/*! \page building_compounds_page Building Compounds \n Compound Mesh is a combination of several meshes. <em>To Build a compound:</em> \par From the \b Mesh menu select <b>Build Compound</b> or click <em>"Build Compound Mesh"</em> button in the toolbar. \image html image161.png <center><em>"Build Compound Mesh" button</em></center> \par The following dialog box will appear: \image html buildcompound.png \par <ul> <li>\b Name - allows selecting the name of the resulting \b Compound.</li> <li>\b Meshes - allows selecting the meshes which will be concatenated. They can be chosen in the Object Browser while holding \b Ctrl button.</li> <li><b>Processing identical groups</b> - allows selecting the method of processing the namesake existing on the united meshes. \n They can be either</li> <ul> <li>\b United - all elements of Group1 on Mesh_1 and Group1 on Mesh_2 become the elements of Group1 on the Compound_Mesh, or</li> <li>\b Renamed - Group1 on Mesh_1 becomes Group1_1 and Group1 on Mesh_2 becomes Group1_2. See \ref grouping_elements_page "Creating Groups" for more information about groups.</li> </ul> <li><b>Create common groups for initial meshes</b> checkbox permits to automatically create groups of all elements of the same type (nodes, edges, faces and volumes) for the resulting mesh from the elements of the initial meshes. </li> <li>You can simply unite meshes or choose to <b>Merge coincident nodes and elements</b>, in which case it is possible to define the \b Tolerance for this operation.</li> </ul> \image html image160.gif "Example of a compound of two meshed cubes" */