// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : MED_Structure.cxx // Author : Eugeny NIKOLAEV // #include "MED_Structures.hxx" #include "MED_Utilities.hxx" #include using namespace MED; namespace MED { TInt GetNbNodes(EGeometrieElement typmai) { return typmai%100; } std::string GetString(TInt theId, TInt theStep, const TString& theString) { const char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep]; TInt aSize = std::min(TInt(strlen(aPos)),theStep); return std::string(aPos,aSize); } void SetString(TInt theId, TInt theStep, TString& theString, const std::string& theValue) { TInt aSize = std::min(TInt(theValue.size()+1),theStep); char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep]; strncpy(aPos,theValue.c_str(),aSize); } void SetString(TInt theId, TInt theStep, TString& theString, const TString& theValue) { TInt aSize = std::min(TInt(theValue.size()+1),theStep); char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep]; const char* aValue = &theValue[0]; strncpy(aPos,aValue,aSize); } TInt GetDimGaussCoord(EGeometrieElement theGeom) { return theGeom/100; } TInt GetNbRefCoord(EGeometrieElement theGeom) { return (theGeom%100); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- PFloatTimeStampValue CastToFloatTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue) { return theTimeStampValue; } PIntTimeStampValue CastToIntTimeStampValue(const PTimeStampValueBase& theTimeStampValue) { return theTimeStampValue; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TInt TFamilyInfo ::GetAttrId(TInt theId) const { return myAttrId[theId]; } TInt TFamilyInfo ::GetAttrVal(TInt theId) const { return myAttrVal[theId]; } void TFamilyInfo ::SetAttrId(TInt theId,TInt theVal) { myAttrId[theId] = theVal; } void TFamilyInfo ::SetAttrVal(TInt theId,TInt theVal) { myAttrVal[theId] = theVal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TInt TElemInfo ::GetFamNum(TInt theId) const { return (*myFamNum)[theId]; } void TElemInfo ::SetFamNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal) { (*myFamNum)[theId] = theVal; myIsFamNum = eVRAI; } TInt TElemInfo ::GetElemNum(TInt theId) const { return (*myElemNum)[theId]; } void TElemInfo ::SetElemNum(TInt theId, TInt theVal) { (*myElemNum)[theId] = theVal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TCCoordSlice TNodeInfo ::GetCoordSlice(TInt theId) const { TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim(); if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId*aDim, aDim, 1)); else return TCCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId, aDim, aDim)); } TCoordSlice TNodeInfo ::GetCoordSlice(TInt theId) { TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetSpaceDim(); if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId*aDim,aDim,1)); else return TCoordSlice(*myCoord, std::slice(theId,aDim,aDim)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TCConnSlice TCellInfo ::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) const { if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(GetConnDim()*theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), 1)); else return TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), GetConnDim())); } TConnSlice TCellInfo ::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) { if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(GetConnDim()*theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), 1)); else return TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(theElemId, GetNbNodes(myGeom), GetConnDim())); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TInt TPolygoneInfo ::GetNbConn(TInt theElemId) const { return (*myIndex)[theElemId + 1] - (*myIndex)[theElemId]; } TCConnSlice TPolygoneInfo ::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) const { return TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice((*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1, GetNbConn(theElemId), 1)); } TConnSlice TPolygoneInfo ::GetConnSlice(TInt theElemId) { return TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice((*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1, GetNbConn(theElemId), 1)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TInt TPolyedreInfo ::GetNbFaces(TInt theElemId) const { return (*myIndex)[theElemId+1] - (*myIndex)[theElemId]; } TInt TPolyedreInfo ::GetNbNodes(TInt theElemId) const { TInt aNbNodes = 0; TInt aNbFaces = GetNbFaces(theElemId); TInt aStartFaceId = (*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1; for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++, aStartFaceId++){ TInt aCurrentId = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId]; TInt aDiff = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId + 1] - aCurrentId; aNbNodes += aDiff; } return aNbNodes; } TCConnSliceArr TPolyedreInfo ::GetConnSliceArr(TInt theElemId) const { TInt aNbFaces = GetNbFaces(theElemId); TCConnSliceArr aConnSliceArr(aNbFaces); TInt aStartFaceId = (*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1; for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++, aStartFaceId++){ TInt aCurrentId = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId]; TInt aDiff = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId + 1] - aCurrentId; aConnSliceArr[aFaceId] = TCConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(aCurrentId - 1, aDiff, 1)); } return aConnSliceArr; } TConnSliceArr TPolyedreInfo ::GetConnSliceArr(TInt theElemId) { TInt aNbFaces = GetNbFaces(theElemId); TConnSliceArr aConnSliceArr(aNbFaces); TInt aStartFaceId = (*myIndex)[theElemId] - 1; for(TInt aFaceId = 0; aFaceId < aNbFaces; aFaceId++, aStartFaceId++){ TInt aCurrentId = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId]; TInt aDiff = (*myFaces)[aStartFaceId + 1] - aCurrentId; aConnSliceArr[aFaceId] = TConnSlice(*myConn, std::slice(aCurrentId - 1, aDiff, 1)); } return aConnSliceArr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TMeshValueBase ::TMeshValueBase(): myNbElem(0), myNbComp(0), myNbGauss(0), myStep(0) {} void TMeshValueBase ::Allocate(TInt theNbElem, TInt theNbGauss, TInt theNbComp, EModeSwitch theMode) { myModeSwitch = theMode; myNbElem = theNbElem; myNbGauss = theNbGauss; myNbComp = theNbComp; myStep = theNbComp*theNbGauss; } size_t TMeshValueBase ::GetSize() const { return myNbElem * myStep; } size_t TMeshValueBase ::GetNbVal() const { return myNbElem * myNbGauss; } size_t TMeshValueBase ::GetNbGauss() const { return myNbGauss; } size_t TMeshValueBase ::GetStep() const { return myStep; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TInt TProfileInfo ::GetElemNum(TInt theId) const { return (*myElemNum)[theId]; } void TProfileInfo ::SetElemNum(TInt theId,TInt theVal) { (*myElemNum)[theId] = theVal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- bool TGaussInfo::TLess ::operator()(const TKey& theLeft, const TKey& theRight) const { EGeometrieElement aLGeom = boost::get<0>(theLeft); EGeometrieElement aRGeom = boost::get<0>(theRight); if(aLGeom != aRGeom) return aLGeom < aRGeom; const std::string& aLStr = boost::get<1>(theLeft); const std::string& aRStr = boost::get<1>(theRight); return aLStr < aRStr; } bool TGaussInfo::TLess ::operator()(const TGaussInfo& theLeft, const TGaussInfo& theRight) const { if(!&theLeft) return true; if(!&theRight) return false; if(theLeft.myGeom != theRight.myGeom) return theLeft.myGeom < theRight.myGeom; if(theLeft.myRefCoord != theRight.myRefCoord) return theLeft.myRefCoord < theRight.myRefCoord; return theLeft.myGaussCoord < theRight.myGaussCoord; } TCCoordSlice TGaussInfo ::GetRefCoordSlice(TInt theId) const { if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetDim(),1)); else return TCCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId,GetDim(),GetDim())); } TCoordSlice TGaussInfo ::GetRefCoordSlice(TInt theId) { if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetDim(),1)); else return TCoordSlice(myRefCoord,std::slice(theId,GetDim(),GetDim())); } TCCoordSlice TGaussInfo ::GetGaussCoordSlice(TInt theId) const { if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetDim(),1)); else return TCCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId,GetDim(),GetDim())); } TCoordSlice TGaussInfo ::GetGaussCoordSlice(TInt theId) { if(GetModeSwitch() == eFULL_INTERLACE) return TCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId*GetDim(),GetNbGauss(),1)); else return TCoordSlice(myGaussCoord,std::slice(theId,GetNbGauss(),GetDim())); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- TInt TTimeStampInfo ::GetNbGauss(EGeometrieElement theGeom) const { TGeom2NbGauss::const_iterator anIter = myGeom2NbGauss.find(theGeom); if(anIter == myGeom2NbGauss.end()) return 1;//EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TTimeStampInfo::GetNbGauss - myGeom2NbGauss.find(theGeom) fails"); return anIter->second; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // TGrilleInfo structure methods //--------------------------------------------------------------- const EGrilleType& TGrilleInfo ::GetGrilleType() const { return myGrilleType; } EGrilleType TGrilleInfo ::GetGrilleType() { return myGrilleType; } void TGrilleInfo ::SetGrilleType(EGrilleType theGrilleType) { myGrilleType = theGrilleType; } const TIndexes& TGrilleInfo ::GetMapOfIndexes() const { return myIndixes; } TIndexes& TGrilleInfo ::GetMapOfIndexes() { return myIndixes; } const TFloatVector& TGrilleInfo ::GetIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber) const { TIndexes::const_iterator aIter=myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber); if(aIter==myIndixes.end()) EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "const TGrilleInfo::GetIndexes - myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber); fails"); return aIter->second; } TFloatVector& TGrilleInfo ::GetIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber) { TIndexes::iterator aIter=myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber); if(aIter==myIndixes.end()) EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "TGrilleInfo::GetIndexes - myIndixes.find(theAxisNumber="<second; } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetNbIndexes(TInt theAxisNumber) { const TFloatVector& aVector=GetIndexes(theAxisNumber); return aVector.size(); } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetNbNodes() { TInt nbNodes=0; TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); for(int i=0;iGetGrilleStructure()[i]; else nbNodes = nbNodes*this->GetGrilleStructure()[i]; return nbNodes; } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetNbCells() { TInt nbCells=0; TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); for(int i=0;iGetGrilleStructure()[i]-1; else nbCells = nbCells*(this->GetGrilleStructure()[i]-1); return nbCells; } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetNbSubCells() { TInt nb=0; TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); switch (aDim) { case 3: nb = (myGrilleStructure[0] ) * (myGrilleStructure[1]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[2]-1) + (myGrilleStructure[0]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[1] ) * (myGrilleStructure[2]-1) + (myGrilleStructure[0]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[1]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[2] ); break; case 2: nb = (myGrilleStructure[0] ) * (myGrilleStructure[1]-1) + (myGrilleStructure[0]-1) * (myGrilleStructure[1] ); break; } return nb; } EGeometrieElement TGrilleInfo ::GetGeom() { TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); switch(aDim){ case 1: return eSEG2; case 2: return eQUAD4; case 3: return eHEXA8; default: return eNONE; } } EGeometrieElement TGrilleInfo ::GetSubGeom() { TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); switch(aDim){ case 2: return eSEG2; case 3: return eQUAD4; } return eNONE; } EEntiteMaillage TGrilleInfo ::GetEntity() { return eMAILLE; } EEntiteMaillage TGrilleInfo ::GetSubEntity() { TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); switch(aDim){ case 2: return eARETE; case 3: return eFACE; } return EEntiteMaillage(-1); } const TIntVector& TGrilleInfo ::GetGrilleStructure() const { return myGrilleStructure; } TIntVector TGrilleInfo ::GetGrilleStructure() { return myGrilleStructure; } void TGrilleInfo ::SetGrilleStructure(TInt theAxis,TInt theNb) { if(theAxis >= 0 && theAxis <=2 && theNb >= 0) myGrilleStructure[theAxis]=theNb; } const TNodeCoord& TGrilleInfo ::GetNodeCoord() const { return myCoord; } TNodeCoord& TGrilleInfo ::GetNodeCoord() { return myCoord; } TNodeCoord TGrilleInfo ::GetCoord(TInt theId) { TNodeCoord aCoord; TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); TInt aNbNodes = this->GetNbNodes(); aCoord.resize(aDim); if(theId >= aNbNodes) EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error, "TGrilleInfo::GetCoord - theId out of range"); if(myGrilleType == eGRILLE_STANDARD){ switch(aDim){ case 3: aCoord[2] = myCoord[aDim*theId+2]; case 2: aCoord[1] = myCoord[aDim*theId+1]; case 1:{ aCoord[0] = myCoord[aDim*theId]; break; } } } else { TFloatVector aVecX = this->GetIndexes(0); TInt nbIndxX = this->GetNbIndexes(0); switch(aDim){ case 1:{ aCoord[0] = aVecX[theId]; break; } case 2:{ TFloatVector aVecY = this->GetIndexes(1); TInt i,j,k; i = j = k = 0; i = theId % nbIndxX; j = theId / nbIndxX; if(myGrilleType == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){ aCoord[0] = aVecX[i]; aCoord[1] = aVecY[j]; } else { // eGRILLE_POLAIRE (cylindrical) aCoord[0] = aVecX[i] * cos(aVecY[j]); aCoord[1] = aVecX[i] * sin(aVecY[j]); } break; } case 3:{ TFloatVector aVecY = this->GetIndexes(1); TInt nbIndxY = this->GetNbIndexes(1); TFloatVector aVecZ = this->GetIndexes(2); TInt i,j,k; i = j = k = 0; i = theId % nbIndxX; j = (theId / nbIndxX) % nbIndxY; k = theId / (nbIndxX*nbIndxY); if(myGrilleType == eGRILLE_CARTESIENNE){ aCoord[0] = aVecX[i]; aCoord[1] = aVecY[j]; aCoord[2] = aVecZ[k]; } else { // eGRILLE_POLAIRE (cylindrical) aCoord[0] = aVecX[i] * cos(aVecY[j]); aCoord[1] = aVecX[i] * sin(aVecY[j]); aCoord[2] = aVecZ[k]; } break; } } } return aCoord; } TIntVector TGrilleInfo ::GetConn(TInt theId, const bool isSub) { TIntVector anIndexes; TInt aDim = myMeshInfo->GetDim(); TInt idx; TInt iMin, jMin, kMin, iMax, jMax, kMax; TInt loc[3]; loc[0] = loc[1] = loc[2] = 0; iMin = iMax = jMin = jMax = kMin = kMax = 0; switch(aDim) { case 3: { TInt nbX = this->GetGrilleStructure()[0]; TInt nbY = this->GetGrilleStructure()[1]; TInt nbZ = this->GetGrilleStructure()[2]; TInt d01 = nbX*nbY, dX = 1, dY = 1, dZ = 1; if ( isSub ) { if ( theId < nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1)) { // face is normal to X axis dX = 0; } else if ( theId < nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1) + (nbX-1) * nbY * (nbZ-1)) { // face is normal to Y axis theId -= nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1); dY = 0; } else { theId -= nbX * (nbY-1) * (nbZ-1) + (nbX-1) * nbY * (nbZ-1); dZ = 0; } } //else { iMin = theId % (nbX - dX); jMin = (theId / (nbX - dX)) % (nbY - dY); kMin = theId / ((nbX - dX) * (nbY - dY)); iMax = iMin+dX; jMax = jMin+dY; kMax = kMin+dZ; } for (loc[2]=kMin; loc[2]<=kMax; loc[2]++) for (loc[1]=jMin; loc[1]<=jMax; loc[1]++) for (loc[0]=iMin; loc[0]<=iMax; loc[0]++) { idx = loc[0] + loc[1]*nbX + loc[2]*d01; anIndexes.push_back(idx); } break; } case 2: { TInt nbX = this->GetGrilleStructure()[0]; TInt nbY = this->GetGrilleStructure()[1]; TInt dX = 1, dY = 1; if ( isSub ) { if ( theId < nbX * (nbY-1)) { // edge is normal to X axis dX = 0; } else { theId -= nbX * (nbY-1); dY = 0; } } iMin = theId % (nbX-dX); jMin = theId / (nbX-dX); iMax = iMin+dX; jMax = jMin+dY; for (loc[1]=jMin; loc[1]<=jMax; loc[1]++) for (loc[0]=iMin; loc[0]<=iMax; loc[0]++) { idx = loc[0] + loc[1]*nbX; anIndexes.push_back(idx); } break; } case 1: { iMin = theId; for (loc[0]=iMin; loc[0]<=iMin+1; loc[0]++) { idx = loc[0]; anIndexes.push_back(idx); } break; } } return anIndexes; } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetFamNumNode(TInt theId) const { return myFamNumNode[theId]; } void TGrilleInfo ::SetFamNumNode(TInt theId,TInt theVal) { myFamNumNode[theId] = theVal; } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetFamNum(TInt theId) const { return myFamNum[theId]; } void TGrilleInfo ::SetFamNum(TInt theId,TInt theVal) { myFamNum[theId] = theVal; } TInt TGrilleInfo ::GetFamSubNum(TInt theId) const { return myFamSubNum[theId]; } void TGrilleInfo ::SetFamSubNum(TInt theId,TInt theVal) { myFamSubNum[theId] = theVal; }