// Copyright (C) 2007-2019 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include "SMESHGUI_MeshInfo.h" #include "SMDS_Mesh.hxx" #include "SMESH_Actor.h" #include "SMESHGUI.h" #include "SMESHGUI_FilterUtils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_IdPreview.h" #include "SMESHGUI_IdValidator.h" #include "SMESHGUI_SpinBox.h" #include "SMESHGUI_Utils.h" #include "SMESHGUI_VTKUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class Field /// \brief Field widget. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Field : public QLabel { public: Field( QWidget*, const QString& = QString() ); bool event( QEvent* ); }; /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. \param name Field name. Defaults to null string. */ Field::Field( QWidget* parent, const QString& name ): QLabel( parent ) { setFrameStyle( QLabel::StyledPanel | QLabel::Sunken ); setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); setAutoFillBackground( true ); QPalette pal = palette(); QColor base = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base ); pal.setColor( QPalette::Window, base ); setPalette( pal ); setMinimumWidth( 60 ); if ( !name.isEmpty() ) setObjectName( name ); } /*! \brief Event handler. Redefined from QLabel. */ bool Field::event( QEvent* e ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange ) { QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent* ce = (QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent*)e; if ( ce->propertyName() == "value" && property( "value" ).isValid() ) { setText( QString::number( property( "value" ).toInt() ) ); setProperty( "value", QVariant() ); return true; } } return QLabel::event( e ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class TreeItemCreator /// \brief Generic tree item creator. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TreeItemCreator { public: TreeItemCreator() {} virtual ~TreeItemCreator() {} virtual QTreeWidgetItem* createItem( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General purpose services. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { const int SPACING = 6; const int MARGIN = 9; enum { Bold = 0x01, Italic = 0x02, AllColumns = 0x04, Expanded = 0x08, Editable = 0x10 }; enum { GroupsId = 100, SubMeshesId }; enum { TypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 10, IdRole, }; enum { NodeConnectivity = 100, ElemConnectivity, }; /*! \brief Get item's depth in the tree. \param item Tree widget item. \return Item's depth in the tree widget (top-level item has zero depth). \internal */ int itemDepth( QTreeWidgetItem* item ) { QList parents; parents << item; while ( parents.last()->parent() ) parents << parents.last()->parent(); return parents.size()-1; } /*! \brief Get chunk size. \return Chunk size. \internal */ int blockSize() { return 10; } /*! \brief Get spacer. \return Spacer string. \internal */ QString spacing() { static int size = 1; static QChar spacer = ' '; return QString( size, spacer ); } /*! \brief Get indent. \param length Indent size. Defaults to 1. \return Indentation string. \internal */ QString indent( int length = 1 ) { static int size = 4; static QChar spacer = ' '; return QString( size * length, spacer ); } /*! \brief Get indent. \param spacer Spacer. \param length Indent size. Defaults to 1. \return Indentation string. \internal */ QString indent( const QString& spacer, uint length = 1 ) { QString result; while( length-- > 0 ) result += spacer; return result; } /*! \brief Get group separator. \param length Length of ruler (number of symbols). Defaults to 80. \return Ruler string. \internal */ QString ruler( int length = 80 ) { static QChar ruler = '-'; return QString( length, ruler ); } /*! \brief Get text value from label. \param w Widget (QLabel). \return Value string. \internal */ QString widgetValue( QWidget* w ) { QString v; if ( qobject_cast( w ) ) v = qobject_cast( w )->text(); return v; } /*! \brief Get font for given options. \param font Initial font. \param options Font attributes. \return Font. */ QFont fontFromOptions( const QFont& font, int options ) { QFont f = font; f.setBold( options & Bold ); f.setItalic( options & Italic ); return f; } /*! \brief Set font attributes to given widget. \param w Widget. \param options Font attributes. */ void setFontAttributes( QWidget* w, int options ) { if ( w ) w->setFont( fontFromOptions( w->font(), options ) ); } /*! \brief Set attributes to given tree item. \param item Tree widget item. \param options Item attributes. */ void setTreeItemAttributes( QTreeWidgetItem* item, int options ) { if ( item && item->treeWidget() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < item->treeWidget()->columnCount(); i++ ) { if ( i == 0 || options & AllColumns ) item->setFont( i, fontFromOptions( item->font( 0 ), options) ); } } if ( options & Expanded ) item->setExpanded( true ); if ( options & Editable ) item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } /*! \brief Create label. \param parent Parent widget. \param options Label options. Defaults to 0 (none). \return New label. */ QLabel* createLabel( QWidget* parent, int options = 0 ) { QLabel* lab = new QLabel( parent ); setFontAttributes( lab, options ); return lab; } /*! \brief Create label. \param text Label text. \param parent Parent widget. \param options Label options. Defaults to 0 (none). \return New label. */ QLabel* createLabel( const QString& text, QWidget* parent, int options = 0 ) { QLabel* lab = createLabel( parent, options ); lab->setText( text ); return lab; } /*! \brief Create information field. \param parent Parent widget. \param name Field's object. Default to null string. \return New field. */ QLabel* createField( QWidget* parent, const QString& name = QString() ) { return new Field( parent, name ); } /*! \brief Create information field. \param parent Parent widget. \param options Label options. \param name Field's object. Default to null string. \return New field. */ QLabel* createField( QWidget* parent, int options, const QString& name = QString() ) { QLabel* field = createField( parent, name ); setFontAttributes( field, options ); return field; } /*! \brief Create ruler. \param parent Parent widget. \param orientation Ruler orientation. Defaults to horizontal. \return New ruler. */ QWidget* createSeparator( QWidget* parent, Qt::Orientation orientation = Qt::Horizontal ) { QFrame* line = new QFrame( parent ); line->setFrameShape( orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? QFrame::HLine : QFrame::HLine ); line->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); return line; } /*! \brief Decorate text as bold. \param text Initial text. \return Decorated text. */ QString bold( const QString& text ) { return QString("%1").arg( text ); } /*! \brief Format connectivity data to string representation. \param connectivity Connectivity map. \param type Element type or face index if negative \return Stringified representation of the connectivity. */ QString formatConnectivity( SMESH::Connectivity connectivity, int type ) { QStringList str; QString result; bool isNodal = ( type == SMDSAbs_Node || type < 0 ); type = qAbs( type ); if ( connectivity.contains( type )) { QList elements = connectivity[ type ]; if ( !isNodal ) // order of nodes is important qSort( elements ); foreach( int id, elements ) str << QString::number( id ); // wrap IDs into an html link, to be treated by QTextBrowser used by SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo QString s = str.join( " " ); result = ( "" + // path s + "" ); // anchor text } return result; } } // end of anonymous namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_Info /// \brief Base widget for all information panes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_Info::SMESHGUI_Info( QWidget* parent ): QWidget( parent ) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class ExtraWidget /// \brief Auxiliary widget to browse between chunks of information. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ExtraWidget : public QWidget { public: ExtraWidget( QWidget*, bool = false ); void updateControls( int, int ); public: QLabel* current; QPushButton* prev; QPushButton* next; bool brief; }; /* \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. \param briefSummary Show summary in brief format. Defaults to \c false. */ ExtraWidget::ExtraWidget( QWidget* parent, bool briefSummary ): QWidget( parent ), brief( briefSummary ) { current = new QLabel( this ); current->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter ); prev = new QPushButton( "<<", this ); next = new QPushButton( ">>", this ); QHBoxLayout* hbl = new QHBoxLayout( this ); hbl->setMargin( 0 ); hbl->setSpacing( SPACING ); hbl->addStretch(); hbl->addWidget( current ); hbl->addWidget( prev ); hbl->addWidget( next ); } /* \brief Update controls. \param total Total number of items. \param index Current index. */ void ExtraWidget::updateControls( int total, int index ) { setVisible( total > blockSize() ); QString format = brief ? QString( "%1-%2 / %3" ) : SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::tr( "X_FROM_Y_ITEMS_SHOWN" ); current->setText( format.arg( index*blockSize()+1 ).arg( qMin( index*blockSize()+blockSize(), total ) ).arg( total ) ); prev->setEnabled( index > 0 ); next->setEnabled( (index+1)*blockSize() < total ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class DumpFileDlg /// \brief Standard Save File dialog box, customized for dump info operation. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class DumpFileDlg : public SUIT_FileDlg { QMap myControls; public: DumpFileDlg( QWidget*, bool = true ); bool isChecked( int ) const; void setChecked( int, bool ); }; /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. \param showControls Show additional controls. Defaults to \c true. \internal */ DumpFileDlg::DumpFileDlg( QWidget* parent, bool showControls ): SUIT_FileDlg( parent, false, true, true ) { if ( showControls ) { QWidget* hB = new QWidget( this ); myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::BaseInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_BASE_INFO" ), hB ); myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::ElemInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_ELEM_INFO" ), hB ); myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::AddInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_ADD_INFO" ), hB ); myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::CtrlInfo] = new QCheckBox( SMESHGUI::tr( "PREF_DUMP_CTRL_INFO" ), hB ); QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout( hB ); layout->setMargin( 0 ); layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::BaseInfo], 0, 0 ); layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::ElemInfo], 0, 1 ); layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::AddInfo], 1, 0 ); layout->addWidget( myControls[SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::CtrlInfo], 1, 1 ); addWidgets( 0, hB, 0 ); } } /*! \brief Get control's value. \param option Control identifier. \return Control value. \internal */ bool DumpFileDlg::isChecked( int option ) const { return myControls.contains( option ) ? myControls[option]->isChecked() : false; } /*! \brief Set control's initial value. \param option Control identifier. \param value Control value. \internal */ void DumpFileDlg::setChecked( int option, bool value ) { if ( myControls.contains( option ) ) myControls[option]->setChecked( value ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_BaseInfo /// \brief Show basic information on selected object. /// /// Displays the base information about selected object: mesh, sub-mesh, group /// or arbitrary ID source. /// \todo Hide unnecessary widgets (e.g. for mesh group). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::SMESHGUI_BaseInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent ) { QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout( this ); l->setMargin( MARGIN ); l->setSpacing( SPACING ); // object info // - name addWidget( createLabel( tr( "NAME_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iName, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "meshName" ), iName, iSingle, 4 )->setMinimumWidth( 150 ); // - type addWidget( createLabel( tr( "OBJECT_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iObject, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "meshType" ), iObject, iSingle, 4 )->setMinimumWidth( 150 ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iObjectEnd, iLabel, 5 ); // node info // - info addWidget( createLabel( tr( "NODES_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iNodes, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbNodes" ), iNodes, iTotal ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iNodesEnd, iLabel, 5 ); // element info // - title addWidget( createLabel( tr( "ELEMENTS_LAB" ), this, Bold ), iElementsTitle, iLabel ); addWidget( createLabel( tr( "TOTAL_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iTotal ); addWidget( createLabel( tr( "LINEAR_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iLinear ); addWidget( createLabel( tr( "QUADRATIC_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createLabel( tr( "BI_QUADRATIC_LAB" ), this, Italic ), iElementsTitle, iBiQuadratic ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iElementsTitleEnd, iTotal, 4 ); // - summary addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbElems" ), iElementsTotal, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbLinearElems" ), iElementsTotal, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbQuadraticElems" ), iElementsTotal, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, "totalNbBiQuadraticElems" ), iElementsTotal, iBiQuadratic ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iElementsTotalEnd, iTotal, 4 ); // - 0D elements info addWidget( createLabel( tr( "0D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i0D, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "nb0D" ), i0D, iTotal ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), i0DEnd, iTotal, 4 ); // - balls info addWidget( createLabel( tr( "BALL_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), iBalls, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbBall" ), iBalls, iTotal ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), iBallsEnd, iTotal, 4 ); // - 1D elements info addWidget( createLabel( tr( "1D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i1D, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "nb1D" ), i1D, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbLinear1D" ), i1D, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbQuadratic1D" ), i1D, iQuadratic ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), i1DEnd, iTotal, 4 ); // - 2D elements info // --+ summary addWidget( createLabel( tr( "2D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i2D, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "nb2D" ), i2D, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbLinear2D" ), i2D, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbQuadratic2D" ), i2D, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbBiQuadratic2D" ), i2D, iBiQuadratic ); // --+ triangles addWidget( createLabel( tr( "TRIANGLES_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i2DTriangles, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticTriangle" ), i2DTriangles, iBiQuadratic ); // --+ quadrangles addWidget( createLabel( tr( "QUADRANGLES_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i2DQuadrangles, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticQuadrangle" ), i2DQuadrangles, iBiQuadratic ); // --+ polygons addWidget( createLabel( tr( "POLYGONS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i2DPolygons, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPolygon" ), i2DPolygons, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearPolygon" ), i2DPolygons, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticPolygon" ), i2DPolygons, iQuadratic ); // - --- (separator) addWidget( createSeparator( this ), i2DEnd, iTotal, 4 ); // - 3D elements info // --+ summary addWidget( createLabel( tr( "3D_LAB" ), this, Bold | Italic ), i3D, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, "nb3D" ), i3D, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbLinear3D" ), i3D, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbQuadratic3D" ), i3D, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, "nbBiQuadratic3D" ), i3D, iBiQuadratic ); // --+ tetras addWidget( createLabel( tr( "TETRAHEDRONS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DTetrahedrons, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbTetrahedron" ), i3DTetrahedrons, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearTetrahedron" ), i3DTetrahedrons, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQudraticTetrahedron" ), i3DTetrahedrons, iQuadratic ); // --+ hexas addWidget( createLabel( tr( "HEXAHEDONRS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DHexahedrons, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticHexahedron" ), i3DHexahedrons, iBiQuadratic ); // --+ pyramids addWidget( createLabel( tr( "PYRAMIDS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DPyramids, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPyramid" ), i3DPyramids, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearPyramid" ), i3DPyramids, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticPyramid" ), i3DPyramids, iQuadratic ); // --+ prisms addWidget( createLabel( tr( "PRISMS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DPrisms, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iTotal ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbLinearPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iLinear ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbQuadraticPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iQuadratic ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbBiQuadraticPrism" ), i3DPrisms, iBiQuadratic ); // --+ hexagonal prisms addWidget( createLabel( tr( "HEX_PRISMS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DHexaPrisms, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbHexagonalPrism" ), i3DHexaPrisms, iTotal ); // --+ polyhedrons addWidget( createLabel( tr( "POLYHEDRONS_LAB" ), this, Italic ), i3DPolyhedrons, iLabel ); addWidget( createField( this, Italic, "nbPolyhedron" ), i3DPolyhedrons, iTotal ); // load button QPushButton* loadBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_LOAD_MESH" ), this ); loadBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); connect( loadBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( loadMesh() ) ); addWidget( loadBtn, iEnd, iSingle, 4 ); // additional layout set-up l->setColumnStretch( iLabel, 0 ); l->setColumnStretch( iTotal, 5 ); l->setColumnStretch( iLinear, 5 ); l->setColumnStretch( iQuadratic, 5 ); l->setColumnStretch( iBiQuadratic, 5 ); l->setRowStretch( iElementsEnd, 5 ); // set initial values clear(); } /*! \brief Destructor. */ SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::~SMESHGUI_BaseInfo() { } /*! \brief Show information on given object. \param proxy Object to show information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source). */ void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { // reset panel clear(); // then fill panel with data if object is not null if ( proxy ) { myProxy = proxy; SMESH::MeshInfo info = proxy.meshInfo(); // object info // - name widget( iName, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", proxy.name() ); // - type QString typeName; SMESH::SelectionProxy::Type type = proxy.type(); if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Mesh ) { typeName = tr( "OBJECT_MESH" ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Submesh ) { typeName = tr( "OBJECT_SUBMESH" ); } else if ( type >= SMESH::SelectionProxy::Group ) { switch( proxy.groupElementType() ) { case SMESH::NODE: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_NODES" ); break; case SMESH::EDGE: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_EDGES" ); break; case SMESH::FACE: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_FACES" ); break; case SMESH::VOLUME: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_VOLUMES" ); break; case SMESH::ELEM0D: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_0DELEMS" ); break; case SMESH::BALL: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_BALLS" ); break; default: typeName = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP" ); break; } QString subType; if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd ) subType = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_STANDALONE" ); else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom ) subType = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_GEOM" ); else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter ) subType = tr( "OBJECT_GROUP_FILTER" ); if ( !subType.isEmpty() ) typeName = QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( typeName, subType ); } widget( iObject, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", typeName ); // node info uint nbNodes = info[SMDSEntity_Node]; widget( iNodes, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbNodes ); // element info // - 0D elements info uint nb0d = info[SMDSEntity_0D]; widget( i0D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb0d ); // - balls info uint nbBalls = info[SMDSEntity_Ball]; widget( iBalls, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbBalls ); // - 1D elements info uint nb1dLin = info[SMDSEntity_Edge]; uint nb1dQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge]; uint nb1d = nb1dLin + nb1dQua; widget( i1D, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nb1dLin ); widget( i1D, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb1dQua ); widget( i1D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb1d ); // - 2D elements info // --+ triangles uint nbTriLin = info[SMDSEntity_Triangle]; uint nbTriQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle]; uint nbTriBiq = info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Triangle]; uint nbTri = nbTriLin + nbTriQua + nbTriBiq; widget( i2DTriangles, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbTriLin ); widget( i2DTriangles, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbTriQua ); widget( i2DTriangles, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbTriBiq ); widget( i2DTriangles, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbTri ); // --+ quadrangles uint nbQuadLin = info[SMDSEntity_Quadrangle]; uint nbQuadQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle]; uint nbQuadBiq = info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Quadrangle]; uint nbQuad = nbQuadLin + nbQuadQua + nbQuadBiq; widget( i2DQuadrangles, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbQuadLin ); widget( i2DQuadrangles, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbQuadQua ); widget( i2DQuadrangles, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbQuadBiq ); widget( i2DQuadrangles, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbQuad ); // --+ polygons uint nbPolyLin = info[SMDSEntity_Polygon]; uint nbPolyQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Polygon]; uint nbPoly = nbPolyLin + nbPolyQua; widget( i2DPolygons, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbPolyLin ); widget( i2DPolygons, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPolyQua ); widget( i2DPolygons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPoly ); // --+ summary uint nb2dLin = nbTriLin + nbQuadLin + nbPolyLin; uint nb2dQua = nbTriQua + nbQuadQua + nbPolyQua; uint nb2dBiq = nbTriBiq + nbQuadBiq; uint nb2d = nb2dLin + nb2dQua + nb2dBiq; widget( i2D, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nb2dLin ); widget( i2D, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb2dQua ); widget( i2D, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb2dBiq ); widget( i2D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb2d ); // - 3D elements info // --+ tetras uint nbTetraLin = info[SMDSEntity_Tetra]; uint nbTetraQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Tetra]; uint nbTetra = nbTetraLin + nbTetraQua; widget( i3DTetrahedrons, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbTetraLin ); widget( i3DTetrahedrons, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbTetraQua ); widget( i3DTetrahedrons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbTetra ); // --+ hexas uint nbHexaLin = info[SMDSEntity_Hexa]; uint nbHexaQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa]; uint nbHexaBiq = info[SMDSEntity_TriQuad_Hexa]; uint nbHexa = nbHexaLin + nbHexaQua + nbHexaBiq; widget( i3DHexahedrons, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaLin ); widget( i3DHexahedrons, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaQua ); widget( i3DHexahedrons, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaBiq ); widget( i3DHexahedrons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbHexa ); // --+ pyramids uint nbPyraLin = info[SMDSEntity_Pyramid]; uint nbPyraQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Pyramid]; uint nbPyra = nbPyraLin + nbPyraQua; widget( i3DPyramids, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbPyraLin ); widget( i3DPyramids, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPyraQua ); widget( i3DPyramids, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPyra ); // --+ prisms uint nbPentaLin = info[SMDSEntity_Penta]; uint nbPentaQua = info[SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta]; uint nbPentaBiq = info[SMDSEntity_BiQuad_Penta]; uint nbPenta = nbPentaLin + nbPentaQua + nbPentaBiq; widget( i3DPrisms, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbPentaLin ); widget( i3DPrisms, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPentaQua ); widget( i3DPrisms, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbPentaBiq ); widget( i3DPrisms, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPenta ); // --+ hexagonal prisms uint nbHexaPri = info[SMDSEntity_Hexagonal_Prism]; widget( i3DHexaPrisms, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbHexaPri ); // --+ polyhedrons uint nbPolyhedra = info[SMDSEntity_Polyhedra]; widget( i3DPolyhedrons, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbPolyhedra ); // --+ summary uint nb3dLin = nbTetraLin + nbHexaLin + nbPyraLin + nbPentaLin + nbHexaPri + nbPolyhedra; uint nb3dQua = nbTetraQua + nbHexaQua + nbPyraQua + nbPentaQua; uint nb3dBiq = nbHexaBiq + nbPentaBiq; uint nb3d = nb3dLin + nb3dQua + nb3dBiq; widget( i3D, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nb3dLin ); widget( i3D, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb3dQua ); widget( i3D, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nb3dBiq ); widget( i3D, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nb3d ); // - summary uint nbElemLin = nb1dLin + nb2dLin + nb3dLin; uint nbElemQua = nb1dQua + nb2dQua + nb3dQua; uint nbElemBiq = nb2dBiq + nb3dBiq; uint nbElem = nb0d + nbBalls + nb1d + nb2d + nb3d; widget( iElementsTotal, iLinear )->setProperty( "value", nbElemLin ); widget( iElementsTotal, iQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbElemQua ); widget( iElementsTotal, iBiQuadratic )->setProperty( "value", nbElemBiq ); widget( iElementsTotal, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", nbElem ); // show 'Load' button if data was not loaded yet widget( iEnd, iSingle )->setVisible( !proxy.isValid() ); // until data is loaded from study file, type of elements in a sub-mesh or group // can be undefined in some cases if ( !proxy.isValid() ) { // two cases are possible: // 1. type of 2D or 3D elements is unknown but their nb is OK (for a sub-mesh) // 2. there is no info at all (for a group on geom or on filter) if ( info.count( SMDSEntity_Node, SMDSEntity_Last ) > 0 ) // believe it is a sub-mesh { if ( nb2dLin + nb2dQua + nb2dBiq > 0 ) { // we know nothing about triangles, quadranges and polygons for ( int i = i2DTriangles; i < i2DEnd; i++ ) { for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ ) { if ( widget( i, j ) ) widget( i, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); } } // we don't know if elements are linear, quadratic or bi-quadratic for ( int j = iLinear; j < iNbColumns; j++ ) { if ( widget( i2D, j ) ) widget( i2D, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); if ( widget( iElementsTotal, j ) ) widget( iElementsTotal, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); } } else if ( nb3dLin + nb3dQua + nb3dBiq > 0 ) { // we know nothing about tetras, hexas, etc. for ( int i = i3DTetrahedrons; i < i3DEnd; i++ ) { for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ ) { if ( widget( i, j ) ) widget( i, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); } } // we don't know if elements are linear, quadratic or bi-quadratic for ( int j = iLinear; j < iNbColumns; j++ ) { if ( widget( i3D, j ) ) widget( i3D, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); if ( widget( iElementsTotal, j ) ) widget( iElementsTotal, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); } } } else { // we know nothing about nodes :( widget( iNodes, iTotal )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); // we know nothing about elements :( for ( int i = iElementsTotal; i < iElementsEnd; i++ ) { for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ ) { if ( widget( i, j ) ) widget( i, j )->setProperty( "text", "?" ); } } } } } } /*! \brief Update information in panel. */ void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::updateInfo() { showInfo( myProxy ); } /*! \brief Load mesh from a study file. */ void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::loadMesh() { SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if ( myProxy ) { myProxy.load(); updateInfo(); } } /*! \brief Reset panel (clear all data). */ void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::clear() { // - name widget( iName, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", QString() ); // - type widget( iObject, iSingle )->setProperty( "text", QString() ); // - nodes widget( iNodes, iTotal )->setProperty( "value", 0 ); // - elements for ( int i = iElementsTotal; i < iElementsEnd; i++ ) { for ( int j = iTotal; j < iNbColumns; j++ ) { if ( widget( i, j ) ) widget( i, j )->setProperty( "value", 0 ); } } // hide 'Load' button widget( iEnd, iSingle )->setVisible( false ); } /*! \brief Register widget in a grid. \param w Widget being added. \param row Row index in a grid. \param column Column index in a grid. \param colspan Number of columns to span in a grid. Defaults to 1. \return Just added widget. */ QWidget* SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::addWidget( QWidget* w, int row, int column, int colspan ) { if ( !myWidgets.contains( row ) ) myWidgets[row] = wlist(); myWidgets[row][column] = w; dynamic_cast( layout() )->addWidget( w, row, column, 1, colspan ); return w; } /*! \brief Get registered widget. \param row Row index in a grid. \param column Column index in a grid. \return Widget stored in a given grid cell (0 if there's no widget). */ QWidget* SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::widget( int row, int column ) const { return myWidgets.contains( row ) && myWidgets[row].contains( column ) ? myWidgets[row][column] : 0; } /*! \brief Get text value from registered widget. \param row Row index in a grid. \param column Column index in a grid. \return Value string (empty string if no label in given cell). */ QString SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::value( int row, int column ) const { return widgetValue( widget( row, column ) ); } /*! \brief Show/hide group(s) of widgets. \param startRow Starting grid row. \param lastRow Last grid row. \param on Visibility flag. */ void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::setFieldsVisible( int startRow, int lastRow, bool on ) { startRow = qMax( 0, startRow ); lastRow = qMin( lastRow, (int)iEnd ); for ( int i = startRow; i <= lastRow; i++ ) { wlist widgets = myWidgets[i]; foreach ( QWidget* w, widgets ) w->setVisible( on ); } } /*! \brief Write information from panel to output stream. \param out Text stream output. */ void SMESHGUI_BaseInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream& out ) { // title QString title = tr( "BASE_INFO" ); out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << title << endl; out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << endl; // object info // - name out << tr( "NAME_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iName, iSingle ) << endl; // - type out << tr( "OBJECT_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iObject, iSingle ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // node info out << tr( "NODES_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iNodes, iTotal ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // element info QString lin = tr( "LINEAR_LAB" ) + ":" + spacing(); QString qua = tr( "QUADRATIC_LAB" ) + ":" + spacing(); QString biq = tr( "BI_QUADRATIC_LAB" ) + ":" + spacing(); // - summary out << tr( "ELEMENTS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iElementsTotal, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(1) << lin << value( iElementsTotal, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(1) << qua << value( iElementsTotal, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(1) << biq << value( iElementsTotal, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // - 0D elements info out << indent(1) << tr( "0D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i0D, iTotal ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // - balls info out << indent(1) << tr( "BALL_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( iBalls, iTotal ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // - 1D elements info out << indent(1) << tr( "1D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i1D, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(2) << lin << value( i1D, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(2) << qua << value( i1D, iQuadratic ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // - 2D elements info // - summary out << indent(1) << tr( "2D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2D, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(2) << lin << value( i2D, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(2) << qua << value( i2D, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(2) << biq << value( i2D, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // --+ triangles out << indent(2) << tr( "TRIANGLES_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2DTriangles, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i2DTriangles, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i2DTriangles, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(3) << biq << value( i2DTriangles, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // --+ quadrangles out << indent(2) << tr( "QUADRANGLES_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2DQuadrangles, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i2DQuadrangles, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i2DQuadrangles, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(3) << biq << value( i2DQuadrangles, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // --+ polygons out << indent(2) << tr( "POLYGONS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i2DPolygons, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i2DPolygons, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i2DPolygons, iQuadratic ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // - 3D elements info // --+ summary out << indent(1) << tr( "3D_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3D, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(2) << lin << value( i3D, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(2) << qua << value( i3D, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(2) << biq << value( i3D, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; // --+ tetras out << indent(2) << tr( "TETRAHEDRONS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DTetrahedrons, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DTetrahedrons, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DTetrahedrons, iQuadratic ) << endl; // --+ hexas out << indent(2) << tr( "HEXAHEDONRS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DHexahedrons, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DHexahedrons, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DHexahedrons, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(3) << biq << value( i3DHexahedrons, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // --+ pyramids out << indent(2) << tr( "PYRAMIDS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DPyramids, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DPyramids, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DPyramids, iQuadratic ) << endl; // --+ prisms out << indent(2) << tr( "PRISMS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DPrisms, iTotal ) << endl; out << indent(3) << lin << value( i3DPrisms, iLinear ) << endl; out << indent(3) << qua << value( i3DPrisms, iQuadratic ) << endl; out << indent(3) << biq << value( i3DPrisms, iBiQuadratic ) << endl; // --+ hexagonal prisms out << indent(2) << tr( "HEX_PRISMS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DHexaPrisms, iTotal ) << endl; // --+ polyhedrons out << indent(2) << tr( "POLYHEDRONS_LAB" ) << spacing() << value( i3DPolyhedrons, iTotal ) << endl; // - --- (separator) out << endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class InfoWriter /// \brief Base info writer class. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class InfoWriter { protected: int myPrecision; bool myRecursive; public: InfoWriter( bool = false ); void write( const QString&, bool = false ); void write( const QString&, const QString&, bool = false ); void write( const QString&, int, bool = false ); void write( const QString&, double, bool = false ); void write( const QString&, const SMESH::XYZ&, bool = false ); virtual void indent() {} virtual void unindent() {} virtual void separator() {} protected: virtual void put( const QString&, const QString&, bool = false ) = 0; }; InfoWriter::InfoWriter( bool r ): myRecursive(r) { myPrecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "length_precision", 6 ); } void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, bool emphasize ) { put( key, QString(), emphasize ); } void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, const QString& value, bool emphasize ) { put( key, value, emphasize ); } void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, int value, bool emphasize ) { put( key, QString::number( value ), emphasize ); } void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, double value, bool emphasize ) { put( key, QString::number( value, myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) ), emphasize ); } void InfoWriter::write( const QString& key, const SMESH::XYZ& value, bool emphasize ) { if ( myRecursive ) { write( key, emphasize ); indent(); write( "X", value.x() ); write( "Y", value.y() ); write( "Z", value.z() ); unindent(); } else { QStringList vl; vl << QString::number( value.x(), myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) ); vl << QString::number( value.y(), myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) ); vl << QString::number( value.z(), myPrecision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( myPrecision ) ); put( key, vl.join( ", " ), emphasize ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SimpleWriter /// \brief Base text writer. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SimpleWriter: public InfoWriter { protected: int myIndent; public: SimpleWriter(); void indent(); void unindent(); void separator(); protected: void put( const QString&, const QString&, bool ); virtual QString spacer() const; virtual QString decorate( const QString& ) const; virtual void dumpLine( const QString& ) = 0; }; SimpleWriter::SimpleWriter(): InfoWriter(false), myIndent(0) { } void SimpleWriter::indent() { myIndent += 1; } void SimpleWriter::unindent() { myIndent = qMax( myIndent-1, 0 ); } void SimpleWriter::separator() { write( "" ); } QString SimpleWriter::spacer() const { return " "; } QString SimpleWriter::decorate( const QString& s ) const { return s; } void SimpleWriter::put( const QString& key, const QString& value, bool emphasize ) { QString line; line += ::indent( spacer(), myIndent*4 ); line += decorate( key ); if ( !value.isEmpty() ) { line += ":"; line += emphasize ? decorate( value ) : value; } dumpLine( line ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class StreamWriter /// \brief Writer for QTextStream. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class StreamWriter: public SimpleWriter { QTextStream& myOut; public: StreamWriter( QTextStream& ); protected: void dumpLine( const QString& ); }; StreamWriter::StreamWriter( QTextStream& out ): SimpleWriter(), myOut(out) { } void StreamWriter::dumpLine( const QString& line ) { myOut << line; myOut << endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class TextWriter /// \brief Writer for QTextBrowser. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TextWriter: public SimpleWriter { QTextBrowser* myInfo; public: TextWriter( QTextBrowser* ); protected: QString spacer() const; QString decorate( const QString& ) const; void dumpLine( const QString& ); }; TextWriter::TextWriter( QTextBrowser* w ): SimpleWriter(), myInfo(w) { } QString TextWriter::spacer() const { return " "; } QString TextWriter::decorate( const QString& s ) const { return bold( s ); } void TextWriter::dumpLine( const QString& line ) { myInfo->append( line ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class TreeWriter /// \brief Writer for QTreeWidget. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TreeWriter: public InfoWriter { QTreeWidget* myInfo; QTreeWidgetItem* myCurrentItem; TreeItemCreator* myCreator; public: TreeWriter( QTreeWidget*, TreeItemCreator* ); ~TreeWriter(); void indent(); void unindent(); protected: void put( const QString&, const QString&, bool = false ); }; TreeWriter::TreeWriter( QTreeWidget* w, TreeItemCreator* c ): InfoWriter(true), myInfo(w), myCurrentItem(0), myCreator(c) { } TreeWriter::~TreeWriter() { delete myCreator; } void TreeWriter::put( const QString& key, const QString& value, bool emphasize ) { //std::string sss = myCurrentItem ? myCurrentItem->text(0).toStdString() : ""; int options = Bold; if ( emphasize ) options |= AllColumns; QTreeWidgetItem* item = myCreator->createItem( myCurrentItem, options ); item->setText( 0, key ); if ( !value.isEmpty() ) { QString val = value; if ( value.startsWith( "1 2 { int role = ( value[11] == 'n' ) ? NodeConnectivity : ElemConnectivity; val = value.mid( value.lastIndexOf( '>', -5 ) + 1 ); // ==> 1 2 val.chop( 4 ); item->setData( 1, TypeRole, role ); } item->setText( 1, val ); } } void TreeWriter::indent() { QTreeWidgetItem* item = myCurrentItem ? myCurrentItem : myInfo->invisibleRootItem(); if ( item->childCount() > 0 ) myCurrentItem = item->child( item->childCount()-1 ); } void TreeWriter::unindent() { if ( myCurrentItem ) myCurrentItem = myCurrentItem->parent(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_ElemInfo /// \brief Base class for the mesh element information widget. /// /// Displays the detail information about given mesh node(s) or element(s). /// Default class does not provide working implementation but onle general /// functionalities; main work is done in sub-classes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::SMESHGUI_ElemInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent ), myWhat( ShowNone ) { myFrame = new QWidget( this ); myExtra = new ExtraWidget( this ); QVBoxLayout* vbl = new QVBoxLayout( this ); vbl->setMargin( 0 ); vbl->setSpacing( SPACING ); vbl->addWidget( myFrame ); vbl->addWidget( myExtra ); connect( myExtra->prev, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPrevious() ) ); connect( myExtra->next, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showNext() ) ); clear(); } /*! \brief Destructor. */ SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::~SMESHGUI_ElemInfo() { } /*! \brief Show information on given node / element. \param proxy Object to compute information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source). \param id Mesh node / element ID. \param isElement If \c true, show element info; otherwise show node info. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, uint id, bool isElement ) { QSet ids; ids << id; showInfo( proxy, ids, isElement ); } /*! \brief Show information on given nodes / elements. \param proxy Object to compute information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source). \param ids Mesh nodes / elements IDs. \param isElement If \c true, show element info; otherwise show node info. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QSet ids, bool isElement ) { if ( !proxy ) { clear(); return; } QList newIds = ids.toList(); qSort( newIds ); int what = isElement ? ShowElements : ShowNodes; if ( myProxy == proxy && myIDs == newIds && myWhat == what ) return; myProxy = proxy; myProxy.refresh(); // try to re-initialize actor clear(); myIDs = newIds; myWhat = what; myIndex = 0; updateControls(); information( myIDs.mid( myIndex*blockSize(), blockSize() ) ); } /*! \brief Show information on given group. \param proxy Object to compute information on (group). */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { if ( !proxy || proxy.groupElementType() == SMESH::ALL ) // null proxy or not a group { clear(); return; } showInfo( proxy, proxy.ids(), proxy.groupElementType() != SMESH::NODE ); } /*! \brief Reset panel (clear all data). */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::clear() { myIDs.clear(); myIndex = 0; clearInternal(); updateControls(); } /*! \brief Get central area widget. \return Central widget. */ QWidget* SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::centralWidget() const { return myFrame; } /*! \brief Get current mesh proxy object information is shown on. \return Current proxy. */ SMESH::SelectionProxy SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::proxy() const { return myProxy; } /*! \brief Get current info mode. \return Current panel mode. */ int SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::what() const { return myWhat; } /*! \brief Get title for given element type. \param type Mesh element type. \param multiple Use plural form. Defaults to \c false. \return Element type's title. */ QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::type2str( int type, bool multiple ) { QString title; switch ( type ) { case SMDSAbs_Edge: title = multiple ? tr( "EDGES" ) : tr( "EDGE" ) ; break; case SMDSAbs_Face: title = multiple ? tr( "FACES" ) : tr( "FACE" ); break; case SMDSAbs_Volume: title = multiple ? tr( "VOLUMES" ) : tr( "VOLUME" ); break; case SMDSAbs_0DElement: title = multiple ? tr( "0D_ELEMENTS" ) : tr( "0D_ELEMENT" ); break; case SMDSAbs_Ball: title = multiple ? tr( "BALL_ELEMENTS" ) : tr( "BALL" ); break; default: break; } return title; } /*! \brief Get title for given shape type. \param type Shape type. \return Shape type's title. */ QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::stype2str( int type ) { QString title; switch ( type ) { case GEOM::VERTEX: title = tr( "GEOM_VERTEX" ); break; case GEOM::EDGE: title = tr( "GEOM_EDGE" ); break; case GEOM::FACE: title = tr( "GEOM_FACE" ); break; case GEOM::SOLID: default: title = tr( "GEOM_SOLID" ); break; break; } return title; } /*! \brief Get title for given element type. \param type Mesh element type. \return Element type's title. */ QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::etype2str( int type ) { QString title; switch ( type ) { case SMESH::Entity_0D: title = tr( "SMESH_ELEM0D" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Edge: title = tr( "SMESH_EDGE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Edge: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_EDGE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Triangle: title = tr( "SMESH_TRIANGLE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Triangle: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Triangle: title = tr( "SMESH_BIQUADRATIC_TRIANGLE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quadrangle: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRANGLE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Quadrangle: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Quadrangle: title = tr( "SMESH_BIQUADRATIC_QUADRANGLE" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Polygon: title = tr( "SMESH_POLYGON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polygon: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_POLYGON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Tetra: title = tr( "SMESH_TETRAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Tetra: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_TETRAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Pyramid: title = tr( "SMESH_PYRAMID" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Pyramid: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_PYRAMID" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Hexa: title = tr( "SMESH_HEXAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Hexa: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_TriQuad_Hexa: title = tr( "SMESH_TRIQUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Penta: title = tr( "SMESH_PENTA" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Penta: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_BiQuad_Penta: title = tr( "SMESH_BIQUADRATIC_PENTAHEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Hexagonal_Prism: title = tr( "SMESH_HEX_PRISM" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra: title = tr( "SMESH_POLYEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polyhedra: title = tr( "SMESH_QUADRATIC_POLYEDRON" ); break; case SMESH::Entity_Ball: title = tr( "SMESH_BALL" ); break; default: break; } return title; } /*! \brief Get title for given quality control. \param type Mesh control type. \return Quality control's title. */ QString SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::ctrl2str( int control ) { QString title; switch ( control ) { case SMESH::FT_AspectRatio: title = tr( "ASPECTRATIO_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_AspectRatio3D: title = tr( "ASPECTRATIO_3D_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Warping: title = tr( "WARP_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_MinimumAngle: title = tr( "MINIMUMANGLE_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Taper: title = tr( "TAPER_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Skew: title = tr( "SKEW_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Area: title = tr( "AREA_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Volume3D: title = tr( "VOLUME_3D_ELEMENTS" ); break; case SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength2D: title = tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_2D" ); break; case SMESH::FT_MaxElementLength3D: title = tr( "MAX_ELEMENT_LENGTH_3D" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Length: title = tr( "LENGTH_EDGES" ); break; case SMESH::FT_Length2D: case SMESH::FT_Length3D: title = tr( "MIN_ELEM_EDGE" ); break; case SMESH::FT_BallDiameter: title = tr( "BALL_DIAMETER" ); break; default: break; } return title; } /*! \brief Write information on given mesh nodes / elements. \param writer Information writer. \param ids Nodes / elements IDs. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::writeInfo( InfoWriter* writer, const QList& ids ) { if ( !proxy() ) return; bool grp_details = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "elem_info_grp_details", false ); int cprecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "use_precision", false ) ? SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "controls_precision", -1 ) : -1; SMESH::XYZ xyz; SMESH::Connectivity connectivity; SMESH::Position position; bool ok; foreach ( uint id, ids ) { writer->separator(); if ( what() == ShowNodes ) { // show node info // - check that node exists if ( !proxy().hasNode( id ) ) continue; // - id writer->write( tr( "NODE" ), (int)id, true ); writer->indent(); // - coordinates ok = proxy().nodeCoordinates( id, xyz ); if ( ok ) { writer->write( tr( "COORDINATES" ), xyz ); } // - connectivity ok = proxy().nodeConnectivity( id, connectivity ); if ( ok ) { if ( !connectivity.isEmpty() ) { writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ) ); writer->indent(); for ( int i = SMDSAbs_Edge; i <= SMDSAbs_Ball; i++ ) { QString formatted = formatConnectivity( connectivity, i ); if ( !formatted.isEmpty() ) writer->write( type2str( i, true ), formatted ); } writer->unindent(); } else { writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ), tr( "FREE_NODE" ) ); } } // - position ok = proxy().nodePosition( id, position ); if ( ok && position.isValid() ) { writer->write( tr( "POSITION" ), (stype2str( position.shapeType() ) + " #%1").arg( position.shapeId() ) ); writer->indent(); if ( position.hasU() ) writer->write( tr("U_POSITION"), position.u() ); if ( position.hasV() ) writer->write( tr("V_POSITION"), position.v() ); writer->unindent(); } // - groups node belongs to QList groups = proxy().nodeGroups( id ); bool topCreated = false; foreach( SMESH::SelectionProxy group, groups ) { if ( group && !group.name().isEmpty() ) { if ( !topCreated ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUPS" ) ); writer->indent(); topCreated = true; } writer->write( group.name().trimmed() ); // trim name if ( grp_details ) { writer->indent(); int type = group.type(); if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "STANDALONE_GROUP" ) ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_GEOMETRY" ) ); writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ), group.shapeName() ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_FILTER" ) ); } int size = group.size(); if ( size != -1 ); writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "SIZE" ), size ); QColor color = group.color(); if ( color.isValid() ) writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "COLOR" ), color.name() ); writer->unindent(); } } } if ( topCreated ) writer->unindent(); writer->unindent(); } else if ( what() == ShowElements ) { // show element info // - check that element exists if ( !proxy().hasElement( id ) ) continue; // - id & type int type = proxy().elementType( id ); if ( type == SMESH::ALL ) continue; writer->write( type2str( type ), (int)id, true ); writer->indent(); // - geometry type type = proxy().elementEntityType( id ); writer->write( tr( "TYPE" ), etype2str( type ) ); // - connectivity if ( type == SMESH::Entity_Polyhedra || type == SMESH::Entity_Quad_Polyhedra ) { int nbNodes; ok = proxy().perFaceConnectivity( id, connectivity, nbNodes ); if ( ok && !connectivity.isEmpty() ) { writer->write( tr( "NB_NODES" ), nbNodes ); writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ) ); writer->indent(); int nbFaces = connectivity.size(); for ( int iF = 1; iF <= nbFaces; ++iF ) { QString formatted = formatConnectivity( connectivity, -iF ); writer->write(( type2str( SMDSAbs_Face, 0 ) + " %1 / %2" ).arg( iF ).arg( nbFaces ), formatted ); } writer->unindent(); } } else { ok = proxy().elementConnectivity( id, connectivity ); if ( ok && !connectivity.isEmpty() ) { QString formatted = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Node ); if ( !formatted.isEmpty() ) { writer->write( tr( "NB_NODES" ), connectivity[ SMDSAbs_Node ].size() ); writer->write( tr( "CONNECTIVITY" ), formatted ); //todo: TypeRole: ElemConnectivity } } } // - position ok = proxy().elementPosition( id, position ); if ( ok && position.isValid() ) { writer->write( tr( "POSITION" ), (stype2str( position.shapeType() ) + " #%1").arg( position.shapeId() ) ); } // - gravity center ok = proxy().elementGravityCenter( id, xyz ); if ( ok ) { writer->write( tr( "GRAVITY_CENTER" ), xyz ); } // - normal vector ok = proxy().elementNormal( id, xyz ); if ( ok ) { writer->write( tr( "NORMAL_VECTOR" ), xyz ); } // - controls bool topCreated = false; for ( int i = SMESH::FT_AspectRatio; i < SMESH::FT_Undefined; i++ ) { QString ctrlTitle = ctrl2str( i ); if ( ctrlTitle.isEmpty() ) continue; if ( !topCreated ) { writer->write( tr( "CONTROLS" ) ); writer->indent(); topCreated = true; } double value; if ( proxy().elementControl( id, i, cprecision, value ) ) writer->write( ctrlTitle, value ); } if ( topCreated ) writer->unindent(); // - groups element belongs to QList groups = proxy().elementGroups( id ); topCreated = false; foreach( SMESH::SelectionProxy group, groups ) { if ( group && !group.name().isEmpty() ) { if ( !topCreated ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUPS" ) ); writer->indent(); topCreated = true; } writer->write( group.name().trimmed() ); // trim name if ( grp_details ) { writer->indent(); int type = group.type(); if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "STANDALONE_GROUP" ) ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_GEOMETRY" ) ); writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ), group.shapeName() ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter ) { writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "TYPE" ), SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "GROUP_ON_FILTER" ) ); } int size = group.size(); if ( size != -1 ); writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "SIZE" ), size ); QColor color = group.color(); if ( color.isValid() ) writer->write( SMESHGUI_AddInfo::tr( "COLOR" ), color.name() ); writer->unindent(); } } } if ( topCreated ) writer->unindent(); writer->unindent(); } } } /*! \fn void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::information( const QList& ids ) \brief Show information on given mesh nodes / elements. This function has to be redefined in sub-classes. \param ids Nodes / elements IDs. */ /*! \brief Internal clean-up (reset panel). Default implementation does nothing; the method has to be redefined in sub-classes to perform internal clean-up. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::clearInternal() { } /*! \brief Show previous chunk of information. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showPrevious() { myIndex = qMax( 0, myIndex-1 ); updateControls(); information( myIDs.mid( myIndex*blockSize(), blockSize() ) ); } /*! \brief Show next chunk of information. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::showNext() { myIndex = qMin( myIndex+1, myIDs.count() / blockSize() ); updateControls(); information( myIDs.mid( myIndex*blockSize(), blockSize() ) ); } /*! \brief Update control widget state. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::updateControls() { myExtra->updateControls( myIDs.count(), myIndex ); } /*! \brief Write information from panel to output stream. \param out Text stream output. */ void SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream &out ) { // title QString title = tr( "ELEM_INFO" ); out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << title << endl; out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; // out << endl; // info StreamWriter writer( out ); writeInfo( &writer, myIDs ); out << endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo /// \brief Show mesh element information in the simple text area. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo( QWidget* parent ) : SMESHGUI_ElemInfo( parent ) { myInfo = new QTextBrowser( centralWidget() ); QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() ); l->setMargin( 0 ); l->addWidget( myInfo ); connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( anchorClicked(QUrl)), this, SLOT( connectivityClicked( QUrl ))); } /*! \brief Show mesh element information. \param ids Nodes / elements IDs. */ void SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::information( const QList& ids ) { clearInternal(); TextWriter writer( myInfo ); writeInfo( &writer, ids ); } /*! \brief Internal clean-up (reset widget) */ void SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::clearInternal() { myInfo->clear(); } void SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo::connectivityClicked(const QUrl & url) { int type = ( url.scheme()[0] == 'n' ) ? NodeConnectivity : ElemConnectivity; QString ids = url.path(); // excess chars will be filtered off by SMESHGUI_IdValidator emit( itemInfo( type, ids )); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate /// \brief Item delegate for tree mesh info widget. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate { public: ItemDelegate( QObject* ); QWidget* createEditor( QWidget*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QModelIndex& ) const; }; /*! \brief Constructor. \internal */ SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate::ItemDelegate( QObject* parent ): QItemDelegate( parent ) { } /*! \brief Redefined from QItemDelegate. \internal */ QWidget* SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemDelegate::createEditor( QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const { QWidget* w = index.column() == 0 ? 0: QItemDelegate::createEditor( parent, option, index ); if ( qobject_cast( w ) ) qobject_cast( w )->setReadOnly( true ); return w; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator /// \brief Item creator for tree mesh info widget. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator : public TreeItemCreator { SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo* myView; public: ItemCreator( SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo* ); QTreeWidgetItem* createItem( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ); }; /*! \brief Constructor. \param view Parent view. \internal */ SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator::ItemCreator( SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo* view ): TreeItemCreator(), myView( view ) { } /*! \brief Create new tree item. \param parent Parent tree item. \param options Item options. \return New tree widget item. \internal */ QTreeWidgetItem* SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::ItemCreator::createItem( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int options ) { return myView->createItem( parent, options ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo /// \brief Show mesh element information as the tree. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo( QWidget* parent ) : SMESHGUI_ElemInfo( parent ) { myInfo = new QTreeWidget( centralWidget() ); myInfo->setColumnCount( 2 ); myInfo->setHeaderLabels( QStringList() << tr( "PROPERTY" ) << tr( "VALUE" ) ); myInfo->header()->setStretchLastSection( true ); myInfo->header()->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents ); myInfo->setItemDelegate( new ItemDelegate( myInfo ) ); QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() ); l->setMargin( 0 ); l->addWidget( myInfo ); connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ), this, SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem*, int ) ) ); connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( itemCollapsed( QTreeWidgetItem* )), this, SLOT( saveExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* )) ); connect( myInfo, SIGNAL( itemExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* )), this, SLOT( saveExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* )) ); } /*! \brief Show mesh element information. \param ids Nodes / elements IDs. */ void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::information( const QList& ids ) { clearInternal(); TreeWriter writer( myInfo, new ItemCreator( this ) ); writeInfo( &writer, ids ); } /*! \brief Show node information \param node mesh node for showing \param index index of current node \param nbNodes number of unique nodes in element \param parentItem parent item of tree */ void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::nodeInfo( const SMDS_MeshNode* node, int index, int nbNodes, QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem ) { // int precision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "length_precision", 6 ); // // node number and ID // QTreeWidgetItem* nodeItem = createItem( parentItem, Bold ); // nodeItem->setText( 0, QString( "%1 %2 / %3" ).arg( SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "NODE" )).arg( index ).arg( nbNodes )); // nodeItem->setText( 1, QString( "#%1" ).arg( node->GetID() )); // nodeItem->setData( 1, TypeRole, ElemConnectivity ); // nodeItem->setData( 1, IdRole, node->GetID() ); // nodeItem->setExpanded( false ); // // node coordinates // QTreeWidgetItem* coordItem = createItem( nodeItem ); // coordItem->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "COORDINATES" )); // QTreeWidgetItem* xItem = createItem( coordItem ); // xItem->setText( 0, "X" ); // xItem->setText( 1, QString::number( node->X(), precision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( precision )) ); // QTreeWidgetItem* yItem = createItem( coordItem ); // yItem->setText( 0, "Y" ); // yItem->setText( 1, QString::number( node->Y(), precision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( precision )) ); // QTreeWidgetItem* zItem = createItem( coordItem ); // zItem->setText( 0, "Z" ); // zItem->setText( 1, QString::number( node->Z(), precision > 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs( precision )) ); // // node connectivity // QTreeWidgetItem* nconItem = createItem( nodeItem ); // nconItem->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "CONNECTIVITY" )); // Connectivity connectivity = nodeConnectivity( node ); // if ( !connectivity.isEmpty() ) { // QString con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_0DElement ); // if ( !con.isEmpty() ) { // QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem ); // i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "0D_ELEMENTS" )); // i->setText( 1, con ); // } // con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Edge ); // if ( !con.isEmpty() ) { // QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem ); // i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "EDGES" )); // i->setText( 1, con ); // i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity ); // } // con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Ball ); // if ( !con.isEmpty() ) { // QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem ); // i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "BALL_ELEMENTS" )); // i->setText( 1, con ); // i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity ); // } // con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Face ); // if ( !con.isEmpty() ) { // QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem ); // i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "FACES" )); // i->setText( 1, con ); // i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity ); // } // con = formatConnectivity( connectivity, SMDSAbs_Volume ); // if ( !con.isEmpty() ) { // QTreeWidgetItem* i = createItem( nconItem ); // i->setText( 0, SMESHGUI_ElemInfo::tr( "VOLUMES" )); // i->setText( 1, con ); // i->setData( 1, TypeRole, NodeConnectivity ); // } // } } /*! \brief Internal clean-up (reset widget) */ void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::clearInternal() { myInfo->clear(); myInfo->repaint(); } /*! \brief Create new item and add it to the tree. \param parent Parent tree widget item. Defaults to 0 (top-level item). \param options Item flags. Defaults to 0 (none). \return New tree widget item. */ QTreeWidgetItem* SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::createItem( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int options ) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( parent ? parent : myInfo->invisibleRootItem() ); setTreeItemAttributes( item, options | Expanded | Editable ); if ( parent && parent->childCount() == 1 && itemDepth( parent ) == 1 ) { QString resName = expandedResource( parent ); parent->setExpanded( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue("SMESH", resName, true )); } return item; } void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* e ) { QList< QTreeWidgetItem* > widgets = myInfo->selectedItems(); if ( widgets.isEmpty() ) return; QTreeWidgetItem* aTreeItem = widgets.first(); int type = aTreeItem->data( 1, TypeRole ).toInt(); if (( type == ElemConnectivity || type == NodeConnectivity ) && ( !aTreeItem->text( 1 ).isEmpty() )) { QMenu menu; QAction* a = menu.addAction( tr( "SHOW_ITEM_INFO" )); if ( menu.exec( e->globalPos() ) == a ) emit( itemInfo( type, aTreeItem->text( 1 )) ); } } void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem* theItem, int theColumn ) { if ( theItem ) { int type = theItem->data( 1, TypeRole ).toInt(); emit( itemInfo( type, theItem->text( 1 )) ); } } void SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::saveExpanded( QTreeWidgetItem* theItem ) { if ( theItem ) SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", expandedResource( theItem ), theItem->isExpanded() ); } QString SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo::expandedResource( QTreeWidgetItem* theItem ) { return QString("Expanded_") + ( what()==ShowElements ? "E_" : "N_" ) + theItem->text(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class InfoComputor /// \brief Mesh information computor. /// \internal /// /// The class is created for different computation operations. Currently it is /// used to compute size and number of underlying nodes for given group. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent object. \param proxy Object to compute information on (group). \param item Tree widget item, referenced by this computer. \param operation Value to compute. \internal */ InfoComputor::InfoComputor( QObject* parent, const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, int operation ) : QObject( parent ), myProxy( proxy ), myOperation( operation ) { } /*! \brief Compute requested information. \internal */ void InfoComputor::compute() { if ( myProxy ) { SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; myProxy.load(); switch ( myOperation ) { case GrpSize: myProxy.size( true ); // force size computation emit computed(); break; case GrpNbNodes: myProxy.nbNodes( true ); // force size computation emit computed(); break; default: break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_AddInfo /// \brief Show additional information on selected object. /// /// Displays an additional information about selected object: mesh, sub-mesh /// or group. /// /// \todo Rewrite saveInfo() method to print all data, not currently shown only. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_AddInfo::SMESHGUI_AddInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent ) { QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout( this ); l->setMargin( 0 ); l->setSpacing( SPACING ); myTree = new QTreeWidget( this ); myTree->setColumnCount( 2 ); myTree->header()->setStretchLastSection( true ); myTree->header()->setSectionResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents ); myTree->header()->hide(); l->addWidget( myTree ); } /*! \brief Destructor. */ SMESHGUI_AddInfo::~SMESHGUI_AddInfo() { } /*! \brief Show information on given object. \param proxy Object to show information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group). */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { // reset panel setProperty( "group_index", 0 ); setProperty( "submesh_index", 0 ); myComputors.clear(); myTree->clear(); // then fill panel with data if object is not null if ( proxy ) { myProxy = proxy; // name QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( 0, Bold | AllColumns ); nameItem->setText( 0, tr( "NAME" ) ); nameItem->setText( 1, proxy.name() ); // object info if ( proxy.type() == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Mesh ) meshInfo( proxy, nameItem ); else if ( proxy.type() == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Submesh ) subMeshInfo( proxy, nameItem ); else if ( proxy.type() >= SMESH::SelectionProxy::Group ) groupInfo( proxy, nameItem ); } } /*! \brief Update information in panel. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::updateInfo() { showInfo( myProxy ); } /*! \brief Reset panel (clear all data). */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::clear() { myTree->clear(); } /*! \brief Create new item and add it to the tree. \param parent Parent tree widget item. Defaults to 0 (top-level item). \param options Item flags. Defaults to 0 (none). \return New tree widget item. */ QTreeWidgetItem* SMESHGUI_AddInfo::createItem( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int options ) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = parent ? new QTreeWidgetItem( parent ) : new QTreeWidgetItem( myTree->invisibleRootItem() ); setTreeItemAttributes( item, options | Expanded ); return item; } /*! \brief Show information on mesh. \param proxy Proxy object (mesh). \param parent Parent tree item. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::meshInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QTreeWidgetItem* parent ) { if ( !proxy ) return; QString shapeName = proxy.shapeName(); SMESH::MedInfo inf = proxy.medFileInfo(); // type QTreeWidgetItem* typeItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); typeItem->setText( 0, tr( "TYPE" ) ); if ( !shapeName.isEmpty() ) { typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "MESH_ON_GEOMETRY" ) ); // shape QTreeWidgetItem* gobjItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); gobjItem->setText( 0, tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ) ); gobjItem->setText( 1, shapeName ); } else if ( inf.isValid() ) { typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "MESH_FROM_FILE" ) ); // med file information QTreeWidgetItem* fileItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); fileItem->setText( 0, tr( "FILE_NAME" ) ); fileItem->setText( 1, inf.fileName() ); QTreeWidgetItem* sizeItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); sizeItem->setText( 0, tr( "FILE_SIZE" ) ); sizeItem->setText( 1, QString::number( inf.size() ) ); QTreeWidgetItem* versionItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); versionItem->setText( 0, tr( "FILE_VERSION" ) ); versionItem->setText( 1, inf.version() != "0" ? inf.version() : tr( "VERSION_UNKNOWN" ) ); } else { typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "STANDALONE_MESH" ) ); } // groups myGroups = proxy.groups(); showGroups(); // sub-meshes mySubMeshes = proxy.submeshes(); showSubMeshes(); } /*! \brief Show information on sub-mesh. \param proxy Proxy object (sub-mesh). \param parent Parent tree item. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::subMeshInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QTreeWidgetItem* parent ) { if ( !proxy ) return; bool isShort = parent->parent() != 0; if ( !isShort ) { // parent mesh SMESH::SelectionProxy meshProxy = proxy.mesh(); if ( meshProxy ) { QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); nameItem->setText( 0, tr( "PARENT_MESH" ) ); nameItem->setText( 1, meshProxy.name() ); } } // shape QString shapeName = proxy.shapeName(); if ( !shapeName.isEmpty() ) { QTreeWidgetItem* gobjItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); gobjItem->setText( 1, shapeName ); } } /*! \brief Show information on group. \param proxy Proxy object (group). \param parent Parent tree item. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::groupInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy, QTreeWidgetItem* parent ) { if ( !proxy ) return; bool isShort = parent->parent() != 0; if ( !isShort ) { // parent mesh SMESH::SelectionProxy meshProxy = proxy.mesh(); if ( meshProxy ) { QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); nameItem->setText( 0, tr( "PARENT_MESH" ) ); nameItem->setText( 1, meshProxy.name() ); } } // type SMESH::SelectionProxy::Type type = proxy.type(); QTreeWidgetItem* typeItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); typeItem->setText( 0, tr( "TYPE" ) ); if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupStd ) { typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "STANDALONE_GROUP" ) ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupGeom ) { typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "GROUP_ON_GEOMETRY" ) ); // shape QTreeWidgetItem* gobjItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); gobjItem->setText( 0, tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ) ); gobjItem->setText( 1, proxy.shapeName() ); } else if ( type == SMESH::SelectionProxy::GroupFilter ) { typeItem->setText( 1, tr( "GROUP_ON_FILTER" ) ); } // element type int etype = proxy.groupElementType(); if ( !isShort ) { QString typeName = tr( "UNKNOWN" ); switch( etype ) { case SMESH::NODE: typeName = tr( "NODE" ); break; case SMESH::EDGE: typeName = tr( "EDGE" ); break; case SMESH::FACE: typeName = tr( "FACE" ); break; case SMESH::VOLUME: typeName = tr( "VOLUME" ); break; case SMESH::ELEM0D: typeName = tr( "0DELEM" ); break; case SMESH::BALL: typeName = tr( "BALL" ); break; default: break; } QTreeWidgetItem* etypeItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); etypeItem->setText( 0, tr( "ENTITY_TYPE" ) ); etypeItem->setText( 1, typeName ); } // size // note: size is not computed for group on filter for performance reasons, see IPAL52831 bool meshLoaded = proxy.isMeshLoaded(); int size = proxy.size(); QTreeWidgetItem* sizeItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); sizeItem->setText( 0, tr( "SIZE" ) ); if ( size >= 0 ) { sizeItem->setText( 1, QString::number( size ) ); } else { QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton( meshLoaded ? tr( "COMPUTE" ) : tr( "LOAD" ), this ); myTree->setItemWidget( sizeItem, 1, btn ); InfoComputor* comp = new InfoComputor( this, proxy, InfoComputor::GrpSize ); connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), comp, SLOT( compute() ) ); connect( comp, SIGNAL( computed() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) ); myComputors.append( comp ); } // color QTreeWidgetItem* colorItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); colorItem->setText( 0, tr( "COLOR" ) ); colorItem->setBackground( 1, proxy.color() ); // nb of underlying nodes if ( etype != SMESH::NODE ) { QTreeWidgetItem* nodesItem = createItem( parent, Bold ); nodesItem->setText( 0, tr( "NB_NODES" ) ); int nbNodes = proxy.nbNodes(); if ( nbNodes >= 0 ) { nodesItem->setText( 1, QString::number( nbNodes ) ); } else { QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton( meshLoaded ? tr( "COMPUTE" ) : tr( "LOAD" ), this ); myTree->setItemWidget( nodesItem, 1, btn ); InfoComputor* comp = new InfoComputor( this, proxy, InfoComputor::GrpNbNodes ); connect( btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), comp, SLOT( compute() ) ); connect( comp, SIGNAL( computed() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) ); myComputors.append( comp ); } } } /*! \brief Update information on child groups. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showGroups() { // remove all computors myComputors.clear(); // tree root should be the first top level item QTreeWidgetItem* parent = myTree->topLevelItemCount() > 0 ? myTree->topLevelItem( 0 ) : 0; if ( !parent ) return; int idx = property( "group_index" ).toInt(); // find sub-meshes top-level container item QTreeWidgetItem* itemGroups = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < parent->childCount() && !itemGroups; i++ ) { if ( parent->child( i )->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toInt() == GroupsId ) { itemGroups = parent->child( i ); // update controls ExtraWidget* extra = dynamic_cast( myTree->itemWidget( itemGroups, 1 ) ); if ( extra ) extra->updateControls( myGroups.count(), idx ); // clear: remove all group items while ( itemGroups->childCount() ) delete itemGroups->child( 0 ); } } QMap grpItems; for ( int i = idx*blockSize() ; i < qMin( (idx+1)*blockSize(), (int)myGroups.count() ); i++ ) { SMESH::SelectionProxy grp = myGroups[i]; if ( !grp ) continue; int grpType = grp.groupElementType(); // create top-level groups container item if it does not exist if ( !itemGroups ) { itemGroups = createItem( parent, Bold | AllColumns ); itemGroups->setText( 0, tr( "GROUPS" ) ); itemGroups->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, GroupsId ); // if necessary, create extra widget to show information by chunks if ( myGroups.count() > blockSize() ) { ExtraWidget* extra = new ExtraWidget( this, true ); connect( extra->prev, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPreviousGroups() ) ); connect( extra->next, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showNextGroups() ) ); myTree->setItemWidget( itemGroups, 1, extra ); extra->updateControls( myGroups.count(), idx ); } } // create container item corresponding to particular element type if ( !grpItems.contains( grpType ) ) { grpItems[ grpType ] = createItem( itemGroups, Bold | AllColumns ); grpItems[ grpType ]->setText( 0, tr( QString( "GROUPS_%1" ).arg( grpType ).toLatin1().constData() ) ); itemGroups->insertChild( grpType-1, grpItems[ grpType ] ); // -1 needed since 0 corresponds to SMESH::ALL } // name QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( grpItems[ grpType ] ); nameItem->setText( 0, grp.name().trimmed() ); // trim name // group info groupInfo( grp, nameItem ); } } /*! \brief Update information on child sub-meshes. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showSubMeshes() { // tree root should be the first top level item QTreeWidgetItem* parent = myTree->topLevelItemCount() > 0 ? myTree->topLevelItem( 0 ) : 0; if ( !parent ) return; int idx = property( "submesh_index" ).toInt(); // find sub-meshes top-level container item QTreeWidgetItem* itemSubMeshes = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < parent->childCount() && !itemSubMeshes; i++ ) { if ( parent->child( i )->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toInt() == SubMeshesId ) { itemSubMeshes = parent->child( i ); // update controls ExtraWidget* extra = dynamic_cast( myTree->itemWidget( itemSubMeshes, 1 ) ); if ( extra ) extra->updateControls( mySubMeshes.count(), idx ); // clear: remove all sub-mesh items while ( itemSubMeshes->childCount() ) delete itemSubMeshes->child( 0 ); } } QMap smItems; for ( int i = idx*blockSize() ; i < qMin( (idx+1)*blockSize(), mySubMeshes.count() ); i++ ) { SMESH::SelectionProxy sm = mySubMeshes[i]; if ( !sm ) continue; int smType = sm.shapeType(); if ( smType < 0 ) continue; else if ( smType == GEOM::COMPSOLID ) smType = GEOM::COMPOUND; // create top-level sub-meshes container item if it does not exist if ( !itemSubMeshes ) { itemSubMeshes = createItem( parent, Bold | AllColumns ); itemSubMeshes->setText( 0, tr( "SUBMESHES" ) ); itemSubMeshes->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, SubMeshesId ); // if necessary, create extra widget to show information by chunks if ( mySubMeshes.count() > blockSize() ) { ExtraWidget* extra = new ExtraWidget( this, true ); connect( extra->prev, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showPreviousSubMeshes() ) ); connect( extra->next, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showNextSubMeshes() ) ); myTree->setItemWidget( itemSubMeshes, 1, extra ); extra->updateControls( mySubMeshes.count(), idx ); } } // create container item corresponding to particular shape type if ( !smItems.contains( smType ) ) { smItems[ smType ] = createItem( itemSubMeshes, Bold | AllColumns ); smItems[ smType ]->setText( 0, tr( QString( "SUBMESHES_%1" ).arg( smType ).toLatin1().constData() ) ); itemSubMeshes->insertChild( smType, smItems[ smType ] ); } // name QTreeWidgetItem* nameItem = createItem( smItems[ smType ] ); nameItem->setText( 0, sm.name().trimmed() ); // trim name // submesh info subMeshInfo( sm, nameItem ); } } /*! \brief Show previous chunk of information on child groups. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showPreviousGroups() { int idx = property( "group_index" ).toInt(); setProperty( "group_index", idx-1 ); showGroups(); } /*! \brief Show next chunk of information on child groups. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showNextGroups() { int idx = property( "group_index" ).toInt(); setProperty( "group_index", idx+1 ); showGroups(); } /*! \brief Show previous chunk of information on child sub-meshes. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showPreviousSubMeshes() { int idx = property( "submesh_index" ).toInt(); setProperty( "submesh_index", idx-1 ); showSubMeshes(); } /*! \brief Show next chunk of information on child sub-meshes. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::showNextSubMeshes() { int idx = property( "submesh_index" ).toInt(); setProperty( "submesh_index", idx+1 ); showSubMeshes(); } /*! \brief Write information from panel to output stream. \param out Text stream output. */ void SMESHGUI_AddInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream &out ) { // title QString title = tr( "ADDITIONAL_INFO" ); out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << title << endl; out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << endl; // info QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( myTree ); while ( *it ) { if ( !( ( *it )->text(0) ).isEmpty() ) { out << indent( itemDepth( *it ) ) << ( *it )->text(0); if ( ( *it )->text(0) == tr( "COLOR" ) ) out << ":" << spacing() << ( ( ( *it )->background(1) ).color() ).name(); else if ( !( ( *it )->text(1) ).isEmpty() ) out << ":" << spacing() << ( *it )->text(1); out << endl; } ++it; } out << endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class GroupCombo /// \brief Customized combo box to manage list of mesh groups. /// \internal //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GroupCombo: public QComboBox { class Item: public QStandardItem { public: SMESH::SelectionProxy myGroup; Item( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& group ) { myGroup = group; setText( myGroup.name() ); } SMESH::SelectionProxy group() { return myGroup; } }; SMESH::SelectionProxy myProxy; public: GroupCombo( QWidget* ); void setSource( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& ); SMESH::SelectionProxy currentGroup() const; }; /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. \internal */ GroupCombo::GroupCombo( QWidget* parent ): QComboBox( parent ) { setModel( new QStandardItemModel( this ) ); } /*! \brief Set mesh source. \param obj Mesh source. \internal */ void GroupCombo::setSource( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { if ( myProxy == proxy ) return; myProxy = proxy; bool blocked = blockSignals( true ); QStandardItemModel* m = dynamic_cast( model() ); m->clear(); if ( myProxy ) { if ( myProxy.type() == SMESH::SelectionProxy::Mesh ) { QList groups = myProxy.groups(); for ( int i = 0; i < groups.count(); ++i ) { if ( groups[i] ) { QString name = groups[i].name(); if ( !name.isEmpty() ) m->appendRow( new Item( groups[i] ) ); } } setCurrentIndex( -1 ); // for performance reasons } else if ( myProxy.type() >= SMESH::SelectionProxy::Group ) { m->appendRow( new Item( myProxy ) ); setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } } blockSignals( blocked ); } /*! \brief Get currently selected group. \return Selected group. \internal */ SMESH::SelectionProxy GroupCombo::currentGroup() const { SMESH::SelectionProxy group; QStandardItemModel* m = dynamic_cast( model() ); if ( currentIndex() >= 0 ) group = dynamic_cast( m->item( currentIndex() ) )->group(); return group; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg /// \brief Mesh information dialog box /// /// \todo Move all business logic for element info to SMESHGUI_ElemInfo class. /// \todo Add selection button to reactivate selection on move from other dlg. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor \param parent Parent widget. \param page Dialog page to show at start-up. Defaults to \c BaseInfo. */ SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg( QWidget* parent, int page ) : QDialog( parent ) { setModal( false ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); setWindowTitle( tr( "MESH_INFO" ) ); setSizeGripEnabled( true ); myTabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); // base info myBaseInfo = new SMESHGUI_BaseInfo( myTabWidget ); myTabWidget->addTab( myBaseInfo, tr( "BASE_INFO" ) ); // elem info QWidget* w = new QWidget( myTabWidget ); myMode = new QButtonGroup( this ); myMode->addButton( new QRadioButton( tr( "NODE_MODE" ), w ), NodeMode ); myMode->addButton( new QRadioButton( tr( "ELEM_MODE" ), w ), ElemMode ); myMode->addButton( new QRadioButton( tr( "GROUP_MODE" ), w ), GroupMode ); myMode->button( NodeMode )->setChecked( true ); myID = new QLineEdit( w ); myID->setValidator( new SMESHGUI_IdValidator( this ) ); myGroups = new GroupCombo( w ); QStackedWidget* stack = new QStackedWidget( w ); stack->addWidget( myID ); stack->addWidget( myGroups ); myIDPreviewCheck = new QCheckBox( tr( "SHOW_IDS" ), w ); myIDPreview = new SMESHGUI_IdPreview( SMESH::GetViewWindow( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI() ) ); int mode = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "mesh_elem_info", 1 ); mode = qMin( 1, qMax( 0, mode ) ); if ( mode == 0 ) myElemInfo = new SMESHGUI_SimpleElemInfo( w ); else myElemInfo = new SMESHGUI_TreeElemInfo( w ); stack->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); QGridLayout* elemLayout = new QGridLayout( w ); elemLayout->setMargin( MARGIN ); elemLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); elemLayout->addWidget( myMode->button( NodeMode ), 0, 0 ); elemLayout->addWidget( myMode->button( ElemMode ), 0, 1 ); elemLayout->addWidget( myMode->button( GroupMode ), 0, 2 ); elemLayout->addWidget( stack, 0, 3 ); elemLayout->addWidget( myIDPreviewCheck, 1, 0, 1, 4 ); elemLayout->addWidget( myElemInfo, 2, 0, 1, 4 ); myTabWidget->addTab( w, tr( "ELEM_INFO" ) ); // additional info myAddInfo = new SMESHGUI_AddInfo( myTabWidget ); myTabWidget->addTab( myAddInfo, tr( "ADDITIONAL_INFO" ) ); // controls info myCtrlInfo = new SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( myTabWidget ); myTabWidget->addTab( myCtrlInfo, tr( "CTRL_INFO" ) ); // buttons QPushButton* okBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_OK" ), this ); okBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); okBtn->setDefault( true ); okBtn->setFocus(); QPushButton* dumpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_DUMP_MESH" ), this ); dumpBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); QPushButton* helpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), this ); helpBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); QHBoxLayout* btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout; btnLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); btnLayout->setMargin( 0 ); btnLayout->addWidget( okBtn ); btnLayout->addWidget( dumpBtn ); btnLayout->addStretch( 10 ); btnLayout->addWidget( helpBtn ); // arrange widgets QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout ( this ); l->setMargin( MARGIN ); l->setSpacing( SPACING ); l->addWidget( myTabWidget ); l->addLayout( btnLayout ); // set initial page myTabWidget->setCurrentIndex( qMax( (int)BaseInfo, qMin( (int)ElemInfo, page ) ) ); // set-up connections connect( okBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( dumpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( dump() ) ); connect( helpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( help() ) ); connect( myTabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateSelection() ) ); connect( myMode, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( modeChanged() ) ); connect( myGroups, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( modeChanged() ) ); connect( myID, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( idChanged() ) ); connect( myIDPreviewCheck, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( idPreviewChange( bool ) ) ); connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( deactivate() ) ); connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( myElemInfo, SIGNAL( itemInfo( int, QString ) ), this, SLOT( showItemInfo( int, QString ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( switchMode( int ) ), stack, SLOT( setCurrentIndex( int ) ) ); // initialize myIDPreviewCheck->setChecked( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "id_preview_resource", false ) ); updateSelection(); } /*! \brief Destructor. */ SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::~SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg() { delete myIDPreview; } /*! \brief Show mesh information on given object. \param io Interactive object. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::showInfo( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& io ) { if ( !io.IsNull() ) showInfo( SMESH::SelectionProxy( io ) ); } /*! \brief Show mesh information on given object. \param proxy Selection proxy. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if ( !proxy ) return; myProxy = proxy; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object(); // "Base info" tab myBaseInfo->showInfo( proxy ); // "Additional info" tab myAddInfo->showInfo( proxy ); // "Quality info" tab // Note: for performance reasons we update it only if it is currently active if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == CtrlInfo ) myCtrlInfo->showInfo( proxy ); // "Element info" tab myGroups->setSource( proxy ); if ( myMode->checkedId() == GroupMode ) { SMESH::SelectionProxy group = myGroups->currentGroup(); if ( group ) myElemInfo->showInfo( group ); else myElemInfo->clear(); } else { SVTK_Selector* selector = SMESH::GetSelector(); QString ID; int nb = 0; if ( myProxy.actor() && selector ) { //todo: actor()? nb = myMode->checkedId() == NodeMode ? SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements( selector, myProxy.io(), ID ) : SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedNodes( selector, myProxy.io(), ID ); } if ( nb > 0 ) { myID->setText( ID.trimmed() ); QSet ids; QStringList idTxt = ID.split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); foreach ( ID, idTxt ) ids << ID.trimmed().toUInt(); myElemInfo->showInfo( proxy, ids, myMode->checkedId() == ElemMode ); } else { myID->clear(); myElemInfo->clear(); } } } /*! \brief Update information. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::updateInfo() { SALOME_ListIO selected; SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected ); if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) showInfo( selected.First() ); else showInfo( myProxy ); } /*! \brief Clean-up on dialog closing. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::reject() { LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(); selMgr->clearFilters(); SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( false ); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* viewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() ) viewWindow->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection ); QDialog::reject(); myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( false ); } /*! \brief Process keyboard event. \param e Key press event. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e ) { QDialog::keyPressEvent( e ); if ( !e->isAccepted() && e->key() == Qt::Key_F1 ) { e->accept(); help(); } } /*! \brief Set-up selection mode for currently selected page. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::updateSelection() { LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(); disconnect( selMgr, 0, this, 0 ); selMgr->clearFilters(); int selMode = ActorSelection; if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == ElemInfo && myMode->checkedId() == NodeMode ) selMode = NodeSelection; else if ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() == ElemInfo && myMode->checkedId() == ElemMode ) selMode = CellSelection; SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( selMode == NodeSelection ); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() ) aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( selMode ); SMESH::SelectionProxy previous = myProxy; QString ids = myID->text().trimmed(); myID->clear(); connect( selMgr, SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) ); updateInfo(); if ( myProxy && myProxy == previous && !ids.isEmpty() ) { myID->setText( ids ); idChanged(); } } /*! \brief Show documentation on selected dialog page. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::help() { QString helpPage = "mesh_infos.html"; switch ( myTabWidget->currentIndex() ) { case BaseInfo: helpPage += "#advanced-mesh-infos-anchor"; break; case ElemInfo: helpPage += "#mesh-element-info-anchor"; break; case AddInfo: helpPage += "#mesh-addition-info-anchor"; break; case CtrlInfo: helpPage += "#mesh-quality-info-anchor"; break; default: break; } SMESH::ShowHelpFile( helpPage ); } /*! \brief Deactivate dialog box. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::deactivate() { disconnect( SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) ); } /*! \brief Called when users switches between node / element modes. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::modeChanged() { emit( switchMode( myMode->checkedId() == GroupMode ? 1 : 0 ) ); myID->clear(); updateSelection(); } /*! \brief Called when users prints mesh element ID in the corresponding field. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::idChanged() { myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( false ); if ( myProxy ) { TColStd_MapOfInteger ID; QSet ids; std::vector idVec; std::list< gp_XYZ > aGrCentersXYZ; SMESH::XYZ xyz; const bool isElem = ( myMode->checkedId() == ElemMode ); QStringList idTxt = myID->text().split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); foreach ( QString tid, idTxt ) { long id = tid.toUInt(); if ( isElem ? myProxy.hasElement( id ) : myProxy.hasNode( id )) { ID.Add( id ); ids << id; if ( isElem && myProxy.actor() && myProxy.elementGravityCenter( id, xyz )) { idVec.push_back( id ); aGrCentersXYZ.push_back( xyz ); } } } SVTK_Selector* selector = SMESH::GetSelector(); if ( myProxy.actor() && selector ) { Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = myProxy.actor()->getIO(); selector->AddOrRemoveIndex( IO, ID, false ); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() ) { if ( myMode->checkedId() == NodeMode ) myIDPreview->SetPointsData( myProxy.actor()->GetObject()->GetMesh(), ID ); else myIDPreview->SetElemsData( idVec, aGrCentersXYZ ); bool showIDs = ( !ID.IsEmpty() && myIDPreviewCheck->isChecked() && myTabWidget->currentIndex() == ElemInfo ); myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( showIDs, myProxy.actor()->GetVisibility() ); aViewWindow->highlight( IO, true, true ); aViewWindow->Repaint(); } } myElemInfo->showInfo( myProxy, ids, isElem ); } } /*! * \brief Show IDs clicked */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::idPreviewChange( bool isOn ) { myIDPreview->SetPointsLabeled( isOn && !myID->text().simplified().isEmpty() ); SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->setValue("SMESH", "id_preview_resource", isOn ); if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow() ) aViewWindow->Repaint(); } void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::showItemInfo( int type, const QString& ids ) { if ( !ids.isEmpty() && ( type == NodeConnectivity || type == ElemConnectivity )) { myMode->button( type - NodeConnectivity )->click(); myID->setText( ids ); } } /*! \brief Dump information to file. */ void SMESHGUI_MeshInfoDlg::dump() { DumpFileDlg fd( this ); fd.setWindowTitle( tr( "SAVE_INFO" ) ); fd.setNameFilters( QStringList() << tr( "TEXT_FILES" ) ); fd.setChecked( BaseInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_base", true ) ); fd.setChecked( ElemInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_elem", true ) ); fd.setChecked( AddInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_add", true ) ); fd.setChecked( CtrlInfo, SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "info_dump_ctrl", true ) ); if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { QString fileName = fd.selectedFile(); if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) { QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) return; QTextStream out( &file ); if ( fd.isChecked( BaseInfo ) ) myBaseInfo->saveInfo( out ); if ( fd.isChecked( ElemInfo ) ) myElemInfo->saveInfo( out ); if ( fd.isChecked( AddInfo ) ) myAddInfo->saveInfo( out ); if ( fd.isChecked( CtrlInfo ) ) { myCtrlInfo->showInfo( myProxy ); // it saves what is shown only myCtrlInfo->saveInfo( out ); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo /// \brief Show quality statistics information on selected object. /// /// Displays quality controls statistics about selected object: mesh, sub-mesh, /// group or arbitrary ID source. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor. \param parent Parent widget. Defaults to 0. */ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( QWidget* parent ): SMESHGUI_Info( parent ) { QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout( this ); l->setMargin( MARGIN ); l->setSpacing( SPACING ); QIcon aComputeIcon( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "SMESH", tr( "ICON_COMPUTE" ) ) ); SMESH::FilterManager_var aFilterMgr = SMESH::GetFilterManager(); // name QLabel* aNameLab = createLabel( tr( "NAME_LAB" ), this, Bold ); QLabel* aName = createField( this, "ctrlName" ); aName->setMinimumWidth( 150 ); myWidgets << aName; // nodes info QLabel* aNodesLab = createLabel( tr( "NODES_INFO" ), this, Bold ); QLabel* aNodesFreeLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_FREE_NODES" ), this ); QLabel* aNodesFree = createField( this, "ctrlNodesFree" ); myWidgets << aNodesFree; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateFreeNodes(); // QLabel* aNodesNbConnLab = new QLabel( tr( "MAX_NODE_CONNECTIVITY" ), this ); QLabel* aNodesNbConn = createField( this, "ctrlNodesCnty" ); myWidgets << aNodesNbConn; myNodeConnFunctor = aFilterMgr->CreateNodeConnectivityNumber(); // QLabel* aNodesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_NODES" ), this ); QLabel* aNodesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlNodesDouble" ); myWidgets << aNodesDouble; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualNodes(); QLabel* aToleranceLab = new QLabel( tr( "DOUBLE_NODES_TOLERANCE" ), this ); myToleranceWidget = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox( this ); myToleranceWidget->RangeStepAndValidator(0.0000000001, 1000000.0, 0.0000001, "length_precision" ); myToleranceWidget->setAcceptNames( false ); myToleranceWidget->SetValue( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "SMESH", "equal_nodes_tolerance", 1e-7 ) ); // edges info QLabel* anEdgesLab = createLabel( tr( "EDGES_INFO" ), this, Bold ); QLabel* anEdgesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_EDGES" ), this ); QLabel* anEdgesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlEdgesDouble" ); myWidgets << anEdgesDouble; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualEdges(); // faces info QLabel* aFacesLab = createLabel( tr( "FACES_INFO" ), this, Bold ); QLabel* aFacesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_FACES" ), this ); QLabel* aFacesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlFacesDouble" ); myWidgets << aFacesDouble; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualFaces(); QLabel* aFacesOverLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ), this ); QLabel* aFacesOver = createField( this, "ctrlFacesOver" ); myWidgets << aFacesOver; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateOverConstrainedFace(); QLabel* anAspectRatioLab = new QLabel( tr( "ASPECT_RATIO_HISTOGRAM" ), this ); myPlot = createPlot( this ); myAspectRatio = aFilterMgr->CreateAspectRatio(); // volumes info QLabel* aVolumesLab = createLabel( tr( "VOLUMES_INFO" ), this, Bold ); QLabel* aVolumesDoubleLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_VOLUMES" ), this ); QLabel* aVolumesDouble = createField( this, "ctrlVolumesDouble" ); myWidgets << aVolumesDouble; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateEqualVolumes(); QLabel* aVolumesOverLab = new QLabel( tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ), this ); QLabel* aVolumesOver = createField( this, "ctrlVolumesOver" ); myWidgets << aVolumesOver; myPredicates << aFilterMgr->CreateOverConstrainedVolume(); QLabel* anAspectRatio3DLab = new QLabel( tr( "ASPECT_RATIO_3D_HISTOGRAM" ), this ); myPlot3D = createPlot( this ); myAspectRatio3D = aFilterMgr->CreateAspectRatio3D(); QToolButton* aFreeNodesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aFreeNodesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aFreeNodesBtn; //0 QToolButton* aNodesNbConnBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aNodesNbConnBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aNodesNbConnBtn; //1 QToolButton* aDoubleNodesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aDoubleNodesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aDoubleNodesBtn; //2 QToolButton* aDoubleEdgesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aDoubleEdgesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aDoubleEdgesBtn; //3 QToolButton* aDoubleFacesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aDoubleFacesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aDoubleFacesBtn; //4 QToolButton* aOverContFacesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aOverContFacesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aOverContFacesBtn; //5 QToolButton* aComputeFaceBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aComputeFaceBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aComputeFaceBtn; //6 QToolButton* aDoubleVolumesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aDoubleVolumesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aDoubleVolumesBtn; //7 QToolButton* aOverContVolumesBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aOverContVolumesBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aOverContVolumesBtn; //8 QToolButton* aComputeVolumeBtn = new QToolButton( this ); aComputeVolumeBtn->setIcon(aComputeIcon); myButtons << aComputeVolumeBtn; //9 connect( aComputeFaceBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeAspectRatio() ) ); connect( aComputeVolumeBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeAspectRatio3D() ) ); connect( aFreeNodesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeFreeNodesInfo() ) ); connect( aNodesNbConnBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeNodesNbConnInfo() ) ); connect( aDoubleNodesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleNodesInfo() ) ); connect( aDoubleEdgesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleEdgesInfo() ) ); connect( aDoubleFacesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleFacesInfo() ) ); connect( aOverContFacesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo() ) ); connect( aDoubleVolumesBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeDoubleVolumesInfo() ) ); connect( aOverContVolumesBtn,SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo() ) ); connect( myToleranceWidget, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setTolerance( double ) ) ); l->addWidget( aNameLab, 0, 0 ); //0 l->addWidget( aName, 0, 1, 1, 2 ); //1 l->addWidget( aNodesLab, 1, 0, 1, 3 ); //2 l->addWidget( aNodesFreeLab, 2, 0 ); //3 l->addWidget( aNodesFree, 2, 1 ); //4 l->addWidget( aFreeNodesBtn, 2, 2 ); //5 l->addWidget( aNodesNbConnLab, 3, 0 ); //6 l->addWidget( aNodesNbConn, 3, 1 ); //7 l->addWidget( aNodesNbConnBtn, 3, 2 ); //8 l->addWidget( aNodesDoubleLab, 4, 0 ); //9 l->addWidget( aNodesDouble, 4, 1 ); //10 l->addWidget( aDoubleNodesBtn, 4, 2 ); //11 l->addWidget( aToleranceLab, 5, 0 ); //12 l->addWidget( myToleranceWidget, 5, 1 ); //13 l->addWidget( anEdgesLab, 6, 0, 1, 3 ); //14 l->addWidget( anEdgesDoubleLab, 7, 0 ); //15 l->addWidget( anEdgesDouble, 7, 1 ); //16 l->addWidget( aDoubleEdgesBtn, 7, 2 ); //17 l->addWidget( aFacesLab, 8, 0, 1, 3 ); //18 l->addWidget( aFacesDoubleLab, 9, 0 ); //19 l->addWidget( aFacesDouble, 9, 1 ); //20 l->addWidget( aDoubleFacesBtn, 9, 2 ); //21 l->addWidget( aFacesOverLab, 10, 0 ); //22 l->addWidget( aFacesOver, 10, 1 ); //23 l->addWidget( aOverContFacesBtn, 10, 2 ); //24 l->addWidget( anAspectRatioLab, 11, 0 ); //25 l->addWidget( aComputeFaceBtn, 11, 2 ); //26 l->addWidget( myPlot, 12, 0, 1, 3 );//27 l->addWidget( aVolumesLab, 13, 0, 1, 3 );//28 l->addWidget( aVolumesDoubleLab, 14, 0 ); //29 l->addWidget( aVolumesDouble, 14, 1 ); //30 l->addWidget( aDoubleVolumesBtn, 14, 2 ); //31 l->addWidget( aVolumesOverLab, 15, 0 ); //32 l->addWidget( aVolumesOver, 15, 1 ); //33 l->addWidget( aOverContVolumesBtn,15, 2 ); //34 l->addWidget( anAspectRatio3DLab, 16, 0 ); //35 l->addWidget( aComputeVolumeBtn, 16, 2 ); //36 l->addWidget( myPlot3D, 17, 0, 1, 3 );//37 l->setColumnStretch( 0, 0 ); l->setColumnStretch( 1, 5 ); l->setRowStretch ( 12, 5 ); l->setRowStretch ( 17, 5 ); l->setRowStretch ( 18, 1 ); clearInternal(); } /*! \brief Destructor. */ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::~SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo() { } /*! \brief Create plot widget. \param parent Parent widget. \return New plot widget. */ QwtPlot* SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::createPlot( QWidget* parent ) { QwtPlot* aPlot = new QwtPlot( parent ); aPlot->setMinimumSize( 100, 100 ); QFont xFont = aPlot->axisFont( QwtPlot::xBottom ); xFont.setPointSize( 5 ); QFont yFont = aPlot->axisFont( QwtPlot::yLeft ); yFont.setPointSize( 5 ); aPlot->setAxisFont( QwtPlot::xBottom, xFont ); aPlot->setAxisFont( QwtPlot::yLeft, yFont ); aPlot->replot(); return aPlot; } /*! \brief Show information on given object. \param proxy Object to show information on (mesh, sub-mesh, group, ID source). */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { clearInternal(); if ( !proxy ) return; myProxy = proxy; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = proxy.object(); myWidgets[0]->setText( proxy.name() ); SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh(); if ( mesh->_is_nil() ) return; const bool meshLoaded = mesh->IsLoaded(); if ( !meshLoaded ) // mesh not yet loaded from the hdf file // enable Compute buttons, just in case obj->GetNbElementsByType() fails for ( int i = 0; i < myButtons.count(); ++i ) myButtons[i]->setEnabled( true ); SMESH::long_array_var nbElemsByType = obj->GetNbElementsByType(); if ( ! &nbElemsByType.in() ) return; const CORBA::Long ctrlLimit = meshLoaded ? SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "info_controls_limit", 3000 ) : -1; // nodes info const CORBA::Long nbNodes = nbElemsByType[ SMESH::NODE ]; // const CORBA::Long nbElems = ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::EDGE ] + // nbElemsByType[ SMESH::FACE ] + // nbElemsByType[ SMESH::VOLUME ] ); if ( nbNodes > 0 ) { if ( nbNodes <= ctrlLimit ) { // free nodes computeFreeNodesInfo(); // node connectivity number computeNodesNbConnInfo(); // double nodes computeDoubleNodesInfo(); } else { myButtons[0]->setEnabled( true ); myButtons[1]->setEnabled( true ); myButtons[2]->setEnabled( true ); } } else { for( int i=2; i<=13; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false ); } // edges info if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::EDGE ] > 0 ) { // double edges if( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::EDGE ] <= ctrlLimit ) computeDoubleEdgesInfo(); else myButtons[3]->setEnabled( true ); } else { for( int i=14; i<=17; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false ); } // faces info if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::FACE ] > 0 ) { if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::FACE ] <= ctrlLimit ) { // double faces computeDoubleFacesInfo(); // over constrained faces computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo(); // aspect Ratio histogram computeAspectRatio(); } else { myButtons[4]->setEnabled( true ); myButtons[5]->setEnabled( true ); myButtons[6]->setEnabled( true ); } #ifdef DISABLE_PLOT2DVIEWER for( int i=25; i<=27; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false ); #endif } else { for( int i=18; i<=27; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false ); } // volumes info if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::VOLUME ] > 0 ) { if ( nbElemsByType[ SMESH::VOLUME ] <= ctrlLimit ) { // double volumes computeDoubleVolumesInfo(); // over constrained volumes computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo(); // aspect Ratio 3D histogram computeAspectRatio3D(); } else { myButtons[7]->setEnabled( true ); myButtons[8]->setEnabled( true ); myButtons[9]->setEnabled( true ); } #ifdef DISABLE_PLOT2DVIEWER for( int i=35; i<=37; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false ); #endif } else { for( int i=28; i<=37; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( false ); } } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Computes and shows nb of elements satisfying a given predicate * \param [in] ft - a predicate type (SMESH::FunctorType) * \param [in] iBut - index of one of myButtons to disable * \param [in] iWdg - index of one of myWidgets to show the computed number */ //================================================================================ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeNb( int ft, int iBut, int iWdg ) { myButtons[ iBut ]->setEnabled( false ); myWidgets[ iWdg ]->setText( "" ); if ( !myProxy ) return; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object(); SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh(); if ( !mesh->_is_nil() && !mesh->IsLoaded() ) { mesh->Load(); showInfo( myProxy ); // try to show all values if ( !myWidgets[ iWdg ]->text().isEmpty() ) return; // predicate already computed } // look for a predicate of type for ( int i = 0; i < myPredicates.count(); ++i ) if ( myPredicates[i]->GetFunctorType() == ft ) { CORBA::Long nb = myPredicates[i]->NbSatisfying( obj ); myWidgets[ iWdg ]->setText( QString::number( nb ) ); } } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeFreeNodesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_FreeNodes, 0, 1 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleNodesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualNodes, 2, 3 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleEdgesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualEdges, 3, 4 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleFacesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualFaces, 4, 5 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeOverConstrainedFacesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedFace, 5, 6 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeDoubleVolumesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_EqualVolumes, 7, 7 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeOverConstrainedVolumesInfo() { computeNb( SMESH::FT_OverConstrainedVolume, 8, 8 ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeNodesNbConnInfo() { myButtons[ 1 ]->setEnabled( false ); myWidgets[ 2 ]->setText( "" ); if ( !myProxy ) return; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object(); SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh(); if ( !mesh->IsLoaded() ) { mesh->Load(); showInfo( myProxy ); // try to show all values if ( !myWidgets[ 2 ]->text().isEmpty() ) return; // already computed } myNodeConnFunctor->SetMesh( mesh ); SMESH::Histogram_var histogram = myNodeConnFunctor->GetLocalHistogram( 1, /*isLogarithmic=*/false, obj ); myWidgets[ 2 ]->setText( QString::number( histogram[0].max ) ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeAspectRatio() { #ifndef DISABLE_PLOT2DVIEWER myButtons[6]->setEnabled( false ); if ( !myProxy ) return; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object(); SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh(); Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = getHistogram( myAspectRatio ); if ( aHistogram && !aHistogram->isEmpty() ) { QwtPlotItem* anItem = aHistogram->createPlotItem(); anItem->attach( myPlot ); myPlot->replot(); } delete aHistogram; #endif } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::computeAspectRatio3D() { #ifndef DISABLE_PLOT2DVIEWER myButtons[9]->setEnabled( false ); if ( !myProxy ) return; SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object(); SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh(); Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = getHistogram( myAspectRatio3D ); if ( aHistogram && !aHistogram->isEmpty() ) { QwtPlotItem* anItem = aHistogram->createPlotItem(); anItem->attach( myPlot3D ); myPlot3D->replot(); } delete aHistogram; #endif } /*! \brief Internal clean-up (reset widget) */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::clearInternal() { for( int i=0; i<=37; i++) dynamic_cast(layout())->itemAt(i)->widget()->setVisible( true ); for( int i=0; i<=9; i++) myButtons[i]->setEnabled( false ); myPlot->detachItems(); myPlot3D->detachItems(); myPlot->replot(); myPlot3D->replot(); myWidgets[0]->setText( QString() ); for ( int i = 1; i < myWidgets.count(); i++ ) myWidgets[i]->setText( "" ); } void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::setTolerance( double theTolerance ) { myButtons[2]->setEnabled( true ); myWidgets[3]->setText(""); for ( int i = 0; i < myPredicates.count(); ++i ) if ( myPredicates[i]->GetFunctorType() == SMESH::FT_EqualNodes ) { SMESH::EqualNodes_var functor = SMESH::EqualNodes::_narrow( myPredicates[i] ); if ( !functor->_is_nil() ) functor->SetTolerance( theTolerance ); } } #ifndef DISABLE_PLOT2DVIEWER Plot2d_Histogram* SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::getHistogram( SMESH::NumericalFunctor_ptr aNumFun ) { SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var obj = myProxy.object(); SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var mesh = obj->GetMesh(); if ( !mesh->IsLoaded() ) mesh->Load(); aNumFun->SetMesh( mesh ); CORBA::Long cprecision = 6; if ( SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->booleanValue( "SMESH", "use_precision", false ) ) cprecision = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "controls_precision", -1 ); aNumFun->SetPrecision( cprecision ); int nbIntervals = SMESHGUI::resourceMgr()->integerValue( "SMESH", "scalar_bar_num_colors", false ); SMESH::Histogram_var histogramVar = aNumFun->GetLocalHistogram( nbIntervals, /*isLogarithmic=*/false, obj ); Plot2d_Histogram* aHistogram = new Plot2d_Histogram(); aHistogram->setColor( palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ) ); if ( &histogramVar.in() ) { for ( size_t i = 0, nb = histogramVar->length(); i < nb; i++ ) aHistogram->addPoint( 0.5 * ( histogramVar[i].min + histogramVar[i].max ), histogramVar[i].nbEvents ); if ( histogramVar->length() >= 2 ) aHistogram->setWidth( ( histogramVar[0].max - histogramVar[0].min ) * 0.8 ); } return aHistogram; } #endif void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo::saveInfo( QTextStream &out ) { // title QString title = tr( "CTRL_INFO" ); out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << title << endl; out << ruler( title.size() ) << endl; out << endl; // info out << tr( "NAME_LAB" ) << " " << myWidgets[0]->text() << endl; out << tr( "NODES_INFO" ) << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_FREE_NODES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[1]->text() << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_NODES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[3]->text() << endl; out << tr( "EDGES_INFO" ) << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_EDGES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[4]->text() << endl; out << tr( "FACES_INFO" ) << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_FACES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[5]->text() << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ) << ": " << myWidgets[6]->text() << endl; out << tr( "VOLUMES_INFO" ) << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_DOUBLE_VOLUMES" ) << ": " << myWidgets[7]->text() << endl; out << indent() << tr( "NUMBER_OF_THE_OVER_CONSTRAINED" ) << ": " << myWidgets[8]->text() << endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg /// \brief Overall Mesh Quality dialog. /// \todo Add selection button to reactivate selection on move from other dlg. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Constructor \param parent parent widget */ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog( parent ) { setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); setWindowTitle( tr( "CTRL_INFO" ) ); setMinimumSize( 400, 600 ); myCtrlInfo = new SMESHGUI_CtrlInfo( this ); // buttons QPushButton* okBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_OK" ), this ); okBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); okBtn->setDefault( true ); okBtn->setFocus(); QPushButton* dumpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "BUT_DUMP_MESH" ), this ); dumpBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); QPushButton* helpBtn = new QPushButton( tr( "SMESH_BUT_HELP" ), this ); helpBtn->setAutoDefault( true ); QHBoxLayout* btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout; btnLayout->setSpacing( SPACING ); btnLayout->setMargin( 0 ); btnLayout->addWidget( okBtn ); btnLayout->addWidget( dumpBtn ); btnLayout->addStretch( 10 ); btnLayout->addWidget( helpBtn ); QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout ( this ); l->setMargin( 0 ); l->setSpacing( SPACING ); l->addWidget( myCtrlInfo ); l->addLayout( btnLayout ); connect( okBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( dumpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( dump() ) ); connect( helpBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( help() ) ); connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( deactivate() ) ); connect( SMESHGUI::GetSMESHGUI(), SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); updateSelection(); } /*! \brief Destructor */ SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::~SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg() { } /*! \brief Show mesh quality information on given object. \param io Interactive object. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::showInfo( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& io ) { if ( !io.IsNull() ) showInfo( SMESH::SelectionProxy( io ) ); } /*! \brief Show mesh quality information on given object. \param proxy Selection proxy. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::showInfo( const SMESH::SelectionProxy& proxy ) { SUIT_OverrideCursor wc; if ( !proxy ) return; myProxy = proxy; myCtrlInfo->showInfo( proxy ); } /*! \brief Show mesh information */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::updateInfo() { SALOME_ListIO selected; SMESHGUI::selectionMgr()->selectedObjects( selected ); if ( selected.Extent() == 1 ) showInfo( selected.First() ); else showInfo( myProxy ); } /*! \brief Perform clean-up actions on the dialog box closing. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::reject() { SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( false ); QDialog::reject(); } /*! \brief Setup selection mode depending on the current dialog box state. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::updateSelection() { LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(); disconnect( selMgr, 0, this, 0 ); SMESH::SetPointRepresentation( false ); connect( selMgr, SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) ); updateInfo(); } /*! \brief Deactivate dialog box. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::deactivate() { disconnect( SMESHGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateInfo() ) ); } /*! \brief Dump information to file. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::dump() { DumpFileDlg fd( this, false ); fd.setWindowTitle( tr( "SAVE_INFO" ) ); fd.setNameFilters( QStringList() << tr( "TEXT_FILES" ) ); if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { QString fileName = fd.selectedFile(); if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) { QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) return; QTextStream out( &file ); myCtrlInfo->saveInfo( out ); } } } /*! \brief Show documentation on dialog. */ void SMESHGUI_CtrlInfoDlg::help() { SMESH::ShowHelpFile( "mesh_infos.html#mesh-quality-info-anchor" ); }