/*! \page radial_prism_algo_page Radial Prism \n This algorithm applies to the meshing of a hollow 3D shape, i.e. such shape should be composed of two meshed shells: an outer shell and an internal shell without intersection with the outer shell. One of the shells should be a 2D Projection of the other shell. The meshes of the shells can consist both of triangles and quadrangles. The Radial Prism algorithm would fill the space between the two shells with prisms. \image html radial_prism_mesh.png "Cut-view of a hollow sphere meshed by Radial Prism algorithm" This algorithm also needs the information concerning the number and distribution of mesh layers between the inner and the outer shapes. \image html number_of_layers.png Distribution of layers can be set with any of 1D Hypotheses. \image html distribution_of_layers.png */