.. _create_dual_mesh_page: **************** Create Dual Mesh **************** We can create the dual of a Tetrahedron Mesh which will be a polyhedron mesh. The Mesh is created using MEDCoupling computeDualMesh function. *To create a dual mesh:* .. |img| image:: ../images/create_dual_mesh_icon.png From the contextual menu in the Object Browser of from the **Mesh** menu select **Create Dual Mesh** or click *"Create Dual Mesh"* button |img| in the toolbar. The following dialog box will appear: .. image:: ../images/create_dual_mesh_dlg.png :align: center In the dialog: * specify the mesh for which to create the dual mesh: * **Select whole mesh** from the study tree. If a mesh was selected before calling function it will be preselected. * If the mesh is not made of only Tetrahedrons a error message will be displayed and you won't be allowed to go through. * specify the **New Mesh Name**; * activate **Project boundary elements on shape** for the boundary points of the dual mesh to be projected on their associated shape. * Click **Apply** or **Apply and Close** button to confirm the operation. ---------------------------- Limitations of the dual mesh ---------------------------- Only 2d groups will be transferred to the dual mesh. If you have convex shape the projection might not improve the mesh. **See Also** a sample script of :ref:`tui_create_dual_mesh`.