@default SMESH_EXPORT_MESH Export mesh MED_FILES_FILTER MED files IDEAS_FILES_FILTER IDEAS files DAT_FILES_FILTER DAT files TEXT_FILES_FILTER TXT files MED_VX_FILES_FILTER MED %1 files STL_ASCII_FILES_FILTER STL ASCII files CGNS_FILES_FILTER CGNS files STL_BIN_FILES_FILTER STL binary files ALL_FILES_FILTER All files AREA_ELEMENTS Area ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS Aspect Ratio 3D ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS Aspect Ratio COL_ALGO_HEADER Algorithm COL_ERROR_HEADER Error COL_SHAPE_HEADER SubShape COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED Algorithm failed COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH Invalid input mesh COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE Unexpected geometry COMPERR_EXCEPTION Unknown exception COMPERR_MEMORY_PB Memory allocation problem COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION OCC exception COMPERR_OK No errors COMPERR_SLM_EXCEPTION SALOME exception COMPERR_STD_EXCEPTION std::exception COMPERR_UNKNOWN Unknown error SMESH_GEOM Geometry DIRECT_GEOM_SELECTION Direct geometry selection ELEMENT_ID Element ID FREE_BORDERS Free Borders GEOMETRY_NAME Geometry name GEOM_BY_MESH_ELEM_SELECTION Find geometry by mesh element selection GLOBAL_ALGO Global INF_SELECT_OBJECT Select an object LENGTH2D_EDGES Length 2D LENGTH_EDGES Length LOCAL_ALGO Local MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D Element Diameter 2D MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D Element Diameter 3D MEN_ADD Add MEN_ADV_INFO Mesh Information MEN_ALL All MEN_AREA Area MEN_ASPECT Aspect Ratio MEN_ASPECT_3D Aspect Ratio 3D MEN_AUTO_COLOR Auto Color MEN_AUTO_UPD Automatic Update MEN_BUILD_COMPOUND Build Compound MEN_COPY_MESH Copy Mesh MEN_CLIP Clipping MEN_COLORS Colors / Size MEN_COMPUTE Compute MEN_PRECOMPUTE Preview MEN_EVALUATE Evaluate MEN_CONNECTION Borders at Multi-Connection MEN_CONNECTION_2D Borders at Multi-Connection 2D MEN_CONSTRUCT_GROUP Construct Group MEN_CONV_TO_QUAD Convert to/from quadratic MEN_2D_FROM_3D Create boundary elements MEN_MESH_ORDER Change submesh priority MEN_CREATE_GROUP Create Group MEN_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry MEN_CREATE_MESH Create Mesh MEN_CREATE_SUBMESH Create Sub-mesh MEN_CTRL Controls MEN_NODE_CTRL Node Controls MEN_EDGE_CTRL Edge Controls MEN_FACE_CTRL Face Controls MEN_VOLUME_CTRL Volume Controls MEN_CUT Cutting of Quadrangles MEN_CUT_GROUP Cut Groups MEN_DAT DAT File MEN_DELETE Delete MEN_DEL_GROUP Delete Groups MEN_FACE_ORIENTATION Orientation of Faces MEN_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable Auto Color MEN_DISPLAY_ONLY Show Only MEN_DISPMODE Display Mode MEN_DISP_ENT Display Entity MEN_ELEM0D 0D Element MEN_ELEMS0D 0D Elements MEN_EDGE Edge MEN_EDGES Edges MEN_EDIT Edit MEN_EDIT_GROUP Edit Group MEN_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP Edit Group as Standalone MEN_EDIT_HYPO Edit Hypothesis MEN_EDIT_MESHSUBMESH Edit Mesh/Sub-mesh MEN_EXPORT Export MEN_EXPORT_DAT Export to DAT File MEN_EXPORT_MED Export to MED File MEN_EXPORT_CGNS Export to CGNS File MEN_EXPORT_SAUV Export to SAUV (ASCII) file MEN_EXPORT_STL Export to STL File MEN_EXPORT_UNV Export to UNV File MEN_EXTRUSION Extrusion MEN_EXTRUSION_ALONG Extrusion Along a Path MEN_FACES Faces MEN_FILE File MEN_FIND_ELEM Find Element by Point TOP_FIND_ELEM Find Element by Point STB_FIND_ELEM Find Element by Point MEN_BARE_BORDER_VOLUME Volumes with bare border MEN_BARE_BORDER_FACE Faces with bare border MEN_OVER_CONSTRAINED_VOLUME Over-constrained volumes MEN_OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE Over-constrained faces MEN_FREE_BORDER Free Borders MEN_FREE_EDGE Free Edges MEN_FREE_NODE Free Nodes MEN_FREE_FACES Free Faces MEN_GLOBAL_HYPO Global Hypothesis MEN_HEXA Hexahedron MEN_HIDE Hide MEN_HYPO Hypotheses MEN_IMPORT Import MEN_INT_GROUP Intersect Groups MEN_INV Diagonal Inversion MEN_LENGTH Length MEN_LENGTH_2D Length 2D MEN_MAP Pattern Mapping MEN_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D Element Diameter 2D MEN_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D Element Diameter 3D MEN_MED MED file MEN_CGNS CGNS file MEN_SAUV SAUV (ASCII) file MEN_MERGE Merge Nodes MEN_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge Elements MEN_MESH Mesh MEN_MESH_THROU_POINT Move Node MEN_MIN_ANG Minimum Angle MEN_MODIFY Modification MEN_MEASURE Measurements MEN_MEASURE_MIN_DIST Minimum Distance STB_MEASURE_MIN_DIST Calculate minimum distance between two objects TOP_MEASURE_MIN_DIST Minimum distance MEN_MEASURE_BND_BOX Bounding Box STB_MEASURE_BND_BOX Calculate bounding box for the selected object(s) TOP_MEASURE_BND_BOX Bounding box MEN_MOVE Move Node MEN_NODE Node MEN_NODES Nodes MEN_NUM Numbering MEN_NUM_ELEMENTS Display Elements # MEN_NUM_NODES Display Nodes # MEN_ORIENT Orientation MEN_POLYGON Polygon MEN_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron MEN_PRECISION Precision MEN_PREF Preferences MEN_QUAD Quadrangle MEN_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge MEN_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron MEN_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron MEN_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid MEN_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle MEN_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron MEN_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle MEN_QUALITY Quality Controls MEN_REMOVE Remove MEN_REMOVE_ELEMENTS Elements MEN_REMOVE_NODES Nodes MEN_REMOVE_ORPHAN_NODES Orphan Nodes MEN_RENAME Rename MEN_RENUM Renumbering MEN_RENUM_ELEMENTS Elements MEN_RENUM_NODES Nodes MEN_RESET Reset MEN_DISTRIBUTION_CTRL Distribution MEN_SAVE_DISTRIBUTION Export ... MEN_SHOW_DISTRIBUTION Show MEN_PLOT_DISTRIBUTION Plot DISTRIBUTION_NB_ENT Number of entities MEN_REVOLUTION Revolution MEN_ROT Rotation MEN_SCALAR_BAR Scalar Bar MEN_SCALAR_BAR_PROP Scalar Bar Properties MEN_SELECTION Selection MEN_SEL_FILTER_LIB Selection Filters Library MEN_SEW Sewing MEN_SHADE Shading MEN_QUADRATIC_REPRESENT 2D Quadratic MEN_LINE_REPRESENTATION Lines MEN_ARC_REPRESENTATION Arcs MEN_SHOW Show MEN_SHRINK Shrink MEN_SKEW Skew MEN_SMOOTH Smoothing MEN_STD_INFO Standard Mesh Infos MEN_STL STL File MEN_SYM Symmetry MEN_TAPER Taper MEN_TETRA Tetrahedron MEN_TOOLS Tools MEN_TRANS Translation MEN_SCALE Scale Transform MEN_DUPLICATE_NODES Duplicate Nodes MEN_TRANSF Transformation MEN_TRANSP Transparency MEN_TRIANGLE Triangle MEN_UNASSIGN Unassign MEN_UNION Union of Triangles MEN_UNION2 Union of Two Triangles MEN_UNV UNV File MEN_UN_GROUP Union Groups MEN_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Group of underlying entities MEN_UPDATE Update MEN_VIEW View MEN_VOLUMES Volumes MEN_VOLUME_3D Volume MEN_WARP Warping Angle MEN_WHAT_IS Mesh Element Information MEN_WIRE Wireframe MEN_SPLIT_TO_TETRA Split into Tetrahedra TOP_SPLIT_TO_TETRA Split into Tetrahedra STB_SPLIT_TO_TETRA Split into Tetrahedra MESHERS_FILE_CANT_OPEN Can not open resource file MESHERS_FILE_CHECK_VARIABLE Check environment variable SMESH_MeshersList MESHERS_FILE_NO_VARIABLE Environment variable SMESH_MeshersList is not defined MESH_IS_NOT_SELECTED There is no selected mesh Please, select a mesh and try again MESH_NODE Node MESH_NODE_TITLE Add Node MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS Minimum Angle MULTI2D_BORDERS Borders at Multi-Connections 2D MULTI_BORDERS Borders at Multi-Connections GROUP_NAME_IS_EMPTY Name of group is not specified. Please enter a name of new group to be created or choose an existing one. MESH_STANDALONE_GRP_CHOSEN Group on geometry is chosen: %1. Do you want to convert it to the standalone group? NODE_ID Node ID NON_SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED There are objects selected which do not belong to %1 component. PREVIEW Preview SKEW_ELEMENTS Skew SMESHGUI_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters are not correctly specified Please enter correct values and try again SMESH_ADD_ALGORITHM Algorithms SMESH_ADD_ALGORITHM_TITLE Algorithms Assignation SMESH_ADD_ELEM0D Add 0D Element SMESH_ADD_ELEM0D_TITLE Add 0D Element SMESH_ADD_EDGE Add Edge SMESH_ADD_EDGE_TITLE Add Edge SMESH_ADD_HEXAS Add Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_HEXAS_TITLE Add Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis SMESH_ADD_HYPOTHESIS_TITLE Hypothesis Assignation SMESH_ADD_HYP_WRN "%1" assigned but: SMESH_ADD_POLYGON Add polygon SMESH_ADD_POLYGON_TITLE Add polygon SMESH_ADD_QUADRANGLE Add Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRANGLE_TITLE Add Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_EDGE_TITLE Add Quadratic Edge SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON_TITLE Add Quadratic Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON_TITLE Add Quadratic Pentahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID_TITLE Add Quadratic Pyramid SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE_TITLE Add Quadratic Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON_TITLE Add Quadratic Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE_TITLE Add Quadratic Triangle SMESH_ADD_SUBMESH SubMesh Construction SMESH_ADD_TETRAS Add Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_TETRAS_TITLE Add Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_TO_GROUP Add to group SMESH_ADD_TRIANGLE Add Triangle SMESH_ADD_TRIANGLE_TITLE Add Triangle SMESH_ANGLE Angle SMESH_ARGUMENTS Arguments SMESH_AUTO_GROUPS Automatically create groups SMESH_AVAILABLE Available SMESH_AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS Available algorithms SMESH_AVAILABLE_HYPOTHESES Available hypotheses SMESH_AXIS Axis SMESH_BAD_SELECTION No valid selection SMESH_BAD_MESH_SELECTION No valid mesh selection SMESH_BOUNDARYEDGES Boundary Edges SMESH_BUILD_COMPOUND_TITLE Create a Compound SMESH_COPY_MESH_TITLE Copy Mesh SMESH_KEEP_IDS Preserve IDs of elements SMESH_BUT_ADD A&dd SMESH_BUT_APPLY &Apply SMESH_BUT_CANCEL &Cancel SMESH_BUT_CLOSE &Close SMESH_BUT_CREATE Create SMESH_BUT_DELETE Delete SMESH_BUT_FILTER Set &Filter SMESH_BUT_HELP &Help SMESH_BUT_NEW New SMESH_BUT_NO &No SMESH_BUT_OK &Ok SMESH_BUT_OVERWRITE Over&write SMESH_BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE A&pply and Close SMESH_BUT_REMOVE &Remove SMESH_BUT_SORT &Sort List SMESH_BUT_YES &Yes SMESH_CANT_ADD_HYP Can not assign "%1": SMESH_CANT_RM_HYP Can not unassign "%1": SMESH_CHECK_COLOR Color SMESH_CLIPPING_FROM From <--- SMESH_CLIPPING_INTO ---> Into SMESH_CLIPPING_TITLE Change Clipping SMESH_COMPUTE_SUCCEED Mesh computation succeed SMESH_EVALUATE_SUCCEED Mesh evaluation succeed SMESH_CONTENT Content SMESH_CONTINUE_MESH_VISUALIZATION It seems that there is not enough memory to show the mesh so that the application may crash. Do you wish to continue visualization? SMESH_COORDINATES Coordinates SMESH_COPY_ELEMENTS Copy Elements SMESH_COPY_GROUPS Copy groups SMESH_CREATE_ALGORITHMS Create algorithms SMESH_CREATE_COPY Create a copy SMESH_CREATE_GROUP_TITLE Create Group SMESH_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry SMESH_CREATE_HYPOTHESES Create hypotheses SMESH_CREATE_MESH Create a new mesh SMESH_CREATE_POLYHEDRAL_VOLUME_TITLE Create polyhedral volume SMESH_DIAGONAL Diagonal Inversion SMESH_DIAGONAL_INVERSION_TITLE Diagonal Inversion SMESH_DISTANCE Distance SMESH_DRS_1 MED file contains no mesh with the given name SMESH_DRS_2 MED file has overlapped ranges of element numbers, the numbers from the file are ignored SMESH_DRS_3 Some elements were skipped due to incorrect file data SMESH_DRS_4 The file is incorrect, some data is missed SMESH_DRS_EMPTY The file is empty, there is nothing to be published SMESH_DX dX SMESH_DY dY SMESH_DZ dZ SMESH_ELEM0D 0D Element SMESH_EDGE Edge SMESH_EDGES_CONNECTIVITY_TITLE Edges Connectivity SMESH_EDIT_GROUP_TITLE Edit Group SMESH_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP_TITLE Edit Group as Standalone SMESH_EDIT_HYPOTHESES Hypotheses Assignation SMESH_EDIT_USED Used SMESH_ELEMENTS Elements SMESH_ELEMENTS_COLOR Mesh Element Color SMESH_ELEMENTS_TYPE Elements Type SMESH_ELEMENT_TYPE Element Type SMESH_ERROR Error SMESH_ERR_SCALARBAR_PARAMS Warning! The parameters is incorrect SMESH_EXPORT_FAILED Mesh export failed. Probably, there is not enough space on disk. SMESH_EXPORT_MED_DUPLICATED_GRP There are duplicated group names in mesh "%1". You can cancel exporting and rename them, otherwise some group names in the resulting file will not match ones in the study. Do you want to continue ? SMESH_EXPORT_MED_DUPLICATED_MESH_NAMES There are some mesh objects with the same names in the selection. The result file may be incorrect. Do you want to continue ? SMESH_EXPORT_MED_V2_1 During export mesh with name - "%1" to MED 2.1 polygons and polyhedrons elements will be missed For correct export use MED 2.2 Are you sure want to export to MED 2.1 ? SMESH_EXPORT_MED_VERSION_COLLISION MED version of the file "%1" is unknown or doesn't match the selected version. Overwrite the file? SMESH_EXPORT_MED_MESH_NAMES_COLLISION The selected file already contains meshes with the following names: %1 The result file may be incorrect. Overwrite the file? SMESH_EXPORT_STL1 Mesh - "%1" does not contain triangles SMESH_EXPORT_STL2 Mesh - "%1" contains another than triangles elements, they are ignored during writing to STL SMESH_EXPORT_UNV During export mesh with name - "%1" to UNV pyramid's elements will be missed SMESH_EXTRUSION Extrusion SMESH_EXTRUSION_TO_DISTANCE Extrusion To Distance SMESH_EXTRUSION_ALONG_VECTOR Extrusion Along Vector SMESH_FACE Face SMESH_FEATUREANGLE Feature Angle SMESH_FEATUREEDGES Feature Edges SMESH_FILE_EXISTS The file "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it or add the exported data to its contents? SMESH_FONT_ARIAL Arial SMESH_FONT_BOLD Bold SMESH_FONT_COURIER Courier SMESH_FONT_ITALIC Italic SMESH_FONT_SCALARBAR Font SMESH_FONT_SHADOW Shadow SMESH_FONT_TIMES Times SMESH_GEOM_GROUP Geometry group SMESH_GROUP Group SMESH_GROUP_GEOMETRY Group on geometry SMESH_GROUP_FILTER Group on filter SMESH_GROUP_SELECTED %1 Groups SMESH_GROUP_STANDALONE Standalone group SMESH_GROUP_TYPE Group type SMESH_HEIGHT Height: SMESH_HEXAS Hexahedron SMESH_HILIGHT_COLOR Highlight Color SMESH_HORIZONTAL Horizontal SMESH_HYPOTHESES Hypotheses SMESH_HYP_1 Algorithm misses a hypothesis SMESH_HYP_10 Hypothesis and submesh dimensions mismatch SMESH_HYP_11 Shape is neither the main one, nor its subshape, nor a valid group SMESH_HYP_12 Geometry mismatches algorithm's expectation Check algorithm documentation for supported geometry SMESH_HYP_13 Algorithm can't work without shape SMESH_HYP_2 There are concurrent hypotheses on a shape SMESH_HYP_3 Hypothesis has a bad parameter value SMESH_HYP_4 Submesh is ignored as there is another algorithm of upper dimension generating %1D elements SMESH_HYP_5 Algorithm hides algorithm(s) of lower dimension by generating all-dimensions elements SMESH_HYP_6 Unknown fatal error at hypothesis definition SMESH_HYP_7 Hypothesis is not suitable in the current context SMESH_HYP_8 Non-conform mesh is produced using applied hypotheses SMESH_HYP_9 Such dimention hypothesis is already assigned to the shape SMESH_ID_DIAGONAL Id Edges SMESH_ID_ELEMENTS Id Elements SMESH_ID_FACES Id Faces SMESH_ID_NODES Id Nodes SMESH_INCORRECT_INPUT Incorrect input data! SMESH_INFORMATION Information SMESH_INIT Mesh SMESH_INIT_MESH Mesh Construction SMESH_INSUFFICIENT_DATA Insufficient input value SMESH_LABELS Labels: SMESH_LABELS_COLORS_SCALARBAR Colors && Labels SMESH_LENGTH Length SMESH_MAKE_GROUPS Generate groups SMESH_MANIFOLDEDGES Manifold Edges SMESH_MAX Max SMESH_MEN_ALGORITHMS Algorithms SMESH_MEN_APPLIED_ALGORIHTMS Applied Algorithms SMESH_MEN_APPLIED_HYPOTHESIS Applied Hypotheses SMESH_MEN_COMPONENT SMESH SMESH_MEN_HYPOTHESIS Hypotheses SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnCompound SubMeshes On Compound SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnEdge SubMeshes On Edge SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnFace SubMeshes On Face SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnSolid SubMeshes On Solid SMESH_MEN_SubMeshesOnVertex SubMeshes On Vertex SMESH_AUTOMATIC Automatic SMESH_MANUAL Manual SMESH_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge elements SMESH_MODE Mode SMESH_MERGED_ELEMENTS %1 elements successfully merged. SMESH_MERGED_NODES %1 nodes successfully merged. SMESH_NO_ELEMENTS_DETECTED There are no elements to merge. SMESH_NO_NODES_DETECTED There are no nodes to merge. SMESH_MERGE_NODES Merge nodes SMESH_MESH Mesh SMESH_MESHINFO_0DELEMS 0D Elements SMESH_MESHINFO_ALL_TYPES Heterogenous SMESH_MESHINFO_EDGES Edges SMESH_MESHINFO_ELEMENTS Elements SMESH_MESHINFO_ENTITIES Entities SMESH_MESHINFO_FACES Faces SMESH_MESHINFO_HEXAS Hexahedrons SMESH_MESHINFO_NAME Name SMESH_MESHINFO_NODES Nodes SMESH_MESHINFO_ORDER0 Total SMESH_MESHINFO_ORDER1 Linear SMESH_MESHINFO_ORDER2 Quadratic SMESH_MESHINFO_POLYEDRES Polyhedrons SMESH_MESHINFO_POLYGONES Polygons SMESH_MESHINFO_PRISMS Prisms SMESH_MESHINFO_PYRAS Pyramids SMESH_MESHINFO_QUADRANGLES Quadrangles SMESH_MESHINFO_TETRAS Tetrahedrons SMESH_MESHINFO_TITLE Mesh Infos SMESH_MESHINFO_TOTAL Total SMESH_MESHINFO_TRIANGLES Triangles SMESH_MESHINFO_TYPE Type SMESH_MESHINFO_VOLUMES Volumes SMESH_MIN Min SMESH_MOVE Move SMESH_MOVE_ELEMENTS Move Elements SMESH_MOVE_NODES_TITLE Move Node SMESH_NAME Name SMESH_NODES Nodes SMESH_NONMANIFOLDEDGES Non Manifold Edges SMESH_NORMAL Normal SMESH_NO_MESH_VISUALIZATION There is not enough memory to show the mesh SMESH_NUMBEROFCOLORS Nb of colors: SMESH_NUMBEROFLABELS Nb of labels: SMESH_NUMBEROFSTEPS Number of steps: SMESH_OBJECTS_SELECTED %1_objects SMESH_OBJECT_ALGORITHM Algorithm SMESH_OBJECT_GEOM Geometrical Object SMESH_OBJECT_HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis SMESH_OBJECT_MESH Mesh SMESH_OBJECT_MESHorSUBMESH Mesh or SubMesh SMESH_OPERATION_FAILED Operation failed SMESH_ORIENTATION Orientation SMESH_ORIENTATION_ELEMENTS_TITLE Change Orientation SMESH_OUTLINE_COLOR Mesh Object Color SMESH_PARAMETERS Parameters SMESH_PLANE Plane SMESH_POINT Point SMESH_POINT_1 Point 1 SMESH_POINT_2 Point 2 SMESH_BASE_POINT Base Point SMESH_POLYEDRE_CREATE_ERROR Polyedron creation error SMESH_POLYEDRON Polyhedron SMESH_POLYGON Polygon SMESH_POSITION_SIZE_SCALARBAR Origin && Size SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_SCALARBAR Distribution SMESH_SHOW_DISTRIBUTION_SCALARBAR Show Distribution SMESH_PRECISION Precision SMESH_PREFERENCES_SCALARBAR Scalar Bar Preferences SMESH_PREF_SELECTION Preferences - Selection SMESH_PRESELECTION Preselection SMESH_PRISM Prism SMESH_PROPERTIES_SCALARBAR Scalar Bar Properties SMESH_PYRAMID Pyramid SMESH_QUADRANGLE Quadrangle SMESH_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge SMESH_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron SMESH_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron SMESH_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid SMESH_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle SMESH_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron SMESH_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle SMESH_RANGE_MAX Max value: SMESH_RANGE_MIN Min value: SMESH_RANGE_SCALARBAR Scalar Range SMESH_REALLY_DELETE Do you really want to delete this %1 object(s)? : %2 SMESH_REMOVE Remove SMESH_REMOVE_ELEMENTS_TITLE Remove Elements SMESH_REMOVE_NODES_TITLE Remove Nodes SMESH_RENUMBERING Renumbering SMESH_RENUMBERING_ELEMENTS_TITLE Renumbering elements SMESH_RENUMBERING_NODES_TITLE Renumbering nodes SMESH_REVERSE Reverse SMESH_REVOLUTION Revolution SMESH_RM_HYP_WRN "%1" unassigned but: SMESH_ROTATION Rotation SMESH_ROTATION_TITLE Rotation about an axis SMESH_SCALARBAR Scalar Bar SMESH_SEGMENTS Segments SMESH_SELECTION Selection SMESH_SELECT_FROM Select From SMESH_SELECT_WHOLE_MESH Select whole mesh, submesh or group SMESH_SET_COLOR Color group SMESH_SEWING Sewing SMESH_SMOOTHING Smoothing SMESH_STANDARD_MESHINFO_TITLE Standard Mesh Infos SMESH_SUBMESH SubMesh SMESH_SUBMESH_SELECTED %1 SubMeshes SMESH_SYMMETRY Symmetry SMESH_TETRAS Tetrahedron SMESH_TITLE Title: SMESH_TOLERANCE Tolerance SMESH_TRANSLATION Translation SMESH_SCALE_TITLE Scale Transform SMESH_DUPLICATE_TITLE Duplicate Nodes SMESH_SCALE Scale SMESH_SCALE_FACTOR Scale Factor : SMESH_SCALE_FACTOR_X Scale Factor X : SMESH_SCALE_FACTOR_Y Scale Factor Y : SMESH_SCALE_FACTOR_Z Scale Factor Z : SMESH_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE Opaque SMESH_TRANSPARENCY_TITLE Change Transparency SMESH_TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT Transparent SMESH_TRIANGLE Triangle SMESH_UPDATEVIEW Update View SMESH_VALUE Value SMESH_VECTOR Vector SMESH_VERTICAL Vertical SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_COLORING_TYPE Coloring Type SMESH_MONOCOLOR Monocolor SMESH_DISTRIBUTION_COLOR Distribution color: SMESH_MULTICOLOR Multicolor SMESH_VISU_PROBLEM Mesh visualization failed, probably due to lack of memory SMESH_VISU_PROBLEM_CLEAR Mesh visualization failed, no memory even to show a message, so all visual data have been removed to let the application live. Consider saving your work before application crash SMESH_VOLUME Volume SMESH_WARNING Warning SMESH_WHAT_IS_TITLE Mesh Element Info SMESH_WIDTH Width: SMESH_WRN_ALGORITHM_ALREADYEXIST Algorithm already exists SMESH_WRN_COMPUTE_FAILED Mesh computation failed SMESH_WRN_EVALUATE_FAILED Mesh evaluation failed SMESH_WRN_EMPTY_NAME Empty name is not valid SMESH_WRN_HYPOTHESIS_ALREADYEXIST Hypothesis already exists SMESH_WRN_HYPOTHESIS_NOTEXIST Hypothesis or Algorithm not exists SMESH_WRN_MISSING_PARAMETERS Missing parameters SMESH_WRN_NO_AVAILABLE_DATA No available data in selection SMESH_WRN_SELECTIONMODE_DIAGONAL Activate Link Selection Mode SMESH_WRN_SELECTIONMODE_ELEMENTS Activate Elements Selection Mode SMESH_WRN_SELECTIONMODE_NODES Activate Nodes Selection Mode SMESH_WRN_VIEWER_VTK Study frame with VTK Viewer must be activated SMESH_WRN_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED No automatic update of the presentation has been done: new mesh size (%1 elements) exceeds current size limit (%2 elements). Please check preferences of Mesh module. SMESH_WRN_WARNING Warning SMESH_X X SMESH_X_SCALARBAR X: SMESH_Y Y SMESH_Y_SCALARBAR Y: SMESH_Z Z STATE_ALGO_MISSING %3 %2D algorithm is missing STATE_HYP_BAD_GEOMETRY %3 %2D algorithm "%1" is assigned to geometry mismatching its expectation STATE_HYP_BAD_PARAMETER Hypothesis of %3 %2D algorithm "%1" has a bad parameter value STATE_HYP_MISSING %3 %2D algorithm "%1" misses %4D hypothesis STATE_HYP_NOTCONFORM %3 %2D algorithm "%1" would produce not conform mesh: global "Not Conform Mesh Allowed" hypotesis is missing STB_ADV_INFO Show base information about the mesh object STB_ALL All STB_AREA Area STB_ASPECT Aspect Ratio STB_ASPECT_3D Aspect Ratio 3D STB_AUTO_COLOR Auto color STB_AUTO_UPD Automatic update STB_BUILD_COMPOUND Build Compound Mesh STB_COPY_MESH Copy Mesh STB_CLIP Clipping STB_COLORS Colors / Size STB_COMPUTE Compute STB_PRECOMPUTE Preview STB_EVALUATE Evaluate STB_CONNECTION Borders at Multi-Connection STB_CONNECTION_2D Borders at Multi-Connection 2D STB_CONSTRUCT_GROUP Construct Group STB_CONV_TO_QUAD Convert to/from quadratic STB_2D_FROM_3D Create boundary elements STB_MESH_ORDER Change submesh priority STB_CREATE_GROUP Create Group STB_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry STB_CREATE_MESH Create Mesh STB_CREATE_SUBMESH Create Sub-mesh STB_CUT Cutting of quadrangles STB_CUT_GROUP Cut Groups STB_DAT Import DAT file STB_DELETE Delete STB_DEL_GROUP Delete Groups STB_FACE_ORIENTATION Orientation of faces STB_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color STB_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only STB_DISP_ENT Display entity STB_ELEM0D 0D Element STB_ELEMS0D 0D Elements STB_EDGE Edge STB_EDGES Edges STB_EDIT_GROUP Edit Group STB_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP Edit Group as Standalone STB_EDIT_HYPO Edit Hypothesis STB_EDIT_MESHSUBMESH Edit Mesh/Sub-mesh STB_EXPORT_DAT Export to DAT file STB_EXPORT_MED Export to MED file STB_EXPORT_SAUV Export to SAUV (ASCII) file STB_EXPORT_STL Export to STL file STB_EXPORT_UNV Export to UNV file STB_EXTRUSION Extrusion STB_EXTRUSION_ALONG Extrusion along a path STB_FACES Faces STB_BARE_BORDER_VOLUME Volumes with bare border STB_BARE_BORDER_FACE Faces with bare border STB_OVER_CONSTRAINED_VOLUME Over-constrained volumes STB_OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE Over-constrained faces STB_FREE_BORDER Free Borders STB_FREE_EDGE Free Edges STB_FREE_NODE Free Nodes STB_FREE_FACES Free Faces STB_GLOBAL_HYPO Global Hypothesis STB_HEXA Hexahedron STB_HIDE Hide STB_INT_GROUP Intersect Groups STB_INV Diagonal Inversion STB_LENGTH Length STB_LENGTH_2D Length 2D STB_MAP Pattern mapping STB_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D Element Diameter 2D STB_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D Element Diameter 3D STB_MED Import MED file STB_SAUV Import SAUV (ASCII) file STB_MERGE Merge nodes STB_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge elements STB_MESH_THROU_POINT Move Node STB_MIN_ANG Minimum Angle STB_MOVE Move Node STB_NODE Node STB_NODES Nodes STB_NUM_ELEMENTS Display Elements STB_NUM_NODES Display Nodes STB_ORIENT Orientation STB_POLYGON Polygon STB_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron STB_PRECISION Precision STB_QUAD Quadrangle STB_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge STB_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron STB_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron STB_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid STB_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle STB_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron STB_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle STB_REMOVE_ELEMENTS Remove elements STB_REMOVE_NODES Remove nodes STB_REMOVE_ORPHAN_NODES Remove orphan nodes STB_RENAME Rename STB_RENUM_ELEMENTS Renumbering elements STB_RENUM_NODES Renumbering nodes STB_RESET Reset STB_SAVE_DISTRIBUTION Save distribution to the file STB_SHOW_DISTRIBUTION Show Distribution STB_REVOLUTION Revolution STB_ROT Rotation STB_SCALAR_BAR Scalar bar STB_SCALAR_BAR_PROP Scalar bar Properties STB_SELECTION Selection STB_SEL_FILTER_LIB Selection filters library STB_SEW Sewing STB_SHADE Shading STB_SHOW Show STB_SHRINK Shrink STB_SKEW Skew STB_SMOOTH Smoothing STB_STD_INFO Standard Mesh Infos STB_SYM Symmetry STB_TAPER Taper STB_TETRA Tetrahedron STB_TRANS Translation STB_SCALE Scale Transform STB_DUPLICATE_NODES Duplicate Nodes STB_TRANSP Transparency STB_TRIANGLE Triangle STB_UNASSIGN Unassign STB_UNION Union of triangles STB_UNION2 Union of two triangles STB_UNV Import UNV file STB_UN_GROUP Union Groups STB_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Create groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions STB_UPDATE Update STB_VOLUMES Volumes STB_VOLUME_3D Volume STB_WARP Warping angle STB_WHAT_IS Show information about the mesh node or element STB_WIRE Wireframe TAPER_ELEMENTS Taper TB_ADD_REMOVE Add/Remove Toolbar TB_CTRL Controls Toolbar TB_DISP_MODE Display Mode Toolbar TB_HYPO Hypotheses Toolbar TB_MESH Mesh Toolbar TB_MODIFY Modification Toolbar TOP_ADV_INFO Mesh Information TOP_ALL All TOP_AREA Area TOP_ASPECT Aspect Ratio TOP_ASPECT_3D Aspect Ratio 3D TOP_AUTO_COLOR Auto color TOP_AUTO_UPD Automatic update TOP_BUILD_COMPOUND Build Compound Mesh TOP_COPY_MESH Copy Mesh TOP_CLIP Clipping TOP_COLORS Colors / Size TOP_COMPUTE Compute TOP_PRECOMPUTE Preview TOP_EVALUATE Evaluate TOP_CONNECTION Borders at Multi-Connection TOP_CONNECTION_2D Borders at Multi-Connection 2D TOP_CONSTRUCT_GROUP Construct Group TOP_CONV_TO_QUAD Convert to/from quadratic TOP_2D_FROM_3D Create boundary elements TOP_MESH_ORDER Change submesh priority TOP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group TOP_CREATE_GEO_GROUP Create Groups from Geometry TOP_CREATE_MESH Create Mesh TOP_CREATE_SUBMESH Create Sub-mesh TOP_CUT Cutting of quadrangles TOP_CUT_GROUP Cut Groups TOP_DAT Import DAT file TOP_DELETE Delete TOP_DEL_GROUP Delete Groups TOP_FACE_ORIENTATION Orientation of faces TOP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color TOP_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only TOP_DISP_ENT Display entity TOP_ELEM0D 0D Element TOP_ELEMS0D 0D Elements TOP_EDGE Edge TOP_EDGES Edges TOP_EDIT_GROUP Edit Group TOP_EDIT_GEOMGROUP_AS_GROUP Edit Group as Standalone TOP_EDIT_HYPO Edit Hypothesis TOP_EDIT_MESHSUBMESH Edit Mesh/Sub-mesh TOP_EXPORT_DAT Export to DAT file TOP_EXPORT_MED Export to MED file TOP_EXPORT_SAUV Export to SAUV (ASCII) file TOP_EXPORT_STL Export to STL file TOP_EXPORT_UNV Export to UNV file TOP_EXTRUSION Extrusion TOP_EXTRUSION_ALONG Extrusion along a path TOP_FACES Faces TOP_BARE_BORDER_VOLUME Volumes with bare border TOP_BARE_BORDER_FACE Faces with bare border TOP_OVER_CONSTRAINED_VOLUME Over-constrained volumes TOP_OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE Over-constrained faces TOP_FREE_BORDER Free Borders TOP_FREE_EDGE Free Edges TOP_FREE_NODE Free Nodes TOP_FREE_FACES Free Faces TOP_GLOBAL_HYPO Global Hypothesis TOP_HEXA Hexahedron TOP_HIDE Hide TOP_INT_GROUP Intersect Groups TOP_INV Diagonal Inversion TOP_LENGTH Length TOP_LENGTH_2D Length 2D TOP_MAP Pattern mapping TOP_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D Element Diameter 2D TOP_MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D Element Diameter 3D TOP_MED Import MED file TOP_SAUV Import SAUV (ASCII) file TOP_MERGE Merge nodes TOP_MERGE_ELEMENTS Merge elements TOP_MESH_THROU_POINT Move Node TOP_MIN_ANG Minimum Angle TOP_MOVE Move Node TOP_NODE Node TOP_NODES Nodes TOP_NUM_ELEMENTS Display Elements TOP_NUM_NODES Display Nodes TOP_ORIENT Orientation TOP_POLYGON Polygon TOP_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron TOP_PRECISION Precision TOP_QUAD Quadrangle TOP_QUADRATIC_EDGE Quadratic Edge TOP_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Quadratic Hexahedron TOP_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Quadratic Pentahedron TOP_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Quadratic Pyramid TOP_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Quadratic Quadrangle TOP_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Quadratic Tetrahedron TOP_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Quadratic Triangle TOP_REMOVE_ELEMENTS Remove elements TOP_REMOVE_NODES Remove nodes TOP_REMOVE_ORPHAN_NODES Remove orphan nodes TOP_RENAME Rename TOP_RENUM_ELEMENTS Renumbering elements TOP_RENUM_NODES Renumbering nodes TOP_RESET Reset TOP_SAVE_DISTRIBUTION Export distribution TOP_SHOW_DISTRIBUTION Show Distribution TOP_REVOLUTION Revolution TOP_ROT Rotation TOP_SCALAR_BAR Scalar bar TOP_SCALAR_BAR_PROP Scalar bar Properties TOP_SELECTION Selection TOP_SEL_FILTER_LIB Selection filters library TOP_SEW Sewing TOP_SHADE Shading TOP_SHOW Show TOP_SHRINK Shrink TOP_SKEW Skew TOP_SMOOTH Smoothing TOP_STD_INFO Standard Mesh Infos TOP_SYM Symmetry TOP_TAPER Taper TOP_TETRA Tetrahedron TOP_TRANS Translation TOP_SCALE Scale Transform TOP_DUPLICATE_NODES Duplicate Nodes TOP_TRANSP Transparency TOP_TRIANGLE Triangle TOP_UNASSIGN Unassign TOP_UNION Union of triangles TOP_UNION2 Union of two triangles TOP_UNV Import UNV file TOP_UN_GROUP Union Groups TOP_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Create groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions TOP_UPDATE Update TOP_VOLUMES Volumes TOP_VOLUME_3D Volume TOP_WARP Warping angle TOP_WHAT_IS Mesh Element Information TOP_WIRE Wireframe UNKNOWN_CONTROL Unknown VOLUME_3D_ELEMENTS Volume WARP_ELEMENTS Warping MEN_FILE_INFO MED File Information SMESH_WRN_NO_APPROPRIATE_SELECTION No appropriate objects selected MEN_CLEAR_MESH Clear Mesh Data TOP_CLEAR_MESH Clear Mesh Data STB_CLEAR_MESH Clear Mesh Data SMESH_IMPORT_MESH Import mesh data from files SMESH_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FORMAT Unsupported file format SMESH_ERR_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR Unknown error SMESH_IMPORT_ERRORS Import operation has finished with errors: SMESH_DRS_SOME_EMPTY One or more mesh files were empty, data has not been published NO_MESH_SELECTED No mesh selected SMESH_PREF_def_precision Default precision SMESH_PREF_length_precision Length precision SMESH_PREF_angle_precision Angular precision SMESH_PREF_len_tol_precision Length tolerance precision SMESH_PREF_parametric_precision Parametric precision SMESH_PREF_area_precision Area precision FULL_RECOMPUTE_QUESTION The mesh has been edited since a last total re-compute that may prevent successful computation. Do you wish to re-compute the mesh totally to discard the modifications? SMESH_PREF_vol_precision Volume precision SMESH_PRECISION_HINT Input value precision can be adjusted using '%1' parameter in Mesh module preferences. REMOVE_ORPHAN_NODES_QUESTION Do you really want to remove all orphan nodes? NB_NODES_REMOVED Removed %1 node(s). SMESH_SAVE_DISTRIBUTION Export Distribution SMESH_PLUGINS_OTHER SMESH plugins SMESHGUI_GroupDlg ALLOW_ELEM_LIST_MODIF Enable manual edition SMESHGUI NOT_A_VTK_VIEWER This command is available in VTK viewer only Please, create VTK viewer and try again PREF_AUTO_GROUPS Automatically create groups for MED export PREF_GROUP_SEGMENT_LENGTH Automatic parameters PREF_SEGMENT_LENGTH Ratio Bounding Box Diagonal / Max Size PREF_NB_SEGMENTS Default Number of Segments PREF_AUTO_UPDATE Automatic update PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT Size limit (elements) PREF_UPDATE_LIMIT_NOLIMIT No limit PREF_BACKFACE Back face PREF_COLOR Color PREF_ORIENTATION_COLOR Color PREF_ORIENTATION_3D_VECTORS 3D vectors PREF_ORIENTATION_SCALE Scale PREF_DISPLAY_ENTITY Display entity QUADRATIC_REPRESENT_MODE Representation of the 2D quadratic elements MAX_ARC_ANGLE Maximum angle PREF_DISPLAY_MODE Display mode PREF_ELEMENTS Elements PREF_ELEMENT_COLOR Element color PREF_FILL Fill PREF_NOTIFY_MODE Show a computation result notification PREF_NOTIFY_NEVER Never PREF_NOTIFY_ERROR Errors only PREF_NOTIFY_ALWAYS Always PREF_ELEM_INFO Mesh element information PREF_ELEM_INFO_SIMPLE Simple PREF_ELEM_INFO_TREE Tree SMESH_PREF_GROUP_PRECISION Input fields precision SMESH_PREF_GROUP_PREVIEW Preview PREF_GROUP_ELEMENTS Elements PREF_GROUP_EXPORT Mesh export PREF_GROUP_FACES_ORIENTATION Orientation of faces PREF_GROUP_COMPUTE Mesh computation PREF_GROUP_NODES Nodes PREF_GROUP_GROUPS Groups PREF_GRP_NAMES Names color PREF_GROUP_PRECISION Precision PREF_GROUP_PRESELECTION Preselection PREF_GROUP_QUALITY Quality controls PREF_GROUP_SELECTION Selection PREF_GROUP_INFO Mesh information PREF_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR Highlight color PREF_LABELS_COLOR Labels color PREF_MARKER_SCALE Scale of marker PREF_NODES Nodes PREF_OBJECTS Objects PREF_OBJECT_COLOR Object color PREF_OUTLINE Outline PREF_PRECISION_USE Use precision PREF_PRECISION_VALUE Number of digits after point PREF_RENUMBER Automatic renumbering PREF_SHRINK_COEFF Shrink coef. PREF_TAB_GENERAL General PREF_TAB_MESH Mesh PREF_TAB_SELECTION Selection PREF_TITLE_COLOR Title color PREF_TYPE_OF_MARKER Type of marker PREF_COLOR_0D 0D elements PREF_SIZE_0D Size of 0D elements PREF_WIDTH Width PREF_PREVIEW_CHUNK_SIZE Sub-shapes preview chunk size SMESHGUI_AddQuadraticElementDlg SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_EDGE Add Quadratic Edge SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON Add Quadratic Hexahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON Add Quadratic Pentahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID Add Quadratic Pyramid SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE Add Quadratic Quadrangle SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON Add Quadratic Tetrahedron SMESH_ADD_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE Add Quadratic Triangle SMESH_CORNER_NODES Corner Nodes: SMESH_FIRST First SMESH_LAST Last SMESH_MIDDLE Middle SMESHGUI_BuildCompoundDlg COMPOUND Compound COMPOUND_MESH Compound_Mesh CREATE_COMMON_GROUPS Create common groups for initial meshes MERGE_NODES_AND_ELEMENTS Merge coincident nodes and elements MESHES Meshes PROCESSING_IDENTICAL_GROUPS Processing identical groups RENAME Rename RESULT_NAME Result name UNITE Unite SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg CAPTION Modification of orientation SMESHGUI_ComputeDlg CAPTION Compute mesh failed CONSTRUCTOR Compute mesh EVAL_DLG Evaluate mesh ERRORS Errors MEMORY_LACK Memory allocation problem COMPUTE_WARNING The mesh seems to be OK but there are some errors reported PUBLISH_SHAPE Publish SubShape SHOW_SHAPE Show SubShape SHOW_BAD_MESH Show bad Mesh SMESHGUI_PrecomputeDlg CAPTION Preview and Compute mesh PREVIEW Preview PREVIEW_1 1D Mesh PREVIEW_2 2D Mesh COMPUTE Compute SMESHGUI_PrecomputeOp CLEAR_SUBMESH_QUESTION Temporary submeshes on the selected geometry were created during preview operation. Do you want to remove all these submeshes? SMESH_WRN_NOTHING_PREVIEW No mesh preview is available SMESH_REJECT_MESH_ORDER The submesh priority changed during preview operation. Do you want to restore original submesh priority? SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadDlg CAPTION Convert to/from quadratic MEDIUMNDS Medium nodes on geometry MESH Mesh or Sub-mesh RADIOBTN_1 Convert to quadratic RADIOBTN_2 Convert from quadratic NON_CONFORM_WARNING Warning: mesh can become non-conformal SMESHGUI_ConvToQuadOp MESH_IS_NOT_SELECTED Mesh is not selected Please specify it and try again REF_IS_NULL No valid mesh object selected SMESHGUI_CreatePatternDlg CAPTION Pattern Creation DEFAULT_2D Pattern_2d DEFAULT_3D Pattern_3d ERROR_OF_CREATION Internal error occurs during pattern creation Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_SAVING Internal error occurs during pattern saving. Please verify \free disk space and your write permission to this file ERR_LOADF_CANT_PROJECT Impossible to perform projection of nodes to the face ERR_LOADF_CLOSED_FACE It is impossible to create pattern from face having seam edge ERR_LOADF_NARROW_FACE It is impossible to create pattern from narrow face ERR_LOADV_BAD_SHAPE Pattern can be created from closed shell or solid with 6 faces only ERR_LOADV_COMPUTE_PARAMS It is impossible to compute point parameters ERR_LOAD_EMPTY_SUBMESH There are no elements to create pattern MESH_OR_SUBMESH Mesh or SubMesh PATTERN Pattern PATTERN_FILT Pattern files(*.smp) PATTERN_NAME Pattern name PATTERN_TYPE Pattern type PROJECT Project nodes on the face SAVE Save... SAVE_PATTERN Save Pattern SMESHGUI_CreatePolyhedralVolumeDlg FACES_BY_NODES Faces by nodes SMESH_POLYEDRE_CREATE_ERROR Polyhedron creation error. SMESH_POLYEDRE_PREVIEW Polyhedron preview SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg CAPTION Cutting of quadrangles SMESHGUI_DeleteGroupDlg CAPTION Delete groups with contents NO_SELECTED_GROUPS There are no selected groups Please select a group and try again SELECTED_GROUPS Selected groups SMESHGUI_MergeDlg COINCIDENT_ELEMENTS Coincident elements COINCIDENT_NODES Coincident nodes DETECT Detect EDIT_SELECTED_GROUP Edit selected group SELECT_ALL Select all EXCLUDE_GROUPS Exclude Groups SMESHGUI_ExtrusionAlongPathDlg BAD_SHAPE_TYPE The shape selected for the path is not edge CANT_GET_TANGENT Can't get tangent for one of the path nodes EXTRUSION_1D Extrusion of 1D elements EXTRUSION_2D Extrusion of 2D elements EXTRUSION_ALONG_PATH Extrusion along a path EXTR_BAD_STARTING_NODE Wrong path starting node LINEAR_ANGLES Linear variation of the angles NO_ELEMENTS_SELECTED No mesh elements are selected for extrusion SELECTED_PATH_IS_NOT_EDGE Path mesh should be of edge type SMESH_ANGLES Rotation Angles SMESH_BASE_POINT Base Point SMESH_PATH Path SMESH_PATH_MESH Mesh or submesh SMESH_PATH_SHAPE Shape (edge) SMESH_PATH_START Start node SMESH_USE_ANGLES Use Angles SMESH_USE_BASE_POINT Use Base Point WRONG_ANGLES_NUMBER The number of angles should correspond to the number of path nodes SMESHGUI_ExtrusionDlg EXTRUSION_1D Extrusion of 1D elements EXTRUSION_2D Extrusion of 2D elements EXTRUSION_ALONG_LINE Extrusion along a line SMESHGUI_FilterDlg BAD_SHAPE_NAME There is no "%1" geometrical object in the current study Please select valid object and try again CURRENT_DIALOG Current Group EDGES_TLT Filter for Edges FACES_TLT Filter for Faces MESH Mesh NODES_TLT Filter for Nodes SELECTION Initial Selection SET_IN_VIEWER Insert filter in viewer SHAPE_IS_NOT_A_CYLINDER "%1" is not a cylinderical face Please select a cylindrical face and try again SHAPE_IS_NOT_A_FACE "%1" is not a face Please select a face and try again SHAPE_IS_NOT_A_PLANE "%1" is not a plane Please select a plane and try again FACE_ID_NOT_SELECTED Mesh face is not selected Please specify it and try again NOT_FACE_ID "%1" is not an ID of a mesh face. Please select a face and try again SOURCE Source TLT Selection filter VOLUMES_TLT Filter for Volumes SMESHGUI_FilterLibraryDlg ADD Add ADD_TO_TLT Add selection filter to library ALL_FILES_FILTER All Files (*.*) ASSIGN_NEW_NAME Library already contains filter with name "%1" New name "%2" is assigned to added filter COPY_FROM_TLT Copy selection filter from library DELETE Delete EDGE Edge EDIT_LIB_TLT Selection filter library ELEMENT Element EMPTY_FILTER_NAME Name of the filter is empty Please enter a non-empty name ERROR_FILTER_NAME Name of the filter is not unique Please enter other name ERROR_LOAD It is impossible to load library Please check library file name and attributes ERROR_OF_ADDING Internal error occurs during adiing new filter in library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_COPYING Internal error occurs during copying filter from library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_DELETING Internal error occurs during deleting filter from library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_EDITING Internal error occurs during editing filter library. Please verify validity of entered information ERROR_OF_SAVING Internal error occurs during saving filter library Please check input data and try again FACE Face FILTER Filter FILTER_NAME Filter name FILTER_NAMES Names of filters LIBRARY_FILE Library file name LIBRARY_IS_NOT_LOADED Library is not loaded. Please load library and try again LIB_NAME FilterLib.xml NODE Node NO_PERMISSION You do not have write permission to this file OPEN_LIBRARY Open library SELECTION Selection VOLUME Volume XML_FILT XML files(*.xml) SMESHGUI_FilterTable ADD Add ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS Additional parameters ADD_TO Add to... AND And AREA Area ASPECT_RATIO Aspect ratio ASPECT_RATIO_3D Aspect ratio 3D BAD_ORIENTED_VOLUME Bad oriented volume BARE_BORDER_VOLUME Volumes with bare border BARE_BORDER_FACE Faces with bare border OVER_CONSTRAINED_VOLUME Over-constrained volumes OVER_CONSTRAINED_FACE Over-constrained faces BELONG_TO_CYLINDER Belong to Cylinder BELONG_TO_GENSURFACE Belong to Surface BELONG_TO_GEOM Belong to Geom BELONG_TO_PLANE Belong to Plane BINARY Binary CLEAR Clear COMPARE Compare COPLANAR_FACES Coplanar faces COPY_FROM Copy from... CRITERION Criterion EDGES Edges ENTITY_TYPE Entity type EQUAL_TO Equal to ERROR Threshold value is not correctly specified Please enter correct value and try again FACES Faces FILTER Filter FREE_BORDERS Free borders FREE_EDGES Free edges FREE_NODES Free nodes FREE_FACES Free faces ID ID INSERT Insert LENGTH Length LENGTH2D Length 2D LESS_THAN Less than LYING_ON_GEOM Lying on Geom MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D Element Diameter 2D MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D Element Diameter 3D MINIMUM_ANGLE Minimum angle MORE_THAN More than MULTIEDGES_ERROR Threshold value of borders at multi-connections can not be equal 1 Please enter correct value and try again GROUPCOLOR_ERROR Color of group can not be undefied Please enter correct value and try again MULTI_BORDERS Borders at multi-connections NODES Nodes NOT Not OR Or RANGE_OF_IDS Range of IDs REMOVE Remove SKEW Skew TAPER Taper THRESHOLD_VALUE Threshold value UNARY Unary VOLUMES Volumes VOLUME_3D Volume WARPING Warping LINEAR Linear GROUP_COLOR Color of Group ELEMENTS Elements GEOM_TYPE Geometry type GEOM_TYPE_0 Point GEOM_TYPE_1 Edge GEOM_TYPE_2 Triangle GEOM_TYPE_3 Quadrangle GEOM_TYPE_4 Polygon GEOM_TYPE_5 Tetrahedron GEOM_TYPE_6 Pyramid GEOM_TYPE_7 Hexahedron GEOM_TYPE_8 Pentahedron GEOM_TYPE_9 Polyhedra SMESHGUI_GroupOpDlg ARGUMENTS Arguments DIFF_MESHES Arguments of operation are not correctly specified Groups correspond to a different meshes Please specify valid arguments and try again DIFF_TYPES Arguments of operation are not correctly specified Groups contain elements of different types Please specify valid arguments and try again EMPTY_NAME Name of group to be created is not valid Please specify non-empty name and try again INCORRECT_ARGUMENTS Arguments of operation are not specified Please specify them and try again NAME Name OBJECT_1 Object 1 OBJECT_2 Object 2 RESULT_NAME Result name TOOL_OBJECT Tool object UNION_OF_TWO_GROUPS Union of two groups SMESHGUI_GroupDlg SELECT_ALL Select All SMESHGUI_UnionGroupsDlg UNION_OF_GROUPS Union of groups SMESHGUI_DimGroupDlg CREATE_GROUP_OF_UNDERLYING_ELEMS Create group of underlying entities ELEMENTS_TYPE Elements type NODE Node EDGE Edge FACE Face VOLUME Volume SMESHGUI_IntersectGroupsDlg INTERSECTION_OF_GROUPS Intersection of groups SMESHGUI_CutGroupsDlg CUT_OF_GROUPS Cut of groups MAIN_OBJECT Main object TOOL_OBJECT Tool object SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointDlg AUTO_SEARCH Find closest to destination CAPTION Move node DESTINATION Destination MOVE_NODE Move node METHOD Method NODE_2MOVE Node to move NODE_2MOVE_ID ID SMESHGUI_MakeNodeAtPointOp INVALID_ID Node ID is invalid INVALID_MESH Mesh to modify not selected SMESHGUI_FindElemByPointDlg MESH_GROUP Mesh or group CAPTION Find Element by Point CREATE_NEW_METHOD Create a node MESH_PASS_THROUGH_POINT Make a node at point METHOD Method MOVE_EXISTING_METHOD Move a node NODE_2MOVE Node to move NODE_2MOVE_ID ID SMESHGUI_MeshDlg CREATE_MESH Create mesh CREATE_SUBMESH Create sub-mesh DIM_0D 0D DIM_1D 1D DIM_2D 2D DIM_3D 3D EDIT_MESH_SUBMESH Edit mesh/sub-mesh GEOMETRY Geometry HYPOTHESES_SETS Assign a set of hypotheses MESH Mesh NAME Name SMESHGUI_MeshOp ALGORITHM_WITHOUT_HYPOTHESIS Algorithm is defined for %1 dimension but hypothesis is not defined EDIT_SUBMESH_QUESTION A submesh on the selected geometry already exists. Do you want to edit this submesh? SUBMESH_NOT_ALLOWED No sense in creating a submesh ignored by global algorithm "%1" GEOMETRY_OBJECT_IS_NOT_DEFINED Geometry object is not defined Please specify it and try again GEOMETRY_OBJECT_IS_NULL Geometry object is null HYPOTHESES_AND_ALGORITHMS_ARE_NOT_DEFINED Hypotheses and algorithms are not defined HYPOTHESIS_WITHOUT_ALGORITHM Hypothesis is defined for %1 dimension but algorithm is not defined IMPORTED_MESH Mesh is not built on geometry INVALID_SUBSHAPE Geometry object is not a subshape of the shape to mesh MESH_IS_NOT_DEFINED Mesh is not defined Please specify it and try again MESH_IS_NULL Mesh is null NAME_OF_MESH_IS_EMPTY Name of mesh is empty Please enter valid name and try again NAME_OF_SUBMESH_IS_EMPTY Name of submesh is empty Please enter valid name and try again THERE_IS_NO_OBJECT_FOR_EDITING There is no object for editing. Please select mesh or sub-mesh and try again SMESHGUI_MeshPatternDlg 3D_BLOCK 3D block CAPTION Pattern Mapping CREATE_POLYEDRS_NEAR_BOUNDARY Create polyhedrons near boundary CREATE_POLYGONS_NEAR_BOUNDARY Create polygons near boundary ERROR_OF_LOADING Loading of pattern from file failed. Probably file is corrupted or contains pattern of the other type ERROR_OF_OPENING It is impossible to open file. Please verify whether file exists and your permission to this file ERROR_OF_READING It is impossible to load pattern Please verify file's contents ERR_READ_3D_COORD It is impossible to load pattern Coordinates of 3D points out of [0,1] range ERR_READ_BAD_INDEX It is impossible to load pattern Invalid index of point detected ERR_READ_BAD_KEY_POINT It is impossible to load pattern Key-point not on a boundary ERR_READ_ELEM_POINTS It is impossible to load pattern invalid number of points in element ERR_READ_NB_POINTS It is impossible to load pattern It is impossible to read number of points from file ERR_READ_NO_ELEMS It is impossible to load pattern There are no elements in it ERR_READ_NO_KEYPOINT It is impossible to load pattern There are no key-points in 2D one ERR_READ_POINT_COORDS It is impossible to load pattern It is impossible to read point coordinates from file ERR_READ_TOO_FEW_POINTS It is impossible to load pattern. There are too few points in the file for pattern loading FACE Face LOAD_PATTERN Load pattern MESH_FACES Mesh faces MESH_VOLUMES Mesh volumes NEW New... NODE_1 Node 1 NODE_2 Node 2 PATTERN Pattern PATTERN_FILT Pattern files(*.smp) PATTERN_TYPE Pattern type PREVIEW Preview REFINE Refine selected mesh elements REVERSE Reverse order of key-points VERTEX Vertex VERTEX1 Vertex 1 VERTEX2 Vertex 2 SMESHGUI_MeshTab ADD_HYPOTHESIS Add. Hypothesis ALGORITHM Algorithm HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis NONE <None> SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg ADD Add FILTER Filter REMOVE Remove SELECT_FROM Select from SORT_LIST Sort list SPLIT_JOIN_CRITERION Criterion TO_ALL Apply to all USE_DIAGONAL_1_3 Use diagonal 1-3 USE_DIAGONAL_2_4 Use diagonal 2-4 USE_NUMERIC_FUNC Use numeric functor SMESHGUI_CuttingIntoTetraDlg CAPTION Splitting volumes into tetrahedra SPLIT_METHOD Split hexahedron SPLIT_HEX_TO_5_TETRA Into 5 tetrahedra SPLIT_HEX_TO_6_TETRA Into 6 tetrahedra SPLIT_HEX_TO_24_TETRA Into 24 tetrahedra SMESHGUI_PrecisionDlg CAPTION Precision for mesh quality controls NOT_USE Do not use PRECISION Number of digits after point SMESHGUI_RevolutionDlg ANGLE_BY_STEP Angle by Step PREVIEW Preview REVOLUTION_1D Revolution of 1D elements REVOLUTION_2D Revolution of 2D elements REVOLUTION_AROUND_AXIS Revolution around an axis TOTAL_ANGLE Total Angle MEN_POINT_SELECT From Origin to selected Point MEN_FACE_SELECT Normal to selected Face SMESHGUI_SewingDlg BORDER Border BORDER_1 Border 1 BORDER_2 Border 2 CREATE_POLYEDRS_NEAR_BOUNDARY Replace affected volumes by polyedres CREATE_POLYGONS_INSTEAD_SPLITTING Create polygons instead of splitting ERROR_1 Free Border1 not found by the selected nodes ERROR_2 Free Border2 not found by the selected nodes ERROR_3 Free Border1 and Border2 not found by the selected nodes ERROR_4 No path from the first side node to the last side node have been found ERROR_5 Not allowed to splite volumes on the side! ERROR_6 Different number of elements selected on the sides ERROR_7 Element sets are topologically different or given nodes are inconvenient ERROR_8 Nodes on the side 1 are either not linked or not laying on the element set boundary ERROR_9 Nodes on the side 2 are either not linked or not laying on the element set boundary FIRST_NODE_ID First Node ID LAST_NODE_ID Last Node ID MERGE_EQUAL_ELEMENTS Merge equal elements NODE1_TO_MERGE Node 1 To Merge NODE2_TO_MERGE Node 2 To Merge SECOND_NODE_ID Second Node ID SEW_BORDER_TO_SIDE Sew Border To Side SEW_CONFORM_FREE_BORDERS Sew Conform Free Borders SEW_FREE_BORDERS Sew Free Borders SEW_SIDE_ELEMENTS Sew Side Elements SIDE Side SIDE_1 Side 1 SIDE_2 Side 2 SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshDlg CAPTION Find geometry by mesh element SMESHGUI_SingleEditDlg EDGE_BETWEEN Edge between neighboring triangles SMESHGUI_SmoothingDlg CENTROIDAL Centroidal FIXED_NODES_IDS Fixed nodes ids IS_PARAMETRIC in parametric space ITERATION_LIMIT Iteration limit LAPLACIAN Laplacian MAX_ASPECT_RATIO Max. aspect ratio METHOD Method SMESHGUI_TrianglesInversionDlg CAPTION Diagonal inversion SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg CAPTION Union of triangles MAXIMUM_ANGLE Maximum bending angle SMESHGUI_UnionOfTwoTrianglesDlg CAPTION Union of two triangles SMESHGUI_WhatIsDlg ENTITY_TYPE Element type GRAVITY_CENTER Gravity center CONNECTED_ELEMENTS Connected With Elements SMESHGUI_FileInfoDlg CAPTION File information FILE_NAME File name FILE_SIZE File size (bytes) MED_VERSION MED version SMESHGUI_GroupOnShapeDlg SMESH_CREATE_GROUP_FROM_GEOM Create Groups from Geometry SMESHGUI_MeshOrderDlg SMESH_MESHORDER_TITLE Order of submesh in meshing process SMESHGUI_MeshOrderOp SMESH_NO_CONCURENT_MESH No concurent submeshes detected SMESHGUI_ClippingDlg CLIP_PLANES Clipping planes MESHES_SUBMESHES_GROUPS Meshes, sub-meshes and groups SELECT_ALL Select all ROTATION_AROUND_X_Y2Z Rotation around X (Y to Z): ROTATION_AROUND_Y_X2Z Rotation around Y (X to Z): ROTATION_AROUND_Z_Y2X Rotation around Z (Y to X): ROTATION_AROUND_X_Z2Y Rotation around X (Z to Y): ROTATION_AROUND_Y_Z2X Rotation around Y (Z to X): ROTATION_AROUND_Z_X2Y Rotation around Z (X to Y): SHOW_PREVIEW Show preview AUTO_APPLY Auto Apply ALONG_XY || X-Y ALONG_YZ || Y-Z ALONG_ZX || Z-X PLANE_NUM Plane# %1 NO_PLANES No planes SMESHGUI_DuplicateNodesDlg DUPLICATION_MODE Duplication mode DUPLICATION_WITHOUT_ELEMS Without duplication of border elements GROUP_NODES_TO_DUPLICATE Group of nodes to duplicate GROUP_NODES_TO_REPLACE Group of elements to replace nodes with new ones DUPLICATION_WITH_ELEMS With duplication of border elements GROUP_ELEMS_TO_DUPLICATE Group of elements to duplicate GROUP_NODES_NOT_DUPLICATE Group of nodes not to duplicate GROUP_ELEMS_TO_REPLACE Group of elements to replace nodes with new ones CONSTRUCT_NEW_GROUP_NODES Construct group with newly created nodes CONSTRUCT_NEW_GROUP_ELEMENTS Construct group with newly created elements SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DDlg CAPTION Create boundary elements Groups Mesh or groups MODE Mode 2D_FROM_3D 2D from 3D 1D_FROM_3D 1D from 2D groups 1D_FROM_2D 1D from 2D TARGET Target THIS_MESH This mesh NEW_MESH New mesh COPY_SRC Copy source mesh MISSING_ONLY Copy missing elements only CREATE_GROUP Create group SMESHGUI_Make2DFrom3DOp NB_ADDED %1 boundary elements have been added WRONG_GROUPS The following groups have not been processed as they are of improper type: %1 SMESH_ERR_NO_INPUT_MESH Source mesh is not specified SMESH_TOO_MANY_MESHES Only one mesh can be processed at once SMESH_NOT_ONLY_GROUPS Can't process meshes and groups at once SMESH_ERR_NO_3D_ELEMENTS The source objects do not contain 3D elements SMESH_ERR_NO_2D_ELEMENTS The source objects do not contain 2D elements SMESH_ERR_MESH_NAME_NOT_SPECIFIED New mesh name is not specified SMESH_ERR_GRP_NAME_NOT_SPECIFIED Group name is not specified SMESHGUI_MeshInfo NAME_LAB Name: OBJECT_LAB Object: NODES_LAB Nodes: ELEMENTS_LAB Elements: TOTAL_LAB Total LINEAR_LAB Linear QUADRATIC_LAB Quadratic 0D_LAB 0D: 1D_LAB 1D (edges): 2D_LAB 2D (faces): TRIANGLES_LAB Triangles: QUADRANGLES_LAB Quadrangles: POLYGONS_LAB Polygons: 3D_LAB 3D (volumes): TETRAHEDRONS_LAB Tetrahedrons: HEXAHEDONRS_LAB Hexahedrons: PYRAMIDS_LAB Pyramids: PRISMS_LAB Prisms: POLYHEDRONS_LAB Polyhedrons: OBJECT_MESH Mesh OBJECT_SUBMESH Sub-mesh OBJECT_GROUP Group OBJECT_GROUP_NODES Group of nodes OBJECT_GROUP_EDGES Group of edges OBJECT_GROUP_FACES Group of faces OBJECT_GROUP_VOLUMES Group of volumes OBJECT_GROUP_0DELEMS Group of 0D elements SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg MESH_INFO Mesh Information BASE_INFO Base Info ELEM_INFO Element Info NODE_MODE Node ELEM_MODE Element SMESHGUI_ElemInfo COORDINATES COORDINATES CONNECTIVITY CONNECTIVITY GRAVITY_CENTER GRAVITY CENTER NODE NODE 0D_ELEMENT 0D ELEMENT 0D_ELEMENTS 0D ELEMENTS EDGE EDGE EDGES EDGES FACE FACE FACES FACES VOLUME VOLUME VOLUMES VOLUMES FREE_NODE Free node (no connectivity) TYPE TYPE TRIANGLE Triangle QUADRANGLE Quadrangle POLYGON Polygon TETRAHEDRON Tetrahedron HEXAHEDRON Hexahedron PYRAMID Pyramid PRISM Prism POLYHEDRON Polyhedron QUADRATIC QUADRATIC YES Yes NO No PROPERTY Property VALUE Value X_FROM_Y_ITEMS_SHOWN %1-%2 from %3 items shown SMESHGUI_MinDistance FIRST_TARGET First target SECOND_TARGET Second target NODE Node ELEMENT Element OBJECT Object ORIGIN Origin COMPUTE Compute RESULT Distance between targets DISTANCE Distance SMESHGUI_CopyMeshDlg OBJECT_NAME Source Object ELEM_IDS Source Element IDs NEW_NAME New Mesh Name SMESHGUI_MeasureDlg MEASUREMENTS Measurements MIN_DIST Minimum Distance BND_BOX Bounding Box SMESHGUI_BoundingBox SOURCE Source OBJECTS Objects NODES Nodes ELEMENTS Elements COMPUTE Compute RESULT Bounding Box SELECTED_NB_OBJ %1 %2 selected NB_NODES nodes NB_ELEMENTS elements StdMeshersGUI_SubShapeSelectorWdg X_FROM_Y_ITEMS_SHOWN %1-%2 from %3 items shown