// Copyright (C) 2007-2023 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg.h // Author : Sergey LITONIN, Open CASCADE S.A.S. // #ifndef SMESHGUI_MULTIEDITDLG_H #define SMESHGUI_MULTIEDITDLG_H // SMESH includes #include "SMESH_SMESHGUI.hxx" #include "SMESHGUI_PreviewDlg.h" // Qt includes #include // OCCT includes #include // IDL includes #include #include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(SMESH_Mesh) #include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(SMESH_MeshEditor) #include class SMESHGUI; class SMESHGUI_FilterDlg; class SMESHGUI_SpinBox; class SMESH_Actor; class LightApp_SelectionMgr; class SALOME_Actor; class SVTK_Selector; class QListWidget; class QComboBox; class QCheckBox; class QGroupBox; class QLineEdit; class QPushButton; class QButtonGroup; /*! * Class : SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg * Description : Base class for dialogs of diagonal inversion and * union of two neighboring triangles */ class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg : public SMESHGUI_PreviewDlg { Q_OBJECT public: SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg( SMESHGUI* theModule, const int theMode, const bool the3d2d = false, bool theDoInit = true ); virtual ~SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg(); void Init(); bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* ); signals: void ListContensChanged(); protected slots: void onOk(); virtual bool onApply(); virtual void reject(); void onHelp(); void onDeactivate(); virtual void onSelectionDone(); void onFilterBtn(); void onAddBtn(); void onRemoveBtn(); void onSortListBtn(); void onListSelectionChanged(); void onSubmeshChk(); void onGroupChk(); virtual void onToAllChk(); void onFilterAccepted(); virtual void on3d2dChanged(int); void onOpenView(); void onCloseView(); SMESH::NumericalFunctor_ptr getNumericalFunctor(); protected: void enterEvent( QEvent * ); void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ); QWidget* createButtonFrame( QWidget* ); QWidget* createMainFrame( QWidget*, const bool ); virtual bool isValid( const bool ); SMESH::smIdType_array_var getIds(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var& obj); void updateButtons(); virtual void setSelectionMode(); virtual bool isIdValid( const int ) const; virtual bool process( SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_ptr, const SMESH::smIdType_array& , SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr obj) = 0; virtual smIdType nbElemsInMesh() = 0; int entityType(); protected: QPushButton* myOkBtn; QPushButton* myApplyBtn; QPushButton* myCloseBtn; QPushButton* myHelpBtn; SMESH_Actor* myActor; SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh; LightApp_SelectionMgr* mySelectionMgr; SVTK_Selector* mySelector; SMESHGUI* mySMESHGUI; QGroupBox* mySelGrp; QGroupBox* myCriterionGrp; QWidget* myChoiceWidget; QButtonGroup* myGroupChoice; QComboBox* myComboBoxFunctor; QListWidget* myListBox; QPushButton* myFilterBtn; QPushButton* myAddBtn; QPushButton* myRemoveBtn; QPushButton* mySortBtn; QCheckBox* myToAllChk; QButtonGroup* myEntityTypeGrp; QCheckBox* mySubmeshChk; QPushButton* mySubmeshBtn; QLineEdit* mySubmesh; QCheckBox* myGroupChk; QPushButton* myGroupBtn; QLineEdit* myGroup; SMESHGUI_FilterDlg* myFilterDlg; TColStd_MapOfInteger myIds; int myFilterType; bool myBusy; int myEntityType; QString myHelpFileName; }; /*! * Class : SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg * Description : Modification of orientation of faces */ class SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg : public SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg { Q_OBJECT public: SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg( SMESHGUI* ); virtual ~SMESHGUI_ChangeOrientationDlg(); protected: virtual bool process( SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_ptr, const SMESH::smIdType_array& , SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr obj); virtual smIdType nbElemsInMesh(); }; /*! * Class : SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg * Description : Construction of quadrangles by automatic association of triangles */ class SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg : public SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg { Q_OBJECT public: SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg( SMESHGUI* ); virtual ~SMESHGUI_UnionOfTrianglesDlg(); protected: virtual bool isValid( const bool ); virtual bool process( SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_ptr, const SMESH::smIdType_array&, SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr obj ); virtual smIdType nbElemsInMesh(); protected slots: virtual void onDisplaySimulation( bool ); private: SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myMaxAngleSpin; }; /* Class : SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg Description : Construction of quadrangles by automatic association of triangles */ class SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg : public SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg { Q_OBJECT public: SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg( SMESHGUI* ); virtual ~SMESHGUI_CuttingOfQuadsDlg(); protected: virtual bool process( SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_ptr, const SMESH::smIdType_array& , SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr obj); virtual smIdType nbElemsInMesh(); protected slots: virtual void reject(); void onCriterionRB(); void onPreviewChk(); private: void displayPreview(); void erasePreview(); private: SALOME_Actor* myPreviewActor; QCheckBox* myPreviewChk; }; /*! * Class : SMESHGUI_SplitVolumesDlg * Description : Split all volumes into tetrahedrons */ class SMESHGUI_SplitVolumesDlg : public SMESHGUI_MultiEditDlg { Q_OBJECT public: SMESHGUI_SplitVolumesDlg( SMESHGUI* ); virtual ~SMESHGUI_SplitVolumesDlg(); protected slots: virtual void on3d2dChanged(int); virtual void onSelectionDone(); void onFacetSelection(bool); void onSetDir(); void updateNormalPreview(const QString& s=""); protected: virtual bool process( SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_ptr, const SMESH::smIdType_array&, SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr obj ); virtual smIdType nbElemsInMesh(); virtual void setSelectionMode(); void showFacetByElement( int id ); bool isIntoPrisms(); QGroupBox* myFacetSelGrp; SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myPointSpin[3]; SMESHGUI_SpinBox* myDirSpin [3]; QPushButton* myFacetSelBtn; QPushButton* myAxisBtn[3]; QCheckBox* myAllDomainsChk; double myCellSize; }; #endif // SMESHGUI_MULTIEDITDLG_H