.. _cutting_quadrangles_page: ******************* Cutting quadrangles ******************* This operation allows cutting one or several quadrangle elements into two or four triangles. *To cut quadrangles:* .. |img| image:: ../images/image82.png #. Select a mesh (and display it in the 3D Viewer if you are going to pick elements by mouse). #. In the **Modification** menu select the **Cutting of quadrangles** item or click *"Cutting of quadrangles"* button |img| in the toolbar. The following dialog box will appear: .. image:: ../images/a-cuttingofquadrangles.png :align: center * The main list contains the list of quadrangles selected for cutting. You can click on a quadrangle in the 3D viewer and it will be highlighted (lock Shift keyboard button to select several quadrangles): * Click **Add** button and the ID of this quadrangle will be added to the list. * To remove a selected element or elements from the list click **Remove** button. * **Sort list** button allows sorting the list of IDs. * **Filter** button allows applying a definite :ref:`filter <filtering_elements>` to the selection of quadrangles. * **Apply to all** check box allows cutting all quadrangles of the selected mesh. * **Preview** provides a preview of cutting in the viewer. It is disabled for **Cut into 4 triangles** as this cutting way implies no ambiguity. * **Criterion** defines the way of cutting: * **Cut into 4 triangles** allows cutting a quadrangle into four triangles by inserting a new node at the center of the quadrangle. The other options allow cutting a quadrangle into two triangles by connecting the nodes of a diagonal. * **Use diagonal 1-3** and **Use diagonal 2-4** allow specifying the opposite corners, which will be connected to form two new triangles. * **Use numeric functor** allows selecting in the field below a quality metric, which will be optimized when choosing a diagonal for cutting a quadrangle: * **Minimum diagonal** cuts by the shortest diagonal. * **Aspect Ratio** cuts by the diagonal splitting the quadrangle into triangles with :ref:`Aspect Ratio <aspect_ratio_page>` closer to 1 * **Minimum Angle** cuts by the diagonal splitting the quadrangle into triangles with :ref:`Minimum Angle <minimum_angle_page>` closer to 60 degrees. * **Skew** cuts by the diagonal splitting the quadrangle into triangles with :ref:`Skew <skew_page>` closer to 0.0 degrees. * **Select from** allows choosing a sub-mesh or an existing group, whose quadrangle elements then can be added to the main list. #. Click the **Apply** or **Apply and Close** button to confirm the operation. .. image:: ../images/image52.jpg :align: center .. centered:: The chosen quadrangular element | .. image:: ../images/image51.jpg :align: center .. centered:: Two resulting triangular elements **See Also** a sample TUI Script of a :ref:`tui_cutting_quadrangles` operation.