/*! \page constructing_submeshes_page Constructing submeshes \n Construction of a submesh consists of:
To construct a submesh: \par From the \b Mesh menu select Local Hyp. or click "Create Sum-mesh" button in the toolbar. \image html image33.gif
"Create Sum-mesh" button
\par The following dialog box will appear: \image html createmesh-inv2.png \par It allows to define the \b Name, the parent \b Mesh and the \b Geometry (e.g. a face if the parent mesh has been built on box) of the submesh. You can define algorithms and hypotheses in the same way as in \ref constructing_meshes_page "Create mesh" menu. \par In the Object Browser the structure of the new submesh will be displayed as follows: \image html image10.jpg \par It contains:
See Also a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_construction_submesh "Construct Submesh" operation. */