# Deflection and Number of Segments import salome salome.salome_init_without_session() import GEOM from salome.geom import geomBuilder geompy = geomBuilder.New() import SMESH, SALOMEDS from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder smesh = smeshBuilder.New() # create a face from arc and straight segment px = geompy.MakeVertex(100., 0. , 0. ) py = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 100., 0. ) pz = geompy.MakeVertex(0. , 0. , 100.) exy = geompy.MakeEdge(px, py) arc = geompy.MakeArc(py, pz, px) wire = geompy.MakeWire([exy, arc]) isPlanarFace = 1 face1 = geompy.MakeFace(wire, isPlanarFace) geompy.addToStudy(face1,"Face1") # get edges from the face e_straight,e_arc = geompy.SubShapeAll(face1, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"]) geompy.addToStudyInFather(face1, e_arc, "Arc Edge") # create hexahedral mesh hexa = smesh.Mesh(face1, "Face : triangle mesh") # define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut a straight edge in a fixed number of segments algo1D = hexa.Segment() algo1D.NumberOfSegments(6) # define "MaxElementArea" hypothesis algo2D = hexa.Triangle() algo2D.MaxElementArea(70.0) # define a local "Deflection1D" hypothesis on the arc algo_local = hexa.Segment(e_arc) algo_local.Deflection1D(1.0) # compute the mesh hexa.Compute()