// SMESH StdMeshers_Penta_3D implementaion of SMESH idl descriptions // // Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org // // // // File : StdMeshers_Penta_3D.cxx // Module : SMESH #include "StdMeshers_Penta_3D.hxx" #include "utilities.h" #include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx" #include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx" #include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx" #include "SMDS_VolumeOfNodes.hxx" #include "SMDS_VolumeTool.hxx" #include "SMESHDS_SubMesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_MeshEditor.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; typedef map < int, int, less >::iterator \ StdMeshers_IteratorOfDataMapOfIntegerInteger; //======================================================================= //function : StdMeshers_Penta_3D //purpose : //======================================================================= StdMeshers_Penta_3D::StdMeshers_Penta_3D() : myErrorStatus(1) { myTol3D=0.1; myWallNodesMaps.resize( SMESH_Block::NbFaces() ); myShapeXYZ.resize( SMESH_Block::NbSubShapes() ); } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_Penta_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::Compute()"); // myErrorStatus=0; // bool bOK=false; // myShape=aShape; SetMesh(aMesh); // CheckData(); if (myErrorStatus){ return bOK; } bool QuadMode = true; myTool = new StdMeshers_Helper(aMesh); myCreateQuadratic = myTool->IsQuadraticSubMesh(aShape,QuadMode); // MakeBlock(); if (myErrorStatus){ return bOK; } // ClearMeshOnFxy1(); if (myErrorStatus) { return bOK; } // MakeNodes(); if (myErrorStatus){ return bOK; } // MakeConnectingMap(); // MakeMeshOnFxy1(); if (myErrorStatus) { return bOK; } // MakeVolumeMesh(); // return !bOK; } //======================================================================= //function : MakeNodes //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeNodes() { myErrorStatus=0; // const int aNbSIDs=9; int i, j, k, ij, iNbN, aNodeID, aSize, iErr; double aX, aY, aZ; SMESH_Block::TShapeID aSID, aSIDs[aNbSIDs]={ SMESH_Block::ID_V000, SMESH_Block::ID_V100, SMESH_Block::ID_V110, SMESH_Block::ID_V010, SMESH_Block::ID_Ex00, SMESH_Block::ID_E1y0, SMESH_Block::ID_Ex10, SMESH_Block::ID_E0y0, SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0 }; // SMESH_Mesh* pMesh=GetMesh(); // // 1. Define the sizes of mesh // // 1.1 Horizontal size myJSize=0; for (i=0; iGetSubMeshContaining(aS); ASSERT(aSubMesh); SMESHDS_SubMesh *aSM = aSubMesh->GetSubMeshDS(); if(!myCreateQuadratic) { iNbN = aSM->NbNodes(); } else { iNbN = 0; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itn = aSM->GetNodes(); while(itn->more()) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = itn->next(); if(myTool->IsMedium(aNode)) continue; iNbN++; } } myJSize += iNbN; } //printf("*** Horizontal: number of nodes summary=%d\n", myJSize); // // 1.2 Vertical size myISize=2; { const TopoDS_Shape& aS=myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_E00z); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aS); ASSERT(aSubMesh); SMESHDS_SubMesh *aSM = aSubMesh->GetSubMeshDS(); if(!myCreateQuadratic) { iNbN = aSM->NbNodes(); } else { iNbN = 0; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itn = aSM->GetNodes(); while(itn->more()) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = itn->next(); if(myTool->IsMedium(aNode)) continue; iNbN++; } } myISize += iNbN; } //printf("*** Vertical: number of nodes on edges and vertices=%d\n", myISize); // aSize=myISize*myJSize; myTNodes.resize(aSize); // StdMeshers_TNode aTNode; gp_XYZ aCoords; gp_Pnt aP3D; // // 2. Fill the repers on base face (Z=0) i=0; j=0; // vertices for (k=0; kGetSubMeshContaining(aS)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); while(ite->more()) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = ite->next(); if(myTool->IsMedium(aNode)) continue; aNodeID=aNode->GetID(); // aTNode.SetNode(aNode); aTNode.SetShapeSupportID(aSID); aTNode.SetBaseNodeID(aNodeID); // if ( SMESH_Block::IsEdgeID (aSID)) { const SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = static_cast(aNode->GetPosition().get()); myBlock.ComputeParameters( epos->GetUParameter(), aS, aCoords ); } else { aX=aNode->X(); aY=aNode->Y(); aZ=aNode->Z(); aP3D.SetCoord(aX, aY, aZ); myBlock.ComputeParameters(aP3D, aS, aCoords); } iErr = myBlock.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeNodes()," << "SMESHBlock: ComputeParameters operation failed"); myErrorStatus=101; // SMESHBlock: ComputeParameters operation failed return; } aTNode.SetNormCoord(aCoords); ij=i*myJSize+j; myTNodes[ij]=aTNode; ++j; } } /* //DEB { int iShapeSupportID, iBaseNodeID; // //printf("\n\n*** Base Face\n"); i=0; for (j=0; j aZL(myISize); // vector::iterator aItZL1, aItZL2 ; // // // const TopoDS_Shape& aE00z=myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_E00z); // SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aItaE00z = // pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aE00z)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); // // // aZL[0]=0.; // i=1; // while (aItaE00z->more()) { // const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode=aItaE00z->next(); // const SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = // static_cast(aNode->GetPosition().get()); // myBlock.ComputeParameters( epos->GetUParameter(), aE00z, aCoords ); // iErr=myBlock.ErrorStatus(); // if (iErr) { // MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeNodes()," << // "SMESHBlock: ComputeParameters operation failed"); // myErrorStatus=101; // SMESHBlock: ComputeParameters operation failed // return; // } // aZL[i]=aCoords.Z(); // ++i; // } // aZL[i]=1.; // // // aItZL1=aZL.begin(); // aItZL2=aZL.end(); // // // // Sorting the layers // sort(aItZL1, aItZL2); //DEB /* printf("** \n\n Layers begin\n"); for(i=0, aItZL=aItZL1; aItZL!=aItZL2; ++aItZL, ++i) { printf(" #%d : %lf\n", i, *aItZL); } printf("** Layers end\n"); */ //DEB // // // 3.1 Fill maps of wall nodes SMESH_Block::TShapeID wallFaceID[4] = { SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z, SMESH_Block::ID_Fx1z, SMESH_Block::ID_F0yz, SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz }; SMESH_Block::TShapeID baseEdgeID[4] = { SMESH_Block::ID_Ex00, SMESH_Block::ID_Ex10, SMESH_Block::ID_E0y0, SMESH_Block::ID_E1y0 }; for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { int fIndex = SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( wallFaceID[ i ]); bool ok = LoadIJNodes (myWallNodesMaps[ fIndex ], TopoDS::Face( myBlock.Shape( wallFaceID[ i ] )), TopoDS::Edge( myBlock.Shape( baseEdgeID[ i ] )), pMesh->GetMeshDS()); if ( !ok ) { myErrorStatus = i + 1; MESSAGE(" Cant LoadIJNodes() from a wall face " << myErrorStatus ); return; } } // 3.2 find node columns for vertical edges and edge IDs vector * verticEdgeNodes[ 4 ]; SMESH_Block::TShapeID verticEdgeID [ 4 ]; for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { // 4 first base nodes are nodes on vertices // edge ID SMESH_Block::TShapeID eID, vID = aSIDs[ i ]; ShapeSupportID(false, vID, eID); verticEdgeID[ i ] = eID; // column nodes StdMeshers_TNode& aTNode = myTNodes[ i ]; verticEdgeNodes[ i ] = 0; for ( j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) { // loop on 4 wall faces int fIndex = SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( wallFaceID[ j ]); StdMeshers_IJNodeMap & ijNodes= myWallNodesMaps[ fIndex ]; if ( ijNodes.begin()->second[0] == aTNode.Node() ) verticEdgeNodes[ i ] = & ijNodes.begin()->second; else if ( ijNodes.rbegin()->second[0] == aTNode.Node() ) verticEdgeNodes[ i ] = & ijNodes.rbegin()->second; if ( verticEdgeNodes[ i ] ) break; } } // 3.3 set XYZ of vertices, and initialize of the rest SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = GetMesh()->GetMeshDS(); for ( int id = SMESH_Block::ID_V000; id < SMESH_Block::ID_Shell; ++id ) { if ( SMESH_Block::IsVertexID( id )) { TopoDS_Shape V = myBlock.Shape( id ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm = aMesh->MeshElements( V ); const SMDS_MeshNode* n = sm->GetNodes()->next(); myShapeXYZ[ id ].SetCoord( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); } else myShapeXYZ[ id ].SetCoord( 0., 0., 0. ); } // 4. Fill the rest repers bool bIsUpperLayer; int iBNID; SMESH_Block::TShapeID aSSID, aBNSSID; StdMeshers_TNode aTN; // // create top face and find UV for it's corners const TopoDS_Face& TopFace = TopoDS::Face(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1)); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = pMesh->GetMeshDS(); int topfaceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex(TopFace); const TopoDS_Vertex& v001 = TopoDS::Vertex(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_V001)); SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itn = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(v001)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); const SMDS_MeshNode* N = itn->next(); gp_XY UV001 = myTool->GetNodeUV(TopFace,N); const TopoDS_Vertex& v101 = TopoDS::Vertex(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_V101)); itn = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(v101)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); N = itn->next(); gp_XY UV101 = myTool->GetNodeUV(TopFace,N); const TopoDS_Vertex& v011 = TopoDS::Vertex(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_V011)); itn = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(v011)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); N = itn->next(); gp_XY UV011 = myTool->GetNodeUV(TopFace,N); const TopoDS_Vertex& v111 = TopoDS::Vertex(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_V111)); itn = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(v111)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); N = itn->next(); gp_XY UV111 = myTool->GetNodeUV(TopFace,N); for (j=0; j* nColumns[8]; double ratio[4]; // base node position between columns [0.-1.] if ( createNode ) { for ( k = 0; k < 4; ++k ) { ratio[ k ] = SetHorizEdgeXYZ (aBNXYZ, wallFaceID[ k ], nColumns[k*2], nColumns[k*2+1]); } } // // XYZ on the bottom and top faces const SMDS_MeshNode* n = aBN.Node(); myShapeXYZ[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0 ].SetCoord( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); myShapeXYZ[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1 ].SetCoord( 0., 0., 0. ); // // first create or find a top node, then the rest ones in a column for (i=myISize-1; i>0; --i) { bIsUpperLayer = (i==(myISize-1)); gp_XY UV_Ex01, UV_Ex11, UV_E0y1, UV_E1y1; if ( createNode ) { // set XYZ on vertical edges and faces for ( k = 0; k < 4; ++k ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n = (*verticEdgeNodes[ k ]) [ i ]; myShapeXYZ[ verticEdgeID[ k ] ].SetCoord( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); // n = (*nColumns[k*2]) [ i ]; gp_XY tmp1; if( i==myISize-1 ) { tmp1 = myTool->GetNodeUV(TopFace,n); tmp1 = ( 1. - ratio[ k ]) * tmp1; } gp_XYZ xyz( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); myShapeXYZ[ wallFaceID[ k ]] = ( 1. - ratio[ k ]) * xyz; n = (*nColumns[k*2+1]) [ i ]; xyz.SetCoord( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); myShapeXYZ[ wallFaceID[ k ]] += ratio[ k ] * xyz; if( i==myISize-1 ) { gp_XY tmp2 = myTool->GetNodeUV(TopFace,n); tmp1 += ratio[ k ] * tmp2; if( k==0 ) UV_Ex01 = tmp1; else if( k==1 ) UV_Ex11 = tmp1; else if( k==2 ) UV_E0y1 = tmp1; else UV_E1y1 = tmp1; } } } // fill current node info // -index in aTNodes ij=i*myJSize+j; // -normalized coordinates aX=aBNXYZ.X(); aY=aBNXYZ.Y(); //aZ=aZL[i]; aZ=(double)i/(double)(myISize-1); aCoords.SetCoord(aX, aY, aZ); // // suporting shape ID ShapeSupportID(bIsUpperLayer, aBNSSID, aSSID); if (myErrorStatus) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeNodes() "); return; } // aTN.SetShapeSupportID(aSSID); aTN.SetNormCoord(aCoords); aTN.SetBaseNodeID(iBNID); // if (aSSID!=SMESH_Block::ID_NONE){ // try to find the node const TopoDS_Shape& aS=myBlock.Shape((int)aSSID); FindNodeOnShape(aS, aCoords, i, aTN); } else{ // create node and get it id CreateNode (bIsUpperLayer, aCoords, aTN); // if ( bIsUpperLayer ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n = aTN.Node(); myShapeXYZ[ SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1 ].SetCoord( n->X(), n->Y(), n->Z() ); // set node on top face: // find UV parameter for this node // UV_Ex11 // UV011+-----+----------+UV111 // | | // | | // UV_E0y1+ +node +UV_E1y1 // | | // | | // | | // UV001+-----+----------+UV101 // UV_Ex01 gp_Pnt2d aP; double u = aCoords.X(), v = aCoords.Y(); double u1 = ( 1. - u ), v1 = ( 1. - v ); aP.ChangeCoord() = UV_Ex01 * v1; aP.ChangeCoord() += UV_Ex11 * v; aP.ChangeCoord() += UV_E0y1 * u1; aP.ChangeCoord() += UV_E1y1 * u; aP.ChangeCoord() -= UV001 * u1 * v1; aP.ChangeCoord() -= UV101 * u * v1; aP.ChangeCoord() -= UV011 * u1 * v; aP.ChangeCoord() -= UV111 * u * v; meshDS->SetNodeOnFace((SMDS_MeshNode*)n, topfaceID, aP.X(), aP.Y()); } } if (myErrorStatus) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeNodes() "); return; } // myTNodes[ij]=aTN; } } //DEB /* { int iSSID, iBNID, aID; // for (i=0; iGetID(); aX=aNode->X(); aY=aNode->Y(); aZ=aNode->Z(); printf("*** j:%d BNID#%d iSSID:%d ID:%d { %lf %lf %lf }, { %lf %lf %lf }\n", j, iBNID, iSSID, aID, aXYZ.X(), aXYZ.Y(), aXYZ.Z(), aX, aY, aZ); } } } */ //DEB t } //======================================================================= //function : FindNodeOnShape //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::FindNodeOnShape(const TopoDS_Shape& aS, const gp_XYZ& aParams, const int z, StdMeshers_TNode& aTN) { myErrorStatus=0; // double aX, aY, aZ, aD, aTol2, minD; gp_Pnt aP1, aP2; // SMESH_Mesh* pMesh = GetMesh(); aTol2 = myTol3D*myTol3D; minD = 1.e100; SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = NULL; // if ( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE || aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) { // find a face ID to which aTN belongs to int faceID; if ( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) faceID = myBlock.ShapeID( aS ); else { // edge maybe vertical or top horizontal gp_XYZ aCoord = aParams; if ( aCoord.Z() == 1. ) aCoord.SetZ( 0.5 ); // move from top down else aCoord.SetX( 0.5 ); // move along X faceID = SMESH_Block::GetShapeIDByParams( aCoord ); } ASSERT( SMESH_Block::IsFaceID( faceID )); int fIndex = SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( faceID ); StdMeshers_IJNodeMap & ijNodes = myWallNodesMaps[ fIndex ]; // look for a base node in ijNodes const SMDS_MeshNode* baseNode = pMesh->GetMeshDS()->FindNode( aTN.BaseNodeID() ); StdMeshers_IJNodeMap::const_iterator par_nVec = ijNodes.begin(); for ( ; par_nVec != ijNodes.end(); par_nVec++ ) if ( par_nVec->second[ 0 ] == baseNode ) { pNode = (SMDS_MeshNode*)par_nVec->second.at( z ); aTN.SetNode(pNode); return; } } // myBlock.Point(aParams, aS, aP1); // SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr ite= pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aS)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes(); while(ite->more()) { const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode = ite->next(); if(myTool->IsMedium(aNode)) continue; aX=aNode->X(); aY=aNode->Y(); aZ=aNode->Z(); aP2.SetCoord(aX, aY, aZ); aD=(double)aP1.SquareDistance(aP2); //printf("** D=%lf ", aD, aTol2); if (aD < minD) { pNode=(SMDS_MeshNode*)aNode; aTN.SetNode(pNode); minD = aD; //printf(" Ok\n"); if (aD*& aCol1, vector*& aCol2) { // find base and top edges of the face vector< int > edgeVec; // 0-base, 1-top SMESH_Block::GetFaceEdgesIDs( aFaceID, edgeVec ); // int coord = SMESH_Block::GetCoordIndOnEdge( edgeVec[ 0 ] ); double param = aBaseNodeParams.Coord( coord ); if ( !myBlock.IsForwadEdge( edgeVec[ 0 ] )) param = 1. - param; // // look for columns around param StdMeshers_IJNodeMap & ijNodes = myWallNodesMaps[ SMESH_Block::ShapeIndex( aFaceID )]; StdMeshers_IJNodeMap::iterator par_nVec_1 = ijNodes.begin(); while ( par_nVec_1->first < param ) par_nVec_1++; StdMeshers_IJNodeMap::iterator par_nVec_2 = par_nVec_1; // double r = 0; if ( par_nVec_1 != ijNodes.begin() ) { par_nVec_1--; r = ( param - par_nVec_1->first ) / ( par_nVec_2->first - par_nVec_1->first ); } aCol1 = & par_nVec_1->second; aCol2 = & par_nVec_2->second; // base edge const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = aCol1->front(); const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = aCol2->front(); gp_XYZ xyz1( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z() ), xyz2( n2->X(), n2->Y(), n2->Z() ); myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ 0 ] ] = ( 1. - r ) * xyz1 + r * xyz2; // top edge n1 = aCol1->back(); n2 = aCol2->back(); xyz1.SetCoord( n1->X(), n1->Y(), n1->Z() ); xyz2.SetCoord( n2->X(), n2->Y(), n2->Z() ); myShapeXYZ[ edgeVec[ 1 ] ] = ( 1. - r ) * xyz1 + r * xyz2; return r; } //======================================================================= //function : MakeVolumeMesh //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeVolumeMesh() { myErrorStatus=0; // int i, j, ij, ik, i1, i2, aSSID; // SMESH_Mesh* pMesh = GetMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = pMesh->GetMeshDS(); // int shapeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( myShape ); // // 1. Set Node In Volume ik = myISize-1; for (i=1; iSetNodeInVolume(aNode, shapeID); } } } // // 2. Make pentahedrons int aID0, k , aJ[3]; vector aN; // SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itf, aItNodes; // const TopoDS_Face& aFxy0= TopoDS::Face(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0)); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh0 = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aFxy0); SMESHDS_SubMesh *aSM0 = aSubMesh0->GetSubMeshDS(); // itf = aSM0->GetElements(); while(itf->more()) { const SMDS_MeshElement* pE0 = itf->next(); // int nbFaceNodes = pE0->NbNodes(); if(myCreateQuadratic) nbFaceNodes = nbFaceNodes/2; if ( aN.size() < nbFaceNodes * 2 ) aN.resize( nbFaceNodes * 2 ); // k=0; aItNodes=pE0->nodesIterator(); while (aItNodes->more()) { //const SMDS_MeshElement* pNode = aItNodes->next(); const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = static_cast (aItNodes->next()); if(myTool->IsMedium(pNode)) continue; aID0 = pNode->GetID(); aJ[k] = GetIndexOnLayer(aID0); if (myErrorStatus) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeVolumeMesh"); return; } // ++k; } // bool forward = true; for (i=0; iAddVolume(aN[0], aN[1], aN[2], // aN[3], aN[4], aN[5]); aV = myTool->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[1], aN[2], aN[3], aN[4], aN[5]); } else { //aV = meshDS->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[2], aN[1], // aN[3], aN[5], aN[4]); aV = myTool->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[2], aN[1], aN[3], aN[5], aN[4]); } break; case 4: if ( forward ) { //aV = meshDS->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[1], aN[2], aN[3], // aN[4], aN[5], aN[6], aN[7]); aV = myTool->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[1], aN[2], aN[3], aN[4], aN[5], aN[6], aN[7]); } else { //aV = meshDS->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[3], aN[2], aN[1], // aN[4], aN[7], aN[6], aN[5]); aV = myTool->AddVolume(aN[0], aN[3], aN[2], aN[1], aN[4], aN[7], aN[6], aN[5]); } break; default: continue; } meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(aV, shapeID); } } } //======================================================================= //function : MakeMeshOnFxy1 //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeMeshOnFxy1() { myErrorStatus=0; // int aID0, aJ, aLevel, ij, aNbNodes, k; // SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itn; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itf, aItNodes; SMDSAbs_ElementType aElementType; // const TopoDS_Face& aFxy0= TopoDS::Face(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0)); const TopoDS_Face& aFxy1= TopoDS::Face(myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1)); // SMESH_Mesh* pMesh = GetMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = pMesh->GetMeshDS(); // SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh0 = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aFxy0); SMESHDS_SubMesh *aSM0 = aSubMesh0->GetSubMeshDS(); // // set nodes on aFxy1 aLevel = myISize-1; itn = aSM0->GetNodes(); aNbNodes = aSM0->NbNodes(); //printf("** aNbNodes=%d\n", aNbNodes); // // set elements on aFxy1 vector aNodes1; // itf = aSM0->GetElements(); while(itf->more()) { const SMDS_MeshElement* pE0 = itf->next(); aElementType = pE0->GetType(); if (!aElementType==SMDSAbs_Face) { continue; } aNbNodes = pE0->NbNodes(); if(myCreateQuadratic) aNbNodes = aNbNodes/2; // if (aNbNodes!=3) { // continue; // } if ( aNodes1.size() < aNbNodes ) aNodes1.resize( aNbNodes ); // k = aNbNodes-1; // reverse a face aItNodes = pE0->nodesIterator(); while (aItNodes->more()) { //const SMDS_MeshElement* pNode = aItNodes->next(); const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = static_cast (aItNodes->next()); if(myTool->IsMedium(pNode)) continue; aID0 = pNode->GetID(); aJ = GetIndexOnLayer(aID0); if (myErrorStatus) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeMeshOnFxy1() "); return; } // ij = aLevel*myJSize + aJ; const StdMeshers_TNode& aTN1 = myTNodes[ij]; const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aTN1.Node(); aNodes1[k] = aN1; --k; } SMDS_MeshFace * face = 0; switch ( aNbNodes ) { case 3: //face = meshDS->AddFace(aNodes1[0], aNodes1[1], aNodes1[2]); face = myTool->AddFace(aNodes1[0], aNodes1[1], aNodes1[2]); break; case 4: //face = meshDS->AddFace(aNodes1[0], aNodes1[1], aNodes1[2], aNodes1[3]); face = myTool->AddFace(aNodes1[0], aNodes1[1], aNodes1[2], aNodes1[3]); break; default: continue; } meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(face, aFxy1); } } //======================================================================= //function : ClearMeshOnFxy1 //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::ClearMeshOnFxy1() { myErrorStatus=0; // SMESH_subMesh* aSubMesh; SMESH_Mesh* pMesh=GetMesh(); // const TopoDS_Shape& aFxy1=myBlock.Shape(SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy1); aSubMesh = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aFxy1); if (aSubMesh) aSubMesh->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::CLEAN ); } //======================================================================= //function : GetIndexOnLayer //purpose : //======================================================================= int StdMeshers_Penta_3D::GetIndexOnLayer(const int aID) { myErrorStatus=0; // int j=-1; StdMeshers_IteratorOfDataMapOfIntegerInteger aMapIt; // aMapIt=myConnectingMap.find(aID); if (aMapIt==myConnectingMap.end()) { myErrorStatus=200; return j; } j=(*aMapIt).second; return j; } //======================================================================= //function : MakeConnectingMap //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeConnectingMap() { int j, aBNID; // for (j=0; jGetMeshDS(); // pNode = pMeshDS->AddNode(aX, aY, aZ); aTN.SetNode(pNode); } //======================================================================= //function : ShapeSupportID //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::ShapeSupportID(const bool bIsUpperLayer, const SMESH_Block::TShapeID aBNSSID, SMESH_Block::TShapeID& aSSID) { myErrorStatus=0; // switch (aBNSSID) { case SMESH_Block::ID_V000: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_V001 : SMESH_Block::ID_E00z; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_V100: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_V101 : SMESH_Block::ID_E10z; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_V110: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_V111 : SMESH_Block::ID_E11z; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_V010: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_V011 : SMESH_Block::ID_E01z; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_Ex00: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_Ex01 : SMESH_Block::ID_Fx0z; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_Ex10: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_Ex11 : SMESH_Block::ID_Fx1z; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_E0y0: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_E0y1 : SMESH_Block::ID_F0yz; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_E1y0: aSSID=(bIsUpperLayer) ? SMESH_Block::ID_E1y1 : SMESH_Block::ID_F1yz; break; case SMESH_Block::ID_Fxy0: aSSID=SMESH_Block::ID_NONE;//(bIsUpperLayer) ? Shape_ID_Fxy1 : Shape_ID_NONE; break; default: aSSID=SMESH_Block::ID_NONE; myErrorStatus=10; // Can not find supporting shape ID break; } return; } //======================================================================= //function : MakeBlock //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() { myErrorStatus=0; // bool bFound; int i, j, iNbEV, iNbE, iErr, iCnt, iNbNodes, iNbF; // TopoDS_Vertex aV000, aV001; TopoDS_Shape aFTr; TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape aMVES; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aME ,aMEV, aM; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aIt; // TopExp::MapShapes(myShape, TopAbs_FACE, aM); // // 0. Find triangulated face aFTr SMDSAbs_ElementType aElementType; SMESH_Mesh* pMesh=GetMesh(); // iCnt = 0; iNbF = aM.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=iNbF; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aF = aM(i); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh = pMesh->GetSubMeshContaining(aF); ASSERT(aSubMesh); SMESHDS_SubMesh *aSM = aSubMesh->GetSubMeshDS(); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itf = aSM->GetElements(); while(itf->more()) { const SMDS_MeshElement * pElement = itf->next(); aElementType = pElement->GetType(); if (aElementType==SMDSAbs_Face) { iNbNodes = pElement->NbNodes(); if ( iNbNodes==3 || (myCreateQuadratic && iNbNodes==6) ) { aFTr = aF; ++iCnt; if (iCnt>1) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() "); myErrorStatus=5; // more than one face has triangulation return; } break; // next face } } } } // // 1. Vetrices V00, V001; // TopExp::MapShapes(aFTr, TopAbs_EDGE, aME); TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(myShape, TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE, aMVES); // // 1.1 Base vertex V000 iNbE = aME.Extent(); if (iNbE!=4){ MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() "); myErrorStatus=7; // too few edges are in base face aFTr return; } const TopoDS_Edge& aE1=TopoDS::Edge(aME(1)); aV000=TopExp::FirstVertex(aE1); // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLE=aMVES.FindFromKey(aV000); aIt.Initialize(aLE); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aEx=aIt.Value(); aMEV.Add(aEx); } iNbEV=aMEV.Extent(); if (iNbEV!=3){ MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() "); myErrorStatus=7; // too few edges meet in base vertex return; } // // 1.2 Vertex V001 bFound=false; for (j=1; j<=iNbEV; ++j) { const TopoDS_Shape& aEx=aMEV(j); if (!aME.Contains(aEx)) { TopoDS_Vertex aV[2]; // const TopoDS_Edge& aE=TopoDS::Edge(aEx); TopExp::Vertices(aE, aV[0], aV[1]); for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { if (!aV[i].IsSame(aV000)) { aV001=aV[i]; bFound=!bFound; break; } } } } // if (!bFound) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() "); myErrorStatus=8; // can not find reper V001 return; } //DEB //gp_Pnt aP000, aP001; // //aP000=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aV000)); //printf("*** aP000 { %lf, %lf, %lf }\n", aP000.X(), aP000.Y(), aP000.Z()); //aP001=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(aV001)); //printf("*** aP001 { %lf, %lf, %lf }\n", aP001.X(), aP001.Y(), aP001.Z()); //DEB // aME.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(myShape, TopAbs_SHELL, aME); iNbE=aME.Extent(); if (iNbE!=1) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() "); myErrorStatus=9; // number of shells in source shape !=1 return; } // // 2. Load Block const TopoDS_Shell& aShell=TopoDS::Shell(aME(1)); myBlock.Load(aShell, aV000, aV001); iErr = myBlock.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::MakeBlock() "); myErrorStatus=100; // SMESHBlock: Load operation failed return; } } //======================================================================= //function : CheckData //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_Penta_3D::CheckData() { myErrorStatus=0; // int i, iNb; int iNbEx[]={8, 12, 6}; // TopAbs_ShapeEnum aST; TopAbs_ShapeEnum aSTEx[]={ TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE }; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aM; // if (myShape.IsNull()){ MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::CheckData() "); myErrorStatus=2; // null shape return; } // aST=myShape.ShapeType(); if (!(aST==TopAbs_SOLID || aST==TopAbs_SHELL)) { MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::CheckData() "); myErrorStatus=3; // not compatible type of shape return; } // for (i=0; i<3; ++i) { aM.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(myShape, aSTEx[i], aM); iNb=aM.Extent(); if (iNb!=iNbEx[i]){ MESSAGE("StdMeshers_Penta_3D::CheckData() "); myErrorStatus=4; // number of subshape is not compatible return; } } } //======================================================================= //function : LoadIJNodes //purpose : Load nodes bound to theFace into column (vectors) and rows // of theIJNodes. // The value of theIJNodes map is a vector of ordered nodes so // that the 0-the one lies on theBaseEdge. // The key of theIJNodes map is a normalized parameter of each // 0-the node on theBaseEdge. //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_Penta_3D::LoadIJNodes(StdMeshers_IJNodeMap & theIJNodes, const TopoDS_Face& theFace, const TopoDS_Edge& theBaseEdge, SMESHDS_Mesh* theMesh) { // get vertices of theBaseEdge TopoDS_Vertex vfb, vlb, vft; // first and last, bottom and top vertices TopoDS_Edge eFrw = TopoDS::Edge( theBaseEdge.Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD )); TopExp::Vertices( eFrw, vfb, vlb ); // find the other edges of theFace and orientation of e1 TopoDS_Edge e1, e2, eTop; bool rev1, CumOri = false; TopExp_Explorer exp( theFace, TopAbs_EDGE ); int nbEdges = 0; for ( ; exp.More(); exp.Next() ) { if ( ++nbEdges > 4 ) { return false; // more than 4 edges in theFace } TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() ); if ( theBaseEdge.IsSame( e )) continue; TopoDS_Vertex vCommon; if ( !TopExp::CommonVertex( theBaseEdge, e, vCommon )) eTop = e; else if ( vCommon.IsSame( vfb )) { e1 = e; vft = TopExp::LastVertex( e1, CumOri ); rev1 = vfb.IsSame( vft ); if ( rev1 ) vft = TopExp::FirstVertex( e1, CumOri ); } else e2 = e; } if ( nbEdges < 4 ) { return false; // less than 4 edges in theFace } // submeshes corresponding to shapes SMESHDS_SubMesh* smFace = theMesh->MeshElements( theFace ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* smb = theMesh->MeshElements( theBaseEdge ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* smt = theMesh->MeshElements( eTop ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm1 = theMesh->MeshElements( e1 ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* sm2 = theMesh->MeshElements( e2 ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* smVfb = theMesh->MeshElements( vfb ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* smVlb = theMesh->MeshElements( vlb ); SMESHDS_SubMesh* smVft = theMesh->MeshElements( vft ); if (!smFace || !smb || !smt || !sm1 || !sm2 || !smVfb || !smVlb || !smVft ) { MESSAGE( "NULL submesh " <NbNodes() != smt->NbNodes() || sm1->NbNodes() != sm2->NbNodes() ) { MESSAGE(" Diff nb of nodes on opposite edges" ); return false; } if (smVfb->NbNodes() != 1 || smVlb->NbNodes() != 1 || smVft->NbNodes() != 1) { MESSAGE("Empty submesh of vertex"); return false; } if ( sm1->NbNodes() * smb->NbNodes() != smFace->NbNodes() ) { // check quadratic case if ( myCreateQuadratic ) { int n1 = sm1->NbNodes()/2; int n2 = smb->NbNodes()/2; int n3 = sm1->NbNodes() - n1; int n4 = smb->NbNodes() - n2; int nf = sm1->NbNodes()*smb->NbNodes() - n3*n4; if( nf != smFace->NbNodes() ) { MESSAGE( "Wrong nb face nodes: " << sm1->NbNodes()<<" "<NbNodes()<<" "<NbNodes()); return false; } } else { MESSAGE( "Wrong nb face nodes: " << sm1->NbNodes()<<" "<NbNodes()<<" "<NbNodes()); return false; } } // IJ size int vsize = sm1->NbNodes() + 2; int hsize = smb->NbNodes() + 2; if(myCreateQuadratic) { vsize = vsize - sm1->NbNodes()/2 -1; hsize = hsize - smb->NbNodes()/2 -1; } // load nodes from theBaseEdge set loadedNodes; const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0; vector & nVecf = theIJNodes[ 0.]; nVecf.resize( vsize, nullNode ); loadedNodes.insert( nVecf[ 0 ] = smVfb->GetNodes()->next() ); vector & nVecl = theIJNodes[ 1.]; nVecl.resize( vsize, nullNode ); loadedNodes.insert( nVecl[ 0 ] = smVlb->GetNodes()->next() ); double f, l; BRep_Tool::Range( eFrw, f, l ); double range = l - f; SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr nIt = smb->GetNodes(); const SMDS_MeshNode* node; while ( nIt->more() ) { node = nIt->next(); if(myTool->IsMedium(node)) continue; const SMDS_EdgePosition* pos = dynamic_cast( node->GetPosition().get() ); if ( !pos ) { return false; } double u = ( pos->GetUParameter() - f ) / range; vector & nVec = theIJNodes[ u ]; nVec.resize( vsize, nullNode ); loadedNodes.insert( nVec[ 0 ] = node ); } if ( theIJNodes.size() != hsize ) { MESSAGE( "Wrong node positions on theBaseEdge" ); return false; } // load nodes from e1 map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode*> sortedNodes; // sort by param on edge nIt = sm1->GetNodes(); while ( nIt->more() ) { node = nIt->next(); if(myTool->IsMedium(node)) continue; const SMDS_EdgePosition* pos = dynamic_cast( node->GetPosition().get() ); if ( !pos ) { return false; } sortedNodes.insert( make_pair( pos->GetUParameter(), node )); } loadedNodes.insert( nVecf[ vsize - 1 ] = smVft->GetNodes()->next() ); map< double, const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator u_n = sortedNodes.begin(); int row = rev1 ? vsize - 1 : 0; for ( ; u_n != sortedNodes.end(); u_n++ ) { if ( rev1 ) row--; else row++; loadedNodes.insert( nVecf[ row ] = u_n->second ); } // try to load the rest nodes // get all faces from theFace set allFaces, foundFaces; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr eIt = smFace->GetElements(); while ( eIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshElement* e = eIt->next(); if ( e->GetType() == SMDSAbs_Face ) allFaces.insert( e ); } // Starting from 2 neighbour nodes on theBaseEdge, look for a face // the nodes belong to, and between the nodes of the found face, // look for a not loaded node considering this node to be the next // in a column of the starting second node. Repeat, starting // from nodes next to the previous starting nodes in their columns, // and so on while a face can be found. Then go the the next pair // of nodes on theBaseEdge. StdMeshers_IJNodeMap::iterator par_nVec_1 = theIJNodes.begin(); StdMeshers_IJNodeMap::iterator par_nVec_2 = par_nVec_1; // loop on columns int col = 0; for ( par_nVec_2++; par_nVec_2 != theIJNodes.end(); par_nVec_1++, par_nVec_2++ ) { col++; row = 0; const SMDS_MeshNode* n1 = par_nVec_1->second[ row ]; const SMDS_MeshNode* n2 = par_nVec_2->second[ row ]; const SMDS_MeshElement* face = 0; do { // look for a face by 2 nodes face = SMESH_MeshEditor::FindFaceInSet( n1, n2, allFaces, foundFaces ); if ( face ) { int nbFaceNodes = face->NbNodes(); if ( (!myCreateQuadratic && nbFaceNodes>4) || (myCreateQuadratic && nbFaceNodes>8) ) { MESSAGE(" Too many nodes in a face: " << nbFaceNodes ); return false; } // look for a not loaded node of the bool found = false; const SMDS_MeshNode* n3 = 0; // a node defferent from n1 and n2 eIt = face->nodesIterator() ; while ( !found && eIt->more() ) { node = static_cast( eIt->next() ); if(myTool->IsMedium(node)) continue; found = loadedNodes.insert( node ).second; if ( !found && node != n1 && node != n2 ) n3 = node; } if ( found ) { if ( ++row > vsize - 1 ) { MESSAGE( "Too many nodes in column "<< col <<": "<< row+1); return false; } par_nVec_2->second[ row ] = node; foundFaces.insert( face ); n2 = node; if ( nbFaceNodes==4 || (myCreateQuadratic && nbFaceNodes==8) ) { n1 = par_nVec_1->second[ row ]; } } else if ( (nbFaceNodes==3 || (myCreateQuadratic && nbFaceNodes==6) ) && n3 == par_nVec_1->second[ row ] ) { n1 = n3; } else { MESSAGE( "Not quad mesh, column "<< col ); return false; } } } while ( face && n1 && n2 ); if ( row < vsize - 1 ) { MESSAGE( "Too few nodes in column "<< col <<": "<< row+1); MESSAGE( "Base node 1: "<< par_nVec_1->second[0]); MESSAGE( "Base node 2: "<< par_nVec_2->second[0]); MESSAGE( "Current node 1: "<< n1); MESSAGE( "Current node 2: "<< n2); MESSAGE( "first base node: "<< theIJNodes.begin()->second[0]); MESSAGE( "last base node: "<< theIJNodes.rbegin()->second[0]); return false; } } // loop on columns return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // StdMeshers_SMESHBlock // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //======================================================================= //function : StdMeshers_SMESHBlock //purpose : //======================================================================= StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::StdMeshers_SMESHBlock() { myErrorStatus=1; myIsEdgeForward.resize( SMESH_Block::NbEdges(), -1 ); } //======================================================================= //function : IsForwadEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= bool StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::IsForwadEdge(const int theEdgeID) { int index = myTBlock.ShapeIndex( theEdgeID ); if ( !myTBlock.IsEdgeID( theEdgeID )) return false; if ( myIsEdgeForward[ index ] < 0 ) myIsEdgeForward[ index ] = myTBlock.IsForwardEdge( TopoDS::Edge( Shape( theEdgeID )), myShapeIDMap ); return myIsEdgeForward[ index ]; } //======================================================================= //function : ErrorStatus //purpose : //======================================================================= int StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::ErrorStatus() const { return myErrorStatus; } //======================================================================= //function : Load //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::Load(const TopoDS_Shell& theShell) { TopoDS_Vertex aV000, aV001; // Load(theShell, aV000, aV001); } //======================================================================= //function : Load //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::Load(const TopoDS_Shell& theShell, const TopoDS_Vertex& theV000, const TopoDS_Vertex& theV001) { myErrorStatus=0; // myShell=theShell; // bool bOk; // myShapeIDMap.Clear(); bOk = myTBlock.LoadBlockShapes(myShell, theV000, theV001, myShapeIDMap); if (!bOk) { myErrorStatus=2; return; } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeParameters //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::ComputeParameters(const gp_Pnt& thePnt, gp_XYZ& theXYZ) { ComputeParameters(thePnt, myShell, theXYZ); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeParameters //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::ComputeParameters(const gp_Pnt& thePnt, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, gp_XYZ& theXYZ) { myErrorStatus=0; // int aID; bool bOk; // aID = ShapeID(theShape); if (myErrorStatus) { return; } bOk = myTBlock.ComputeParameters(thePnt, theXYZ, aID); if (!bOk) { myErrorStatus=4; // problems with computation Parameters return; } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeParameters //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::ComputeParameters(const double& theU, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, gp_XYZ& theXYZ) { myErrorStatus=0; // int aID; bool bOk=false; // aID = ShapeID(theShape); if (myErrorStatus) { return; } if ( SMESH_Block::IsEdgeID( aID )) bOk = myTBlock.EdgeParameters( aID, theU, theXYZ ); if (!bOk) { myErrorStatus=4; // problems with computation Parameters return; } } //======================================================================= //function : Point //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::Point(const gp_XYZ& theParams, gp_Pnt& aP3D) { TopoDS_Shape aS; // Point(theParams, aS, aP3D); } //======================================================================= //function : Point //purpose : //======================================================================= void StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::Point(const gp_XYZ& theParams, const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, gp_Pnt& aP3D) { myErrorStatus = 0; // int aID; bool bOk = false; gp_XYZ aXYZ(99.,99.,99.); aP3D.SetXYZ(aXYZ); // if (theShape.IsNull()) { bOk = myTBlock.ShellPoint(theParams, aXYZ); } // else { aID=ShapeID(theShape); if (myErrorStatus) { return; } // if (SMESH_Block::IsVertexID(aID)) { bOk = myTBlock.VertexPoint(aID, aXYZ); } else if (SMESH_Block::IsEdgeID(aID)) { bOk = myTBlock.EdgePoint(aID, theParams, aXYZ); } // else if (SMESH_Block::IsFaceID(aID)) { bOk = myTBlock.FacePoint(aID, theParams, aXYZ); } } if (!bOk) { myErrorStatus=4; // problems with point computation return; } aP3D.SetXYZ(aXYZ); } //======================================================================= //function : ShapeID //purpose : //======================================================================= int StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::ShapeID(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) { myErrorStatus=0; // int aID=-1; TopoDS_Shape aSF, aSR; // aSF=theShape; aSF.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); aSR=theShape; aSR.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); // if (myShapeIDMap.Contains(aSF)) { aID=myShapeIDMap.FindIndex(aSF); return aID; } if (myShapeIDMap.Contains(aSR)) { aID=myShapeIDMap.FindIndex(aSR); return aID; } myErrorStatus=2; // unknown shape; return aID; } //======================================================================= //function : Shape //purpose : //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Shape& StdMeshers_SMESHBlock::Shape(const int theID) { myErrorStatus=0; // int aNb; // aNb=myShapeIDMap.Extent(); if (theID<1 || theID>aNb) { myErrorStatus=3; // ID is out of range return myEmptyShape; } // const TopoDS_Shape& aS=myShapeIDMap.FindKey(theID); return aS; }