
\page length_2d_page Length 2D

\n This quality control criterion consists of calculation of length of
the edges combining the meshing elements (triangles and quadrangles)
of your mesh.

<em>To apply the Length 2D quality criterion to your mesh:</em>
<li>Display your mesh in the viewer. </li>

<li>Choose <b>Controls > Length 2D</b> or click <em>"Length 2D"</em>
button in the toolbar. 

\image html image34.gif
<center><em>"Length 2D" button</em></center>

Your mesh will be displayed in the viewer with its elements colored according to the applied mesh quality control criterion:

\image html length2d.png

<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a 
\ref tui_length_2d "Length 2D quality control" operation.  
