<html> <head> <title>SMESH reference manual</title> <meta name="generator" content="RoboHelp by eHelp Corporation www.ehelp.com"> <meta name="description" content="WebHelp 5.50"> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var gArrayCsh = new Array(); var gstrWindowOption = ""; var gstrURL = ""; var gbWithNavPane = false; function CshEntityItem(strAliasId, nTopicNum, strUrl) { this.strAliasId = strAliasId; this.nTopicNum = nTopicNum; this.strUrl = strUrl; } //Try to get to topic number from hash string function GetTopicNumberAuto(strMayBeNumber) { var nNum = -1; if (strMayBeNumber.length >= 1) { var strTmp = strMayBeNumber; var iEnd = strTmp.length; for (var i=0; i<iEnd; i++) { var ch = strTmp.charAt(i); if (!((ch == "0") || (ch == "1") || (ch == "2") || (ch == "3") || (ch == "4") || (ch == "5") || (ch == "6") || (ch == "7") || (ch == "8") || (ch == "9"))) return GetTopicNumberById(strTmp); } nNum = parseInt(strTmp); } return nNum; } function GetTopicNumber(strHashString) { var nTopicEndPos = strHashString.indexOf(',') if (nTopicEndPos == -1) { // no window option. return GetTopicNumberOnly(strHashString); } else { var strWindowOption = strHashString.substring(nTopicEndPos + 1, strHashString.length); var strWithNavPane = 'withnavpane=true'; if (strWindowOption.toLowerCase().indexOf(strWithNavPane) == 0) { if (strWindowOption.length > strWithNavPane.length) gstrWindowOption = strWindowOption.substring(strWithNavPane.length + 1); else gstrWindowOption = ""; gbWithNavPane = true; } else gstrWindowOption = strWindowOption; return GetTopicNumberOnly(strHashString.substring(0, nTopicEndPos)); } } function GetTopicNumberOnly(strTopicString) { var nEqualPos = strTopicString.indexOf('='); if (nEqualPos == -1) { return GetTopicNumberAuto(strTopicString); } else { var strValue=strTopicString.substring(nEqualPos + 1, strTopicString.length); if (strTopicString.toLowerCase().indexOf("topicnumber") == 0) { return parseInt(strValue); } else if (strTopicString.toLowerCase().indexOf("context") == 0) { return GetTopicNumberById(strValue); } else if (strTopicString.toLowerCase().indexOf("remoteurl") == 0) { gstrURL = strValue; return -1; } } } //Find HomePage of the WebHelp system // we try to get the topic from remote project if it exists. function RedirectToHomePage() { if (parent && parent != this && parent.goNext) { var sHome = parent.goNext(); if (sHome != "") RedirectTo(sHome); } } function getHomePage() { if (parent && parent != this && parent.getRelHomePage) { return parent.getRelHomePage(document.location.href); } return ""; } function addRemoteProject(strPath) { if (parent && parent != this && parent.addProject) { parent.addProject(strPath); } } //Redirect page to... function RedirectTo(strUrl) { if (gstrWindowOption.length != 0) { var wnd = window.open(strUrl, "HelpStub", gstrWindowOption); // close current window and rename the stub window to current window. if (wnd) wnd.focus(); if (parent) parent.close(); } else { parent.document.location.href = strUrl; window.focus(); } } //Prompt the user that we can not find... function FailToFind(strMsg) { RedirectToHomePage(); } //Find topic by topic number (defined in h file) function FindTopicByTopicNum(nTopicNum) { var i = 0; var iEnd = gArrayCsh.length; for (i=0; i<iEnd; i++) { if (gArrayCsh[i].nTopicNum == nTopicNum) { var strURL = gArrayCsh[i].strUrl; if (gbWithNavPane) { var strHomePage = getHomePage(); if (strHomePage.length != 0) strURL = strHomePage + strURL; } RedirectTo(strURL); return true; } } FailToFind("Fail to find topic assocaite with topic number: " + nTopicNum); return false; } var oldPrefix = "HelpIdFromHTMLHelp_" //Find topic by topic id (alias id defined in ali file) function GetTopicNumberById(strTopicId) { if (strTopicId.indexOf(oldPrefix) == 0) { strTopicId = strTopicId.substring(oldPrefix.length); } var i = 0; var iEnd = gArrayCsh.length; for (i=0; i<iEnd; i++) { if (gArrayCsh[i].strAliasId.toLowerCase() == strTopicId.toLowerCase()) { return gArrayCsh[i].nTopicNum; } } gstrURL = ""; return -1; } //Set Context-sensitive help entity... function SetCsh(n, strAliasId, nTopicNum, strUrl) { gArrayCsh[n] = new CshEntityItem(strAliasId,nTopicNum,strUrl); } function getHash() { if (parent && parent != this) return parent.location.hash; else return ""; } //--> </script> <script language="javascript"> <!-- //--> </script> <script language="javascript"> <!-- //Find CSH according to hash string after this page if (getHash().length > 0) { // VH 05/16/00 now support // TopicID= // TopicNumber= // RemoteURL= // and WindowsOptions // with the format #a=xxx,b=xxx,c=xxx... var strHashString = getHash().toString(); // change ? to : for remote URL. because java applet have some problem to pass a URL with two : inside the URL so we changed it. // so here need to change it back. strHashString = strHashString.substring(1,strHashString.length); strHashString = strHashString.replace("%072%057%057", "://"); var nTopicNum = GetTopicNumber(strHashString); if (nTopicNum != -1) { FindTopicByTopicNum(nTopicNum); } else { if (gstrURL.length > 0) RedirectTo(gstrURL); else RedirectToHomePage(); } } else { RedirectToHomePage(); } //--> </script> <noscript> <p> Your browser does not support JavaScript. 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