.. _modifying_meshes_page: **************** Modifying meshes **************** Salome provides a vast specter of mesh modification and transformation operations, giving the possibility to: * :ref:`Add ` mesh elements from nodes to polyhedrons at an arbitrary place in the mesh. * :ref:`Add quadratic ` mesh elements from quadratic segments to quadratic hexahedrons at an arbitrary place in the mesh. * :ref:`Remove ` any existin" mesh elements and nodes. * :ref:`Translate ` in the indicated direction the mesh or some of its elements. * :ref:`Rotate ` by the indicated axis and angle the mesh or some of its elements. * :ref:`Scale ` the mesh or some of its elements. * :ref:`Mirror ` the mesh through a point, a vector or a plane of symmetry. * :ref:`double_nodes_page`. Duplication of nodes can be useful to emulate a crack in the model. * Unite meshes by :ref:`sewing ` free borders, border to side or side elements. * :ref:`Merge Nodes` coincident within the indicated tolerance. * :ref:`Merge Elements ` based on the same nodes. * :ref:`Move Nodes ` to an arbitrary location with consequent transformation of all adjacent elements. * :ref:`Invert an edge ` between neighboring triangles. * :ref:`Unite two triangles `. * :ref:`Unite several adjacent triangles `. * :ref:`Change orientation ` of the selected elements. * :ref:`Orient faces ` by several means. * :ref:`Cut a quadrangle ` into two triangles. * :ref:`Split ` volumic elements into tetrahedra or prisms. * :ref:`Split bi-quadratic ` elements into linear ones without creation of additional nodes. * :ref:`Smooth ` elements, reducung distortions in them by adjusting the locations of nodes. * Create an :ref:`extrusion ` along a vector or by normal to a discretized surface. * Create an :ref:`extrusion along a path `. * Create elements by :ref:`revolution ` of the selected nodes and elements. * Apply :ref:`pattern mapping `. * :ref:`Convert linear mesh to quadratic `, or vice versa. * :ref:`Generate boundary elements `. * :ref:`generate_flat_elements_page`. * :ref:`cut_mesh_by_plane_page`. .. note:: It is possible to :ref:`modify the mesh ` of a lower dimension before generation of the mesh of a higher dimension. .. note:: It is possible to use the variables defined in the SALOME **NoteBook** to specify the numerical parameters used for modification of any object. **Table of Contents** .. toctree:: :titlesonly: adding_nodes_and_elements.rst adding_quadratic_elements.rst removing_nodes_and_elements.rst translation.rst rotation.rst scale.rst symmetry.rst double_nodes_page.rst sewing_meshes.rst merging_nodes.rst merging_elements.rst mesh_through_point.rst diagonal_inversion_of_elements.rst uniting_two_triangles.rst uniting_set_of_triangles.rst changing_orientation_of_elements.rst reorient_faces.rst cutting_quadrangles.rst split_to_tetra.rst split_biquad_to_linear.rst smoothing.rst extrusion.rst extrusion_along_path.rst revolution.rst pattern_mapping.rst convert_to_from_quadratic_mesh.rst make_2dmesh_from_3d.rst generate_flat_elements.rst cut_mesh_by_plane.rst