// Copyright (C) 2011-2024 CEA, EDF // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #ifndef _SMESH_HOMARD_I_HXX_ #define _SMESH_HOMARD_I_HXX_ #include #include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(SMESH_Homard) #include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOMEDS) #include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOMEDS_Attributes) #include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOME_ModuleCatalog) #include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SMESH_Gen) #include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SMESH_Mesh) #include "SMESH.hxx" #include "SMESH_Homard.hxx" //#include "FrontTrack.hxx" #include "SALOME_Component_i.hxx" #include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx" #include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx" #include #include #include #include namespace SMESHHOMARD_I { class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Boundary_i : public virtual SALOME::GenericObj_i, public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary { public: HOMARD_Boundary_i(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i); HOMARD_Boundary_i(); virtual ~HOMARD_Boundary_i(); // Generalites void SetName(const char* Name); char* GetName(); char* GetDumpPython(); // Caracteristiques void SetType(CORBA::Long Type); CORBA::Long GetType(); void SetMeshName(const char* MeshName); char* GetMeshName(); void SetDataFile(const char* DataFile); char* GetDataFile(); void SetCylinder(double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre, double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe, double rayon); void SetSphere(double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre, double rayon); void SetConeR(double Xcentre1, double Ycentre1, double Zcentre1, double Rayon1, double Xcentre2, double Ycentre2, double Zcentre2, double Rayon2); void SetConeA(double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe, double Angle, double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre); void SetTorus(double Xcentre, double Ycentre, double ZCentre, double Xaxe, double Yaxe, double Zaxe, double rayonRev, double rayonPri); SMESHHOMARD::double_array* GetCoords(); void SetLimit(double Xincr, double Yincr, double Zincr); SMESHHOMARD::double_array* GetLimit(); void AddGroup(const char* Group); void SetGroups(const SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType& ListGroup); SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType* GetGroups(); private: SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Boundary* myHomardBoundary; SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var _gen_i; }; class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Cas_i : public virtual SALOME::GenericObj_i, public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas { public: HOMARD_Cas_i(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i); HOMARD_Cas_i(); virtual ~HOMARD_Cas_i(); char* GetDumpPython(); // Caracteristiques void SetDirName(const char* NomDir); char* GetDirName(); void SetBoundingBox(const SMESHHOMARD::extrema& LesExtremes); SMESHHOMARD::extrema* GetBoundingBox(); void AddGroup(const char* Group); void SetGroups(const SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType& ListGroup); SMESHHOMARD::ListGroupType* GetGroups(); void AddBoundary(const char* Boundary); void AddBoundaryGroup(const char* Boundary, const char* Group); SMESHHOMARD::ListBoundaryGroupType* GetBoundaryGroup(); void SupprBoundaryGroup(); void AddIteration(const char* NomIteration); private: SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Cas* myHomardCas; SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var _gen_i; }; class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Iteration_i { public: HOMARD_Iteration_i(SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var gen_i); HOMARD_Iteration_i(); virtual ~HOMARD_Iteration_i(); // Generalites void SetName(const char* Name); char* GetName(); // Caracteristiques void SetDirNameLoc(const char* NomDir); char* GetDirNameLoc(); char* GetDirName(); void SetNumber(CORBA::Long NumIter); CORBA::Long GetNumber(); void SetState(CORBA::Long etat); CORBA::Long GetState(); void SetMeshName(const char* NomMesh); char* GetMeshName(); void SetMeshFile(const char* MeshFile); char* GetMeshFile(); void SetLogFile(const char* LogFile); char* GetLogFile(); void SetFileInfo(const char* FileInfo); char* GetFileInfo(); // Liens avec les autres structures void SetCaseName(const char* NomCas); char* GetCaseName(); // Drivers void SetInfoCompute(CORBA::Long MessInfo); CORBA::Long GetInfoCompute(); private: SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Iteration* myHomardIteration; SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen_var _gen_i; }; class SMESH_I_EXPORT HOMARD_Gen_i : public virtual SALOME::GenericObj_i, public virtual POA_SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Gen { public: HOMARD_Gen_i(); virtual ~HOMARD_Gen_i(); // Les creations SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundary (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Long typeBoundary); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryCAO (const char* nomBoundary, const char* DataFile); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryDi (const char* nomBoundary, const char* MeshName, const char* DataFile); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryCylinder (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre, CORBA::Double Xaxis, CORBA::Double Yaxis, CORBA::Double Zaxis, CORBA::Double Rayon); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundarySphere (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre, CORBA::Double Rayon); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryConeR (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Double Xcentre1, CORBA::Double Ycentre1, CORBA::Double Zcentre1, CORBA::Double Rayon1, CORBA::Double Xcentre2, CORBA::Double Ycentre2, CORBA::Double Zcentre2, CORBA::Double Rayon2); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryConeA (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Double Xaxis, CORBA::Double Yaxis, CORBA::Double Zaxis, CORBA::Double Angle, CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr CreateBoundaryTorus (const char* nomBoundary, CORBA::Double Xcentre, CORBA::Double Ycentre, CORBA::Double Zcentre, CORBA::Double Xaxis, CORBA::Double Yaxis, CORBA::Double Zaxis, CORBA::Double RayonRev, CORBA::Double RayonPri); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr CreateCaseOnMesh (const char* MeshName, SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr smeshMesh, const char* theWorkingDir); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr CreateCase (const char* MeshName, const char* FileName, const char* theWorkingDir); HOMARD_Iteration_i* CreateIteration(); // Les informations SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr GetBoundary (const char* nomBoundary); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr GetCase (); HOMARD_Iteration_i* GetIteration (CORBA::Long numIter); SMESHHOMARD::listeBoundarys* GetAllBoundarysName(); void InvalideBoundary(const char* nomBoundary); CORBA::Long DeleteBoundary(const char* nomBoundary); void DeleteCase(); CORBA::Long DeleteIteration(int numIter); void AddBoundary(const char* Boundary); void AddBoundaryGroup(const char* Boundary, const char* Group); void AssociateCaseIter(int numIter, const char* labelIter); char* CreateDirNameIter(const char* nomrep, CORBA::Long num); CORBA::Long Compute(); CORBA::Long ComputeAdap(SMESHHOMARDImpl::HomardDriver* myDriver); CORBA::Long ComputeCAO(); CORBA::Long ComputeCAObis(); char* ComputeDirManagement(); char* ComputeDirPaManagement(); int DriverTexteBoundary(SMESHHOMARDImpl::HomardDriver* myDriver); void PublishResultInSmesh(const char* NomFich); void DeleteResultInSmesh(std::string NomFich, std::string MeshName); void PythonDump(); // Preferences void SetConfType (CORBA::Long theConfType); void SetKeepMedOUT (bool theKeepMedOUT); void SetPublishMeshOUT (bool thePublishMeshOUT); void SetMeshNameOUT (const char* theMeshNameOUT); void SetMeshFileOUT (const char* theMeshFileOUT); void SetVerboseLevel (CORBA::Long theVerboseLevel); void SetKeepWorkingFiles(bool theKeepWorkingFiles); void SetLogInFile(bool theLogInFile); void SetLogFile (const char* theLogFile); void SetRemoveLogOnSuccess(bool theRemoveLogOnSuccess); private: SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Boundary_ptr newBoundary(); SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_ptr newCase(); HOMARD_Iteration_i* newIteration(); private: SMESHHOMARDImpl::HOMARD_Gen* myHomard; HOMARD_Iteration_i* myIteration0; HOMARD_Iteration_i* myIteration1; SMESHHOMARD::HOMARD_Cas_var myCase; std::map _mesBoundarys; // Preferences int _ConfType; // Le type de conformite ou non conformite bool _KeepMedOUT; bool _PublishMeshOUT; bool _KeepWorkingFiles; bool _LogInFile; bool _RemoveLogOnSuccess; int _VerboseLevel; std::string _MeshNameOUT; std::string _MeshFileOUT; std::string _LogFile; // Input data type bool _CaseOnMedFile; SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var _SmeshMesh; std::string _TmpMeshFile; }; SMESH_I_EXPORT std::vector GetBoundingBoxInMedFile(const char * aFile); SMESH_I_EXPORT std::set GetListeGroupesInMedFile(const char * aFile); }; // namespace SMESHHOMARD_I #endif