercle0, OY, math.pi/2.0) cercle0 = geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(cercle0, O, pi) facetube0 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([cercle0], 1) facetubel = geompy.MakeRotation(facetube0, OZ, angle) facetuber = geompy.MakeRotation(facetube0, OZ, -angle) face0 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([arcl,arci, arce, arcr], 1) plan0 = geompy.MakePlane(O, OZ, 10000) geomPublish(initLog.debug, face0, 'facefissOrig' ) face1 = geompy.MakeRotation(face0, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) face2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(face1, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) facefiss = geompy.MakeRotation(face2, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always, facefiss, "facefissPlace", self.numeroCas ) centre = geompy.MakeRotation(pb, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) centre = geompy.MakeTranslation(centre, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) centre = geompy.MakeRotation(centre, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always, centre, "centrefissPlace", self.numeroCas ) arcr = geompy.MakeRotation(arcr, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) arcr = geompy.MakeTranslation(arcr, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) arcr = geompy.MakeRotation(arcr, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) arci = geompy.MakeRotation(arci, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) arci = geompy.MakeTranslation(arci, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) arci = geompy.MakeRotation(arci, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) arcl = geompy.MakeRotation(arcl, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) arcl = geompy.MakeTranslation(arcl, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) arcl = geompy.MakeRotation(arcl, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) wiretube = geompy.MakeRotation(wire0, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) wiretube = geompy.MakeTranslation(wiretube, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) wiretube = geompy.MakeRotation(wiretube, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always,wiretube, "wiretubePlace", self.numeroCas ) facetubel = geompy.MakeRotation(facetubel, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) facetubel = geompy.MakeTranslation(facetubel, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) facetubel = geompy.MakeRotation(facetubel, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.debug,facetubel, 'facetubeGauche' ) facetuber = geompy.MakeRotation(facetuber, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) facetuber = geompy.MakeTranslation(facetuber, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) facetuber = geompy.MakeRotation(facetuber, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.debug,facetuber, 'facetubeDroit' ) planfiss = geompy.MakeRotation(plan0, OZ, azimut*math.pi/180.) planfiss = geompy.MakeTranslation(planfiss, 0, 0, -l_tube_p1) planfiss = geompy.MakeRotation(planfiss, axe, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always,planfiss, "planfissPlace", self.numeroCas ) pipefissl = geompy.MakePipe(facetubel, arcl) pipefissi = geompy.MakePipe(facetubel, arci) pipefissr = geompy.MakePipe(facetuber, arcr) pipefiss = geompy.MakePartition([pipefissl, pipefissi, pipefissr], [planfiss, wiretube], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0) geomPublish(initLog.always,pipefiss, "pipefissPlace", self.numeroCas ) elif self.longitudinale: if externe: raybor = r_cintr + de/2. rayint = raybor - profondeur rayext = raybor + profondeur else: rayext = r_cintr + de/2. - epais rayint = raybor + profondeur rayext = raybor - profondeur lgfond = longueur -2*profondeur angle = lgfond/(2*raybor) pb = geompy.MakeVertex(-raybor, 0, 0) pi = geompy.MakeVertex(-rayint, 0, 0) pe = geompy.MakeVertex(-rayext, 0, 0) pl = geompy.MakeVertex(-raybor, 0, -profondeur) pr = geompy.MakeVertex(-raybor, 0, profondeur) pil = geompy.MakeRotation(pi, OY, -angle) pll = geompy.MakeRotation(pl, OY, -angle) pel = geompy.MakeRotation(pe, OY, -angle) pir = geompy.MakeRotation(pi, OY, angle) prr = geompy.MakeRotation(pr, OY, angle) per = geompy.MakeRotation(pe, OY, angle) arcl = geompy.MakeArc(pil, pll, pel) arcr = geompy.MakeArc(pir, prr, per) arci = geompy.MakeArc(pil, pi, pir) arce = geompy.MakeArc(pel, pe, per) geomPublish(initLog.debug, arcl, 'arcl' ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, arcr, 'arcr' ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, arci, 'arci' ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, arce, 'arce' ) wire0 = geompy.MakeWire([arcr, arci, arcl]) cercle0 = geompy.MakeCircle(O, OZ, profondeur/4.0) #cercle0 = geompy.MakeRotation(cercle0, OZ, math.pi/2.0) cercle0 = geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(cercle0, O, pi) geomPublish(initLog.debug, cercle0, 'cercle0' ) facetube0 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([cercle0], 1) facetubel = geompy.MakeRotation(facetube0, OY, -angle) facetuber = geompy.MakeRotation(facetube0, OY, angle) geomPublish(initLog.debug,facetubel , 'facetubel' ) geomPublish(initLog.debug, facetuber, 'facetuber' ) face0 = geompy.MakeFaceWires([arcl,arci, arce, arcr], 1) plan0 = geompy.MakePlane(O, OY, 10000) geomPublish(initLog.debug, face0, 'facefissOrig' ) facefiss = geompy.MakeRotation(face0, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always, facefiss, "facefissPlace", self.numeroCas ) centre = geompy.MakeRotation(pb, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always, centre, "centrefissPlace", self.numeroCas ) arcr = geompy.MakeRotation(arcr, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) arci = geompy.MakeRotation(arci, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) arcl = geompy.MakeRotation(arcl, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) wiretube = geompy.MakeRotation(wire0, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always,wiretube, "wiretubePlace", self.numeroCas ) facetubel = geompy.MakeRotation(facetubel, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.debug,facetubel, 'facetubeGauche' ) facetuber = geompy.MakeRotation(facetuber, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.debug,facetubel, 'facetubeDroit' ) planfiss = geompy.MakeRotation(plan0, OY, alpha*math.pi/180.) geomPublish(initLog.always,planfiss, "planfissPlace", self.numeroCas ) pipefissl = geompy.MakePipe(facetubel, arcl) pipefissi = geompy.MakePipe(facetubel, arci) pipefissr = geompy.MakePipe(facetuber, arcr) pipefiss = geompy.MakePartition([pipefissl, pipefissi, pipefissr], [planfiss, wiretube], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0) geomPublish(initLog.always,pipefiss, "pipefissPlace", self.numeroCas ) else: pass mailleur = self.mailleur2d3d() coordsNoeudsFissure = genereMeshCalculZoneDefaut(facefiss, 5 ,10, mailleur, self.numeroCas) return [facefiss, centre, lgInfluence, coordsNoeudsFissure, wiretube, facetubel, facetuber, planfiss, pipefiss] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setParamMaillageFissure(self): self.maillageFissureParams = dict(nomRep = os.curdir, nomFicSain = self.nomProbleme, nomFicFissure = self.nomProbleme + "_fissure", nbsegExt = 5, nbsegGen = 25, nbsegRad = 5, scaleRad = 4, nbsegCercle = 6, nbsegFis = 20, lensegEllipso = 1.0) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genereZoneDefaut(self, geometriesSaines, maillagesSains, shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams, maillageFissureParams): elementsDefaut = creeZoneDefautDansObjetSain(geometriesSaines, maillagesSains, shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams, maillageFissureParams, \ self.numeroCas) return elementsDefaut # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genereMaillageFissure(self, geometriesSaines, maillagesSains, \ shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams, \ maillageFissureParams, elementsDefaut, step, \ mailleur="MeshGems"): mailleur = self.mailleur2d3d() maillageFissure = insereFissureLongue(shapesFissure, shapeFissureParams, \ maillageFissureParams, elementsDefaut, \ mailleur, self.numeroCas) return maillageFissure # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setReferencesMaillageFissure(self): from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder if smeshBuilder.NETGEN_VERSION_MAJOR < 6: self.referencesMaillageFissure = dict( \ Entity_Quad_Quadrangle = 6710, \ Entity_Quad_Hexa = 8656, \ Entity_Node = 76807, \ Entity_Quad_Edge = 1006, \ Entity_Quad_Triangle = 2342, \ Entity_Quad_Tetra = 20392, \ Entity_Quad_Pyramid = 1232, \ Entity_Quad_Penta = 1176 \ ) else: self.referencesMaillageFissure = dict( \ Entity_Quad_Quadrangle = 6710, \ Entity_Quad_Hexa = 8656, \ Entity_Node = 77391, \ Entity_Quad_Edge = 1006, \ Entity_Quad_Triangle = 2496, \ Entity_Quad_Tetra = 20711, \ Entity_Quad_Pyramid = 1232, \ Entity_Quad_Penta = 1176 \ )