# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE # # Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, # CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # # File : SMESH_fix_volute.py # Author : Paul RASCLE, EDF # Module : SMESH # $Header$ # import salome salome.salome_init() import GEOM from salome.geom import geomBuilder geompy = geomBuilder.New() import math # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def MakeFace(lstEdges) : """ Creates a planar face from 4 edges """ wire = geompy.MakeWire(lstEdges) face = geompy.MakeFace(wire, 1) return face # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- dimensions ##longueurPlq = 0.686 ##largeurPlq = 0.573 ##epaisseurPlq = 0.150 ##hauteurFlanc = 0.380 ##epaisseurFlanc = 0.112 ##rayonConge = 0.150 - epaisseurFlanc ##epaisseurFond = 0.162 ##rayonTrou = 0.075 ##posAxeTrou = hauteurFlanc -(0.180 + rayonTrou) ##marge = 0.01 ##tol3d = 1.e-5 longueurPlq = 686 largeurPlq = 573 epaisseurPlq = 150 hauteurFlanc = 380 epaisseurFlanc = 112 rayonConge = 150 - epaisseurFlanc epaisseurFond = 162 rayonTrou = 75 posAxeTrou = hauteurFlanc - (180 + rayonTrou) marge = 10 tol3d = 1.e-3 # ---- points, directions de base p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0., 0.) vx = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(100., 0., 0.) vy = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0., 100., 0.) vz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0., 0., 100.) # ---- ellipse du flanc he = hauteurFlanc - 2*rayonConge re = 0.5*(largeurPlq - epaisseurFond) - rayonConge sine = re/he cose = math.sqrt(1. - sine*sine) ve = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(sine, 0., cose) cyl0 = geompy.MakeCylinder(p0, ve, re, 2*he) cyl1 = geompy.MakeRotation(cyl0, ve, 0.5) cyle = geompy.MakeTranslation(cyl1, -marge*sine, 0., -marge*cose) pbe = geompy.MakeVertex(3*he, -2*re, 3*he) boxe = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, pbe) cylcoup = geompy.MakeBoolean(cyle, boxe, 2) aretes = [] aretes = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(cylcoup, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"]) shape = geompy.MakeCopy(aretes[0]) aShape = geompy.MakeTranslation(shape, 0., rayonConge + re, epaisseurPlq + 2*rayonConge) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- decoupage de la piece en volumes a 6 faces de 4 cotes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- cotes x x0 = 0. x0h = rayonConge x1 = rayonConge + epaisseurFlanc xc = longueurPlq/2 x2 = longueurPlq - rayonConge - epaisseurFlanc x3h = longueurPlq - rayonConge x3 = longueurPlq # ---- cotes y y0 = 0. y0h = rayonConge y1 = largeurPlq - epaisseurFond y1m = y1 - marge y2 = largeurPlq y2p = largeurPlq + marge # ---- cotes z z0 = 0. z1m = epaisseurPlq - marge z1 = epaisseurPlq z2 = epaisseurPlq + rayonConge z3 = epaisseurPlq + 2*rayonConge z4 = epaisseurPlq + hauteurFlanc z4p = epaisseurPlq + hauteurFlanc + marge zc = epaisseurPlq + posAxeTrou zc2 = epaisseurPlq + (posAxeTrou - rayonTrou)/3 zc3 = epaisseurPlq + 2*(posAxeTrou - rayonTrou)/3 # ---- decoupe du fond p11 = geompy.MakeVertex(x1, y1m, z1) p12 = geompy.MakeVertex(x1, y1m, z2) p13 = geompy.MakeVertex(x1, y1m, z3) p14 = geompy.MakeVertex(x1, y1m, z4) pc1 = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y1m, z1) pc2 = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y1m, zc2) pc3 = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y1m, zc3) pcc = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y1m, zc) pc4 = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y1m, z4) p21 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y1m, z1) p22 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y1m, z2) p23 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y1m, z3) p24 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y1m, z4) pcf = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y2p, zc) arc2 = geompy.MakeArc(p12,pc2,p22) arc3 = geompy.MakeArc(p13,pc3,p23) segz1 = geompy.MakeVector(p11,p21) segz41 = geompy.MakeVector(p14,pc4) segz42 = geompy.MakeVector(pc4,p24) segx11 = geompy.MakeVector(p11,p12) segx12 = geompy.MakeVector(p12,p13) segx13 = geompy.MakeVector(p13,p14) segxc2 = geompy.MakeVector(pc1,pc2) segxc3 = geompy.MakeVector(pc2,pc3) segxc4 = geompy.MakeVector(pcc,pc4) segx21 = geompy.MakeVector(p21,p22) segx22 = geompy.MakeVector(p22,p23) segx23 = geompy.MakeVector(p23,p24) segx1c1 = geompy.MakeVector(p13,pcc) segx1c2 = geompy.MakeVector(p14,pcc) segx2c1 = geompy.MakeVector(p23,pcc) segx2c2 = geompy.MakeVector(p24,pcc) facef = [] facef.append(MakeFace([segx13,segx1c2,segx1c1])) facef.append(MakeFace([segx23,segx2c2,segx2c1])) facef.append(MakeFace([segx2c2,segxc4,segz42])) facef.append(MakeFace([segx1c2,segz41,segxc4])) facef.append(MakeFace([segx1c1,arc3,segx2c1])) facef.append(MakeFace([segx12,arc2,segx22,arc3])) facef.append(MakeFace([segx11,segz1,segx21,arc2])) vcccf = geompy.MakeVector(pcc, pcf) hcccf = y2p - y1m decf = [] for face in facef: decf.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(face,vcccf,hcccf)) pc = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, 0., zc) py2 = geompy.MakeVertex(xc, y2, zc) axeCyl = geompy.MakeVector(pc, py2) cylFond = geompy.MakeCylinder(pc, vy, rayonTrou, 1.1*largeurPlq) cylFond2 = geompy.MakeRotation(cylFond, axeCyl, math.pi) fondec = [] for id in (0,1,2,3): fondec.append(geompy.MakeBoolean(decf[id], cylFond2, 2)) fondec.append(geompy.MakeBoolean(decf[4], cylFond, 2)) for id in (5,6): fondec.append(decf[id]) p_xcy2pz4p = geompy.MakeVertex(xc,y2p,z4p) p_x3y2pz4p = geompy.MakeVertex(x3,y2p,z4p) pxc = geompy.MakeVertex(xc,y0,z0) bcut1 = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p0, p_xcy2pz4p) bcut2 = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(pxc, p_x3y2pz4p) fondec2 = [] for id in (0,1,2,3): fondec2.append(fondec[id]) for id in (4,5,6): fondec2.append(geompy.MakeBoolean(fondec[id], bcut1, 1)) fondec2.append(geompy.MakeBoolean(fondec[id], bcut2, 1)) # ----- autres blocs de decoupe bcong1 = geompy.MakeBox(x0,y0,z1, x1,y1,z2) bcong2 = geompy.MakeBox(x0,y1,z1, x1,y2,z2) bcong3 = geompy.MakeBox(x2,y0,z1, x3,y1,z2) bcong4 = geompy.MakeBox(x2,y1,z1, x3,y2,z2) pcylx0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., -marge, z2) pcylx3 = geompy.MakeVertex(longueurPlq, -marge, z2) pcyly0 = geompy.MakeVertex(-marge, 0., z2) cylcongx0 = geompy.MakeCylinder(pcylx0, vy, rayonConge, largeurPlq + 2*marge) cylcongx3 = geompy.MakeCylinder(pcylx3, vy, rayonConge, largeurPlq + 2*marge) cylcongy0 = geompy.MakeCylinder(pcyly0, vx, rayonConge, longueurPlq + 2*marge) bcong1 = geompy.MakeBoolean(bcong1,cylcongx0,2) bcong2 = geompy.MakeBoolean(bcong2,cylcongx0,2) bcong1 = geompy.MakeBoolean(bcong1,cylcongy0,2) #NRI : inverse order of BOP bcong3 = geompy.MakeBoolean(bcong3,cylcongy0,2) bcong3 = geompy.MakeBoolean(bcong3,cylcongx3,2) bcong4 = geompy.MakeBoolean(bcong4,cylcongx3,2) pf1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., y0h, z3) pf2 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., y1, z3) pf3 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., y1, z4) pf4 = geompy.MakeVertex(0., 0.5*(largeurPlq - epaisseurFond) , z4) vf1 = geompy.MakeEdge(pf1, pf2) vf2 = geompy.MakeEdge(pf2, pf3) vf3 = geompy.MakeEdge(pf3, pf4) faceFlanc = MakeFace([vf1,vf2,vf3,aShape]) flanc1 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(faceFlanc, vx, epaisseurFlanc) flanc2 = geompy.MakeCopy(flanc1) flanc1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(flanc1, rayonConge, 0., 0.) flanc2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(flanc2, longueurPlq - rayonConge - epaisseurFlanc, 0., 0.) # ---- constitution et decoupe des blocs boxfond2 = geompy.MakeBox(x0, y1, z0, x3, y2, z4p) blocs = [] for dec in fondec2: blocs.append(geompy.MakeBoolean(boxfond2, dec, 1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x0,y1,z0, x1,y2,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x1,y1,z0, xc,y2,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(xc,y1,z0, x2,y2,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x2,y1,z0, x3,y2,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x1,y0,z0, xc,y1,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(xc,y0,z0, x2,y1,z1)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x2,y0,z0, x3,y1,z1)) blocs.append(bcong2) blocs.append(bcong4) blocs.append(bcong1) blocs.append(bcong3) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x0h,y1, z2, x1, y2, z3)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x2, y1, z2, x3h,y2, z3)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x0h,y0h,z2, x1, y1, z3)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x2, y0h,z2, x3h,y1, z3)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x0h,y1, z3, x1, y2, z4)) blocs.append(geompy.MakeBox(x2, y1, z3, x3h,y2, z4)) blocs.append(flanc1) blocs.append(flanc2) compbloc = geompy.MakeCompound(blocs) idcomp = geompy.addToStudy(compbloc, "compbloc") # ---- eliminer les faces en double, solid-->shell compshell = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(compbloc,tol3d) idcomp = geompy.addToStudy(compshell, "compshell")