/*! \page constructing_submeshes_page Constructing sub-meshes Sub-mesh is a mesh on a geometrical sub-object created with algorithms and/or hypotheses other than the algorithms and hypotheses assigned to the parent mesh on the parent object. <br><br> If a geometrical sub-object belongs to several geometrical objects having different meshes or sub-meshes, it will be meshed with the hypotheses of a sub-mesh of a lower dimension.<br> For example, a face of a box is meshed with a sub-mesh using algorithms and hypotheses other than the parent mesh on the whole box. The face and the box share four edges, which will be meshed with algorithms and hypotheses of the sub-mesh on the face, because the face is a 2D object while the box is a 3D object. <br> If the dimensions are the same, an arbitrary algorithm/hypothesis will be used. This means that an edge shared by two faces each having its own different sub-mesh, will be meshed using algorithms and hypotheses of any of the two, chosen randomly. This indeterminacy can be fixed by defining \ref submesh_order_anchor "Sub-mesh priority". The default sub-meshes priority is such that multi-dimensional algorithms are processed first. <br> \n Construction of a sub-mesh consists of: <ul> <li>Selecting a mesh which will encapsulate your sub-mesh</li> <li>Selecting a geometrical object for meshing</li> <li>Applying one or several previously described \ref about_hypo_page "hypotheses" and \ref basic_meshing_algos_page "meshing algorithms" which will be used at computation of this sub-mesh</li> </ul> <br><em>To construct a sub-mesh:</em> \par From the \b Mesh menu select <b>Create Sub-mesh</b> or click <em>"Create Sum-mesh"</em> button in the toolbar. <center> \image html image33.gif <em>"Create Sub-mesh" button</em> </center> \par The following dialog box will appear: \par \image html createmesh-inv2.png \par It allows to define the \b Name, the parent \b Mesh and the \b Geometry (e.g. a face if the parent mesh has been built on box) of the sub-mesh. You can define algorithms and hypotheses in the same way as in \ref constructing_meshes_page "Create mesh" menu. \par If the parent mesh is already computed, then you can define the \b Geometry by picking mesh elements computed on a sub-shape of interest in the 3D Viewer, i.e. you do not have to extract this sub-shape in Geometry module beforehand. To start element selection, press \a Selection button to the right of \b Geometry label. If this button is already down, then click it to release and then click it again. The following pop-up menu allowing to choose a way of geometry definition will appear. \par \image html choose_geom_selection_way.png \par <b>Direct geometry selection</b> enables selecting the sub-shape in the Object Browser. <b>Find geometry by mesh element selection</b> activates the following dialog. \par \image html find_geom_by_mesh_elem.png \par In this dialog, <b> Element Type </b> defines kind of element to pick in the Viewer. Instead of picking an element in the Viewer, you can type its ID in <b> Element ID</b> field. <b> Geometry name </b> field allows defining a name of the sub-shape. \par In the Object Browser the structure of the new sub-mesh will be displayed as follows: \image html image10.jpg \par It contains: <ul> <li>a reference to the geometrical object on the basis of which the sub-mesh has been constructed;</li> <li><b>Applied hypotheses</b> folder containing the references to the hypotheses applied to the construction of the sub-mesh;</li> <li><b>Applied algorithms</b> folder containing the references to the algorithms applied to the construction of the sub-mesh.</li> </ul> <br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_construction_submesh "Construct Sub-mesh" operation. */